
No longer me! I am Someone elce.


03-20-2013, 09:59 AM

Waking up to a stormy day, thunder was roaring across the mountains of Alacritis. Tikaani sat up in the den, and looked around to only find the absence of her mother. Her nose pulled up the scent of her mother, it was over ten hours since she had last been here. Tikaani stood up in a hurry, She sniffed the air, the den, and even out in the rain, trying to pick up a recent scent of her mother. It was no use, The scent was old, very old, Everywhere there was no recent scent of her mother. The storm Roared louder even now, it seemed like the earth felt her sorrow and rage.

Lightning struck right in front of her, Yet Tikaani did not flinch. She stood there, her green eyes glared in to the rain and beyond all in her vision's path. Emotions consumed her body as thoughts raced through her mind. The yearling did not know what to do, she was alone, by her self, yes there was the pack still, but it will never fix the sorrow that begun to consume her. To make it worse, Terror begun to speak to her. The pain that usually would bug her, was nothing but a little prick of annoyance.

"Well, well, it looks like mommy had abandoned her ungrateful daughter."Terror hissed "You do know the reason as to why she left.... Don't you Tikaani." A chuckle escaped Terror's lips. "Oh!"She said "I see that you don't know the reason.... Poor, poor, child. All alone with out your mommy to protect you." Terror let out a viscous laugh. " See Tikaani, You mother left you, because you are a worthless scum on the mole of your mother's existence. She wanted nothing to do with you, and frankly i can see why." Terror laughed some more. To her this was all great fun."You are weak, and always be weak. I am strong, and i am the right ruler of this mind, and body."

Tikaani just stood there and listened to Terror talk to her. Every word that Terror said was true, she was a worthless excuse of a wolf. Her mother was strong, and she was nothing like her mother. She was weak and pathetic,Tikaani knew what she had to do. It was her fault that her mother left and now it was up to her to let Terror take full control. With that maybe, just maybe she will have a chance, a chance to become strong, strong just like her mother. "Ok Terror, ok You win, Takeover and make me strong" She said as her head hung low. Tikaani was about to change, change for the better, or that is what Terror made it sound like. A sharp pain raced through her body as Terror begun to take control over her. A yelp escaped Tikaani's lips as she fell into the mud, her body quivered, and soon Terror consumed all of her.

Standing up, Tikaani's eyes showed evil, anger, and most of all devilish. She raised her head up to the air and let out a howl, It raddled through out the mountains, a shrill of evil, and sorrow it was. A lightning strike came right down upon her face. It struck her right eye and she only flinched a little bit. She opened her eye to find out there was no vision in her right eye. She had gone blind in that eye, and along with that was a scar that ran across her right eye and on to her snout.Tikaani let out a laugh and just laughed. She was now something that others only see in nightmares.


03-21-2013, 05:30 PM
It felt good to be home. After many weary travels, Zarzenova felt more at ease, and ready for a good interlude from the world. With leaded feet, she walked over the border and into the realms of Tortuga. The alabaster female just meandered about, her mind closing off, her body wanting to shut down. No, not until you reach your den. Whispering to herself. Staggering forth, the female came upon a voice. It was hard to hear for the rain was pounding and thunder sounded. Only lightening brightened up the sky. Curiosity took over. The princess made way to the voice, which followed an eerie howl. It was ghostly and caused her to cease movement. Watching from the sidelines, Zarzenova beheld a strange metamorphous. Not knowing what to do, she stood and watched. Just watched and hoped she could slink away unnoticed.




03-22-2013, 05:44 AM

The rain had soaked her pelt, her fur hanged down on her, heavy with the burden of being abandoned.Tikaani's head hung low as her bright green eyes glared off into the never ending storm. Her ears pinned to her head as the sound of a guest, to her party approached her. Her eyes looked over to the side at the female. The only thing that moved on her were her eyes and her ears, even though she did not turn her head she was watching the fea. Her gaze was focused on the fea and Tikaani wanted to have some fun with her.Just some toying around, some cat an mouse games.

Tikaani turned around, her eyes narrowed, ears pinned, and gaze locked on the fea. She walked closer to the other, her paws gently hit the ground, mud under her paws splattered up in the air with every step. Her head was low and she only bared part of her teeth. She was ready for this game, and She knew it will be so much fun."Oh.., it seems a little fly, had gotten caught in my web." She spoke in a aery voice. Tikaani knew that this fea was only a year older than her, but she see's everyone as her prey.

