
Sight for Sore Eyes [Emoral]


03-25-2013, 06:40 PM
Razier was, as some might say, overly fond of sunsets. If someone were to press curiosity upon him concerning just why he was so fond, he would just shrug his large shoulders and grin because he didn't quite know the answer himself. It was an odd habit of his to be certain and often times inconvenient, to pause whatever task he had been given and watch that fiery orb sink down. Call him sentimental but when it first brushes the horizon, that tender contact, he felt at peace. It was truly the merging of heaven and earth after all, and to someone who had lost what he had the promise of a connection between this life and one beyond was tantalizing. It gave him hope, something a wolf like him very much needed. So he watched the sunsets, as he was watching it now.

This land, he swore to himself, was wonderful. This particular patch he now sat upon was so ideal he wondered if the gods themselves had not made it especially for him. His broad frame leaned against an even broader tree, and it supported his weight as his eyes feasted on the scene before him. To his right golden light glinted on the surface of running water and washed over the ground, the trees, and him. The sky seemed alight in a thousand colors. Beyond that, the smell of spring was in the air. New growth and wet soil and animals too. Spring peepers filled the air with their amphibious chirps. And as such, Razier decided he liked this land very much indeed. The only thing it lacked, perhaps, was company.


03-28-2013, 04:14 PM
One would say a female out walking alone was in danger, one would say a target. But Lithilae was unlike so many of her gender, and yet so very much like the vast majority of women. Today she had set out alone, to the sunset falls. it was a peaceful place, a place full of beauty and grace; it was a miracle in her eyes. It felt so wonderful to leave the confinements of family for the time being. As the crepusular light that was the sun sank deeper and deeper into the unknown, Lithilae sat by an edge of a abyss and watched. In the distance one could hear the cascade of waterfalls, those shallow pools that formed crystalline blue, gorgeous in every way. Finally the sun hadleft the world; the moon rising in its place. The multi ecru colored female began to leave, even though she very much enjoyed the stars. Standing tall, she soon began to stretch the muscles that still lingered in sleep. Her xanthous eyes glowed, scanning the spaces beside her.

In the near distance, her noted another beast. Detecting the smell that announced that creature as a wolf, she decided to approach. The darkness surrounding her, she was able to saunter over unannounced. Lithilae was mere feet from the wolf, staring at its back. "hello" Her voice sang out like liquid gold. She was neither vile, nor deathly in anyway. Simple she wished to meet this fellow lupine and maybe see another side of the world so unknown to her.


03-28-2013, 07:57 PM
Startled at a sudden voice intruding into his thoughts, Razier perked upwards. His ears swiveled to the source of the voice, simultaneously noticing that while lost in his thoughts the sunset had fled from him. His base instinct caused the thick fur on his neck to raise, but his mind told him that any wold who would announce themselves probably wasn't out looking for a fight. So he stood slowly and stretched before turning. In the growing darkness a figure stood not too far from him, but rather indistinguishable in the shadows, but the voice had indeed been female. "Hello," Razier said, his voice low and smooth. "Lovely evening, eh? Were you here for the sunset as well?" He wasn't sure what to make of this female's sudden appearance.

He had been approached often enough by females in heat looking for a mate, but he had never taken them up. He was in no mood to claim land and settle down. He had tried, of course, but memories of his pack that almost was haunted him still. Regardless, while he might have been mistaken, led him to believe she wasn't in heat. As such, his followup thoughts were mostly centered around confusion. It wasn't often lone faes would stop for a simple chat. Had he wandered into a pack's territory without noticing? Was this an ambush, perhaps? Razier threw a cautious glance over both shoulders while awaiting a response, hoping to receive words instead of blows, thinking that it would certainly harsh his sunset mellow.