
you made me want to be a saint.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-07-2013, 09:11 AM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2013, 09:12 AM by Epiphron.)

Maverick had suggested that the Seracian Queen ought to visit her sister. It was a good idea -- she hadn't seen Chrysanthe since the day of the wedding, when she had bid her former home farewell and had gone to start her new life. Truthfully, Epiphron had planned to visit sooner, but she found herself pregnant sooner than she had expected. It was now though, it seemed, or not for awhile.

The journey was longer than she remembered it being, and tremendously more difficult. The added weight of growing pups was nearly great enough to condemn her to being incapable of movement at all, and yet she persevered, trekking across the lands to visit her sister -- and whoever else might happen to show. Epiphron was doubtful she would be able to visit again for some time, with the responsibilities of caring for children; not just any children, but royal children. Children that would have to be carefully groomed to inherit the Kingdom one day ... children that would likely be more than a handful of work, probably at most hours of the day.

A sigh left her lips as she heaved herself forward, relief sparkling in her blue gaze as it met the familiar lands claimed by Valhalla. Her pace increased dramatically, the last of her strength being exerted as she hurried forward. It seemed nearly impossible to go on, though, and with a grumble she found herself sinking to the ground. Relief was found as her body connected with the grass, her limbs tingling with delight at the lack of weight on them as she leaned precariously on her side. A tired song left her throat as she tipped her head high, calling for Chrysanthe, for Erani, for whoever wanted to see her. She would not be able to come to them; she needed to regain her strength.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-07-2013, 02:10 PM

Erani prodded a pile of Marigold flower heads into their place in her organized stockpiles of herbs and plants. Her Craft. Training would begin soon, Of Imena, Cael, Rayne, and later, Friction, once his mourning had ended. She had been gathering far and wide, though her sprained ankle had set her back a week, and her piles of herbs had grown. She also hoped to train young Orica from the old Glaciem group. The little black and white female was only a yearling, but her knowledge was already impressive. Erani wanted to see that mind grow, and she wanted to help it grow.

And she had noticed the little spark between Surreal and Orica?s cousin, Cross, Crusade?s son. She smirked slightly. It was always wonderful and interesting to see a glimpse of what could be the future, in the eyes of the younger generations. A look, a gesture, a smile. A butterfly. Erani was impressed with Cross? approach of her daughter, offering a butterfly on his tail. She hadn?t even had to tamp down any motherly wariness for the fellow.

A familiar call filtered to her ears, and she froze, listening. Epiphron! She spared no time in wondering what brought Epiphron to the borders, she took off at a gallop, bounding over the natural stone stairs and pelting down the narrow ravine path, tail wagging. Once free of the ravine, she took little time in reaching Epiphron?s location. ?Epiphron!? She was on the female in a flash, gently embracing her, laying kisses here and there, a soft whine of pleasure at the sight of her adoptive daughter. Finally, after a few minutes she stepped back, taking in the young female. And her ears jumped forward, tail raising a wind behind her. ?Oh Epiphron! Congratulations!? For it was very, very clear that Epiphron was very much expecting another generation.

Then the thought of how far Epiphron must have traveled, in this condition, and without an escort, flashed into her mind. Her eyes narrowed into a healer?s sternness. ?Young lady? Whatever were you thinking, walking this far in your condition, without a warrior along?? She didn?t yell, she didn?t have to yell. But the indignant expression was enough. ?I hope you?re staying for a few days to rest, and when you head back, I beg of you, take an escort. I wouldn?t be able to take it if I heard you?d been killed or injured on your way home.?



08-07-2013, 08:31 PM
The alpha couldn't help but smile - she knew that howl! Thoughts of her sister had increased as the summer started - it had been an entire season since she had last seen the female and she was more than excited to see how she was doing. Chrysanthe howled back, a quick sound, but one that signalled her impending arrival. It sounded like Pip wasn't too far from the borders, and smelled like she was on the opposite side of the plains - but that wouldn't slow the woman down, it only made her quicken her pace. As she drew closer she scented Erani nearby as well - looks like she was beat to the punch! A part of her had wanted to be the first to greet the Seracian Princess, but she wasn't detered. It made it more of a family reunion, and honestly she could use the familiar faces. They had all lost so much, but Chrysanthe promised herself that she would keep her head up for the sake of Valhalla. Even with the loss of her father, and of Aislyn she would remain strong.

Seeing Epiphron brought a real smile to the woman's face. She heard Erani's chiding words, and took a moment before speaking, meeting her sister's gaze with wide eyes. Epiphron was pregnant! A moment of surprise ticked away, before her slack jaw pulled into a playful grin. To think that Pip would end up with pups before her! Although Chrysanthe had to admit, that she would probably be a better mother than her - she seemed far more motherly in her sister's eyes at least. "One of our healer's was attacked, we're trying to be more careful." She explained a bit more of why Erani was so worried, but that wasn't the way that she wanted to start her conversation with Pip. So much time had gone by, so much had changed. "It's so good to see you Pip!" The alpha nearly yipped, but instead she moved to lay beside her sister, her tail wagging behind her.

