

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-20-2013, 05:07 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

she paced nervously across the familiar planes of the revisited log, paws striking the seasoned wood with unnecessary force accenting every frustrated step. her muzzle was marred and warped with deep wrinkles caused from the ever-present lift of her lip in an eternal, silent snarl. audits were pinned so tightly against her skull that it was a wonder she could hear anything. at the end of each cycle she would pause to whine slightly as she swept her tongue across the flesh wounds that had been horrendously scored across his face, and then would continue on another round of pacing.

finally she settled down beside her companion, curling protectively about him. she took a deep breath, glaring around the small clearing where the last gathering of her wolves had taken place for any felines and finding none, and then lifted her lips to offer the atmosphere a summoning howl meant for any that would listen, though she hoped to summon those of her own pack.

it had started small. odd dung on the borders, few and far between claw marks upon a tree here and there... she hadn't thought much of it. a couple had carried different scents, sure, but it wasn't often that she had encountered the same scent twice. now she cursed herself for her negligence toward the signs. impatience boiled within her nervous gut and she shifted uncomfortably, spoiling the nasty set of wounds that her companion bore with another gentle, concerned lap of her tongue.

"stop fussing," he snarled at her, but despite his harsh words and demeanor his timbre was soft and understanding. she succumbed to his wishes and dropped her head onto her paws, waiting from her perch upon the log for members of her pack that were in the area.

? 297 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
If you haven't read this yet, go ahead and read it and the requirements. It would be easier for everyone if all of the pack members posted in this thread, but if you'd like some additional plotting with your event on your own, go ahead.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-20-2013, 05:56 PM

It had begun like any other plague might have. Slowly they had been creeping in, disregarding the borders. Predators were a part of life, but not this many. His limbs burned from running, having narrowly escaped a young panther while gathering herbs. Dirt and debris coated his frame, but he had neither the time nor the will to stop and clean it. Wandering on his own was certainly not a good plan, he needed to get out of visibility. Anywhere he turned there could be a predator lurking. His nose wrinkled at the stench of feline piss, wanting desperately to vomit. However, that was another stench he could scarcely stand, and so he trotted past the aromas.

A call rang out, summoning Ludicael. The Agua would rush to her aid, hoping that the blasted felines had not cornered her or otherwise caused her harm. A responding howl ripped from his throat as the flesh over his canines tightened instinctively. He could smell cat stench all through the territory, and he wasn't happy about it. Tail lashed behind him as he nearly flew onto the scene, spotting her atop a log. Sterling eyes scanned the nearby area, but no cats seemed to be lurking around. He let out a sigh and approached, not daring to sit down for fear of sudden attack.

A pretty thing like you shouldn't be out here all alo -- Vocals cut off mid-sentence as he noted the scars on her companion's face. Tone would shift to one very unlike his normal don't-care-about-anything one. Were you attacked? It was mostly rhetorical, meaning to ask about the nature of the attack rather than to seek a simple yes or no. He knew that there had to have been an attack, or Mercury would not be injured as he was.

Damned cats, he muttered just loud enough for her to hear. Tail lashed behind him as the skin over his fangs creeped upward, revealing the pearly white incisors. The flesh would slide back down as he voiced yet again. There's not a place inside our borders I haven't stumbled across their stinking piss. There's got to be more than six or seven. Nose wrinkled in disgust as serious eyes sought her gaze.


Jupiter I


7 Years
03-20-2013, 06:24 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

a familiar howl brought her immediately to her paws in anticipation, ears pressing forward and muscles tense. she couldn't quite pinpoint its owner, even though she absolutely knew that it had touched her ears once before. she discontinued the relentless racking of her own brains to prevent a headache and waited. a flash of alabaster suddenly into the small clearing that was their seemingly common gathering place and almost immediately jupiter's jaws closed gently around mercury's scruff, picking him up as she lunged from her perch but softly setting him down upon landing. the lass wasted no time in stepping forward, making a move to momentarily bury her face into his neck before withdrawing.

for reasons that, though he would probably assume otherwise, were completely nonsexual, marvel was the best wolf she could have seen right then. the lass was endlessly worried sick for her companion as the wounds had been bleeding profusely earlier and she had just gotten them to stop before she had come here. she would have sent for him then and there but in her panic her judgement had been reasonably clouded. mercury slumped into an exhausted position where he had been left, and jupiter quickly leaped to his side, settling down beside him and crooning with worry and protectiveness.

"yeah, one caught me by surprise, but he managed to drive it off after he got its paw. i'm pretty sure he broke it, but i'm not sure, but either way it won't be coming around him again for a little while." her nose was thoroughly wrinkled with disdain, and she turned her celestial eyes back upon marvel. "it's worrying. god dammit, i saw the signs... i should have done something." she hung her head a bit, but then shook it quickly so that she could straighten. now wasn't a time to wallow in self-pity. she hoped that some others would come soon so that they could decide on a plan of action.

"can you treat him? wait, but i'd rather you not go alone with herbs." she fretted a bit as she glanced at him and the open wound upon his flesh.

"i'll hide myself if you go, don't worry about me," he proposed. jupiter once more sought marvel's eyes with her own, taking a deep breath to calm herself.

