
Stranger [Aria]


03-29-2013, 12:55 PM
Her tail, as thin and porous as it was, flopped lazily upon the dewy grass, twitching, falling still, twitching again and repeating the process, her heavy set jaws would splay wide, tongue curling as a fierce yawn captured the hyena. She was at peace in this terrain so unfamiliar. She was made for dry grasses and a burning sun but the change of pace was nice too. She rolled over onto the grass, lazily drifting in and out of sleep as she lounged the day away. She had long since given up on becoming one with one of these packs.

After spending several months in Talutah she had come to the simple conclusion that wolves were simply bat shit crazy. Onyx eyes glanced about the unfamiliar forest, her stripes and her yellow fur making her stand out like a sore thumb, even a few of the birds and small creatures drew closer out of curiosity. She would bark and they would scare off... it was all great fun.

The scent of a wolf reached her ears, had her audits swiveling behind her. Head tilted to the side, she watched for the creature, whoever they may be. She cared little. Her musculature was thick and heavy in the front, boasting of muscle and power, she gained an advantage being so front heavy when she fought wolves. She opened her jaws wide, a loud, high-pitched, shrill of a bark reverberating through the air as she called the stranger, she was always up for a bit of fun.

Aria I


03-29-2013, 08:32 PM
Salmon pink tongue ran over the wound on her shoulder, four claw marks. She was lucky with that encounter with the feline, if she had jumped away a second later it would have been far worse. The cougar would have hooked its' claws deep into her flesh, dragging her to the ground without trouble and delivering a killer bite to the neck. Done. Because of her luck it was just a surface wound really, not very deep but enough that it had drawn blood. Marvel had rubbed some herbs on it earlier and told her she needed to rest but the shewolf just nodded her head like she would, and here she was. She just couldn't sit still for too long, she had to be up and doing something.

Green eyes looked over the cleaned wound and with a satisfied nod she pushed herself up onto all four and gave a quick shake, dismissing some dirt and leaves from her coat before moving on. Aria moved through the forest, green gaze looking up at the enormous trees surrounding her. It was beautiful, they were much, much larger than any tree she has ever seen before in her life. It seemed almost, unnatural. With that thought she walked up to one, shifting her weight to her hind legs as she stood up with forepaws against the trunk, nose sniffing at it. With a few scratches she decided that these were in fact real, s grin on her face as she dropped back down on all four and continued on.

The next time she stopped was not for the trees, it was for an animal. Ears swiveled forward, nose sniffing the air as an unfamiliar and odd scent flooded her nasal cavity. 'What is that?' She thought curiously, not bothering hiding herself, just stood there staring from a distance. Her head tilted to the side, ears perking up as the creature parted its jaws and released a loud, high-pitched bark that quickly shot through the forest. It sounded so odd that it caused the Lunav to jump out of surprise, now she definitely had to check this animal out.

Quickly the shewolf jumped behind a tree, she knew the animal was watching her so that was why she wasn't trying to sneak around. She moved quickly, moving closer until she was behind a tree right beside the animal. With a grin she jumped out from behind the tree with a bark, not aggressive but in a friendly manner. Ears were up, jaws parted with her tongue hanging out, her stump of a tail wiggling behind her. "You are interesting." She immediately said, taking a few steps to the side, green eyes looking over the animal. Right away she could notice, now that she was closer, the animal was more built in the front with a thick, muscular neck. And her coat, she must have come from the warmer lands. Maybe around the desert where she would blend in better.


04-01-2013, 01:25 AM

Harlequin relaxed in the thick grass, her heavy bodice sprawled out with little care or grace. She huffed, her massive chest rising sharply and falling. Onyx eyes would star about the forest with little interest or care. She was here for a brief rest and nothing more. She would move on, find something else to occupy her time and attention and continue on her way. Onyx orbs slid shut as her jaws splayed wide in another fierce yawn, revealing rows of thick and jagged ivory teeth as her jaws clicked together her tongue would fall from ebony lips to lick her chops. She grew bored in this world of wolves, wondered vaguely if she ever would encounter her own kind, it seemed unlikely.

The scent of a stranger piqued her placid mind and she perked up slightly. Her dark gaze drifting over the landscape, she caught the wolf in her peripheral vision, her excitement falling slightly when she realized what creature it was. Of course... why would it be something else? This was a land of wolves, which meant this world was insane... great. maybe she should simply leave. Ah well, she had called to the wolf, there was little she could do to change her mind now. The wolfs darted behind trees playing coy, and Harlequin watched her carefully.

She was not afraid of wolves, had been in the beginning, for the singular fact that her height was much smaller than most... but then she quickly grew to realize that the power and the musculature she possessed in her jaws and her upper body gave her the strength to shatter bone and crunch through muscle with ease, once she got herself a good hold upon a shoulder, a leg... the fight was over. Bones were crushed and broken, rendered useless. She did not fight for fun.