A Chuckle bubbled up out of her throat, It was great joy to see fear in her prey. Her eyes looked at the fea, and her lips curled up in to a grimes smile."See, you had just got caught in my web. I am the grim reaper, and your my next target." She let out a bellow of laughter. The rain was poring down even harder now. Lightning struck a merely few inches from them, but it did not faze Tikaani not one bit. Her right eye was a grey color, indicating no life in it at all. The newly fresh scare was still bleeding from when she got struck with lighting. Droplets of blood ran down her maw, she took her tongue and licked the blood off of her pelt."MMM" She said as her gaze got more tense on the fea. "I wonder what your blood tastes like?! She said with a chuckle.

This was a great deal of fun, the daemon that dwells with in her was ecstatic."Humm may be i should try some. She said as she lunged at the fea, her teeth snapped a few inches from the fea's mouth. Tikaani laughed some more. This was so much fun, and it just filled her with pure joy. She licked the maw of the fea, as she pulled back you could hear a slight mmmmm escape her maw. "Well that surly dose taste wonderful." She chuckled. A mouse and cat game it was indeed.


03-22-2013, 03:53 PM
Zarzenova had thought she was hidden, that she had been quiet. Yet this beast knew she was here and approached her. Fear struck her heart. Normally the female would have reacted in such a situation, but this time was different. She felt paralyzed. Her feet seemed to have glued themselves to the earth. She hardly noticed as mud collected at her paws, dirtying her fur. Do something! her mind shouted. No, she had become a mute zombie, staring at her captors eyes.

The devil, as Zarzenova referred her as, spoke again, again calling her a fly in its web. Then stating it ws the grim reaper. This struck Zarzenova as odd. Wasn?t the grim reaper a creature in black coming to claim the souls of the dying? This lupine before her was brown, and nowhere near the description of the ?grim reaper?. Deciding this was some pup gone awry, her courage built up. The wolf had laughed as lightning struck the ground nearby. Zarzenova stepped forward, showing her fear was dwindling. As blood ran down her tormentors face, wiped clean by tongue. Her blood? What was said was disturbing. Why would this wolf want to feast on her blood?? The beast lunged, snapping its teeth mere inches from her mouth. Taken aback, she started to back off. What had she been told? Don?t mess with the insane; they will only drag you down. Should she call for help? That was the last thing she wanted, was to be saved. She could deal with this herself, and she would. For Zarzenova was the Princess of Tortuga.
What do you want? Most importantly, who are you? Speaking softly, as if the world would do her no harm is her questions had gone unanswered.




03-23-2013, 10:09 AM

Tikaani chuckled at the fea's words. What did she want? And who she was. Those words just made her laugh even harder now. Something about this fea made her want to toy around some more. Tikaani ran her tongue around her maw as she stood there eying the dame. What will she do, would she play cat and mouse some more or throw up a conversation. A grimes smile emerged from her maw, She will do both. how fun would that be. Conversation and the game, Such a delight. Tikaani took a seat and looked at the fea, and in a bone chilling voice she spoke to her. "What do i want, oh nothing much. just the basics, you know, The sound and fell of bones crushing beneath my jaws. Mostly the taste of warm ooozing blood, sliding down my throat." She chuckled.

Tikaani licked her paw and gazed back up at the Fea. "As for who i am i told you i am the grim reaper." She said as she stood up and walked closer tot he fea there maws almost touched. She ran her tongue across the fea's face. She pulled back and smiled, "Well you do taste good now" She said as she glared at the other wolf. This was fun oh how she loved to toy around with others. Her tail swayed as she stood there looking at the fea. Tikaani could tell that the dame was trying to remain calm, but by the looks of it it seems like she was doing decent.

"So tell me Fea, who do i have in my presence. Company is quite nice in a storm like this." She said as she begun to walk a bit. Tikaani was not sure as to why this fea had come, was it curiosity, or just her luck. What ever it was it was a delight to the blood thirsty, female. So much question from both sides, but what Tikaani wanted more is to sink her fangs into the female. She wanted to feel the blood running down her flesh and throat. It was almost orgasmic just to think about it.