? 385 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
kind of jumbly/rambly, sorry.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-20-2013, 09:12 PM
[mature for language]

Sterling silver eyes would travel to the gashes on the devil's face. He had been hit pretty hard by the wrong end of a cat. Another reason Marvel hated the beasts. They were behemoth felines that could pack a powerful punch, and almost always left behind bad wounds. The wolves of Ludicael were in for some hell if they didn't do something about these pussies. A smirk would cross his face as he thought of the word. This wasn't the time. As her face buried in the plush fur of his neck, the smirk would widen ever so slightly. A fire burned somewhere south of his border as he returned the pressure she offered him, only to realize she was pulling away. A sigh would slip from his lips before he could retract it, but he probably wouldn't have tried to anyway. She turned back to her companion, the little thing looked horrible as she coddled it in a motherly way. Marvel tried to imagine what it must like to have her wrap her form around him as she was doing to Mercury. But it was best not to think about those things while still in her company.

She spoke, her voice sending the fire that had begun burning long ago into a flurry of ash and intense heat. What was this magic she possessed? She told her tale which ended rather abruptly. It appeared the little thing could really pack a punch. He suspected the she-wolf could as well. That was something he hoped he'd never find out for sure. She began to sulk and the Agua moved forward, brushing his nose gently against her shoulder, preparing to speak before she voiced first. She wanted healing for Mercury. Of course, why hadn't he thought of it sooner? She seemed fretful though, that he would be attacked. That was a definite possibility. As Mercury spoke up Marvel nodded slightly. Even with the smell of his wounds, they aren't likely to find him. They'll be seeking out more edible prey. He turned to Mercury, No offense, He hadn't meant anything by the fact that he'd said the creature wasn't edible, but he wasn't sure how bad of a temper the little thing might have, and so he covered all of his bases.

I saw a bush of elderberries not far from here, they'll help with his pain. Back toward the dens there is some aloe vera growing, I'm not certain how much but there ought to be enough to treat those gashes. He would take a tentative step forward, and then set off immediately, knowing she would follow. Marvel took less than ordinary routes, ones that were hardly even beaten down like the more frequently traveled. He hoped that by staying off of the ordinary paths, that the cats might not be able to stalk them and get an attack out before the pair could get ready. His pace quickened, filled with urgency - and for a rare time in his life - fear. The alabaster man was practically sprinting by the time he reached the grove of elderberry bushes. He would turn to the Sol and speak almost commandingly. Only pick the reddest ones, we don't want to take the pinker ones because they wont have the healing properties yet. Try to get at least a dozen, and be sure not to crush them in your jaws. Giving orders wasn't all that natural for him, but he knew that in a situation like this, it was necessary. The man set his eyes upon the bushes, sterling orbs expertly picking out the ripest berries for picking and stashing between deadly jaws.



03-20-2013, 10:34 PM

[Image: S0oLtIBE.jpg]

The strong scent of blood hung in the air, wherever she seemed to go. The thick stench, reeking of iron, crept without warning into the feline's nostrils, mixed thickly with the scent of the wolves that inhabited the territory. All around her, the scents were accompanied quite unpleasantly by the markings they seemed to leave all around. A single female cougar, accompanied by a young cub, found herself skirting the wolf pack's territory. She was aware of the other felines who had begun to take a liking to this particular land, and was just as aware of the damage they had done to some of the canines who had claimed this land as their own.

The tawny female moved skillfully from the underbrush as her eyes scanned the distant horizon. Beside her, her cub began to move as well, pressed against its mother for protection. Paws carried her slender form under the cover of fallen tree limbs, under thick shrubbery as her twitching nose found the scent of the wounded creature. It was not a wolf, but the scent was ridden with an awful smell that she was sure was of canine origin. Her cub purred innocent;y as the boy rubbed his face against the short fur of his mother's side. With a sly smile she would continue on, her target destination obvious.

As she approached them, the cougar's pale green eyes gleamed as she caught sight in the distance. Though nocturnal by nature, the smell of blood had awoken her easily from her slumber. The silent creature would stalk the duo carefully, each paw placed carefully on the ground as she made her way closer to the beasts. Even the gentle breath escaping from her unhinged jaws was so silent it seemed as though the creature was hardly breathing at all, as she crouched with her cub beside her, eying the canines with an undeniable hunger. Though darkness would've been beneficial to her, the cougar was stealthy and alert as she crouched in the protective embrace of the vegetation, green eyes unblinking and aware. The two wolves seemed to be fretting over a much smaller creature, and their very scents were heavy with nervousness and -- was it fear that she smelled?

Aria I


03-21-2013, 08:05 PM
A call rang out, summoning Ludicael. The Agua would rush to her aid, hoping that the blasted felines had not cornered her or otherwise caused her harm. A responding howl ripped from his throat as the flesh She had noticed something different about Ludicael, a new smell had been splashed here and there. At first she was clueless as to what it was, perhaps prey animals had sprayed or one had died from some disease but she saw it. Large cats, she had seen them a pawful of times but didn't realize how big and dangerous they were until she saw two of them fighting one day. They just strolled right into the claimed land as if they didn't even smell the markers, killing animals and defecatig all over and spraying. Were they taunting the wolves? Were they doing this because they could easily take them out one on on?

Aria had been sliding through the land, running from one bush to another. Listening, scenting the air for the cats. A couple minutes ago she had been trying to hunt an animal for the pack when a cat suddenly brust out of nowhere and stole the animal. Where Aria ran up to try and scare it off, the animal had whipped around and lashed out, the claws making contact on her shoulder. She did not go to Marvel immediately because it wasn't serious, just a little bit of bleeding. At the moment she was sitting behind a bush, ears swiveling to te side debating on if she should see if any wolf was nearby or head back to camp. Suddenly a call rang out, the shewolf turning her head in the direction it came from. "Jupiter." She recognized who it belonged to and immediately lifted her head to the sky and answered back, quickly pushing herself up and heading for her Sol's location.

