
Make Your Move

Leon I


11 Years
03-19-2013, 12:55 PM
Fight is for Chrysanthe. If you wish to spectate you may, but don't interfere in the spar, kthnx.

It was early morning, as early as the man normally awakened. Patrolling was on the roster for later in the day, but he would start with stretching his muscles just a bit. A spar was in order, and he had the perfect candidate in mind. It had been heard through one route or another that his cousin, Chrysanthe, had been engaging in quite a few spars in the battlefield. Leon hated leaving Valhalla for long, but he hoped that she might take him up on his offer here on their home turf, where each could learn and adapt to fighting in - and eventually for - their beloved Valhalla. Blue eyes would slowly shut as his cranium lifted upward, singing a song for his cousin. His tone was light, and perhaps just a bit eager. If she chose not to come he would understand. She was a beta in training, and no doubt had a lot to do. He, on the other hand, really did hope she would come. A spar would be a nice event, not just for the two of them, but for any other Valhallans who wanted to watch the action.

He'd just been named Lead Warrior, and already Leon was calling forth a spar. He hoped it wouldn't seem too eager, but in all truth he was rusty at best at fighting. He hadn't fought in a very long time, and a spar would be a good warm-up in case - god forbid - someone were to threaten his home and family. Leon was certain it would be a good way to spend time with his cousin as well. He'd recently gotten to visit with Epiphron, and wanted to see Chrysanthe, and then eventually the boys as well. His family meant everything to him. Leon thought about these things as he stood near the center of Valhalla, a placid smile on his face and a gentle wag in his tail.




03-19-2013, 01:52 PM

Mornings were quiet in Valhalla. Chrysanthe loved them, but there was little about her home that she hadn't with time come to enjoy. A little over a season here, and she knew that there was no place like home, no matter the wandering that she took to from time to time. Her blue eyes peeked open with the sun, glimpsing the first rays of the day's light. It was time to get up - to move, to patrol and get into whatever trouble that life would see fit for the day. She expected another simple quiet morning in her relatively new home.

What she got was Leon's call. Her cousin, the pack's current lead warrior, he really wanted to spar with her? The yearling grinned, ivory teeth peeking from behind dark lips. Tilting her head back she let out a short, somewhat rough howl back. She would love to train with him! There was nothing better than doing a bit of scrappling with family. Never did you have to worry about their intentions or where they came from like you did on the battlefield. A simple spar could quickly become a match for dominance or even something darker, deadlier when you weren't careful. She was sure that if she had stuck around and fought more with the dark stranger she had met before, that he would have tried to kill her.

She hadn't gone back to the battlefield to spar since.

Leon though, was a different story. He was someone she trusted, and so little anxiousness and much excitement bubbled up within her chest. When she found him near the heart of the territory, she barked a quick hello before launching at him, roughly nuzzling into his side. "Leon! You dare challenge your beta to a match?" She laughed, her tail wagging behind her. She was only teasing - and once they started sparring she knew that he wouldn't be easy to beat if she managed to beat him at all. Surely he was more experienced, and she honestly expected to learn more from him than actually be a challenge herself.

But that didn't mean she wouldn't take the chance to have a bit of fun.

"It's good to see you - we haven't gotten to talk much since moving in here." It was a shame, but one that they were correcting as they spoke. "So how about four rounds? Nothing too serious, but don't go too easy on me." She was younger, less experienced, but she had a bit of size on the other male. A couple of inches in height and nearly even in weight.

Table by Lutara <3

Leon I


11 Years
03-19-2013, 05:59 PM

Haunch would rock back into a sitting position as he awaited his beloved cousin, the lass in which he - regrettably - had not had much personal time with. He remembered her when she was just a pup, but scarcely since the move had the two of them had any sort of a relationship. As her brusque returning call rang out, his ears perked, honing in on her direction about the time that she arrived on the scene. It had not taken her long at all. A smile grew on his lips, mirroring hers that was already present on her pretty face. A gentle dip of the head was given as he stood to his paws at once, greeting her with a light chuff. His tail wagged quickly at her opening remark, one of his own rolling from his tongue with ease. "I've been known to do some foolish things," A twinkle danced in his eyes.

