
The queen slayer's strife {Anthrax}


03-22-2013, 09:39 PM

The world had become some estranged illusion. What had once been twisting tales and rhymes was now fealty and kingdoms. Who was she? She looked in the broken pond of ice. Fragments of her reflection stared back at her. Her violet eyes were so full of wonder. Had the crown changed her so? Was it digging into her soul and changing her into a true queen? She had thought it was merely an illusion. Was it not a feigned performance for those that lived with in the clan to enjoy? She was meant to be a puppet, dancing for her puppet master, merely playing the role of queen. Yet she was no longer playing. She was acting and it was disturbing her.

She sighed and turned from her reflection. She was uncertain who she was anymore. She wondered when the pups would come. New blood for a new kingdom. She mused at the thought. Her stomach was starting to swell a little. Not enough for any stranger to notice but enough that she noticed. She was a behemoth of a woman with fur so gray it seemed violet when the sun kissed it just right. Her bright purple eyes looked around her. The world was flat and stark here. The cold chill still stole her breath away and she smiled. At least something good had come from her coupling with Kiaos. She hadn?t known she would have cubs, never dreamed of the day it would happen but she vowed to love them as best as she could, if she could.

Her thoughts were shattered as the world swam. Her head felt heavy and she growled. What was going on. She groaned as the darkness threatened to steal her thoughts away. She swore she could hear a voice calling to her. Mocking her. She shivered from the thoughts and stood on shaking legs. They almost buckled underneath her but she stood her ground. Her fangs scored the flesh along her forearm. Fresh blood seeped into her mouth and fueled her memories to life. She was a queen now! She would not allow that damned sub conscious of hers to steal her thoughts away. She was not ready to sit sweetly at the tea party and talk of days far gone. Of broken dreams and abandonment and those bright orange eyes that haunted her deepest nightmares.

?How many miles to Babylon?? she chanted aloud, her voice shaking with rage. She would not be stolen away! She was broken but she wasn?t unfixable. ?Three score miles and ten.? She murmured as the face of her sister filled her vision with a mocking laugh. She shook her head and growled, ?Can I get there by candle light?? the world was warping and twisting around her. She felt heavy as if some other being slipped underneath her skin. Her eyes shot open as she screamed, ?Yes and back again!? she was panting hard now. Trying to calm herself but the fear was almost crippling. She shuddered as the feeling of a stranger in her skin vanished and she all but laughed. Her throat almost was raw with the depths of her victory. ?Oh Cerberus fucking cock that was close.? She breathed, her heart still slamming in her chest as she pawed at the lingering affects on her mind. Was someone there? She blinked in confusion as she looked around. She felt as if someone?s eyes were burning on her back.


03-26-2013, 12:19 PM

The stench of estrogen was heavy in the air, so thick and pungent he might have thought it were a smog. The beast looked to his quarry, the woman he obsessively trailed, the one who said she could not remember him. He longed for her, ached for her loins, but would not take it unless she remembered - or offered it to him. His Ainslie, she belonged to him, but this woman - whoever she might be - was lurking too near his prize, his precious. She was chanting something foreign, something he could understand but very well could not interpret. It didn't matter, he wasn't into interpretations. Salivary gland sent a flood of saliva dripping from the corners of his lips. A sickening sucking sound was made as the beast drew in his venom, unwilling to look a total mess in the presence of what could be a beautiful female. The beast might be sold on Ainslie, but he still was irrefutably masculine.

As he approached, stalking forth with little attempt at hiding himself, the ashen brute would find her screaming obscenities at the top of her lungs. A single yellow eye bored into her spine, severing it with his mind. She was a massive she-devil, larger even than he, but only just. A snarl would rip from his throat, one that wasn't laced with malice, but a greeting. "Excellent show," he would retort as he came up behind her, serpentining around a pine that stood in his path. He did not approach close enough for a charge, but instead lingered a few yards away, clearly interested but not altogether excited.




03-27-2013, 09:32 PM

Rage, it ripped from her mind and slammed across her spine like a nine tails whip. She could feel it fill her gaze as she craned her neck to put the stranger in her line of vision. Her back was still turned to the stranger but her bright violet eye had found him. The anger in it seemed to smolder as she let out a warning growl. Her tail flicked behind him like a serpent searching for a neck to bite. ?Should you know what it is you saw you wouldn?t think so.? She rebutted with a snort. Her ears flicked backwards for a moment, feigning embarrassment, then pulled forward with aggression. She slowly pulled herself upright from the ground and shook her velvet coat.