The Lunav moved quickly, paws skimming over the earth as she was in a full run. She did not pay attention to what was around her, the scent of cats filling her nose but no signs of them being caught in her green eyes. Within miutes she found herself just yards from her leader and Ludicael's healer, along with Jupiter's companion. Even though she was a good distance away she could tell something was wrong with the little guy, blood was in the air and she only assumed it was him because Marvel and Jupiter looked just fine. Then again, not all injuries could be seen on the surface.

Instead or rushing over the shewolf stood there with ehr head held high, green eyes scanning the area before she would make her move. She carefully scented the air while ears swiveled in different directions, green eyes making sure to go over everything so she didn't acidently miss a cat that may be lurking somewhere.Finally after a few moments she gave a bark to the two wolves, paws moving but eyes still scanning. "Are you guys alright? I smell blood!" She barked, approaching the two with a bit of worry in her voice but also anger for one of her packmates beig harmed by these damned cats.



03-21-2013, 08:59 PM
The scents were strong and very potent. Their own scent markings were far different than any canines' scent. It struck fear in the young adult's heart. It wasn't for his own protection but that of his pack and his dear friend Luana. There had to be at least five of the creatures. It was a daunting thought. He'd only seen a large cat a couple of times. Even then it was from a distance. He'd known well enough to stay away. Stories had also been told. They attacked with not only their teeth but razor sharp claws. One wolf couldn't take one on, and if you encountered one you were bound to get messed up.

The boy was careful about where he walked. He avoided walking in the night when they seemed to be the most active, and he hardly ever walked alone. Lately though he was becoming more and more edgy. He'd pace back and forth, growl a little bit, red eyes would stare out at the landscape of Ludicael warily waiting for something to suddenly attack him.

This day would prove to only heighten his nervousness. The smell of blood only made it worse. It was the companion that their Sol had with her. Mercury. A different scent shifted on the breeze and it caught the gray and white male's attention. Ears pricked forward and his snout began to wrinkle in a silent snarl. White teeth glistened before blackened gums lowered themselves to hide his incisors. The howl of his Alpha caught his attention, but not for long. The boy set out in their direction but made a wide detour. He was more interested in the scent of two felines.

Black nose went downwards as he followed the scents. Ears flicked back and forth with paranoia as he began tracking them. Silent paws moved his almost fully grown body slowly forward. He made sure not to make a single sound for fear they would hear them. He could see them now. Whether they could hear them was a mystery but he could clearly see a mother and her cub. His chest tightened. This was a risky move but he knew they were stalking his companions. More importantly his Alpha.

The teen stopped a little ways away still making sure he was completely silent. His stance widened and he rocked back and forth on uneasy paws as he prepared to run away. This felt so stupid but perhaps it could help them. His sharp nose had followed this pair of cats this far. The others in the pack that had gathered probably didn't know they were there. So this was for the greater good. His head lowered and red eyes set themselves on the felines before he let out a series of loud barks to scare both animals. He wouldn't risk an attack. Not without the pack. He was inexperienced and therefore that meant more injuries. For now he'd play a nice distraction.


03-22-2013, 01:55 AM
Luana's tan form dipped into the cool, clean water, sinking beneath the surface seemingly without care. The dame had discovered a secret love for the water and she indulged in it quite often. She had been yet to be scolded for it and so she continued. Onyx eyes blinked up at the surface of the water. Her fur, soft and well taken care of, floating around her. She was near full grown, having almost completely grown into her paws. She sti'l missed her mother but had given up all hope of ever seeing the woman again.

Her spine touched the bottom of the river and she relaxed. Muscles loosing their tension. She supposed it didn't matter, Cetotorah was her family now. He had found her, turned a pack of strangers into a home. She knew she would fight beside him until her dying breath left her, where Ceto was, she would be. It was fact, like the breathing of air or the need to eat or drink. Cetotorah was simply another piece of her and one that she could not live without.

She turned, paws pressing into the sands and pushing off and up, carrying her body to the surface of the rippling pool. The dame trudged from the river, shaking her pelt clear and stalking forward. The strong scent of blood reached her nose and muffled voices. Her ears careened forward and her eyes snapped to attention. Marvel and Jupiter, she could hear them speaking animatedly back and forth but couldn't decipher the words.

She bolted forward, long legs carrying her body with the beginnings of grace and fluidity. She was beaten by Aria and she could scent Ceto on the winds, he was near but not approaching. She stopped a few feet short of Jupiter and the medic, uneasily coming to a halt, she was no healer, but if they needed her aide she would be here.

"Can I help?" Her voice was soft, gentle, she did not wish to make a noisy appearance, if they needed her they would ask. She would be ready, awaiting a command.


03-22-2013, 07:12 PM
Felines. Felines everywhere. The fact that there were so many of them had Frino keeping himself out of trouble, keeping to himself instead of flirting it up with every available wolf. The lean creature was clearly no fighter and he wasn't exactly about to go challenge any of the felines for their prey. Let them have what they wanted, that was his view on it! Why bother fighting them? They would surely get bored and leave soon. He certainly would have gotten bored.

Still, Frino had emerged from his current hideaway when a loud howl echoed on the horizon, drawing the creature from wherever he had been lurking, avoiding the attention of his pack. Silvery tail twitching, he padded along contentedly, clearly in no rush. He wandered through the heart of Ludicael's territory, avoiding whatever areas had the thickest feline scent. Disgusting creatures. Why couldn't they be civilized like wolves were?