"You don't need to worry Erani, if it comes to it I'll take her back myself." She wanted to see Maverick, and congratulate him as well as spook him a bit because he had better take care of her sister! If only Syrinx could see Pip now - he would probably be rushing to Seracia as soon as he got a good look at their smallest sibling. "But please stay a while, we have some catching up to do - you have more siblings to meet!" Collision and Soliel's children had just started wandering around by themselves.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-09-2013, 07:22 AM

Her call was answered swiftly by Erani. The mere site of the white-furred healer, rushing hurriedly from across the plains, was enough to make her grin from ear to ear, despite her state. She had been happy to see Erani at the Seracian borders, she could not deny that the woman's company was always welcome, but this would be a much more joyous announcement than the one Erani had been forced to bring to her.

Before the gentle scolding came -- and she did expect it from Erani -- affection would be given. Epiphron's ears pulled back slightly against her skull and she took the kisses and nuzzles more than willingly. Her tag wagged wildly behind her, her joy obvious. It was an awkward reunion -- not standing up -- but she figured Erani would understand. She watched with amusement dancing in her blue eyes as she moved back, realizing precisely why she had come -- and nearly shouting her name in excitement. And yet it faded quickly as sternness overtook her.

Luckily, Chrysanthe had heard her call as well -- she couldn't help but grin at her sister as Erani scolded her gently. "I was thinking that I wanted to see you both, very badly," she chided gently, leaning to nuzzle Chrysanthe's neck happily. "I will stay for a few days," she assured her with a soft laugh. It was not at all surprising for her that Erani was overly worried about her; she'd always been like that. "It's good to see you too, sis," she beamed, as though her expression might never fade. Slowly she rolled further onto her side, glad at her sister's presence at her side -- she leaned to nudge her playfully. "Who else has been blessed with children?" She wondered aloud -- they had too much to catch up on!



08-09-2013, 01:17 PM

like one, two, three, I'll be there

It hadn't taken long for the little Collision-spawned child to learn that a howl was an exciting thing. Quite often howls were strangers coming to Valhalla, or Valhallans going out on a hunt, or - on occasion - signals that danger was present. Any of those scenarios were enthralling to the child, and so anytime she heard a howl go up, Solaine did her best to arrive as quickly as she could. Most of the time she was not included in any of the fun, but no one could stop her from watching. And so she crept onto the scene of three wolves gathering, one of which she did not know. Erani was there, snuggling up to the stranger and acting like she was a long lost daughter. Chrysanthe came next, and she seemed equally excited to see the stranger. Solaine was intrigued. Her tail flagged up behind her in unsubstantiated pride as she strutted up beside Chrysanthe, affectionately called 'Chrys' or 'Chrysi' and uttered - quite boldly - the first thing that came to mind. "Why's yer belly all big like that?" Her head cocked to the side curiously as she eyed the mostly white woman with a red stain on her ear. Odd, it looked similar to Chrysanthe, only she had more red and it was on most of her face.

Then she recalled hearing the stranger call Chrysanthe 'sis'. But how could that be? Solaine would know her if she was family, and yet this woman was very much unknown to her. "Why is she callin' you sis Chrysi?" Bi-colored eyes met the azure ones of the stranger, perplexed and rather enthralled with her unknown identity. If she called Chrysanthe sis and Solaine was also a sister of Chrysanthe, then.. this woman must be her sister. She thought back to what she'd heard of the conversation, but all she remembered Chrysanthe calling the woman was 'Pip', was that her name?

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6 Years
08-10-2013, 10:37 AM

Azalea was hot. Summer was hot. Everything around her seemed to be melting, especially herself. There was an audible groan of delight as she saw the river before her. It was her destination and she did not slow as she approached but instead sped up. With her tongue lulling from one side of her mouth the young woman canine cannon-balled into the waters. Her head went under and her limbs went into overdrive, dragging her back to the surface faster than natural buoyancy alone.

As her head broke the surface, she shook her head sending heavy droplets flying like shrapnel. Where they hit the water ripples were spread, lost quickly the larger ripples cast from her body. She paddled along tracing patterns in the water before heading for shore. Swimming worked muscles more than most realized and she wondered silently if the wolves of Ludicael were excellent swimmers.

As she pulled herself onto the shore, she head a song playing across the airwaves. Her attention was instantly piqued, she knew that voice. It was Epiphron! The Seracian Queen had come home to visit her family! Azalea's mouth dropped open in an excited look as she moved forward, giving herself a few halfhearted shakes in the process.

Azalea wasn't too far from the border but still, by the time she arrived a small party was already there to greet the visiting Queen. Chrysanthe, the most obvious, Erani (as to be expected), and then there was Solaine. Azalea gave a light bark, announcing her arrival. The landscape was very open here but still the group was too preoccupied to notice her without calling out to them. As she drew nearer, her tail began to whip wildly from side to side, her body lowering slightly.

