
Never Here nor There


04-04-2013, 09:29 PM

Inevitably, the gruel of the fruitless wandering came to a sudden pause as the collected scent of many crossed her nose. was not the scent of life, but a reserve of scents once had upon the lands, then in an instant taken as though by some force beyond the whims of nature. There lingered the tinge of blood, proof the sensation was not imagined. Coupled with the stench of decay and excretion and bile, a chill roused the fine hairs along her back in wary.

What was this place that catered to carnage then left only a memory in the form of an engraving scent? Some sacrificial place? Gingerly the wandered allows her muzzle to grace the summer soil, then quickly let it rise feeling the prickle of bother nip at her nape. Whatever this ground stood to represent, she was not keen to learn of it.

On heavy paws she turned swiftly from whence she came. The weight of deprivation holding down her steps made for a crawl of an escape but a progressive one none the less. Perhaps there was something better found toward grounds that did not carry a savage air.

Words: 000

"Speak" | 'Sing' | 'Think' | Act


04-04-2013, 10:11 PM
Back once to where he first wandered off in the first place Roman roamed the battlefield in search of anyone here a living soul or something in this sacrificial ground he sniffed the air,listend to the earth,sensed for life and soon enough he picked up the sound of paws roaming the land and the scent of a fresh new wolf around this area where did this wolf come from and could he help out and guide her somewhere? roman picked up speed and ran towards the scent and sound of the other wolf hoping to find it?

Roman got closer and closer to the other wolf and heard the steps close by and decided to get close and spoke to the other wolf hey what are you doing here in a place like this? you Lost asked roman to the other stranger he maintained a little distance as to see if she was not hostile or think he was hostile towards her as he offered help.


04-05-2013, 12:16 AM

Neither did she travel as far of as quickly as she would have liked before a voice surged forward from the stillness of the lands. Her hackles rose to bothered points along her back whilst tail curled indignantly at its tip, then straightened to a level angle in an apparent displace of discomfort. Had she forced her limbs to work against their strain, she might have placed more ground between herself and the approaching other. But such would have been the fortune of the gods?whom clearly did not favor the lone, wandering leaf.

Only one step more and then the leaf drew to a pause. She did not yet turn to look at the male, rather opened her nostrils and let his scent tell her what she readily needed to know. A packwolf? No? the scent of a collective did not mar his musk. There was only the aroma of the wild itself, so strong that its essence provided for her an imagine of what manner of land he had crossed. And the scent was deeply engraved?perhaps a native of these lands?or a longer traveler than she. In either regard, he was of no threat to her?no army to summon?no backing to his intentions.

Carefully she turned her muzzle over her shoulder, retraining her rigid stance though masked with the face of practiced neutrality. Her ears twitched in response to his words as if the echo were still resounding within the delicate, pale flesh. Lost?no. She was simply where she needed to be. As long as there was ground beneath her paws and sky stretching endlessly overhead, she would not be lost?simply existing where she may. And thusly, in response, ever silent as the dawn just before the grace of the sun, she shook her head to the dark visage.

Words: 300

"Speak" | 'Sing' | 'Think' | Act


04-05-2013, 09:42 AM
He stood still and just went silent she did not speak just silent and heard him as if he were a ghost just silent no word nor a gesture of some sort so he sat and stopped and stared at her blankly with hus milky white eyes though he could not see he just stared to think if she noticed that he was a blind young wolf just wandering the lands around here and wondered why was she silent no word spoken and was she seeking someone here in the battlefield or maybe if he could tag along to see where she travels to? he spoke softlymay i join you? simple words to ask the female but he did not ask a name? was it rude that he did not ask? or just wait till she spoke? the silence remained and hoped this would change so that they would be strangers no more.


04-05-2013, 10:52 AM

ooc: Others can still join

The etiquette of conversation had not been practiced in some time, and as she turned to begin her quiet retreat, she felt no reason to assume the course. This was but a passing instance, an unfortunate moment construed by the gods for their own entertainment purposes. The female was not keen to smile for it, for why would the object of a jest choose to smile? Rather, she returned her hardened visage and showed him her back, offering only a sweep of her tail to place upon him the choice to follow whether he cared to or not.