He was a little late reaching the gathering, padding up behind a solid majority of their pack. Maybe next time he'd pick a hiding place closer to the pack camp. Filing a mental note on that, Frino twitched his ears, a contented noise rumbling deep in his chest as he padded forward slowly. "My beautiful Sol," Frino practically purred the words out, winking in her direction as he padded a little closer, "I know that all of us are offering our assistance at this point in time..." He paused, glancing at the other wolves in turn. This was perfect. A dramatic entrance was one of Frino's favorite things. "But I will do anything that you desire." An appreciative glance was cast in Marvel's direction as well as Frino rocked back a little bit, ears swivelling about as he examined the other arrivals.

All were wolves that he recognized from something or another. Marvel, the rather handsome healer. The two pups. And . . . Alia? Alianara? She was rather attractive, he had to admit. She didn't have the outlandish, extravagant beauty of his Sol, but it was there. Hey, everyone was beautiful, in their own way. And he wasn't one to be picky about the kind of beauty in his life. Though Frino had pretty much written off the pups, in all honesty. They weren't as interesting as the other pack members.

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-23-2013, 02:31 AM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

he had never been known to be docile or soft-hearted, and he had no plans on making a reputation for himself as a being with a hidden side of kindness anytime soon. because of this, when it came down to it and marvel threw what was meant as a compliment at him, the tasmanian devil hissed at the light-furred creature and grumpily turned his back. the sol rolled her eyes at him, and she moved with the motions of her orbs, turning to watch marvel as he began to depart.

jupiter made a move to follow her auga, but before they re-entered the mangroves she stopped, optics turning backwards to seek out her companion as if something could have already happened to him when she was a few steps away. the lass spied his rear retreating into the shadows as he bumbled and squeezed through the small gaps in the upturned roots of the fallen tree. she relaxed a little, reassured that he would be safe in such a spot, but still hesitated before finally trailing after marvel, keeping at his hip but also maintaining a relatively formal amount of distance between them, listening closely. there was an odd gait in his step that she hadn't seen on a wolf in a while, and it worried her a tad. the cool and calm marvel, nervous? she hadn't been around him much, but his own amorous brand of charisma was contagious and smooth. she could hardly bring herself to believe that he was unnerved by these cats, though she couldn't really blame him.

the femme, though powerful in some areas, was and would probably always be weak in other portions of her skill bank. the pace that the lithe wolf before her gradually threw himself into quickly became one she could not keep up with. a body built for strength was not one built for speed, and one of neutral endurance. "slow down," came a quiet call from the caboose that was the male's alpha as she trailed reasonably behind. many would find shame in admitting weakness to a lower rank, but she knew her strengths, and sprinting was not one of them.

relief took the place of any building irritation that might have even begun to plague the corner of her conscience as they reached the location he had specified. she blinked at the plants before her, tilting her head as she attentively drank in his instructions, and then took it upon herself to follow them without purposeful fault. with the gentle grip one would use when playing with a child, jupiter held the specified berries in her mouth. how ironic that the jaws that had torn through flesh to earn this land now tenderly cradled a bunch of berries from it. if one were to view the whole situation from an outside perspective with only this moment in their scope of vision, it would seem as if she had fought for a pacifist, maternal position, when in reality, it was the exact opposite, as it seemed.

jupiter had stepped forward, about to make a move to lead the return to mercury at her own pace, when aria had appeared on the scene, the sol's name dropping from the lips of the other. another wave of relief found its way into the alpha's conscience, causing her to lower the bunch of berries carefully to the ground and set them at her own paws. her celestial gaze flicked nearly immediately to the smudge or red upon the shoulder of the ambitious lunav, audits angling backwards and expression undergoing a metamorphosis, changing drastically from pleased to distressed. would every cat score those she held dear in one way or another?

before she could advance upon her pack member to inquire about her health, another familiar individual stepped forth, and her gaze fell next upon the youthful features of luana. the tail end to this wave of members seemed to end shortly after luana's helpful inquiry, bringing frino onto the scene. as usual, he brought a set of his own flirtatious comments with him.

for a few moments, jupiter was genuinely stunned. she glanced from wolf to wolf, hardly able to believe that they were all here and that she wasn't just imagining it. it was as if they'd all appeared at once on command, condensing from the shadows and emerging near to submit themselves to her lead. so this is what it's like... to be followed. her eyes took one last trip around the gathered creatures, and then she nodded, engaging in a single, neutral exchange between her lungs and the atmosphere to calm her racing thoughts. yes, she thought, and now it's my turn to lead.

jupiter straightened, auds pressing forward as she thought for a moment. "alright, we'll need some sort of plan, i assume. rather, it'd be best. i'd prefer it if none of you traveled alone." her path of sight momentarily brushed aria's slight wound, and then marvel's features, and then it returned to its patrol about those gathered. "um... hm." she focused on aria for a moment, and then on frino. "if we can avoid it, i'd rather it not come to it, but should we be forced into an offensive plan, i'd suggest that we clear out the northwest and southwest parts of the territory. the river separates everything, so if we can just get some of them along the water's edge, maybe we can drive them out?" she had been considering sending the two aforementioned wolves out to scout, but then thought better. even groups of two might not be safe.

it was here that she once more took note of luana, and noticed that the lass was missing something. hadn't she and the cetotorah lad been practically linked at the hip the last time she'd seen them? her mind had taken inventory of those present enough to know that he was not among them. "luana, have you seen--" it was then that a bark sounded terribly nearby, and the sol jumped at the sound...

