
The "Thane" of Rock Garden


04-05-2013, 11:47 AM
Days on end have passed Roman has grown weary and tired and surving on little that he could hunt He was ready to collapse but he walked on hoping he could rest a little and travel on but he wondered could he make it? why did he leave home in the first place? and will he ever find a new home or pack. he came up on a garden a garden entirely made up of rocks and he walked to find the softest spot to lay down and rest hoping this wouldn't be the end of him but maybe if he only closer his eyes for a little it woold all change and be all better? is this the real life is this just fantasy? or just a dream? please don't let this be the end of me he spoke to himself he layed down closed his eyes and passed out from exhaustion hoping he would heal quick and find somewhere new to go.


04-05-2013, 12:07 PM (This post was last modified: 04-05-2013, 12:11 PM by Thane.)
The brute had made his way to another unfamiliar part of the land. He seriously had to stop wandering off so much; he might put himself on death's door again. But he just seemed to go wherever his paws took him. The Sun beat down on his black pelt but then a familiar scent had hit his nose, pine and honey. No, it couldn't be...his sister was dead wasn't she? But Thane smelt of pine alone, perhaps he just got some honey on him from a nearby hive on his walk here. But the thought still lingered on n his mind as his aqua blue eyes scanned the horizon, not obscured by rocks of course.

White lined ears perked up as he heard an eagle's cry. Cyril must have decided to come along on this journey. Perhaps the two may have some fun this trip.But then another thought surfaced, should he go on another hunt while he was out here? It was obviously his duty to hunt as Lead Hunter, perhaps he would find some good game out here as well.

With white lined ears perked up and his body lowered close to the ground; he stuck out his tail for balance behind him as it swayed left and right. Aqua blue eyes searched for a rustle in the grass or behind a stone. Only when he saw a dark figure laying on a bed of grass did he stand up on his haunches at full height.

"Hello!" he called out to the stranger.

"Are you quite alright? It looks as if you need some assistance"

Behind him a golden eagle flew towards him and perched itself on Thane's shoulder.

Master Thane, are you quite alright?

"Yes Cyril, but the question is if this fellow is alright." he said as he looked back over at the brute laying in the grass.

Is he dead?]

"No, I see he is breathing." he replied before going over and giving the wolf a gentle shove in an attempt to wake him.


04-05-2013, 02:04 PM
laying down sleeping semi-knocked out he hears two voices and a question he picked his head when shoved slightly with eye closer huh? who are you? and i need help do you have food? and im just exhuasted he laid his head back down and knocked out hoping he'd know what's wrong and just laid in the grass enjoying the resting time slower he felt his life being drained and he spoke broken to the' he talked a little and then just fell asleepZzzzz.... he fell asleep mid way to regain consiousness and hoped the voices would do something to help for this lone wolf.


04-07-2013, 09:15 AM
As the stranger seemed to awake for a few moments to tell his needs; Thane listened with Cyril. Only when the wolf fell back asleep did he spring into action.

"It seems like this brute may need some food to replenish himself...Cyril how about you and I both get some food for this stranger; it looks like he may need quite a bit to eat."

"Yes Master Thane...will he be alright?"

"Yes, he'll be alright Cyril. I suggest we start catching some food for this brute now."

"Yes Master."

Wit that the golden eagle flew off into the sky and searched for prey below. Thane then crouched down low and perked up his white lined ears once more. With his body close to the ground and aqua blue eyes alert. Soon enough the brute heard a rustle in the grass to his right, it came from behind a rock. As Thane crept closer he quickly scraped the opposite side of the rock which sent the animal behind it running the opposite direction, to him. A small brown hare appeared and it ran for it's life. But the brute was too quick and quickly slammed his paw down on the animal.

Above in the sky Cyril was circling and finally dove down into the grass from above. Soon after Cyril flew back up with a field mouse in his talons.

Both friends returned to the dark stranger in his slumber and dropped the food in front of his nose. Thane sat back on his haunches while Cyril perched on his shoulder.

"We have caught some food for you stranger, or must I say friend. I hope it is enough but take your time and get well."