He took a step nearer to her, only for ease of speaking and nothing more. "It's a shame I haven't seen you more often, I hope this might make up for that." He would listen to her terms, nodding in silent agreement before voicing it as such. "Works for me, but keep in mind I pay little attention to rounds. This is all about practice for me, I've gotten a bit rusty, and this new title demands someone who is ever-prepared." A serious gleam would take over his mask, remaining there for a moment before being overtaken by a sly smile. "But don't think you can best me just because i'm a bit rusty," he would state with obvious jest in his voice. The knight would tense just then, mentally preparing himself, but his physical side remained ever-relaxed. This was all in fun. "Ladies first," he would remark as his tail switched from side to side eagerly.




03-26-2013, 04:42 PM
He seemed happy to see her - and that was enough to keep Chrysanthe in a good mood. His eyes shone as he spoke, humor in his words and visage. He had a good nature, one that Chrysanthe could see rubbing off on anyone that he came across. It was already working on her - she grinned as he spoke of making up for lost time. Oh this would definitely do - what was better than a good scuffle between family? As for Leon's response to her rules suggestions, it was all fine with her. He didn't pay attention to rounds, which only made things more interesting. That pegged onto him being rusty, and she being new but more recently practiced made this seem like a fun even match for the both of them.

He smiled, his lips pulling into something sly - and Chrysanthe held back laughter at his words. "Take you lightly? Why, I would never!" She barked back, no longer trying to be serious. As the spar went on, she was sure that she would fall into that familiar adrenaline rush that kept her pushing on - but for now she was excited. The warrior gave her permission to start, and Chrysanthe immediately fell into what she had adopted as a fighting stance. Her eyes were narrowed -albeit playfully - and her ears pulled back as she stared the male down. Her head was lowered like that of a bull as she kept in mind that in a real fight she had to protect her throat, and her lower body was pulled closer to the ground as she prepared to pounce. The beta's back legs were squared for balance, her nails scraping at the ground as she prepared herself for battle. She turned toward him, and quickly closed the space between them as she jumped at him. They had been close enough to speak comfortably, so there wasn't much room between them to cover.

Her leap was aimed at the male's front, and Chrysanthe pushed herself up and toward the male's face. Her jaws aimed to nip at the male's left ear, her paws aimed to wrap around the male's neck in a "hugging" motion. Her tail was raised behind her, positioned to keep her balanced the best it could. The female was using this moment to test the other. To see how quickly Leon moved, how heavy he was and how hard he was to knock over. Using her height and weight wasn't something that the young female had tried just yet, but as she grew older, more into herself, it was definitely something that she would be able to use to her advantage.

Attacks: Bite to Leon's ear

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, Ears pulled back, nails for traction, head lowered over throat, lower body poised to spring, back legs squared, tail positioned for balance

Injuries: None yet.

Leon I


11 Years
03-26-2013, 09:45 PM

He would prepare himself as she did the same, limbs falling into line beneath him to provide for excellent balance. Ears tucked back protectively, and his eyes narrowed to thin - yet somehow comical - slits. His tail would wave out behind him until the time in which it needed to tuck, while his head would align itself parallel with his spine, elongating forward and craning down to protect his vitals. He knew there was no risk of an attack to his jugular in this battle, but one could never be too careful. Even a misaligned hit to that area could prove fatal. Their close proximity would allow the male very little time to react, but he was ever-prepared, half preferring the closeness over a larger playing field as he was used to. Close range fights like this were often very technical and focused, and would provide a lot of experience for the two warriors.

She sprung toward him. Her paw alignment gave her move away, and the slightly more experienced man shifted his weight back slightly to prepare himself. Jaws were ignored for the time being as he was more concerned with the grasp she was attempting to get around his neck. Should he let her succeed, she would surely keep her grip as long as possible. That could be deadly in a real fight. He liked close quarters, but not that close. As she neared him, jaws aiming for his left ear which was tucked protectively, and paws groping for his neck, Leon would allow her fangs to take their mark, glancing off of the side of his face very near his ear. Droplets of blood bubbled up to his flesh, trickling down the side of his face. They were few and far between, but very present. As more of his attention was focused upon her grabbing motion with her paws, Leon raised up slightly onto his back limbs and used his forepaws in attempt to block her advance. While he was doing so, his own fangs sought the right side of her face near her cheekbone. This area was heavily covered in fur, but he hoped to disturb it enough to make a slight impact.