? 1010 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
i know, this is a bad and ramble-y post, sorry. DX

sorry if it seemed like i powerplayed some of you, but jup and marvel were away from mercury, so it was either i powerplay by forcing a character to come along or powerplay less by putting them with jupiter and marvel. cx sorry. c: anyway, same as last thread, since there's more than just jup and marvel now; don't post twice between jupiter posts so that people can get their posts in~ that is, unless you're nyx with the NPC account, in which case you can reply whenever, especially since there might be some battling going on soon.

oh, but NPC gets next post, no exceptions, since nyx has a lot to reply to~

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-25-2013, 02:30 PM
The overwhelming aroma of the canines was not only infuriating, but slightly nauseating as well. Beside the cougar, her cub hissed softly, as though feeling its mothers anger as its own. The wolf who seemed to be in charge of the wolves had called for its slaves to arrive, and so they came. The cat sighed inwardly, completely ignorant of the hierarchy of wolf packs. Following others, being followed, taking and giving orders... it seemed so useless to her. Her nose wrinkled in irritation as she crouched lower to the ground, growing restless as the wolves approached one by one.

Before long one of the larger wolves barked a warning at them, one who was much closer than the others. Her green eyes widened slightly, surprised that they had been noticed in the protective underbrush. A hiss of her own escaped her mouth, a nearly silent warning for him to leave her be. He seemed preoccupied with caring for his friends anyway, and the sinister look faded from the feline's face slowly.

Adrenaline coursed through the creature's body. Though the canine kept his distance, he still did not retreat. Perhaps he was trying to scare her off? If only they would let her be, but the canines seemed to have a false sense of ownership over the land that they inhabited.

Gently nudging her cub who seemed attach to her hip, the female pushed off with her strong back legs. Her cub followed in suit, the half-grown male following his mother's lead. The female was nimble, and was sure she could catch up to the wolf who had caught sight of her with ease. Then, it would be a matter of his strength against her agility. The cougar would aim to pounce on the male's back, aiming unsurprisingly for his neck, her claws extended from large paws her jaws parted, revealing sharp teeth. Beside her the smaller cub would aim to nip at the wolf's legs, following his mother's lead...



03-25-2013, 07:08 PM

The boy stood still with his head lowered and feet braced apart for balance. His tail stuck out parallel to the ground for balance as well and his lips raised up over his teeth in a silent snarl. A low growl rumbled in his chest in warning. He was hoping it'd be enough to intimidate it so the female and her cub would leave. It didn't seem as though that was gonna happen any time soon.

Instead the creature went on the offensive and attempted to land on his back and attack his neck. The boy side stepped to avoid her attack, but the cougar was faster than him. Her claws ripped into his shoulder and rib cage tearing into him rather deep. A pained yelp left him at the wound. Damn her claws hurt!

The young male cat went for his legs and Ceto danced backwards in attempt to avoid him. It was easier simply because her cub was smaller. He was also wounded and wouldn't be able to avoid the much faster predators. He spared a glance to his heavily bleeding shoulder and ribs. Dammit this freakin hurts.

The boy continued to retreat backwards and his head instinctively went downwards once more to protect his throat. He had to hold out until the others came. He knew that they had at least heard him bark and the yelp would have most certainly gotten their attention.

Determined to at least get one good shot in he lunged forward, teeth bared and eyes alight with something akin to revenge, he attempted to bite the mother's face quickly. If all went well he'd hit her and then retreat just as quickly as he struck. He didn't want her to actually get a hold on him. Once she did he knew he was finished. He would also have to keep an eye on her child.



03-25-2013, 08:28 PM

Jupiter was forgotten. The wounded creature was forgotten. Every law, regulation and demand she had been taught abandoned her mind. Seracia, Alacritis, her mother, every piece of information her brain had ever stored fled her. Panic and raw fear flew into golden orbs and the blood drained from her face as a yelp tore through the air. Cetotorah. His name and his cry of pain tore through her brain like a macabre mantra, and the dame was gone.

Nimble legs propelled her bodice forward before the rest of the wolves could so much as bark a command. Luana flew faster than she had ever sprinted before, leaving her companions far behind her in the dust. Adrenaline tore through her veins like a freight train, fueling her body, harder, faster, stronger. Cetotorah was in trouble. He needed her and she would damned, come hell or hhigh water if she did not come.

A roar ripped from her larynx, the fully grown dame bursting from the trees, lunging for the smaller of the felines, teeth and claws barred, aiming for its back right haunch. She would rip the thing to pieces or she would damn well die trying.



03-26-2013, 02:07 PM

It hadn't occurred to him that the sol might be having trouble keeping up. It hadn't occurred to him that his quick pace could only serve to wear them both down enough to become vulnerable to the cats. He only focused on the picking of the berries now, now that they were both stationary and set on their mission. He knew others would come, he had come, hadn't he? Marvel only wanted to be sure they got back in time to intercept any other wolves that would respond to the sol. It seemed, however, that everyone arrived and swarmed upon them at once. Marvel would drop his own stash of berries at his paws and pivot to take in the group, noting Aria, Luana, and Frino. Another flashed into his memory, but he could not recall the name. A young lad, he had come to the meeting with Luana. He had been one of the few that hadn't asked for a high rank during joining. Where was he? Surely he wasn't being fool enough to go after the cats.. perhaps he was just slower than the others.

