
you know I like it when you lose control



4 Years
09-23-2014, 05:42 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2014, 10:33 PM by Lillyth.)

The obsidian tempest had discovered somewhere she could get to enjoying, if one were to overlook the extreme heat. Yawning, the wraith settled herself in a crevice that overlooked her current domain. There had been very little climbing involved in reaching her perch, and now the bitch was lounging contentedly in her fortress of solitude. Charcoal tail would flick at it's tip, dual toned optics fixated upon the magma as it made it's way through the earth, slow as molasses in January. It was enchanting to watch, something so destructive and deadly simply flowing through a furrow in the earth. Did it think as the inhabitants of this world did? Did it crave to burn the whole planet to nothing, and leave death in it's wake, as she did? There would be no way to tell, unless maybe her vessel could withstand prolonged contact with the entity slowly making it's way through the bed of stone. With curiosity and darkness in her glinting steel and sanguine gaze, she leaped from her post and approached the lava. It looked oddly serene, simply going about it's simple business of making it's way towards a destination unknown to her.
Cautious, the temptress of ebony hues strode closer, all swagger and alluring curves. Onyx marked crown would lower, direct a scrutinizing gaze upon the magma. It was hot enough that her eyes were steadily weeping tears down her coal cheeks, and her nose lacked any moisture at all. Surely getting any closer would be a danger. However, she lacked the ability to care about it. Slowly, a powerful paw would be lowered toward the flowing brook of superheated rock, but upon the fur being singed near contact, she gave up. No point destroying her vessel because she was bored and desired the knowledge that was held within the theoretical mind of molten rock.

Bored, the demoness let out a huff of mild irritation. Whatever would she do now? A meandering pace would be set, returning briefly to the entrance to the cavernous hideaway, where a tunnel led to the outside world. Well, there was always the option of going out into the outside world and enjoying the thunderstorm that raged above. However, she wasn't really in the mood to scream and howl with the winds and the lightning. The brief feel of cooler air caressing silken fingers through her thick fur was a relief after the smoldering heat of the magma. "Residente taedet forte tempus est me dicere pro me ipso novam . Non poterit primus aliqua Fawkes omne volitum ad instar Me servum facturum ."(I grow weary of residing here, perhaps it is time for me to find a new place to call my own. Somewhere the brat Fawks won't be able to summon me to perform his every whim like a mere servant.) Comes the immensely aggravated growl from her maw, as she returns to where she had been lazing earlier. Two toned optics are full of rage, barely contained within her borrowed skin. What to do, what to do?