Round 1 of 4

Attacks / Aiming to strike with his jaws on the right side of her face near her cheekbone.

Defenses / Eyes narrowed, ears tucked, tail flagged for balance, forelegs jutting out in front of him to keep her from being able to grasp his neck.

Injuries / Two small scratch marks on the side of his face just below his ear.




6 Years
03-27-2013, 09:25 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2013, 09:26 PM by Azalea.)

Azalea was not the morning type. The princess much preferred to sleep the hours away in a warm patch of sunlight. Her mother was sick and she had been rarely allowed to see her. The result to that was an increasingly more independent young wolf. It wasn't like Azalea was complaining, though she longed for her mother's company. There was little difference to be seen, regardless of Soleil being ill or not, the pup was growing up. She wasn't some helpless whelp anymore.

Her divine slumber was interrupted by the sound of howling. Small rounded ears pricked, twitching as the noise entered them, the vibrations rattling through her until she finally understood them. Lifting her head she looked around because somewhere not too far away Leon was challenging Chrysanthe to a fight. Honestly, she was alarmed, unaware that it was just for practice.

What would Collision think?! Not to mention Cairo!

She scrambled to her paws, not taking time to shake the dirt from her fur. Her pace was a hastened walk, shuffling through the lands towards Leon. Surely she would be scolded for this, a fight was no place for a pup, but she ignored her better judgement on this one. She could brave the lecture for a chance to view history in its making.

Reaching the scene of the soon to be crime, amber eyes surveyed the situation. She hid partially behind a tree, for her safety. What she saw was two wolves at ease, not tensed to tear each other apart. Chysanthe, who Azalea thought would look very fierce in battle, wagged her tail happily. Not a fang in view. "It's good to see you - we haven't gotten to talk much since moving in here." Her words were gentle, holding no anger. "So how about four rounds? Nothing too serious, but don't go too easy on me." The puppy's chest fell, jaw dropping open.

It was all a game!

What kind of madness was this?! She belly flopped to the ground, dragging a paw down over her face.

Eager eyes watched the two interacting. They bickered back and forth and then finally it seemed that a fight would ensue. "Ladies first," Leon stated making Azalea smile. However the smile was short lived as her face fixed up in thought. Without really realizing it, she had sat up and now moved to sit in front of the tree, clear in view. Her mind weighed heavy as she wondered if it mattered who started a fight, if one single factor like that could determine the outcome. From what she understood, real fights weren't planned and the first one to react was simply a matter of chance and/or will.

The Alphas' daughter was consumed as the two set to start. Chrysanthe had lowered her head and to Azalea it looked like she was attempting to stalk Leon despite the fact that he was looking right at her. She wondered why the female would do that? It seemed silly. Sillier yet was Chyrsanthe's weak attack.

The pale female, who looked much like Azalea, jumped at Leon, cuffing him like a she might do to her brothers. It was so... so... juvenile. She threw back her head, shoulders slumping. "Uuugghh." She complained. Where was the action?!

When she looked back again their positions had changed. She could smell the blood the seeped from Leon's new head wound but Chrysanthe had failed to get a good hold on him. Now Leon lifted off the ground, aiming at her face.

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03-28-2013, 12:01 AM
He had chosen to protect his body opposed to his ear. Chrysanthe nipped at the other, just enough to draw blood, but not nearly as viciously as she would have in a real fight. This was a spar, a test, and Leon was family. Perhaps this was a testiment to how the yearling had yet to grow - because putting herself into the same mentality with family as she would on the battlefield was near impossible. Yet her first move had admittedly been a test of Leon's strengths. She would have to learn quickly, take heed of his reactions. Her first fight had been with a woman that mirrored her attacks until the very end of their battle, surely Leon would have a different strategy. As she pounced him he moved himself upward, on his haunches - and attempted to block her advance with his legs alone. Somehow she had managed to reach his ear with the rest of her being pushed back - but his move had done it's job - and she failed to grasp his ear as hard as she could have.

If she had been any bigger, or had more momentum to her tackle, she would have barreled him over completely.