The Sol began to speak, addressing the crowd that had formed and giving a semi-plan of action should it become necessary. His eyes focused upon the injured Aria, who's shoulder was torn and a rusty red in color. It would need treating, but he couldn't very well do it in the open. She would need to rest, to be immobile when he treated that limb, which would require her being back in the dens where she would be safe from predators. However, it didn't take long for a bark to send his mind elsewhere. Someone was in trouble, and from the sound of it, it was that young lad. The girl raced off, and Marvel found himself bellowing after her. NO! But it was too late, she'd disappeared into the mangroves. Sterling eyes would shoot to the Sol. We have to go after them! They are too young to fend off the cats alone. He would then shift his gaze to the male, Frino was it? You, let's go! Orders were not natural for him to give, but they were necessary in a time such as this. He would never ask one of the women to go and fight, but the man.. he had to grow a pair and stand up for his land, his home.

Without bothering to see if the man would take action, Marvel set off into the forest, abandoning the berries and the others. Alone he would sprint at full speed, trying to follow the trail the female had taken. Luana, what a fool to go after him by herself! And Cetotorah, how could he attack the cat without any assistance? A snarl rippled from tight lips as the man burst onto the scene, finding a large female cat about to spring upon Cetotorah's back. Her cub aimed for his paws in attempt to trip him up. Luana launched herself at the younger feline, Marvel was thankful for this. The Agua shifted his weight and kicked off, aiming to meet the cat in mid-air in hopes of knocking her trajectory off-course and away from Cetotorah. Get away, run now! He bellowed loudly as his frame soared toward the feline. He wasn't certain who he had aimed his order at, but he hoped someone would listen to it, particularly the male who was already hurt.


Aria I


03-27-2013, 05:28 PM
When she had approached, Aria noticed Jupiter with berries in her mouth. Before even reaching them she knew somebody was injured, the smell of blood strong in the air but unsure of who it was from. Scanning over the two with green eyes she discovered that neither of the two had injuries, the plants must have been for her companion, Mercury. Quickly she turned looking for him, was he badly injured? Would he be alright even with his blood strong in the air? What if it attracted unwanted guests? They would need to move him as soon as possible, if he stayed here too long then a feline may come along and try snatching him up for a snack. Even with the wolves here, the felines were stronger than they looked and she wouldn't forget that. She quickly shook her head, if he was badly wounded then Marvel and Jupiter would be more worried and the Sol would not have left his side, she would be with him making sure he was okay.

It was then that she noticed the leader's eyes fall to her shoulder, her own green eyes traveling down her chest and over to look at the wound she had received on her shoulder not long ago. It had begun to crust over but with her movements it had reopened and blood was slowly starting to ooze up and into her fur. The only thing bothering her was a slight sting from the wind going against it but other than that she felt fine, perhaps it was because of the adrenaline. Whatever it was she did not have time to think about it, she was more worried for her pack mates and wanting to know if they were alright. "It is nothing, just a scratch." She directed to Jupiter who had been looking at Aria's wound. She quickly looked over at Marvel, she hoped he would not mention her wound. It was nothing serious and could wait till later, right now the pack needed to get together and figure out a plan. She did not have the time to have it treated and just lay around while the others dealt with this mess. She would go against orders if she had to.

Suddenly a new scent filled her nose, the shewolf turned her head to be greeted with the sight of the young shewolf, Luana. Alone. Wasn't a male usually with her, what was his name... Cetor, Cetorio, Cetotorah? Yes, Cetotoah. Green eyes scanned the area, the male was not with her. Had they been separated and he was looking for her? Or did a feline catch him off guard? The thought made a low growl rumble in the back of her throat, what was causing them to suddenly come here? The pack had just come together not long ago and already something like this was going on. What timing.

Then another member showed up, Frino. Her ears went back and lips slightly rose, she hoped he would not be his usual self in a time like this. He needed to be serious, there was no time to fool around when something so serious was going on. Not really paying attention to him she turned her attention back to her Sol, ears swiveling forward as she began to speak. They needed a plan, Aria gave a nod of her head to this. Indeed, they really needed one if they wanted to do something about these felines. Not traveling alone was a smart thing, more so common sense. A feline could easily take them out one on one, if they were paired then they would at least stand a better chance and possibly be able to drive off a feline. It was certainly better than being alone, doing that was just asking for you to be attacked and killed. Suddenly she felt her Sol's gaze run over her wound again, only causing the shewolf to hold her head high. She was tough, an would fight to protect her pack, no matter the cost. This was nothing to her and she didn't want her to be worried about such a small injury. Now she spoke of a plan, suggesting that they clear out parts of the land to drive the felines out along the river. She gave a nod of her head to this, green eyes looking over the others before refocusing on Jupiter. It wasn't a major plan but it was something to start with, better than standing around waiting for these cats to leave on their own which she doubted would happen since there was a good food supply. Why would they leave? Especially when they could easily overpower a wolf and scatter a pack, they were creatures to be feared and respected for their speed and strength.

In the middle of Jupiter's sentence a bark suddenly reached their ears, causing her to jump. Instead of being frightened, Aria's head suddenly turned in the direction it came from. The only one missing here was Cetotorah, and she was sure that was his voice they just heard. There was no other wolves here, so who else would it be? Aria was about to turn to the Sol, seeing what her orders would be but Luana suddenly took off. Fear immediately rushed through her body, images flashing through her head of the young female trying to help her companion but being horribly torn to pieces with Aria arriving too late to help. She quickly shook her head of these images, pushing them away. Now was not the time to think of that, they would be alright. Aria and the others would arrive in time to help the young wolves, distracting the cat so that they could run off to the dens where it was safe. Right after Luana, Marvel took off after the pup. "Marvel!" She barked, he needed to stay back in case they got injured. He needed to stay back and out of harms way! What would they do without a healer! Let her, Frino and Jupiter take care of this! Yes he was a male and could fight for himself but no other wolf had stepped forward to be Ludicael's healer, what would they do without him?

