
On the seventh day the wolf said...


04-09-2013, 01:31 PM

?? ? ? Awaken troted o to the battlefeild, moving slowly and fluidly. His back staying in a straight line with how smooth his strides were. He grinned, his emerald eyes sparkling at the battlefeild. It'd been so long since hed fought... He kindof wanted to fight again just to. No reason at all, just to spar. ?

?? ? ?Hed decided to test his movements first though, just to make sure to work the rust away. He took off in a dead sprint and suddenly began sidesteping just as fast as a normal wolf could run, usefull for evading rapid attacks. He then started working backwards, his rear up under him ?as he was amost as fast backwards as he was forwards. ?He lunged out with his front legs before drawing to the side and suddenly stopping... Not even breaking a pant.

?? ? ? Awaken decided he was ready for a fight with a real opponent rather than an immaginary one. He howled loudly, letting his voice roll like thunder over the battlefeild and spreading. He waited patiently for an opponent.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)



04-09-2013, 05:57 PM

Cormalin padded at the edge of the Field, mismatched eyes scanning the stained expanse as the sun glowed down on his black back. He was large, and his coloring was a trouble in Summer. But at least it wasn?t thunder storming here. He hated them. He?d caught a chill when he was young in one, and hadn?t really ever liked them since.

Movement caught his eyes and he stopped, gazing out. A large wolf, black but in the natural manner of a wolf, unlike Cormalin?s own coloring, with the black only broken by a tiny four point star-like marking between his eyes. Akana had loved that star. Obsidian loved it too; said it was just like hers. And since he?d not seen himself in a reflection, he had to agree with the horse.

He broke out of the reverie as the male stopped tangling with an unseen foe and sent up a loud howl. An invitation for a spar. Cormalin settled back on his haunches and studied the male from a distance. Then gave a thoughtful whuff through his nose and mouth, pink tongue showing in a soft pant. He could take up the challenge, or he could head home and drop in on Erani.

He decided. He would spar with this stranger. He tilted his head back and began his reply in the deep, low groan rising through the baritones and into the mid tones of the male voice, and back down. Then he rose to his paws and made his way to the male, body relaxed and friendly.

?Good day, stranger. You called for a bit of fun?? He gave a slow wag with his long furred tail. His tail and his thick ruff were his most distinctive features if you weren?t looking at his face. They were unusually long furred, ruff similar to a rough coated collie, but not quit that thick, and the hair on his tail long enough to make his tail seem as though it itself grew four inches longer in the bone. It gave him a grand, powerful appearance, but his heart was that of gold and good will.

?I?m game. How about four rounds, no serious injuries. Just a friendly testing of skills.? His mismatched eyes, gold and blue, watched the cat like golden-greens of the other male as he waiting for the reply of yay or nay. His stance changed from relaxed to paws set wide, head level with his shoulder, muscles ready to take him any direction. ?I will leave the first move to you, sir.?

Round: 0/4

Defenses: Head level with his shoulders to protect his throat, paws set wide but ready to take him anywhere.

Attacks: None yet

Injuries: None yet


04-09-2013, 06:39 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2013, 06:53 PM by Awaken.)

Awaken grinned showing his white unstained teeth. "sounds like fun." Awaken snorted, he was built for speed and was difficult to catch or even keep down once he was caught for that matter. "Your on! Round one starts now... But i find it formality to introduce myself first. Names, Awaken. Fight starts now..."

Awaken took off, quickly closing the small gap between them, seeming to foolishly go for a head on attack. He got about one step away from the other male and, with no warning at all, moved to the side so fast most oponents would never register it. With not even a growl or any hesitation he used the sudden leap to the side the gain more speed for some power behind his attack and aimed for right behind his opponents ribs. His teeth unsheathed and his paws outstreched, he aimed to wrap his paws behin this opponents front legs to flip him over and avoid any kind of counter. This would be dificult, given the afact that his opponent was most likely to move but the force of his side attack would be devitateing anywere and very difficult to dodge.

round: 1/4

Attack: to the oponents side and forerib

Defenses: speed and difficult to catch

Injuries: none yet but a screwy mind

(i had to edit in the last bit! Sorry!)