Her intentions were to leave, not loiter and converse and then lands reeked of ill intent. More so it was her perception that placed a grim like upon the stone littered plains. Any place that smelled of a collective was a danger in her mind...not for the physical implications a pack brought to mind, but for the intangible bonds they sought to form. She harbored no desire to be a part of that webbing, and to profess this truth only even churned her stomach. Not because it meant bringing insult to another, but the strain it put on herself. She was not inclined to speak so freely...unless of course the need was exceptionally dire.

And in this wasn't.

Words: 217

"Speak" | 'Sing' | 'Think' | Act


04-05-2013, 02:24 PM
While seated roman couldn't see the gesture to come or go so he got up and follwed Her and he noded too and both walked along in silence he couldn't read body language but so much as speak and asked why so silent? and whispered as wellwhy so serious? and both just walked along the scarred battlefield silence grew and questions came more and more to roman and he wanted to know about this stranger and her name so he they walked to where ever she was headed to by following her scent and the sound of her footsteps going where ever she was going.


04-05-2013, 04:32 PM

Thank you Chesh ♥

Although dangerous to tread a land her blood had splattered on multiple occasions, it was no wonder why the petite queen returned to the arena that teemed with canines just itching for bloodshed; just being witness to a fight was Grade A entertainment for the wench. Despite the fact that she was purposely tearing herself away from managing Tortuga ? or what was left of it since there was a recent decline in members for illegitimate reasons ? she considered herself to not be slacking on the job, but on a ?recruiting mission? where she doubted she would be able to even consider snagging a rogue because of her own critical judgments of everyone. She knew the battlegrounds were not only a haven for the bloodthirsty, but they also frequently housed rogues, so the excuse was decent enough for her taste and would probably be bought by Kaien and the bulk of Tortuga. She had no plans in appearing as unprofessional to her peers, after all.

A wicked grin akin to the Cheshire Cat?s split her visage as an unfamiliar aroma wound its way through her nostrils, causing the woman to pause in her venturing as she digested the stench to be two scents entwined with one another. The intensity of the smell was far too fresh to have been embedded within the air due to a previous encounter and far too strong to have wafted from another area upon the island; it seemed as if the bitch was in luck and that there was conflict in the air. Jubilantly trotting in the direction it led her with her skull abnormally high and her footing careful so as not to draw too much attention to herself, she managed to close the distance between she and the objects in pursuit in a minimal amount of time. Unfortunately, the scene that met her pupils was not one of a brutal mauling nor was it an argument that would spark one, but rather a leisurely stroll with one canine rushing to keep up with the other who had broken free of their companion. Morphine halted abruptly so as not to collide with the others head-on and she stood rooted to the area in front of them, granting either creature a once-over with judgmental pupils. Both strangers exceeded her in height but it was of no surprise to the petite and pallid lass ? when hadn?t she dwarfed another? Despite her disadvantage with height and being outnumbered, fear failed to develop within her, instead, the feeling of excitement bubbled within her for the new opportunity she had been given.

Well, well, well, she drawled, her infamous smirk plastered to her pretty countenance. She had no intention of intimidating the others, but her speech held an underlying dark tone to it that she typically possessed when first speaking with strangers. She drew her gaze from the female?s pupils to the male?s milky eyes and suspected blindness, but switched back and forth repeatedly regardless. What brings you to the land of blood and gore? Padding a quarter of a circle around the duo with elongated steps, she more thoroughly examined their figures than she had previously, dawning on their musculature and hues. The male?s complexion was dark and completely contrasted the earthy tones of the female, but their stature and build were similar; it slightly interested the woman. Doesn?t look like you?ve recently gotten in to a scuffle, and by the way you?re headed, doesn?t look like you?re much too interested in getting into one, she pointed out dryly. She could have been mistaken, obviously. The two didn?t look pissed or ridden of sanity, but appearances were often misleading.

Speech. Thought. 610.


04-05-2013, 05:24 PM

Truly she hadn't the patience for conversation, foretold by the stilled tongue she was content to maintain. Without regard for the other, she carried on with increasing stride in the vain efforts of applying more distance between them...yet her legs would only allow for a labored trot, fueled by what little energy remained. And her pause in stride had been her undoing, allowing the ground between them to draw that much closer. Until there was rest for her weary self, sue would have to make due with her lumbering gait along with company tailing behind. As long as she gathered her hint and remained silent, she would endure him.