With a quick glance to her Sol and Frino, Aria suddenly lunged forward after them, not waiting for an order. She needed to act quickly, she needed to get to the wolves as soon as possible so that nobody would get hurt. "Frino, come on! Don't just stand there!" She barked over her shoulder with irritation, she did not remember what his rank was but he needed to come with her and help Marvel and the pups before something terrible happened. Those two and Jupiter were the ones who needed to be protecting the healer and pups, not the other way around.

She pushed herself as hard a she could to go as fast as she could to reach the three wolves before they got seriously injured, or worse. Killed. The only good thing about today, the weather. There was no foul, cold winds nipping at her body. No snow in her way, slowing her down. The ground was hard, not damp or mushy that would cause her to trip and get tangled up. It wasn't until now that she realized how hard and fast her heart was beating, the blood in her ears creating a roaring sound as she ran. Paws drummed against the ground, body pushing through any plants that got in her way, ending up broken or crushed. She didn't have time to think about it, she just needed to run, run as fast as she could. She pushed her body forward, ears folding back for less resistance. Finally she jumped over a small log, landing with a thud on the other side to come upon Cetotorah going at a feline, Luana going after it's cub and Marvel jumping at the larger feline.

"Ceto! Take Luana and get out of here. We will handle this!" She quickly barked to them. Aria had only been standing there for what seemed like a split second, everything going in slow motion. She quickly moved, ran forward just as Marvel threw himself at the feline. A snarl erupted from her jaws, lips pulling back to reveal fangs and gums. This feline would get it, attacking her pack was something you shouldn't do. If she didn't manage to make this cat regret setting its eyes on these wolves, she would surely try to leave a mark for it to remember her and its failed attempt to claim a Ludicael wolf's life.

She had ran forward, paws moving carefully. She did not lunge at the feline like Marvel and Luana had. No, she was moving around them. Looking, searching for a vulnerable spot that she could attack. She knew the danger these wolves were putting themselves in, and she wasn't standing back to let them just be attacked. Once there was an opening she would move fast and strike as hard as she could, even with how heavy she was breathing. She tried to control herself, body tense but trying to relax slightly so her shaking would stop. Funny, she did not notice how much she was shaking before.


03-28-2013, 01:55 PM
Frino's ears twitched a little as his Sol began to speak, tilting his head a little as he looked in the female's direction, gaze focusing on hers. It was a pretty impressive thing for him that he kept his eyes locked on her form instead of allowing them to wander, to dance across Aria and the others. As tempting as it was, he controlled himself, tail curling a little as he committed his Sol's words to memory. His head dipped slightly as she spoke, a nonverbal acceptance of the plan that she had spoken. That was easy enough to remember. Don't travel alone; if there should be a fight, clear out the north and southwest. Nothing too complicated. Even Frino could handle that.

And then, a bark came. A warning. Ears flicked and the male turned towards the source of the sound, padding forward a few steps to find his gaze settling on Luana as she raced away. Cougars. Damn it all. This was going to end badly. A shiver danced up Frino's spine even as Marvel turned towards the male, barking out an order at Frino to go. Damn. This wasn't going to end well. Cougars could easily take out this dainty little male, and yet, for the first time in living memory, he felt almost . . . protective.

This was a first. Still, if he got any scars, he was going to be pissed. Then again, it would land him under Marvel's care for a little while... So it couldn't be that bad.

The thought of being taken care of by the white male gave Frino the energy to leap forward, teeth bared in a vicious snarl as he launched himself forward. Claws dug into the earth to push him forward as Aria spoke. His ears flicked in her direction, but he paid her little mind as he flung himself forward, racing towards the source of the bark.

Everyone had already told the pups to get out, so he flicked his ears, casting a quick glance their way before turning his attention elsewhere. They would leave or they wouldn't. It was not his problem.

Pacing forward at a slightly slower pace, Frino examined the battle scene swiftly. Marvel had launched himself at the larger creature, while Luana aimed for the smaller one. Now, Marvel would likely need the most help, which meant that Frino was going to have to help with the bigger one. Aria didn't seem to have joined the general fray as of yet, so that left him.

But Marvel was jumping at the cat, leaving little room for Frino to get involved without causing more trouble. And besides, one look at those nasty claws assured Frino that he didn't want to take any unnecessary risks. So he padded, aiming to move in a slow circle around feline and wolves, coming to a stop behind the feline. How this panned out would determine his next move, but Frino was already crouching down, claws digging into the soil as he locked his gaze upon the cougar, ready for action the second that Marvel and the feline had landed and he could get involved without causing more damage than he would inflict.

Ears swivelled wildly as they tried to pick up everything, and Frino shifted his weight a little, ready for action. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to do much, but a minor injury that got him some care from Marvel wouldn't be too bad... It was only if it left scars that Frino would be cranky.

