


03-26-2013, 05:04 PM

The petite white female was in an ill manner. She couldn't count the days, weeks, months that she had been sick. It had crept up her slowly starting with mild stomach pains. Soleil hadn't considered it to be something to worry about. It had gotten worse and worse until she began to doubt that it was from bad meat or something small.

Before she knew it Soleil was bedridden! Her body ached and she could hardly even eat. She could only be grateful to have already weaned her puppies. What a failure of a mother she had been here of late. They didn't get to see her much, she was too fearful they might get sick. She lay now, chin in the dirt, hiding away int he den. In the slowest of manner it seemed she was improving. Her strength was coming back but she was still exhausted by late afternoon.

Blue eyes locked on the tunnel before her, lashes heavy on her eyes. She could smell the food that waited for her outside of the den. Just beyond reach. It was good exercise to retrieve it. She needed the exercise. She groaned, legs stretching before her as she put the effort to push her hind end up. Rump first she got up.

Now Soleil had always been a tiny little thing but she had surpassed being tiny. To be told Soleil related more to a white coyote than a wolf these days. Eating very little and puking up what she did eat had caused her to drop weight. Her stomach was sunken in, her fur dingy and clumpy. The bones that made up her rib cage could be counted it you saw them from the correct angle.

The emaciated fem moved step by step, tongue lolling out. She could see the chunk of red meat. Striated muscle just for her. Licking her chops Soleil moved a little faster. The scent of the fresh meat came to her nose and her stomach flipped.

Cramping pain developed in her stomach and her back arched. Soleil's head lowered as her muscles pumped. With a horrible sound bile rose from her stomach and hit the ground. Clear liquid. She had nothing to give up. Tail hung pitifully close to going between her legs in submission. The ill wolf moved away from the food and the vomit, seating herself to the right of the den entrance, opposite the vomit.

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03-26-2013, 05:23 PM

With the late spring air, the white dame couldn't help but lay in sun enjoying the way it warmed her pelt. It had been quiet since the pack meeting, and she had been given her rank. She made it her plan to find Erani again and have her teach a few things about being a Healer. All the dame knew was how to care for her own wounds that she had received, nothing more advanced.

The retched sound of vomiting soon found its way to her, causing the white fae to sit up, ears pinning against her skull at the sound. Rising to her paws, she let her nose lead her to the source. Surprised to find what appeared to be the Alpha's mate. She didn't know her name, only seeing her a few times but never introducing herself.

But now.... She looked terrible to say the least. She had lost quite a bit of weight, her pelt was matted and dirty. Rayne approached slowly, not wanting to startle the already weakened lady. She bowed carefully, speaking softly, "Madam." grey and blue eyes looked at her wide, uncertain of what to say next. "Are you alright?" it was dumb question, but what else was she suppose to ask.

"speech" thought


03-26-2013, 09:33 PM

Soleil's ears perked up as it sounded like someone was coming. She tried to make herself scarce. Maybe she could slink back into the den before they could see the horrid shape she was in? She turned her head around, legs pushing off to get up. It was all in vain though, the other was already in viewing range and had locked in on her.

The helpless Alpha gave up, sinking back down. Not that she had gotten far to begin with. Her attempt to flee had been more than a little pathetic and obvious. It wasn't very "alpha-like" but that was the last thing Soleil felt like recently. She exhaled roughly, looking over the gal that stood before her. By Soleil's standards the canid was large but everyone was large to her and Collision was about the tallest of all.

When the she-wolf bowed Soleil froze, momentarily taken off guard on how to react. She knew she was Alpha. She knew others could do that. She just really didn't expect any wolf to do that when she was in such a detestable condition. Where was Collision when she needed him to keep the onlookers away. Humiliation washed over her. Everyone probably thought she was a freak and wanted to view her like some... like some circus freak.

"Madam." The wolf said. Honestly Soleil couldn't call up her name. Since she hadn't been out lately she really hadn't seen anyone and she had missed a pack meeting. Surely this wolf was someone she should know, not that all the others weren't, but if Soleil were to know she was a healer then the pair would have an instant connection. (at least in Soleil's mind)

Soleil nodded.