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)



04-09-2013, 08:57 PM

Cormalin nodded to the young male as he introduced himself. ?I am Cormalin of Valhalla.? Then the spar was on. The younger male charged forward, and Cormalin braced. Then the other swerved quickly. The swerve was followed by a speedy charge toward Cormalin?s side. Cormalin knew he wouldn?t dodge it easily, so he did the opposite thing.

He swerved into the charge, hind paws? claws digging into the ground, bracing for impact. The younger brute?s charge would land short of where it was aimed, the blows instead landing on Cormalin?s right shoulder, and he knew there would be a few bruises for Erani to tend. He leaned into the impact with an upward shove, hoping to unbalance the younger male as his opponent?s paws tried to wrap around his front legs. His own paws lifted to add to the weight of his counter and escape tripping, but he felt claws rake through his fur above his left front leg?s dewclaw.

Cormalin arched his neck up and snapped his head downward out of the push to aim an open jawed snap for the right upper leg of the younger male. If he landed the attack, Awaken would find his foreleg grasped and pulled as Cormalin would jerk out of the bracing stance he held.


Round: 1/4

Defenses: First defense: To protect his ribs, he swerves toward the incoming attack, braces, and lets his right shoulder take the brunt of the attack.
Second Defense: Lifting his paws to avoid being tripped.

Injuries: Bruising in the right shoulder

Attacks: Shoving into Awaken?s attack to hopefully unbalance him, arching his neck and aiming a bite for ?Waken?s right upper leg.

(OOC: I tried your best to reply but with how things went it was hard to understand and there were too many attacks in one post. )


04-09-2013, 09:17 PM

Awaken snarled, slightly annoyed his attack hadnt worked... His mind began running through more things.... Think Awaken, Think... His mind then hatched a plan... He dug his hind paws into the dirt, planting himself there, useing the massive muscles in his rear to push against?Cormalin in defense. The then realized what his opponent was doing... He had yet another stroke of genious he took a rather huge risk and forced his right forearm into his opponent's open mouth... But he shoved it back far in his opponents mouth ,where wolves had no teeth, using it like a bit in a horses mouth and gave an extra hard psuh trying to flip his opponent on his back. He increased the pressure on the roof of the other brute's mouth to ensure that any shakeing of the head would only result in pain to the teeth. Jerking out of the stance would hurt Awaken's leg but he'd simply ignore it and keep pushing him back with it.

Round : 2/4

defense: digging pas into the dirt and oushing back and upwards.

attack: forcing his fore arm into the back of?Cormalin's mouth and pushing up, trying to force him back

injuries: bruising and small cuts to his right forearm.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)

Ezekiel I


04-09-2013, 09:31 PM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


as usual, the great behemoth circled the battlefield, and with crimson eyes trained down upon his prey, the scavenger began to spiral slowly toward them with the precision and predatory movements of a very hungry eagle. still up high, he appeared only as a small creature in the sky, but if they spied him now, they would be in for a great surprise when he was close. stifling mischievous cackles that were the result of a mind seemingly rotten by madness he continued to descend, watching the fight below and reveling in the battle snarls that echoed up to him. he banked to the left, and then to the right, and then folded his wings and allowed for gravity to take his fifteen-pound body in its grasp.

arrival to the party announced by a rasping, sandpaper screech the bearded vulture plummeted, large bulk of a shadow forewarning his dive-bomb. he trained his course straight into the middle of the battle-locked wolves, and at the very last second snapped his wings from his side with a resisting crack, only to swoop back upwards on nine feet worth of wingspan. ezekiel allowed for his choppy cackles to poison the air, and glided a few feet away before settling onto the ground, neck craned forward to absorb the action and the results of what was hopefully a marvelous (and fatal) distraction.

