
I Was Not Brave [open]



6 Years
03-30-2013, 06:58 PM

Azalea was on a journey. A journey that had started like any other, at home. Az was a curious whelp, always finding her way to excitement of some type. On that note, she had not yet strayed from the borders of Valhalla as she was doing now. In those previous days the lands are Valhalla were vast enough to contain her but now her interests overflowed the limits of her pack and she was drawn out by the scent of someone coming in.

A wolf.


It seemed they had come and gone a few times or more. Her young, inexperienced nose could not place the scent. The only thing that was certain was that he was not of Valhalla. She also liked to think she was certain she would find whoever he was and interrogate him as to why he visited the eastern border of her pack on more than one occasion. Of course her childish mind refused to grasp the severity of her indiscretion. There was no Valhalla here. There was no one to back her up. She could be attacked. She could be killed. She could be taken hostage. Far too many dangers waited in the wild world that was neither kind nor fair.

Perhaps soon there would be more life knowledge dumped into the small girl's head, but with any luck, not too soon nor too abruptly. This exhibition was not meant to be her last. She was but a child, full of dreams and ambitions. Her heart was set on the path of a warrior with a brother to contend with.

But Azalea was far from hope now. Tall grass had surrounded her and no longer could she see where she was going. She didn't have the sense enough to mind the wind and angle of the shadows on the grass, instead she traveled blindly straying further and further from home. She had left in search of Maverick and Seracia (though she did not know it) and now she couldn't even be certain that she would ever see Valhalla again. This realization hit her, causing her to stop in her tracks.

Glancing around in panic she begin to slowly whine, her body shaking as the sound grew louder and louder until she was whaling out to anyone who would hear her cries.



04-01-2013, 07:31 PM

Golden maidens swayed against the unforgiving breath of the gods. They swayed back and forth as if bending to their masters will. Violet eyes watched them mesmerized for a few moments. The swaying seemed to affect her body and soon she was swaying right along with the maidens. She had come in search of pray. The drought was sending the natural pray of her kingdom away in search of water. Yet she had lost her mind to the wheat stalks for a time or two.

Something made her turn her head. What had disturbed her trans? A panicked whine seemed to fill the air and something clicked inside the pregnant behemoths mind. Instinct stole her wandering mind into action. She walked with slow, careful, and decisive moments to the sound of whimpers. Rushing would do no good and she wouldn?t only get distracted rather then find the child. The stalks hid many things but her nose told her the child was close. She wondered if the youth would come to her if she called. She shook her head at the thought. She was a behemoth of a woman and she was unsure if that would frighten the little one.

The aroma of the pup grew as she got closer to the source of the whining. Her tail flicked as she lowered her body down into the tall grasses. Eyes the color of amber caught her attention. Her head swam with fear for a moment but she remembered the whimpering and pushed that fear away. She found the little puffy pup and smiled softly at her. Her deep voice was soft and warm as she called, ?Hello little one. Lost in the sea of waltzing maidens are we?? she asked with a hint of humor. Her ears twitched, as she looked her over. She was an oddity but a welcomed sight. Her fur was as soft and white as the first winter snowfall, until you reached her bloody head. Crimson swam all over her face only to break with a hint of silver on her nose and a soft dot in the middle of her head.

?The gods blessed you did they?? she said with enthusiasm. It was a rare thing when the gods blessed their children. The little mark in her forehead reminded her of something else but what she couldn?t quite remember. Maybe it was a creature in her in-between world or maybe it was something real. What ever it was wouldn?t do her any good to continue to think for it to come to her. ?I wont hurt you. I?ll be a mother soon and I seem to have a soft spot for pups.? She said gently, as if the words had summoned her children they moved inside her whom. Reminding her that yes indeed she was to be a mother, soon enough.