She noticed little about Epi right off, other than that it was her favorite aunt home to visit. Only after drawing nearer did she realize that her aunt had grown round and heavy with child. "Oh." Azalea stopped, giving her aunt another look over, "oh!" Her mind repeated, not sure what else to think. She hadn't expected Epiphron to brood so early, she supposed, but it wasn't like she had given it any thought to begin with. Azalea knew she certainly didn't want to become pregnant. Getting fat, eating like a pig, giving BIRTH. Yeah, no, she'd stay away from all that business. That didn't mean she wasn't excited for Epiphron, she knew how much she loved Maverick. "Epiphron Congratulations!" She bit her tongue, withholding the urge to tell her that pregnant didn't become her.

The Heir had thus far largely ignored her little sister and now, as she forced her jittery body to sit, she looked down at her small sibling affectionately. For not wanting children, she was quickly growing a liking for kids. "Solaine, what trouble are you up today?" She asked with an unmasked joy in her tone.




08-11-2013, 01:49 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2013, 01:50 PM by Chrysanthe.)
Epiphron had been on Chrysanthe's mind as well, it was soothing, to have her sister beside her once again. Although the other female had paved the way for Seracia to be her own home, Valhalla would always be Pips as well. Having her stay for a few days would allow them all to catch up properly - all of them meaning the entire family - which was getting quite large very quickly. The alpha's tail swished behind her, and she nudged her sister back before the other asked her question.

"Soliel had another litter - two little girls." She nearly snickered, their brother would have two more girls to deal with. If they turned out as rambunctious as Azalea he would have quite the bit of trouble on his paws. And as if on que, one of their children came tumbling over, questioning Epiphron's swollen tummy with the curiosity of a pup. She would let Epiphron handle that one - or perhaps Erani. "She's my sister Solaine - and your aunt. She just lives farther away." She explained to the pup, "In Seracia, our sister pack." Glancing at Epiphron she added on - "I'll take you and your sister to visit this summer." The range was probably lovely this time a year - although quite hot as well...

Her ears perked when Azalea barked and let them know she was there. The alpha barked back at her heir, greeting her fondly, before settling back down beside her very missed sibling.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-20-2013, 03:09 PM

Despite her exhaustion, she was overwhelmed with joy. It was written plainly upon her tired features, a smile turning the corners of her lips up dramatically. It surprised her to see other faces, answering her call. A rather young girl bounded forward, wrapped in a pelt of white. Perhaps one of the new children Chrysanthe had briefly mentioned? Blue eyes followed the girl as she approached, asking rather suddenly why her belly was so big. Epiphron laughed softly at the youngster's pride. She reminded her very much of herself at that age. "I'll be having babies soon," she explained simply. The girl seemed confused at Chrysanthe calling her sister -- the Seracian Queen watched with laughter in her eyes as she questioned her aunt.

Before Chrysanthe was able to respond, Azalea had entered the scene. How lazy she felt, lying there on her side while the female gathering stood about her, but she didn't entirely mind. "Thank you," she responded to her congratulations with a gentle grin. Luckily, as she readjusted her gaze to the little white girl, Chrysanthe explained that Soleil and Collision had given birth to two more girls. Ah, so Azalea's sister? Her smile grew and she watched the young girl fondly. She had been hesitant about becoming a mother, but seeing a youngster roam about was enough to get her excited about it even more. "Or perhaps you can hold off until fall comes, so you can meet your future nieces and nephews," she suggested with a nuzzle, leaning to her sister -- she knew it wasn't often she could leave Valhalla for days, and it would be best left to a date when she was more mobile, as well as when her children were born.



08-21-2013, 09:39 PM

like one, two, three, I'll be there

It was then that Solaine remembered that Chrysanthe was not her sister, but her aunt. Boy, their family was confusing. So that meant that this woman was an aunt too, if she really was Chrysi's sister. A smile drifted across her lips as Azalea came onto the scene, congratulating the woman with the name 'Epiphron'. What trouble was she into? Solaine tilted her head. "Jus' explorin'. I heard all the howlin' and wanted to see who it was." Feeling a bit more comfortable around Azalea, Solaine twisted over toward the older sibling and settled near her. Chrysanthe began to explain that the woman was indeed her sister, and that meant she was Solaine's aunt. A smile crossed her lips. "Why would you wanna live far away?" Chrysanthe then said a few very exciting words. Epiphron lived in a sister pack called Seracia, and Chrysanthe would take them there! Her tiny ivory face lit up, and she was instantly excited. Then came the explanation for Epiphron's belly, she was going to have kids. How did that work exactly? Excitement faded and curiosity took it's place - a dangerous look for the Adravendi child to have. "The kids are in yer belly? How did they get in there.. and how are they gonna get out?!" Suddenly horror overtook her facade. Was Epiphron gonna blow up?! Such were the questions that whirled in the child's mind.

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