
All The Same [open]


03-19-2013, 11:25 AM
Perhaps it was time and the descent into her older years that had weaned the dame off of the urge to kill. She no longer hunted for that thrill, that excitement. She still trained, daily, constantly, looking for things to stimulate both her body and her mind, but no more did she yearn to end another's life. Her audits careened backwards as her mismatched gaze hovered over the land of Tortuga. She had been unwaveringly loyal to this land since the moment Kaien had founded it and half the pack knew not even her name.

She did not mind. Solitary by nature she tended to cling to outer shell of the pack, speaking with only necessary and attending pack meetings only when they were called... and that was few and far between. Perhaps she would be more satisfied, more fulfilled if she had ventured out into the pack, but it was not her nature, such things had not been needed for an assassin and thus she was trained not to yearn for them. Silent, unnoticed, deadly. These were the things that encompassed her.

Lithe, powerful muscles carried her frame up the mountainside with ease. She was long but on the smaller side, making navigation of Tortuga's territory easy. She clambered up to the top of the mountain, perching herself upon the stones. One day, perhaps, Tortuga would have use of her particular skill set, an assassin truly had no purpose in a pack as distant and disjointed as Tortuga and yet here she perched. Waiting, watching, observing. She wondered vaguely if that would be enough.


03-19-2013, 04:15 PM

I was alone. I did not want to be bothered, nor left by myself. I was in a battle between my two halfs. I walked along the mountains side; thoughts ponder in my head. The feeling of uneasiness crept into my veins. With a coat of alabaster, it would seem I stuck out like a sore thumb. But with small features, and a slender body, I was unstoppable. With quick, cat like movements, I began the climb of the summit. I just wanted to be by myself and let my emotions overcome me. I could hide in peace up here; hoping father wouldn't come looking for me.

I felt cheated, I felt like my rightful place was snatched away from me. But no, I would not show that. I wouldn't let others know how betrayed I felt, or how it made my soul ache. It was my duty to the pack to help take care of them, even if it meant my suffering. I hated the company of the others, in fact I dislike most of my fellow people. I am a loner at heart, this does not bother me the least.

The top of the mountain is now within reach. I escalate higher and higher. The air feels cooler up here, more fresh and alive. Stopping, I inhale. I let the cleansing heavens wash over my body. It feels ever so wonderful! I open my eyes, my ears twitching. Someone is here. Peering around, I spot another creature. This beast was the same gender as I, but older. With dagger eyes, I stared her down. I watched her movements, her patterns before I approached. Walking up to her with my head held high, being the princess I should be.
Speak your peace, I know not who you are. I said in a scruffy snarl. She smelled of Tortuga, but it was best to be careful. One did not know who hated them or was after their destruction. This creature could simply be a wolf in sheep?s clothing.



Listened too//nothing

Notes//If you don't want me to write in first person let me know :p I can do either, but just wanted to change it up. Sorry >.<




03-23-2013, 11:52 PM
Cyanide listened as the sound of claws scraping across the rock reached her overly sensitive audits. She smelled of Tortuga, Cyanide did not move, no invader would have ever made it this far into the pack lands, of this she was sure of. Tortuga may not have been the most war hungry but the majority of its inhabitants were lethal, if not slightly psychotic in their ways. The female took her time approaching, obviously not having realized that someone else inhabited this area. They weren't large by the sound of their stride and the gentle ticking of claws, Cyanide did not mind, each character met was a new adventure or so it seemed.

The females hostile words reached her ears and Cyanide's face became expressionless as glass, entirely unreadable. She rose from her seated position and twisted her bodice to the right. Two toned gaze, eyes of deep blue and gold boring into the small ivory dame. For a moment she remained utterly silent. Her brain calculating her mass, body content versus fat content, possible skill sets, the best way to react to such maneuvers. A thousand miles an hour her mind raced and all within the span of a few seconds.

To the assassin, where one came from or who belonged to whom, mattered little. she did her job and obeyed only the alpha, she would not tolerate disrespect from anyone else and this barely there blip of a youngster would be no different. Jaws parted, pink tongue escaping to bend and twist as she spoke in tones smoother than honey. "It is customary to give one's own name before demanding another's."

{{{OOC: Feel free to write in whatever style you want dear!!!}}}


03-28-2013, 05:21 PM
As the creature before her arose from the ground; like a monster rising from an abyss, she noted her gaze and the placid look. The beast spoke, its vocals forming words. The wolf asked Zarzenova her name in a sense. It was plain that this one was older than she. Not much for respecting her elders, or anyone for that matter, she decided to answer the other female for the heck of it. My name is Zarzenova, daughter of Nnoitra, step sister of Kaien. Stating the obvious, or so she felt. Now I ask you, what is your name and stat your business. She said rather coldly. Zarzenova did not know if the wolf was a fellow pack member or an intruder. Just newly has she been roaming the boarders, stopping trespassers and keeping the good out.



04-01-2013, 12:20 PM
The multi hued dame watched with seemingly disinterest as the ivory dame drew closer to her. Two toned orbs narrowed in a fierce glare at the womans cold rudeness, she was tempted to kill her to silence her once and for all... was this what Tortuga had fallen too? Cold personalities who had not even the smallest of respect for its own members? How disheartening. Perhaps she had chosen her loyalties falsely. her countenance showed nothing of the thoughts that lingered in her head. Her ears pinned back against her skull and just as hollow and emotionless as before she allowed her jaws to part, words heavy and thick, falling from her maw. "Cyanide. I have been a part of Tortuga since its formation when you were not even a developed egg in your mothers womb. My buisness is my own."