
Lighting paints the sky red [Alessa]



07-20-2013, 10:13 PM

For Alessa

Her piercing brown eyes started around the surroundings, curious as to where she was. There was rocks and stone everywhere, and she found it harder for herself to concentrate, almost like a metamorphisis was occurring in her body. She felt sick to her stomach, and for once in her life she felt like not killing something though that could soon change if something made her mad. She was used to being mad at the world for whatever it was, whether it was trickery, or deceit, it always seemed to fill her life. Her fur was flat against her spine, not bristling and rather calm, she had her eyes trained on one thing, a ledge.

Part of her didn?t like this new found purpose and it made her want to leap off the edge, but part of her loved the new her, and it was all that was keeping her from a bloody death involving a spike through her skull. She could almost see the blood dripping from her skull. She coughed a little bit, she had no contracts, so it made her wonder if others saw her weakness and if they reflected on it when aiming to find a ruthless killer to do they?re dirty work.

Her tail was completely relaxed, and she was on edge for those who decided they might take advantage of her slight confusion, that was if they could tell she had confusion. She backed farther away from the edge, not wanting anything to happen and scented around the area, hoping that there was no scent of another wolf, and from what she could tell they?re wasn?t. At least there wasn?t anyone there yet. She found that thinking of the past helped enrage her when she needed it, and so she tried, but not even the trickery and deceit of her father could taint this moon.

She also thought of when her brothers beat her, abused her when they found out she had killed wolves, they believed it to be punishment by the old gods and the new, but she saw it as heartlessness that they all had inside them. She found herself starting to get irritated, but then she pondered one simple question, one that decided to haunt her for the days to come. Why was it that she was trying so hard, thinking of so many things, why was she trying to make herself mad?

Arya Salivanti

what do we say to death? not today.


07-20-2013, 11:10 PM

She recognized this place. She'd been here just about a week ago, sparring with the three legged man Tyberious. He had been rather odd upon their initial meeting, claiming that she assumed something about him and his disability, which really wasn't true, but she supposed her spar with him hadn't gone too bad. It was certainly different to the young woman, since when she was around others it was usually because she was helping them out, not practicing her combat skills. She was back to the same place, just endlessly wandering, trying to see if she could run into others and maybe help someone. Though she would never admit it to anyone, she loved helping others. It was almost like a passion of hers, though she had no plans of actually making it a profession of any kind. It was just something she did because she wanted to.

Creamy peach paws carried the young she-wolf through the crumbling rocks, taking care to watch her step and place her paws on any sharp rocks that could potentially hurt her. Her paw was still rather sore from her incident with the crazy man Caesar that Killian had saved her from, so falling on these rocks and injuring her paw wasn't exactly the ideal option at the moment. Mismatched gems flickered across the stones, climbing up nearly to the top to spot a woman standing near a ledge, looking down as if she had the intention of jumping. Brows furrowed, limbs stirring the young woman faster as she climbed the rocks, wanting to approach the woman and see if her intentions were really to jump off the rock or if she was merely appraising the view. She hoped it was the later. She didn't think she'd like to witness the death of a stranger today.

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07-21-2013, 02:10 PM

OOC here!

She thought she could, she knew she could, but she just couldn?t. She looked to see another fae in the area, who had seen her looking at the cliff with almost an envious look. It reminded her of when her mentor had found her in a similar position, she had gotten very frustrated at the training arena that day, she had been beaten at fighting, which was something that had never happened before, and she remembered her mentor?s wise words. your just afraid you?re not going to make it, loosen up and you will do so much better. So she had and so she did.

Arya felt a shiver down her spine, the almost completely white female in front of her looked like a kind soul to her, but that remained to be seen, she found herself cautious more than every around others, especially those who interrupt her thinking of suicide that turned into a pleasant change of scenery. "Hello there, I?m Arya." She had an accent to her voice, like a mixture of British and American [like Arya Stark?s voice]. She found herself far away from the cliff now, watching the sunset in the distance, just beyond the cliff it seemed.

The rocks and stones always made her wonder about places in the world, if there was just this to the world that repeated over and over again for thousands upon thousands of miles. But she cut off her blatantly random thoughts and turned completely to the female, who smelled to be a loner just like her, meaning there was no need to submit or make her submit, they were equals, or they would end up sparring. Hopefully it was the earlier of the two, she didn?t feel like hurting other wolves today, and she certainly didn?t want any more blood on her paws? for now.

A small smile was to her face as she looked at the woman who had said nothing to her. From her distance the female looked white, but she saw her mistake, the female was a light brown with white on the front of her. Arya often saw things when she was in her state of delirium and she was starting to see straight once more, a good sign for her and luck for those around her. She wondered many things, starting with the female?s name. Names often were a symbol of power to her.

Arya Salivanti

what do we say to death? not today.


07-21-2013, 11:55 PM

She wasn't being very quiet about her approach, talons scrabbling against the stone as she slowly made her way up towards the darker woman, mismatched gaze intent on her figure as she backed away from the ledge. So of course she wasn't surprised when the woman glanced down towards her, calling out to her as she introduced herself as Arya. Arya. That was certainly a unique name if she'd ever heard one. Alessa scrambled up the last few stones, coming to rest a couple below the woman Arya, plume wagging gently between her hocks. Hello Arya, my name is Alessa. You weren't...thinking about jumping off that ledge there, were you? She motioned with a gentle nod of her muzzle to the edge of the rock where the woman had just been standing. If she had been thinking about jumping off, then perhaps the young woman could help her not jump off. She was always willing to help others, whether it be helping them physically or just lending an ear, Alessa was always up for helping those in need. It was just who she was.

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