She pulled each limb into step. Testing the waters to ensure the puppet master had relinquished her hold over her physical body. She could feel the presence of her riding the depths of her mind but she was confident that she was fully in control. Her gaze lingered over the male before her. He was fairly smaller then she but still a mighty male. She topped him by several inches. Her weight was heavier then his she could tell by his build. She could feel the anger boiling inside her. What had happened was a private matter. Not that she had done the best job at keeping her distress to herself but it had not meant to be something for another?s amusement.

She could feel the ache in her jaws to bite. She longed to taste the bodies life wine fill her pallet and bring her back into her mind. She dismissed the urge and stalked around him. She took a deep breath and pulled his aroma deep into her lungs. Tasting whom he was and if he belonged to anyone. He tasted of freedom. ?What is it you are seeking?? she asked, the question held an unknown weight to it. She knew nothing of this stranger or the quarry he was after. She had merely wanted to know what it was he wanted from her. She felt her fur ripple down her back. She was trying desperately to curb her rage but it stabbed her gut over and over again. She swallowed down the taste for blood and looked at him with an abrasive glance.

She was a thing of madness. Lost in the yesterdays and tomorrows. The present was an unknown thing. A wandering thing. That constantly eluded her. Who was the face that looked back from the waters reflection? Where had the crown come from? She could scarcely remember. She was apart of something more, something bigger, but why? Why was she responsible for them all? Who had deemed her worthy of such a cause? As if they followed her. She knew none of them but the ones she was claiming and the youth that curled about with in her womb. They would be the future of the kingdom and she would forge it with madness and aggression.


03-31-2013, 09:14 PM

She turned her form upon him, or rather, her head. Tail serpentined behind her as she remained twisted grotesquely, an amethyst eye blazing at him. Her warning growl received only a sneer, and her retort met the same fate. The man was far from talkative, as his mind lingered to Ainslie.. his prize. One quick whiff of the air would tell him she was still nearby, had not wandered far enough away from him to make him fear her escape. The truth was she could never escape him, not even if she wanted to. The woman stood, apparently wary enough to not want to keep her back turned for too long. Good, she was at least intelligent. "Something no one on earth can give me." He would retort with another sneer and a dribble of saliva from the right crook of his lip. Overactive as his salivary gland may be, it always seemed to act up in the presence of another - more so when he grew excited. Tail whipped idly behind him as he glanced the female over, a bored look upon his features. She was nothing special to look at, honestly, save for her behemoth size. "What is it you seek, she-beast?" No eloquent pet name was given, nothing more than what she was.. a she-devil. He could read her, could understand how she worked - if only partially. Her little show had all but left his mind, he didn't care to know the intricate details. He wasn't even sure why he'd asked the question in the first place, he cared not for the answer. He had nothing left, nothing to care about except her.




04-06-2013, 02:04 AM

Whispers from the cage that had long since passed been bared, seemed to crack into her world. She closed her eyes for a moment, straining to hear them, what did they speak of? Her ears twitched in response to his words caressing her mind. It was as if he saw into her soul if only just for a moment. The stars had betrayed her. They had once told her that if she followed them with loyalty then they would guide her to what she wanted. What was it she wanted or rather who she wanted? Him. Her. Them. Her lost memories? They were all so far off into the unknown that she couldn?t begin to find the right door to open. She felt a pang of mourning hint her heart as she nodded towards his words. Something had died in him hadn?t it? Something he wanted desperately to come back. Her lips pushed into a thin line. Her violet eyes almost burning with understanding, at least in her own manner, as she nodded.

?Life can be cruel.? Was all she said in response to his words. How did she know? What was a broken mind? A thing set so far into illusions that sometimes this world and the last and the next all merged into come combined reality. His question was nothing and everything to her. She almost felt startled by the words. Anxiety rode her body hard for a moment as her vision faded into nothingness. ?Eyes that burn with death. That swallows souls by its masters bidding. A truth that cannot find its way into my heart no matter how many times I try to remember. A broken memory. A faded smell. A lost guardian. Always I am searching but can never truly know the answer to those questions.? She murmured, as if lost in her own mind. He had vanished as she reached for the cage that locked it all away. It protected her from the truth but pain was good! It was amazing to feel the bones break and the blood run dry. Why did it elude her so?

She shook her head as the world came back into her eyes and she found him there. Her ears twitched as she allowed the laugh to rip its way threw her throat. My, oh my, was she losing moments left and right. Only in her kingdom did she know who she was. Who she had become but who was she before? She couldn?t linger on the thought any long and so she dismissed all thoughts minus one. ?I search for others who search for me.? she mused, as if her former words had never happened. She remembered not the oddities of her conversation before this one. When her mind had collapsed on itself and left her exposed. ?Those that have nothing but want something and I care enough to give them a purpose.? She finished, her tail dancing behind her, as she looked him over. ?You care not for my words but seem lost like me. I don?t know if what I offer or search for can ease your heartache but I know it. Maybe not what caused it but I know the pain.? She said softly. She cared if he didn?t and maybe that would be enough or maybe that would be too much.

