
Good Morning [Cetotorah]


03-29-2013, 01:58 AM

Luana was not a sneak by nature. She had too bold of a personality to make a good spy. Antsy, impatient, eager... sitting and waiting had never been something she was particularly good at, but she crunched down hard on her bottom lip and she forced patience into her veins as the familiar scent entered her nose... which meant she was downwind, which meant he couldn't smell her. Her eyes drifted to the creeping sun which was just now illuminating the earth. Normally she was much more refined now that she had left her puppy youth behind her but it was so rare she got to surprise her Cetotorah and after this morning's hunt when the idea had crept into her brain she simply could not resist such temptation, and so... she waited.

She crept silently, one paw in front of the nest, body gliding back and forth as she stalked closer and closer to the mouth of their den, lips curling up in a smile as she watched his sleeping form inhale and exhale. She took a moment simply to watch him, it was a rare day she got to wake before him. A nightmare had awoken her long before the sun rose and a quick hunt for a hare was the perfect thing she had needed to gather her thoughts. She had left him sleeping and it seemed now he still slumbered... he was truly a beautiful creature.

She wondered vaguely why he did not seek out someone prettier than her to spend his time with, but then she remembered, he was her Cetotorah and she was his Luana and as if that logic made any sense... it gave her the confidence to creep as close as she dared.

She crouched low, golden eyes glittering as she starred him down and then she was airborne, paws outstretched and poised to grab him. Wrapping around his chest and pulling him abruptly out of his sleep and to the right, she laughed playfully, catching one of his ears between her teeth and tugging it as they rolled, her laughter still echoing throughout the den. "I love you Cetotorah!" She laughed into the fluff of his neck, a mass of tangled limbs intertwined upon the dirt.




03-29-2013, 02:19 AM

The young male slept soundly. It was rare that he ever slept in, but today was one day in which he'd allow his body the allotted time it needed to fully rest. One day a week he would sporadically choose a day in which he would sleep in. Any other day of the week he would be up at the butt crack of dawn and go on his usual morning hunt for Luana and himself. He would bring his best friend back a rabbit, and then one for himself and together they would share a good meal. This day though he slumbered peacefully, occasionally twitching as he dreamed.

He never would have expected Luana to get up before him. Ever. She normally was the one to sleep until he came back from a hunt. There had been a few times when she had joined him, but most of the time he had let her sleep. Ears flicked back and forth in his sleep, yet he could not pick up the stealthy paws of Luana as she crept upon him like a ghost.

One minute he was dreaming about chasing a lame deer through the forest then bam! Eyelids snapped open to reveal crimson colored eyes that spoke of shock and surprise. The monster tackled him causing them to roll. Her scent reached his nostrils and he soon realized it wasn't a monster, but Luana. His best friend who'd been by his side ever since he'd brought her to Lentajin, then to Ludicael with him. She pulled him to her chest and then began to tug on his ear playfully and his ear flicked automatically as it tried to free itself. It was funny how the reflexes worked. It was if his body no longer listened to the logic of his brain and suddenly just decided to do as it wished.

Her laughter echoed through the den. She'd grown up and filled into herself in the past few weeks. She had lost the majority of her puppy appearances and had turned into a strong, slender, and very elegant creature. her sandy coat had lengthened and turned glossy like most of their species. Her dark brown eyes had lightened and were now a dark amber color, almost honey-like, and went with her sand colored pelt well. He had to say he was quite stunned by how she'd turned out.

Of course if he was stunned then, he was even more stunned by the words that erupted from the dame's lips. Eyes widened in shock as he froze. How did he reply to her. His mind went blank. Had she really said that. His tongue felt heavy like lead as he attempted to speak, his words nothing but useless stuttering.

"W-w-what?" He had heard her the first time, but it was almost as if his mind didn't quite understand her words, or the meaning behind them.