"oh what fun, what fun!" he laughed manically, taking a moment to preen his feathers before returning his attention to the battle at hand. "go for his neck! break a paw! hey, you, get 'er and let 'er bleed out!" he cheered in what was proving to be a consistently rough timbre, always tainted with what could be taken as insanity. "hurry up with it, too! i'm hungry!" came yet another jeer, followed by a devious snicker.



04-09-2013, 10:20 PM

Cormalin heard the snarl of frustration and ignored it. The boy was younger, and had yet to find the experience to keep emotions under lock and key. The younger male pushed back, trying to knock Cormalin over on his back. Cormalin dug in and shoved back while he ducked his head for his attack to the leg.

Then as Cormalin snapped his jaws around the right leg and jerked back, the younger male tried to shove his leg into Cormalin?s mouth. Due to the backward movement Cormalin was already taking, the leg didn?t go as far back as the younger male obviously wanted. Cormalin opened his jaws, releasing the leg and jerking backward out of range.

He took a low, solid stance, head low, throat protected, back open. Power coiled in his muscles, ready to propel his body wherever it needed to go. His tail swayed gently, for added balance. And so he was ready for the next attack.

Out of one corner of his consciousness, he sensed the arrival of a bird, but he ignored the loud, raucous egging and jeering. The bird was of no interest, but it might serve to distract the younger male.


Round: 2 / 4
Defenses: First: Digging in and pushing back to avoid being flipped over backward. | Second: Jerking backward to avoid the majority of the attempt to shove a leg deep into Cormalin?s mouth. | Third: Upon being out of range, he takes a low, slightly crouched and balanced stance, head held low, throat protected, tail swaying for added balance.

Attacks: None, original attack aborted to save being choked.

Injuries: Bruises from the impact in round one. None New.

(OoC: Again, it was still hard to understand, so I did what I could.)


04-10-2013, 08:07 AM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2013, 08:10 AM by Awaken.)

??Awaken pushed away from his rival with a grin then his eyes momentairly went blank... A flashback... Or was it. His mind began playing more tricks on him... The wolf infront of his faded to white... Mirroring himself, blue eyes and a red mark over its left eye... Upon closer inspection the mark resembled the roman numeral "Six" Awaken growled ?and rushed out in a blind rage. He went for a head on attack with crushing force, all defenses down. His full focus in his attack, his lowerjaw trying to sink in around the colarbone... He forgot that it was just a spar and that the white wolf was an illusion and that?
Cormalin's intent was for fun. ?

"GOD DAMNIT SIXX!" He growled in his blind rage. Who was sixx?

Round : 3/4

defense: none.

attack: lower jaw trying to dig into?Cormalin's colar.

injuries: bruising and small cuts to his right forearm. Hes seeing things again...

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)



04-10-2013, 02:27 PM

Cormalin waited for the next attack. Focused, calm, ready. However, it was as if the opponent was seeing things. The attack came, a sudden rush that held none of the lightness of a spar.

Because Cormalin?s body was held low, the attack was coming for his face. He went into action, lunged to the side to avoid the head on collision. However, it didn?t get him fully out of the line of attack. The force of the attack hit his haunches. He felt teeth glancing off of his skin, one tooth sinking in to leave a small, deep rip in his rump.

Cormalin gave no sound of pain. No sound at all. There would be bruising as well as that cut, but knowing Erani, it would heal without much of a scar.

He whipped around on his haunches, and lunged for the hind leg that was open to him. If the attack landed, Awaken would find his hock grasped, and as Cormalin shoved forward and upward he would be jerked backward, and hopefully off of his feet long enough to be unbalanced.


Round: 3 of 4

Defenses: To avoid the attack to his front, Cormalin darts to the side, taking it on his rump. || No defenses to his hind end upon his Attack.