"Are you alright?" It was an incredibly dumb question but Soleil gave her credit. She would have made the same remark if the roles were reversed. Foolish jealousy jumped into her throat at the thought that someone but her might have Collision. She bit back the random emotion and cleared her throat of that wicked green frog. "Right as rain." She joked. "Em.....this is going to sound horrible bad, but do I know you? I am Soleil, mate to Collision." Her voice was ragged.

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11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-26-2013, 11:32 PM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2013, 11:34 PM by Erani.)
Sickness. Illness. It made her nose wrinkle. And her heart leapt as she realized who?s scent accompanied it. ?Soleil.? She took off at a high lope, following the scent riding the wind. Rayne?s scent was on it too. Vomit scent stung her nose. Empty bile. Her ears flattened, and she came to a stop just in the shadows, watching, assessing. Soleil lay in the mouth of her den, and Erani?s breath hitched in her chest at the sight of how bad Soleil looked. It brought back memories of Guinevere?s demise. That, was not going to happen again.

She started to move, but Rayne arrived and approached the downed Alphess. Soleil seemed not at all eager to be seen. As Rayne neared the female?s view, she tried to rise and get back in her den, but gave up almost at once. Rayne had approached, and Erani pricked her ears to listen to the exchange. She frowned as Soleil?s reply reached her ears. Not again. Not Again. Another wolf trying to evade telling that she was worse off than she let on. Erani shook her head.

?Rain is not always right, Soleil.? Her voice was the healer?s melody, stern and unyielding. ?How long?? The question was quietly voiced, compelling for truth.

(OOC: Could NOT resist.)


03-27-2013, 10:51 AM

The Alphess didn't appear to keen with the fact that she had been found. She attempted to brush Rayne away with a joke, but it was obvious that she was ill, and had been for sometime. The question of who she was reached Rayne's ear, bring a small gentle smile to her face, "I am Rayne, recently named a healer." under better circumstances then it would have been a pleasant meeting to meet the Alphess.

Ears shot forward as skull lifted. Erani had arrived. Some on the tension left her body seeing the Healer. She would know what to do, how to help. She dipped her head in quiet greeting to the dame, stepping back to let her take over. If she was permitted she was hoping to be allowed to assist, perhaps learn a thing or two.
"speech" thought


03-27-2013, 12:20 PM

Soleon prodded along the earth, his large pads kissing the Earth with an evident adamance to see his mother. She had been sick, but he was gonna make her feel all better. He had to. He was her son. That was his job. Dual colored eyes scanned the premisis, his tail bantering slowly behind him, and his eyes landing slowly on a flower by a rock. Running full speed he would drop beside the flower and his muzzle would aim to pick up the rock. Smile following the contours of his face the young prince would dart off towards his mother's den. Well...his parents' den. Though, Collision was currently missing in action.

Flopping over to the side the tiny pup would race towards his mother's den. Rock in his mouth he would shove past the other white female, indifference in his eyes to her. He wanted mommy. Dropping the rock before her he smiled, "Couldn't find Da, ma!" His would race to touch her nose with his own and he would rink it ever so slightly, "Stinky," her murmured with the sound of bile rising in the air. "Ma! You'sa gonna be better now, k?"


03-27-2013, 12:54 PM

"I am Rayne, recently named a healer." Ironic that she should make a joke about rain to find it to be the name of the unknown female. And a healer! Soleil warmed to her company automatically. "A healer? As I am, though you probably can't tell by the look of me now."

?Rain is not always right, Soleil.? Erani broke into view and Soleil's ears went back as she approached. The sternness in her voice chastising the pale miss. Thinking back on it now, she was very surprised that Erani had not visited her previously. The head healer watched the pack with hawk eyes, especially after Guinevere's passing. Either Collision had thoroughly convinced the healer that she was doing better than she was or Erani had been paying far too little attention to the leaders.

"Well rain is not wrong, either." Soleil said in a muffled voice, eyes not meeting the other female's. Even though her rank was now above Erani's she still held a lot of respect for the wolf and could likely never be convinced to pull rank on her. ?How long?? Now Soleil's blue orbs flit to the healer's. "Weeks? A, maybe two?"