03-29-2013, 02:34 AM

The off-white dame was impulsive, a wolf chasing rabbits, she did things instinctively and without much care for propriety or its standards. Her heart was something filled with light and warmth. Kindness came as fluently as breathing, perhaps she grew too excited at times and perhaps she irritated some but she did not mean too and she had learned at the end of the day not to take them to heart, because she had Cetotorah. At the end of the day she would come home, he would curl beside her, next to her, upon her, around her and they would slumber. They had never been a separate unit, always together, always one. Two halves to the same soul.

Of course she loved him, how could she not. He had found her, taken her home, to a real home! He hadn't just tossed her away and left her alone. When Ceto's mother had passed, taken by the wretch Newt, he had left Lentajin, but only so long as she stayed with him. They had joined Ludicael together, and he had promised to be her best friend forever, how could she not love him?

She pounced and they tumbled in a mess of opposing fur, limbs, and laughter. His startled eyes burst open, swiveling about as she pulled him out of his sweet dreams. It took him a minute to focus, to realize that she was no threat, but just about the time he relaxed she dropped a bombshell on him and his eyes blew wide. She paid no heed to his shock though, tongue falling from parted ivory lips as she bathed his cheek in fragile kisses.

"I love you Ceto! You are the most amazing wolf I've ever met, how could I not?" She nudged his snout up and pinning her ears back against her skull, tucked her head beneath his chin, a rumbling sound of contentment bursting up through her vocals, tongue escaping her to bathe his neck in kisses.




03-30-2013, 03:05 AM

She began to bathe his cheek with soft kisses as he sat in his own bewilderment still tripping over his tongue trying to figure out what to say to her. How was he supposed to respond to that? The correct response would have been a simple "I love you too!" Cetotorah was beyond such simplicity and of course he had to make things complicated. He hadn't had anyone tell him that he was loved since he'd lived in Talutah, and that felt like ages ago. His mother had barely told it to his siblings and him. She just hadn't been that kind of wolf. His father had loved them, but the relationship between his father and mother had been an odd one. Did they truly love him and his litter mates? His father and mother had also been brother and sister. An odd paring to say the least, but the it was claimed the gods had wished it. Question was, was it wrong? It was debatable.

"I love you Ceto! You are the most amazing wolf I've ever met, how could I not?"

She then tucked her head underneath his chin and began giving his neck the same treatment his face had gotten. She never ceased to amaze or surprise him. He supposed he owed her an answer. He had to pause and think. Did he love her? How could he not? They'd been with each other since he'd found her. They seemed tied together at the hip. You never saw one without the other. He wasn't in love with her, he didn't even think of her in that regard. She was his best friend, someone he could confide in. But yes, he did indeed care for her.

He managed to collect himself and his thoughts and a pleased sort of growl left his throat. Had he been a cat it would have been more like a purr.

"I love you too Luana."



04-09-2013, 11:32 AM

She coiled into his familiar body heat, leaning up against his chest and curling into him, a habit she had done since the first day she met him. One that had merely seemed to stick. Cetotorah was everything to the young dame. Her only family, her best friend, She nuzzled the tip of her snout against the underside of his chin, a soft rumbling noise of contentment bursting from her chest. Perhaps she was still too naive to know what really she spoke, but he was her best friend and regardless if they ever became more, she would love him, adore him until her dying day.

Where Cetotorah was, Luana was sure to be close and the reverse was true as well. She could glance at him and know what he was thinking, what his next action would be, what emotions glittered in the depths of his gaze and what he was thinking. She could imagine that he would know the same for her. Joined at the hip, or so it seemed. She did love him, she always would. He answered her back a contented sound rumbling up through his chest and she licked the bottom of his chin, tail swishing playfully upon the stones.

"Together forever right?" She chirped animatedly, black eyes gleaming with the innocence of youth, and just as quickly she bounded back to the mouth of their den, tail swishing animatedly behind her. "C'mon Ceto! Breakfast is waiting for us!" Laughter colored her tones as she stood tall, waiting for him.
