
First Steps [Azzy]


03-25-2013, 06:14 PM
Razier sat down with a heavy thud and let his front legs slide out slowly before him, ending the exasperated motion with his head falling on on top of his paws. He sighed. Exile was tedious business, always skirting boundaries and struggling. For all that his frame rippled with muscle he was certainly lacking fat, and he'd rather have more of the latter and less of the former. It would make him well fed and less likely to be challenged in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, the gods had smiled too favorably upon him and for the moment his stomach growled. This pine forest held a plethora of small, scampering creatures but nothing worth the energy of hunting. His keen nose searched the wind for the tell tale signs of something larger, a rabbit perhaps or a bird of some sort, but came up with nothing. He groaned and rolled over onto his back, pawing listlessly at the air. He chuckled.

'How silly I must look,' he thought to himself. 'Big brute that I am, floundering like a pup.' So he rolled over and once again took stock of the world around him. Plants sprouted at his paws, small saplings and herbs he had no name for. The air still had a nip to it, but he could smell warmth farther south even if it had not reached him where he lay. As if to further gloat, the wind gusted and split into his dusky brown fur, sending a chill up his spine. He shivered and frowned. This winter had been hard and he was short on not only warmth but companionship. He had been places where you went days without coming into contact with another wolf, yet then then there was this land which, by the smell of it, was teeming with his kin. Raz knew it was only a matter of time before one crossed his path, and hopefully it would a lupe who preferred to share words over blows. He pressed his muzzle into the wind once again.

Aria I


03-27-2013, 03:18 PM
The weather was nice, sun was hanging wth clouds slowly moving on by. It was not hot nor cold, a decent temperature. Perhaps that was how she had wondered so far from Ludicael lands, following a small herd of deer. She would stalk them then stop when they lifted their heads and listened, smelling the air for any predators. When they moved, she moved. It took some time to finally bring down a decent sized doe, one she thought her Sol would appreciate and would feed the small pack. The only problem, she was no where near her lands, no longer in the East. And even though it was Spring, she could feel the nip of the northern winds wrap around her body. That was what gave away that she was in the North.

The Lunav, stood beside the doe. Green eyes scanned the land around her, nose taking a whiff at the air. She scented no wolves or other animals nearby that would be a threat, that was good, usually animals would show themselves at the smell of a freshly killed animal. With a small nod to herself she turned to the animal, ears swiveling to the side. She would not be able to carry this back to Ludicael so she might as well fill up and try to carry whatever she could so she at least had something for her pack.

She lowered her head, one large paw pressing down on the doe's hip, using her teeth to grip the skin and pulled back with strong neck muscles. It took a few tries before she finally was able to cut the flesh, pulling back to give her some room to dig in. Once that was done she looked around one more time then pushed her face in and grabbed a chunk of meat and clamped, with a good grip she pulled back hard, the meat coming out with a bit of force. Let the feast begin.


03-28-2013, 08:10 PM
Surprise stiffened the big wolf's body. He smelled not a spring field and cold wind, as he had moments before. The wind gusted now not from behind him, but up and towards him from a small valley below, and it carried the scents of meat and blood. It was heavy and thick and masking of all else and Razier found his mouth beginning to water. He heaved up to his paws and began treading carefully towards the scent, pausing every few feet to test the air once more. He thought it most likely to be a back kill as the smell of wolf had been heavy all over this land, but if they were hostile or if it turned out to be a bear or cougar he was in no mood for that sort of fight. So we he rounded a small rise and saw not a pack of wolves but instead a lone female he froze in surprise.

He blinked a few times, uncertain of how to proceed now. He decided to simply clear his throat, and did so hoping to grab her attention. After all, a startled wolf wasn't quite as likely to share their meat, were they? "Excuse me, Miss?" He said politely. Years had given experience in greeting new wolves, particularly those without a pack because often times they were packless for a reason. He was walking on egg shells, but he hadn't eaten for so long, the danger made no difference. So he waited, ready for her response, whatever it may be.

Aria I


03-28-2013, 08:28 PM
Aria ripped out chunks of meat, chomping it into small pieces that were easier to swallow. She savored it, closing her eyes as she swallowed, feeling it move down her throat. The taste, absolutely delicious. A hum of satisfaction seeped from between her lips, eyelids pulling back to reveal green eyes. She had taken out a good amount of meat out of the animal, her snout covered in blood up to her cheeks, staining the white fur on her lower jaw and neck. Some blood even got on her paws where she held onto the carcass.

After pausing for a few moments, tongue running over her lips, her ear swiveled to the side at the sound of somebody clearing their throat then speaking. She didn't look right away, she wasn't worried. If the wolf was going to do something then they wouldn't have bothered trying to get her attention. "Yes?" She finally said after a few seconds of silence, turning her head, green eyes falling upon a rather handsome male. Even before he answered she figured he possibly wanted some of her kill, why else would he be there. "If you would like some, you can have some. I'm not going to finish it all." She spoke with a smile before turning back and ripping out another chunk.