
Song of Waves


03-20-2013, 09:22 PM

The end of winter was soon to come, but all life was frozen and gone. Deep on these sandy beaches was an unfamiliar structure, one that had been sitting for a time. The side of this structure read "S.S. Antiox," but what good was it for creatures that couldn't read? The boat had sat there, frozen into the sand for quite some time. Rarely ever did wolves come by here to visit the oddity of the land.
Sand kicked up behind the brutes paws, his stride only at a walk. He enjoyed coming to the beach often, the sound of waves was a soothing tone to his ears. But today instead of coming to enjoy it's peacefulness, he ran into a mysterious structure, the S.S. Antiox. It was washed up on shore just barley half of it sitting in the sand with low tide. So Genesis decided to explore.
As the brute approached the boat, he was fearless, brave; the male was frightened by nothing. An ocean that could surely take him in and drown him, or of course there could have been some lunatic hiding in the boat ready to attack it's pray. But Genesis just shot over to the structure, and he was ready to enter. He looked up at an entrance and thought a strategy through his mind.


03-23-2013, 11:03 PM

The lands around Glaciem had always drawn Ocena's curious gaze. Especially the strange, foreign structure locked in the deep ice not too far away from her home. So when Ocena found herswelf with nothing to do, she set off to wander and explore. These new lands that they had found were a curious place, and worth exploring, she figured. Especially the ones that were not too far away from her home.

When Ocena stumbled across the curious structure, she was surprised to see a brown figure standing just outside it. She hesitated for a moment, taking a few dainty steps back as she examined the wolf and the . . . thing. This was a strange, a strange place, to say the least. And it was curious to see another out here, clearly interested in this as well. In fact, the wolf seemed to be about to vanish into the entryway. Perhaps he was just as curious about this as Ocena was.

Padding a few steps closer with a flick of her plumy tail, Ocena opened her maw to greet the other. "Hello!" Ocena called out curiously, "You're a member of Glaciem, correct...?" The male smelled of the pack from which she hailed, though he did not look particularly familiar. Glaciem's ranks had been swelling lately, which made Ocena rather happy, but it did have one major downside; she did not know as many of the new wolves as she would have liked.

Or perhaps she was simply going insane and this wolf had no connection with her pack. Still, Ocena padded closer curiously, nostrils flaring as she sniffed the air. The frozen structure smelled no different than the rest of the land, but what did she expect? It seemed to have been there for as long as time, though there was no explanation for why. Normally, Ocena wasn't the most curious of wolves. But this stirred the curiosity within her. So with a glance in the other wolf's direction, Ocena padded a little bit further forward before coming to a stop, fixing mismatched eyes upon the other wolf.



04-09-2013, 03:58 PM

The sound of paw prints pressed against the frozen sand behind the chestnut male. Ice cracked under the wolves paw and Genesis turned to see who had approached. It was a beautiful dame that had curiously came to him. An absolute beauty she was of course, but then again that was all the dames Genesis came across.

If only Genesis knew the dame was taken, especially by the Alpha of his own home, would he have just let her alone? Of course not! All that was going through the hungry wolf's mind was that this was a young girl, and she was from his home.

The brute gave her a smile as words left his maw,

"Yes I am ma'am."

Genesis was a pure gentleman, and needles to say he was gorgeous. Who wouldn't want the brute? His eyes were a piercing icy deep blue. His fur was soft and almost never tangled. He was a charmer, he knew how to talk to woman. But the dame his eyes laid on was taken, and probably very loyal. But how could he have know that if he had just joined this home?

"I just joined Glaciem a few days ago, thought I'd go for a run around the territories close by."



04-17-2013, 05:49 PM

Ocena had to admit that she appreciated the politeness, even if it was a bit over the top. She wasn't much, honestly. Though it was a nice change of pace. The wolves of Glaciem were far from rude, but it had been a while since any were as polite as this brown male was. He seemed to be charming enough, and he was surely a newer member of Glaciem, something that Ocena was glad to see. "No need to call me ma'am." Ocena spoke lightly, flicking her tail easily as she addressed the male, "My name's Ocena. What's yours?" Here the female tilted her head slightly, tail wagging slightly as she forward, examining the imposing structure before them.

The words scrawled across its shell meant nothing to the petite female. Instead, what drew her eye was the strange structure. "What do you suppose this is?" Ocena asked almost absently, nostrils flaring as she tried to take in its scent. But she smelled nothing other than wolves and ice. Nothing that hinted as to this thing's origins. Now, Ocena wasn't the most curious of wolves, but it was an interesting mystery. It wouldn't consume her life or anything, but it would certainly be interesting.

She paused, distracted from her musing thoughts by Genesis' words. "Welcome to the Pack, then! I'm a hunter with Glaciem. What rank were you placed in?" Ocena tilted her head slightly, tail wagging a little. She was glad to meet a fellow member of Glaciem in these lands. "Have you seen anything interesting out here?" She queried of the other, glancing at him curiously.



04-17-2013, 07:02 PM

Genesis looked at Ocena and gave her a bow, respecting to be called by her name. "Well Ocena, I'm Genesis. I am a brave for Glaciem." He shot her another smile and joined her eyes up on the strange structure. It was something very foreign indeed. "Beats me." He looked back at her with salty blue eyes and responded, "I've seen...This..." as he chuckled and swatted it with his tail letting off a small vibration.

He looked back up at the entrance to the metal structure. He walked slowly toward it, went back to pouncing position, and leaped up into the doorway. He turned around and encouraged Ocena to come along, "Well, come on!"



04-22-2013, 06:59 PM

A lupine smile settled on Ocena's features as Genesis bowed slightly in her direction. Genesis, hmm? It was an interesting name, but the female committed it to memory all the same, tail flicking easily in the air as she watched the male move to smack the foreign structure with his tail. Echoes reverberated in the air and Ocena moved forward, swatting lightly at it with a paw. The reaction was much the same, but the sound of her claws against the substance made an interesting noise, one that had Ocena's nerves on edge. Hmm. That wasn't something she intended to repeat.

Backing up a few dainty steps, Ocena turned her head to glance in Genesis' direction, "Interesting," The female mused, flicking her tail slightly, "I've never seen anything quite like it, Genesis." Ocena mused absently, toying at the mystery of this strange structure as she settled back on her haunches, head tilting back so that she could take in the entirety of this structure.

She spent only a few moments settling like this when Genesis began to bound away, glancing back over his shoulder and summoning the female with a bold voice. "Right behind you!" Ocena responded swiftly, leaping to her paws and hurrying after the male. The light sound of her claws tapping against the floors echoed in the air as she padded a few dainty steps closer to Genesis, unwilling to get separated from her companion in this strange structure. "I wonder if there are any other wolves in here..." Ocena mused absently, ears flicking about almost nervously.

It was harder to see inside this strange structure than Ocena was willing to admit. She didn't want to put her weakness out in the open like that, so instead of mentioning anything about the blind eye, Ocena kept her other senses on high alert, ears straining to pick up any sounds around her, and her nostrils constantly wide, drinking in as much air as possible. "This is . . . strange." Ocena spoke softly, her voice surprisingly loud in the cool air.