Yet with the way things were she drew back, her body falling to all four paws slightly to Leon's left. His snap to her face had been expected, and she tried to avoid the attack completely, but his teeth still pierced her skin over her cheek. Beneath her right eye, a scar that would heal quickly, be somewhat small beside her others, but one that in a real fight could have been blinding. She would have to be more careful. Her eyes were still narrowed at her cousin, but now she could see that Leon was a fighter that she could very well call crafty. His speed, and his strength had yet to be gauged, but that would happen in time. Their fight had only just begun.

As her feet hit the ground once more she wasted no time with her next movement. Her shoulders were rolled to protect her neck, her head lowered to protect her throat - but the female moved to slam her right shoulder into the brute's right side while he was still on or coming down from his haunches. Her tail was tucked behind her, and her hackles raised along her neck as the adrenaline slowly came seeping into her blood. Narrowed eyes took in his position, and the female tried her best to try and make the most of the situation. She barely noticed that her niece had come wandering over to watch, too focused on her current opponent. Her open jowls aimed to bite at Leon's right side, possibly near his stomach if she could reach. All four of her feet were on the ground, her toes digging into the ground to keep her where she stood.

defenses: hackles raised, shoulders rolled, toes digging into ground, jaws open, eyes narrowed, ears pulled back, tail tucked

attacks: slamming into Leon's right side to try and knock him off balance, biting at his right side, stomach

injuries: bitten near her cheek beneath her eye

Leon I


11 Years
03-28-2013, 09:17 PM

She had more experience than he'd anticipated, and already the man was beginning to think this was a far more even match than he'd expected it to be. That was no matter, he loved a good spar, particularly when the opponent was actually a challenge. Through narrowed slits of azure, Leon noted droplets of blood welling up on her cheek near her eye. it was a good thing he hadn't put any more effort into that attack or he might've really harmed the girl. The Lead Warrior would be sure to keep his adrenaline in check. The last thing he needed or wanted was to harm his cousin. He could feel a stinging sensation near his ear, and guessed that there was more than one wound there, possibly two if both of her canines had sunk in. But he didn't have time to think of those things in the current moment. He'd adjusted himself in the previous attack onto his back legs only, but it was time his balance was restored. Leon shifted his weight downward, leaning forward to use momentum and force in reuniting his front paws with the earth they were so accustomed to. During this effort, he felt her bodice slam into his quite abruptly. This maneuver had not been expected. He'd pinned Chrysanthe for a woman of speed and craft, not one to challenge with brute force.

The move, as unexpected as it was, was also quite beneficial for her. Leon, in such poor balance, had no choice but to try to pivot away from her, but it was too late. As paws hit the earth he found himself losing his balance once again, threatening to fall over if he didn't do something. Instinctively he would throw all of his weight to his opposite side - the left - in a wild and primal attempt at keeping from falling like a titan to the earth. Thankfully, the tactic would work, but only partially. Bruises riddled his shoulder and ribcage, and a sharp pain could be felt radiating from the sensitive area of his side located between his elbow and the start of his ribcage. Fangs sunk in, leaving four or more medium gashes upon the tender flesh. Blood rushed to the area and the man could not squelch the yelp that rippled up from his chest and out of his parted jaws. It was an unusual place to be bitten, and certainly would cause great pain in movement. Still, despite the pain noted by his yelp, the man's eyes glimmered with excitement and adrenaline. He did love a good fight, wounds and all. The two were parallel to one another, with her only slightly staggered behind him. Just behind his shoulder was where he estimated her head to be. Hoping that her head might still be lingering where it had when she'd bitten down on him, Leon's own crown serpentined to the side in search of a place on her muzzle to bite down. Doing this would require his neck to stretch quite a bit, but he was hoping that by attempting to bite her in this area, that he would block any attempt at his own neck or face due to her head being blocked by his fangs. However, she was agile and Leon knew anything was possible. He would not make the mistake of underestimating her again. Eyes were narrowed to tiny slits in case she attacked at his face, whilst his ears remained tucked protectively to his head, and his tail stayed flagged for balance. All four paws back on the earth, the man felt safer that his balance had returned. Fangs were bared as he waited for contact with her frame.

Round 2 of 4
Attacks / Jaws seeking to attack her face, specifically the muzzle.
Defenses / All four paws safely on the ground, ears tucked, eyes narrowed, tail flagged.
Injuries / Two small cuts on the side of his face near his ear, four medium depth gashes about 2" long each located on the human equivalent of the underarm.