OOC: I am sorry this took so long but I absolutely love how it turned out. so not so sorry I waited.


04-06-2013, 05:10 PM

He was blind, and yet he could see. He was deaf, and yet he could hear. He was empty, and yet he felt filled to the brim with sadness, bitterness, anger, wrath, pure and sullen emotion. He was envious, and yet he cared, he was frightened, and yet he was brave. Everything about him contradicted itself, which therefore only brought the man further to his knees, if that were possible. A sigh ripped from his larynx, forcefully thrust upon the warm summer air. His body stood stony and stock-still, as if movement might somehow intensify the pain he felt deep in his chest. The only thing he'd ever known, the only one he'd ever loved could not even remember him, could not fathom who he was or that he'd ever even existed in the first place. She cringed in his presence, recoiled from his touch, and was so fragile he was sure just one stony stare might break her in half. Insides wretched as the one-eyed beast looked over the woman as she spoke a blatant phrase he might have expected from his father - were the demon still alive.

"Sure can," A silence fell between them, and he wondered if the harlot was seeking for a way out of the conversation. He wouldn't care if she left, hadn't really cared if she was there in the first place. He really ought to be getting back to her, back to his life, his love, his precious. But then the woman began to recite something, to chant as if her life depended upon it. Her words made little sense to him, but given the swimming state of his mind he was sure that even if she were to speak coherently he would not have understood it. She shook, great head of the she-beast rotating rapidly from side to side. Demon-posessed, he thought her to be, but it mattered to him not. He had his own demons to reckon with.

She would speak again, almost seeming to try to comfort him in her own unique way. Some of the words sunk in. She knew his pain, and yet, she did not. How could she? How could she even pretend to? A rage, a fury grew in his belly, morphing into a dragon that clawed at his insides. "You know not of my pain," he would spit at her, as if the taste of his words were detestable and wrong. As if speaking them was far more painful than what he was already enduring. Saliva would drip from the corner of his lips, where the top met the bottom, as he shot a glare in her direction with the one eye he still had.




04-07-2013, 06:27 AM

Rage, it was like a fine wine to her. So compelling and open for release. She wanted to reach for that rage. Give it an outlet. Maybe if he sang his sorrow with his teeth he could feel something more then just broken. She didn?t flinch when the rage rose from him and spit its way towards her. She merely blinked at him and couldn?t help the edge of hysterical laughter that threatened to push its way forth. ?Oh don?t I?? she said with mirth in her voice. Her violet eyes burned with excitement as she eyed him. Her tail flicked behind her and she moved towards him.

?When the world forgets. When they forget and then we forget. It?s all such a vicious cycle. You want what?s lost and so do I! They may be different but I know your eyes. They mirror my own.? She said with a dark smile. If he wanted to be angry she would give him a reason to be. Her ears twitched as she looked down on him. With her eyes that knew more then she realized. She was so in tuned to emotions and yet she never saw it. ?I want my heart back. You want yours or someone else?s. I don?t know which but that pain is so raw. And you think I don?t know it.? she all but laughed. Her deep chuckle vibrating up her throat. She couldn?t help it. He wanted to pretend she new nothing.

?Oh but you want me not to know. Why have someone to suffer with? Why not suffer alone? Is that why you turn from everyone? Why you only search for what you want. Don?t you want to feel something more then just ill emotions? It doesn?t change what?s broken or fix it, only that can come with time or not at all but something more can help you know. Anything is better then brooding. I know, I cried for her and him and them. My master, My lover, my sister, my old home, and all the while I wonder if it was ever real. Is yours real?? she asked, yet she knew she was treading on thin waters. He would strike or he would leave and which ever he did she would make him remember her. He could hate her or know her what ever the outcome they had met and it had been done. She didn?t know he searched for his loves memories. All she knew was that raw pain. It meant something.

She wondered if he burned to speak of it. To confess what ever it was that tore at him. She had lost her father and couldn?t remember how. All she saw was death lingering in the darkness with his soul and those burning orange eyes. She lost her guardian when resentment clouded her judgment and she had left her for dead. Her master and lover, Lothaire. She had almost loved him. It was right on the edge of her heart and so close but gone. All the while she woke up in some unknown location with her memories cloudy and thoughts of home unsure and missing. Where had they all gone? Where had they left her? Always they left her. It was any wonder she could stand with the weight of all the grief in her heart. Champion could see it; she seemed to be the only one in tuned to her. She knew it all like a second skin she wrapped herself tightly in. pain was her existence and she would make it her strength above everything else. She would fuck the pain until it knew not how to hurt her any longer.