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-30-2013, 11:56 AM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

the alpha was stunned as everyone flew from her sight, and she could only watch, frozen by shock, as the battalion of members she had so carefully tried to assemble and guide flew from her sight and into the forest after the trouble-making feline. not a millisecond after they bolted in pursuit, her body moved of its own accord, mind still reeling at the turn of events that had just spun into her path. the lupine creature was hot on their trail as they fled, mind recovering soon after her legs began to pump and carry her forward. she came upon a scene that made her cringe--most of her wolves trying to fight a cougar and its cub, both of which that had apparently been dangerously nearby before cetotorah had tried to ward them away. she was endlessly graceful for his help, but was also now ceaselessly worried for his safety.

already marvel and frino had made their attacks, and with luana charging the youth, there was no way that she could even get near either of the creatures without getting in the way or hurting someone else. the battlefield that had just been established was now far too crowded to force anymore combatants into, but the lass was dangerously aware of a single fact, and that was that with luana going after the mother's cub, the maternal figure wouldn't hesitate for a bit to tear luana from limb to limb while protecting it.

"luana! watch out!" she roared, unsure as to if the mother would attack but anticipating such a move. if her experience with nursing animals had told her anything, it was that female parents would go to absolutely no end to protect their children, even if it meant their own deaths. the lass would charge forward, aiming to put herself between the quarreling group that was the battle with the adult cougar and luana and her target. she kept her eye on the mother, hoping that luana could handle the cub in case jupiter had to battle the parent to keep her from ripping one of her younger members apart.

? 353 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
gosh, i'm so, so, sorry for the wait, guys. DX

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-10-2013, 06:16 PM
Her first attack had lanced perfectly on Cetotorah. Sharp claws pierced his tough hide, tearing deeply into the canine's flesh. The cougar was immediately rewarded with the gratification of the beast's warm blood oozing down her paws and into her mouth. She failed to get a good grasp on his neck, though her jaws snapped threatening in the air in front of him. Most of her energy was spent digging her claws deeper into the wolf, tearing relentlessly at his side with one of her paws. Another male had found them, and though he pounced on her, her grip on the one called Ceto was strong. Behind her, her pup nipped at the wolf's back legs, though the male was backing up, making his advances useless.

Before she could react, the creature lunged forward, snapping at her face. A hiss escaped her throat as his attack landed perfectly on her cheek, drawing blood easily.

And then the wolves began to pour in. The pack mentality of wolves was something she would never fully understand. A flash of white entered her vision as a female lunged at her cub, jaws wrapping about the youngster's back leg. Rage would engulf her as her maternal instincts kicked in and her attention was directed to Luana. Powerful back legs kicked off from the solid earth below, her jaws aiming to land on the female's neck, tail held straight behind her as her extended claws sought to find traction on the wolf's sides. However, a female interjected, aiming to protect the younger wolf -- her attack was aimed at Jupiter instead, seeking to strike her throat and claw ferociously at her neck.

Another female then arrived, Aria, though a quick glance at this wolf told her she would not pounce. A scream left the cat's mouth, an awful piercing sound that echoed loudly with the fury welling inside her. She began to feel anxious with the growing number of wolves gathering around her, despite her confidence that she could outrun the mob if need be. Still she focused on Jupiter, worry growing as the other female, Luana, was open to snap at her cub.


04-11-2013, 11:40 AM

It was all a flurry of motion, of fur and frenzy and snarls and growls. It seemed like he hung in the air for hours, paws and claws extended, ears tucked back, jaws unhinged and agape. He had no clue if he'd even aimed properly before leaping, it had simply been instinct. At times, instinct could be a good thing, but other times it could be the death of a wolf. Often, wolves had to act on more than just instinct, but he had not had the time. These foolish children had taken on a fully grown cougar and her cub, and he had to fix their mess, if he could. Only, he wasn't sure that even a team of wolves could out-muscle this mother and son.

He would collide with her full force, his body slamming into hers more abruptly than he'd initially intended. However, she didn't seem too put-off by his whole weight hitting hers. She managed to keep her balance, and he merely managed a simple snap at her face for a distraction. It didn't do much, as Ceto was still in her grasp. But Marvel had another plan. Instantaneously he retreated from the flurry, sterling gaze seeking the Sol. Not immediately finding her, Marvel barked out an order, wondering if anyone would - or could - listen over all of this commotion. All of you, retreat to a safe distance and start barking. Make as much noise as you can! It probably sounded foolish, but the tone in which he used said he was not to be trifled with. They had better listen, all of them. This would work, he was sure of it. The cat would be distracted and disoriented by all the noise, and would try to escape for fear of their united front. This leaping one by one would never lead to success, but a chorus of hellhounds might do the trick. Marvel started it off, barking as loud as he could, over and over.




04-11-2013, 03:27 PM

His shoulder and ribs bled profusely as he backed off once the others came. Red eyes followed the mother as she attempted to attack Luana. He tensed, ready to at least run forward and take a hut for her while she attacked the young cub, but Jupiter intervened and Ceto relaxed slightly content to fall back a bit and let the older and more experienced wolves do the fighting. He wouldn't have to be told twice, not unless Luana's life was in danger.

He moved backwards, limping, trying to avoid putting his full weight on his injured side and shoulder. He expected a scolding later, for now he wanted to help by staying out of the way of the others so they could fight a better battle than he would.

Marvel was attacking the cougar with such ferocity that Ceto couldn't help but watch. He would use this as a learning experience for the future. He would watch the way the cat fought and store it away in his memory in case he ever came across them again. He would also see how Jupiter and the others fought. He wanted to learn and he wanted to learn fast so this wouldn't happen again.

Ears pricked forward with interest and slight apprehension as Marvel barked out an order. His tone suggested that he didn't want anyone to argue against him. Shrugging off the awkwardness of it all he obliged and then began a series of loud barks. It was odd to him considering he was used to his own silence, but he continued his furious growls and barks in an attempt to see if it would help at all.