And to her understanding, she then came to regard to this treacherous place as a summoning ground, for in a matter of moments, little more than a few yards ahead, another form endowed in winter's light stood upon summer's blight as a beckoning thing. The voice...her voice was a serpentine melody of dark inclinations. A hiss before the strike invoked... yet to autumn ears, she perceived it only as a sound not of the whisper of nature and thus needed to be avoided. What business she had upon this plane was not her business to know...nor did she care to.

The woman veered as one would a void a tree when walking a forest. Her berth maintained at more than a wolf's length with eyes peering ahead having spared only the briefest glance. The male could have his conversation with the other if he was inclined to do so. Her own investigations had been for the origins of the scent...not to laze with the two in meaningless banter...

Words: 000

"Speak" | 'Sing' | 'Think' | Act


04-05-2013, 07:53 PM
Roman heard the third wolf talk and questioned us but he had no business with this new wolf who approached us and spoke softly what do you want with us? what's your business? they had no business with this newcomer surely she must've been confused or something what would she want with rouges like us? we were just travelling and minding our own business going somewhere but who knows where just walking till the other silent wolf speaks her name? to which roman was curious about? why would she not speak? was she mute or just serious and had no time to talk what so ever? and where did the third wolf come from he heard footsteps rushing to us earlier and picked up the scent too but he choose to ignore it and he shouldn't have how ever he decided to stay to help this she wolf to see where she was headed after all he was one not to abandon another on a journey or aid in any form but if anything roman stood ready for anything without taking a stance he just walked on and was ready for anything to occur,go wrong,or battle.


04-08-2013, 08:28 PM

Thank you Chesh ♥

The smirk spoke of dark intentions that failed to fall forth from her jaws, and, apparently, the earthy-toned woman easily deciphered the subliminal messages behind her expression, for she veered around the spot that Morphine had rooted herself and continued sauntering as if nothing of importance had been there in the first place. Irritation bubbled within her chest and she found her own pupils trailing the bitch as she brushed past her and attempted to travel beyond the battle arena, her jaws unhinging as she stared at the woman in disbelief. The other canine had been completely disregarded for the moment, for the disabled creature had even noticed the pallid queen and he was blind! This served as no excuse for the other canine, and Morphine was not going to allow the woman to escape that quickly without so much as a glance in her direction. The amount of disrespect and sheer rudeness would not be tolerated in the eyes of one who basked in attention such as Morphine.

And where, exactly, do you think you?re going?? she questioned the woman as she pivoted in the direction she was traveling, trotting on after her at a quickened pace so that she would be able to wedge herself in between the other and her path and use her body as a barrier. She may have been small, however, she was still there and occupying space ? the woman could not simply pass through her and fail to notice her existence. Might I add you?re being quite rude, dear. she snapped, her upper lip curling back to reveal her discolored rows of teeth that the other may or may not have cared enough to glimpse at. Her pupils abruptly widened as she realized her own hypocrisy, allowing her gaze to shift over to the male at last but refused to pause in her walking so as not to lose the woman, in case she hadn?t already ceased in her efforts to get away. I want nothing more than a decent conversation; good God, she spoke, each syllable stated with emphasis so that her words were exasperated rather than sarcastic. It was a lie, of course ? all Morphine truly desired was to be supplied with knowledge of any kind, but she doubted they would grant her any of relevance with the way the whole situation was playing out thus far.

Speech. Thought. 396.

hey guise, sorry for the delay! i totally forgot about this thread .-.


04-10-2013, 12:07 AM

Her pace remained measured, purposeful in its pursuit of the unknown yet familiar horizons, never ceasing even as conversation played on at her back. The inquisition from the male turned her ear but did not allow her stride to falter. But she found herself irrefutably barred by the small form diverting away from the male to place her attentions upon the fleeting female. One could not deny the presence of an obstacle, but they could certainly walk around it as she did. Minding the stroke of her heavy paws upon the ground, the dame once again veered away from the pale female, only briefly letting her eyes grace upon the ivory brow, then turning once again to the vastness of the land.

Rudeness was a learned concept. There was only necessity of what the moment called for. Her ends had been fulfilled, yet it would seem those of the petite female were not yet satisfied. And to this, the autumn female rounded her shoulders, shaking free the debris that clung to her pelt as mark of her travels. The indifferent air maintained by a whisper of a sigh, renouncing etiquette for purpose..for her own selfish desires. If conversation was what the female wanted, it would not be from her maw. Afterall, the soft-spoken male had uttered enough for the two of them.

Words: 000

"Speak" | 'Sing' | 'Think' | Act