
We could pretend [Arian Injured]



4 Years
09-23-2014, 03:34 AM

Her body was reaching it's limits as she crawled into the place that she called home. Her mind was the same, blank and filled with only the memory embedded into her head of the man on top of her as her mobility was stolen. Arian was bleed out from the gash on her face, long and obvious as well as the other various wounds on herself. Scratches and patched of missing fur, but had she struggled, only when the pain had surged through her. No, she had screamed, she had screamed for him to make her never forget the pain of her weakness. To never forget the face and the name of someone who was stronger, and to make her realized the world was far different than what she had wanted it to be.
Her left hind leg was unable to be used, the muscle just above the heel she could feel had been torn. Though she wasn't very focused, she could not give a total run down of her body. Arian was unaware that she would never be able to walk on it to it's full potential again. It would become difficult to run with it when it healed, but right now she was losing blood and wasn't paying attention. Standing on her three good legs the shaky girl lifted her head in a call for help from anyone. Anyone in the pack.
She felt herself slip off to the side, and just lie there. Panting as her crystal blue eyes watched the red soak into her fur from the wound on her head. Legs folding underneath her, she reminded herself to stay awake, no matter how much pain she was in. Arian only hoped someone came soon, while she had called these wounds upon herself, she just wanted the pain to stop now.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.