Attacks: Lunging in toward Awaken?s hind end, aiming low to grasp the hind leg at the hock, and continuing forward and upward to hopefully unbalance the opponent.

Injuries: Bruising on the right shoulder from first round. Small deep rip on the left side of his rump from Awaken?s tooth.

Ezekiel I


04-10-2013, 04:00 PM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


the great avian cackled at the sheer and utter stupidity of the black-pelted, star-marked wolf as he didn't react at all, but then ended up ridiculing them both, for neither of them had done a thing. "what was that?" he laughed, ruffling his feathers and clacking his beak as he watched the fight suddenly surge in intensity from one of the opponent's sudden assault. "i think i heard empty air echo, echo, echoing in your skulls!" he jeered, inwardly scoffing at the blatant idiocy in the actions (or, rather, lack thereof) of the individuals--not to mention the lack of reflexes. you would think being engulfed suddenly by a massive shadow would be enough to make someone budge. what if he'd had the intent of doing serious harm to the sparring creatures? if ezekiel'd been a bird of more violent and war-fitted proportions, the bearded vulture would have had himself a meal. two, actually.

"do hurry up, dearies, for i'm quite hungry. it'll be easier to eat your marrow when you're struck dead with an arrow!" he cawed, still keeping ample distance between himself and his quarry as he jested. he'd learned the hard way that wolves were awful fond of surprise attacks, and for good measure, he cocked his head to the side momentarily for a quick glance with one eye behind him before returning the other half of his attention back to the fight at hand, wings tensed in anticipation of use.


04-10-2013, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2013, 10:09 PM by Awaken.)

Awaken snarled and spun quickly trying to dodge, realizing hed left his defenses down in his blind rage of flashbacks. Hed decided to take things seriously now... No more screwing around... The puppydog paws were comming off.

??< p>He saw the attack to his back leg comming, everything seeming to move in slow motion to him... His senses finaly snapping from mind games, to reality. ?This was when the fun would really start. ?He turned slightly so the angle of the other's attack wouldn't hit the hock but his rear-end at this point.Awaken worked on his paws as if they were horse hooves, prooving going for his legs was never a good idea ?on this wolf. He drove his front legs to the ground, hard, to not be thrown off balance with the risky attempt he was about to make. He used the tremendous amount of muscle hed build up on his back and rear. A rash and risky disicion... If his timeing was off the least bit, things could go horribly wrong fast.

?? ? Awaken could barely remember watching other animal speciese and remembered watching two wolfs trying to take down a horse in a farm pasture in a place his mind had forgoten... He remembered the horse knocking one wolf senseless with a kick... May as well try it, this was a spar afterall, when better to try new things than against an opponent who's purpose isnt to tear you to bits?

?? Awaken waited untill his opponent's attack was upon him and drove both hind leg out in a swift, powerful kick, his claws jetting out from each toe like daggars. He was aiming for his underside, low and back tward his hind legs. If this hit it would most likely knock the wind out of an opponent or knock them over but if it failed, the attack to his back and hips might cost him the spar.
Round : 4/4

defense: ?He drove his front legs to the ground, hard, to not be thrown off balance | He turned slightly so the angle of the other's attack wouldn't hit the hock but his rear-end at this point. | none on his back, shoulders and hips.

attack: ?attack was upon him and drove both hind leg out in a swift, powerful kick, his claws jetting out from each toe like daggars. He was aiming for his underside, low and back tward his hind legs..

injuries: bruising and small cuts to his right forearm. Bruising to his hindlegs. ?

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)



04-10-2013, 10:11 PM

Cormalin missed his mark as the opponent turned, and his teeth sank into the thick haunch fur. As he pushed forward, he took a mouthful of fur with him. It was as he moved that he saw the kick aimed for him., and ducked under it. Claws raked through the fur on his shoulders, two or four scraping roughly at his skin.

He shoved upward at the young male, intending to knock him off guard with the move, and lunged toward the opponent?s inner thigh with his teeth in an attempt to grasp the leg there. It wasn?t likely to land, but if it did, Awaken could be locked in a powerful grasp that could be used to immobilize him.