She sighed heavily. "I've looked after myself the best I can. That which ails me will not be put at bay by common medicine." She was mostly babbling, her voice breaking and coming back in but growing stronger as she talked more.

Suddenly a rush of grey broke through the watching females and skid to a stop before her. Soleon. Her ears pulled backward in alarm. The last thing she wanted was for him to get sick! "Couldn't find Da, ma!" He proclaimed, gifting her with a rock. His nose pressed to hers. Soleil still had yet to react. "Stinky," "Soleon," she was cut off. "Ma! You'sa gonna be better now, k?"

Soleil growled lightly at the pup though her tail wagged. Her mind told her to make him go away but her heart bursted with joy to see him. "You're not supposed to be here! You could get sick!" She scolded. Too weak to really force him away, her eyes jumped to Erani, begging her to do or say something.

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11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-28-2013, 06:59 PM
Erani gave Rayne a quick nod, but her eyes didn?t leave Soleil as the tiny female gave her answer, avoiding direct eye contact. A month. More than that. Why had Collision not come to her directly? Surely he would have noticed his lovely little mate was wasting away well before now? Did he blame Erani for his mother?s death? Did he not trust her with his mate? ?I see I should have come to you when I wished to announce my mating with Nova. I had thought that you would be too busy with--? As if on cue, one of the pups burst into view, rock in his mouth and came to Soleil.

Collision was absent, even to his own children. Where was that male? Erani watched the little male, and felt a stir in her heart. She couldn't bear the thought of another litter losing a mother so soon into their lives. The pup, Soleon as she recalled, dropped his gift at Soleil?s paws and proclaimed that he had been unable to find his father, adding a comment about the smell that pervaded the area, and his mother. Soleil tried to cut in, but he broke her off with the firm demands of an innocent child that just wanted his mother to get well, and get well fast.

Soleil seemed to be having trouble deciding whether to scold him away more firmly, her body?s messages not coinciding with what her eyes said. She was delighted to see her son, but wanted him to get away. She finally voiced the second need with a mother?s scolding mixed with the healer?s scolding. Then her eyes turned to Erani, and Erani read the plea in them. She turned her head to look at the little male, looking at his mother with such earnest eyes. ?Your mother is right, Soleon. She needs to get well, but she can?t get well if she?s worried about you getting sick too. She needs you to stay with your siblings in another place until she gets better. Can you do that for her??

Erani?s voice was soft, gentle. She had lowered herself to the young pup?s level before speaking, and gazed at him with quiet deep blue eyes. She hoped he would do as told. Whether he did or not, she turned her eyes to Soleil. ?What have you tried so far? Tell me everything you've done so far.? She knew an anti-emetic was needed to halt the vomiting, but what if Soleil had already tried them and only thrown them up before they could take effect on her? She glanced at the meat that lay untouched nearby.


03-29-2013, 10:27 PM

It seemed to brighten to Alphess's mood upon finding out that she was a fellow healer. Not that Rayne actually knew enough to be of any real use. Yet. She was bound and determined to learn. She fell quiet as Erani seemed to scold the ill wolf, who said nothing, only answering her questions. Rayne became uncertain as to whether or not she should stay or leave and give the two privacy. But she didn't have long to focus on that before a flash gray shot out of nowhere. He was young, a puppy still, and his mother was clearly Soliel. The mother didn't appear to know whether to be happy to see her pup or fearful for his health. Erani once more stepped up and spoke softly to the pup, helping him understand of what he needed to do to help his mother. Blue and gray eyes shifted to Erani, a question held in them. Should I stay or should I go?
"speech" thought


04-08-2013, 09:25 AM

Wounded. He was so wounded. His mother didn't want him. He knew it. He was a bad kid. Frowning the young mad would turn and tears would well in his eyes before he would shoot off screaming, throwing his fit of drama, getting his fix of real life. Dad was gone off in Glaciem. Mom was sick and didn't want him. Who was there left in the world. Gael. Azalea. WHERE WERE THEY, MAN? Trying to find his siblings the young pup would exit the scene and disappear into the valleys.

Exit Soleon