She sprung from the trees like a new born pup, Harlequin drew her legs beneath her, ready to spring if this came down to a war. Her dark eyes bore into the scared dames and she waited, debating on how to reply to the dames quick words. her jaws parted and a deep baritone she responded, humor laced in her speech. "I've heard worse introductions..."

Aria I


04-01-2013, 12:14 PM

I've heard worse introductions... Her ears perked up, a smirk coming across her as she pushed herself up. Would you rather me not say anything? Maybe just pounce on you? She asked, lips instantly pulled back to reveal canines, a low growl rumbling in the back of her throat as she took a step forward with the hair along her neck bristling. She seemed to turn into a completely different wolf within seconds, eyes held anger, hunger to taste flesh. Her body was tense, stepping to the right, to the left. Ready to pounce, maul this odd creature before her.

But as quickly as that had happened, it vanished. Her lips slid down, standing up with body relaxed. Her eyes held a calm, friendly wolf now. I like to make friends when an opportunity shows up, so tell me miss. What are you? She spoke in a friendly manner, folding her legs beneath her, ears perked up and forward, waiting to see if the animal would actually tell her what it was.


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04-24-2013, 12:05 PM

Suddenly the air changed and the wolf turned hostile, and all plans of relaxation and peace fled her mind. She pulled her legs beneath her, rising to her pads in one fluent movement. Onyx orbs would narrow in a fierce glare, her lips coiling back of her teeth and her hackles rose, thick musculature rippling with unbridled power. She did not take kindly to insult or threat, and this idiot would rue the day, Harlequin promised. Teeth as sharp and jagged as daggers would press against her bottom lip as she held her ground with returned aggression. She was beginning to hate wolves with a fiery passion. "Touch me and I will tear your larynx from your throat."

The dame would drop her act of aggression which only fueled Harley's own. Her posture would not fall, her teeth would not be concealed. She would tear this bitch limb from limb if she so much as twitched in her direction. Harlequin had had it up to here with insults and threats. "I do not make friends with those who would first threaten me." The snarl would come sharp and fast, Harlequin had had it with wolves.

Aria I


05-03-2013, 10:07 AM

Aria Corvi

Aria could not help but chuckle at the creature's reaction to her moment of "hostility." She had reacted in such a way that the wolf would have expected any animal to act when something before them suddenly went from calm to wanting to dig their fangs into you. Touch me and I will tear your larynx from your throat. The beast growled, only causing the wolf to raise a brow in amusement. She wouldn't do such a thing to another being unless they attacked her first or if the animal was prey, which this creature was neither. Aria only did that because it wanted to be an ass, so she was right back.

Even when she did drop the aggression the creature held her own up which brought a shake of Aria's head. I do not make friends with those who would first threaten me. The snarl had no effect on the shewolf what so ever, at leats on the outside, in her own mind she was rolling on the ground laughing. Seems like somebody needs to take the stick out of their ass. She said in a simple tone, pushing herself up onto all four limbs and just stared at the animal with a raised brow and look of boredom. It was obviously a joke since you wanted to be difficult, I can't help it your sensitive. She explained but didn't expect the animal to understand or forgive easily, didn't matter to Aria. The name is Aria, if you were wondering at all. Even if you don't want to be a friend or anything.



05-08-2013, 01:56 PM

Harlequin's ears would pin back against her cranium and the muscular beast would drag her bodice to stand. Head lowered, black eyes locked upon the scarred visage, her lips would coil over ivory fangs. and her head would lower, alligning with the rest of her body. Her fur, the mohawk would stand along her spine, accentuating the stripes that adorned her torso. A sound, something akin to a snarl would rip free of her larynx. She was getting really fucking sick of wolves. The woman threatens her and she dare have the audacity to tell her that she was the one with a pole up her hindquarters?

"I am not the one snarling and snapping at strangers. I merely defend myself against your insanity." The words would ooze, dripping from her maw with venom. She hated this dame, she hated this species. Why was it that every wolf she encountered was seemingly bat shit crazy? Was it just the God damned species as a whole? Perhaps... "Sensitive?" That pulled a dark chuckle from the cores of her chest. Her tail lashed behind her, irritated. "Honey... when you are a sheep amongst wolves, you get defensive or you die. You think you are the first to encounter me little dove?" The nickname would fall from her maw in a taunt, always daring the woman to respond.

Aria I


05-10-2013, 09:14 AM

With a smirk the shewolf just gave a shrug of her shoulders, turning awya from the animal. Whatever you say. This little dove shall be taking off, got things to do. She didn't care for the taunt, instead taking it and naming herself it. With a light chuckle she bounded off, turning her head to wink at the animal before vanishing behind the trees.


ooc: Don't have muse for this thread at all.


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