Round 4 of 4

Ducking low to avoid the kick.

Attacks: Shoving upard while under the kick, in hopes of unbalancing the opponent while lunging in to attempt to grasp the opponent?s inner thigh.

Injuries: Bruising on the right front shoulder. Nothing new from round two. Small, deep rip in the rump, with bruising beginning to take hold around it, from round three. From Round four, four scrapes across the tops of his shoulders (Where the withers would be on a horse.).

The Judge


04-14-2013, 11:07 PM

Challenger ? Awaken

Realism~ [2/5]
Quote:Notes - Some things you tried to do were anatomically impossible for wolves, at least from the angle you were in.

Clarity~ [1/5]
Quote:Notes - You should specify your movements a bit more, so we don't have to guess things like which direction you dashed. Typos, run-ons, and pronoun use made it difficult to read.

Powerplaying~ [13/15]
Quote:Notes - Not much powerplaying in this thread; only in round 2 you assumed how your opponent would let your attack hit.

Attacks~ [12/20]
Quote:Notes - Some of your attacks were a bit illogical, with questionable effectiveness. I gave you some points for creativity, though.

Defenses~ [5/20]
Quote:Notes - You scored low here mostly because you fought aggressively instead of defensively, but also because you rarely planned for balance or the upcoming counterattacks.

Injuries~ [16/20]
Quote:Notes - You took few injuries from your unagressive enemy.

Total~ [49/85]
Quote:Notes - Awaken's tactics were very... creative, is one way to put it. You lost a bit of points when it was difficult to tell exactly what you were doing when you weren't specific. Your moves also left Awaken in situations where he could easily be unbalanced and I'm surprised that Cormalin didn't capitalize on one of them. Some better understanding of what wolves are capable of would help your fighting posts, as well as more attention to grammar for clarity.

Challengee ? Cormalin

Realism~ [3/5]
Quote:Notes - You were good at keeping realistic, only the slightest problems until round 4.

Clarity~ [2/5]
Quote:Notes - For the most part your fight posts were very clear, although in round 4 many details were missing that would help me see just what Cormalin was doing.

Powerplaying~ [15/15]
Quote:Notes - I didn't notice any signifigant powerplaying from you in this fight.

Attacks~ [9/20]
Quote:Notes - Your attacks were often logical, but as he was somewhat unagressive, he can't get full points here.

Defenses~ [16/20]
Quote:Notes - You defended rather well. Just remember to watch exactly where your opponent's attacks are aimed and think about if your defensive moves are entirely possible.

Injuries~ [14/20]
Quote:Notes - Solid defense absorbed some potential damage.

Total~ [59/85]
Quote:Notes - Overall you wrote your fight posts well, although as I've said round 4 was difficult to imagine. His kick was aimed further back where it would be difficult to "duck" under them without going fully prone which would leave you unable to make the quick counter-attack you wrote of. Also, if you were under his kick and pushing up, his thighs would be behind your head where you couldn't get your teeth to so easily. Looking at just the rest of the fight, your defenses were good and your attacks were logical though sparse.

Quote:Winner ? Cormalin

Awaken must either flee, pass out, or submit.


04-15-2013, 07:28 AM

Awaken chuckled between pants. "well... Looks like i got my ass handed to me. " He laughed. " hows about a rematch later?" Awaken grinned as he turned about to leave. This guy was fun. Maybe they should just spar more often.
Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)



04-15-2013, 03:40 PM

Cormalin stepped away as his opponent backed and turned. Mismatched eyes stared at the younger male. ?You should learn to control yourself, or you would have fared better.? His tail was raised high, head up, and he turned without another word and padded away.

-Exit Cormalin-


04-22-2013, 04:05 PM

Awaken smiled before turning and walking off the battlefeild... Hed be back though... Hed most definately be back


Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)