
kiss with a fist


04-29-2013, 10:35 AM

"Well. Don't you just make a gal feel insignificant." The young she-wolf gazed up the length of a massive redwood, ears flicked back against her skull as she craned her neck backwards. Even then she could not discern the top, for the tree's gargantuan limbs disappeared into what seemed like an endless canopy of green dappled with golden sunlight. The rogue's nose twitched as she sniffed at the air, taking in the damp, piney scent of the giant before her. She could detect the bitter-sweet smell of moss, and the sharp aroma of pine sap. Never before had she witnessed such colossal titans, and despite herself, Viseria found that she was humbled by them. After a moment the rogue stepped away from the base of the redwood, lowering her head to sniff around the foliage at its base. Following her nose, the she-wolf moved forward with light, mincing paw-steps, absorbing the many new scents associated with this strange forest.

It wasn't long before the female stopped dead as the sharp, unmistakeable scent of pack borders assaulted her nose. Her fur bristled instinctively, and Viseria backed up a few steps, ears thrust forward as she cast mocha-brown eyes about for any sign of the pack that had marked these trees. Her own experienced with pack life had been less than ideal, and she could only assume that any tyrant that ruled these monolithic trees was every bit as ruthless as the bitch that had once been her alpha. The timber-colored rogue remained where she was, knowing that there was no use in trying to slink away -- no doubt her scent had already been noticed. At least she hadn't quite stepped over the pack's borders -- perhaps they would allow her to go her own way in peace.


04-29-2013, 06:16 PM


Someone was at the borders. Of course the problem was unavoidable, since their pack had been moved into this beautiful territory. It was a hot spot for all wolves to enjoy, especially those interested in joining a pack. The massive lord arose from the earth, shaking his ebony pelt clean of debris as he did so. Ears swerved forward, nose lifted to inhale the newcomers scent. Ah, a young female. Amenti needed more members. His body shifted, paws carrying him toward the border at a steady trot. If anyone were to meet this young gal, why not it be the alpha male himself? Newt was surely more than occupied with their litter, so he would take responsibility and do his duties. It took only but a few moments for him to reach the borders, and once he had, the girl came into view. She was pretty fine, and if the lad wasn't married he might have requested a piece of it himself. Newt had said he could run off with mistresses, but he had decided he would stay loyal. "You've come across the border of Amenti. What is your business stranger? His tone was solid and held no sounds of anger or displeasure. If she was in search of a pack he wouldn't risk chasing her off with a sour attitude.


04-30-2013, 02:28 PM

The big male was like a monolith himself, a large black form that detached itself from the shadows of the trees to approach her. His status as an Alpha was obvious in his very presence, and Viseria felt her own body react instinctively; head lowered slightly, ears flicked back, eyes shifting away from his face so as not to directly meet his gaze and be taken for a challenge. She couldn't help but notice the brilliance of his eyes -- such startling amethyst against a sea of ebony. She'd never encountered an Alpha male before, as the matriarch Lilith had not allowed any male near her. Viseria found herself hesitating before she responded, simply because she had no idea what to expect from this creature before her. There was no fear in her pause, no nervousness in the way her eyes slid like liquid over his face, never lingering long enough to be considered insolent. No, she was not afraid. Wary, perhaps, and quite aware of her status as a rogue. The only rogues she'd ever met had been torn apart for trespassing, and the she-wolf was quite determined that the same fate not befall her.

"Oh, you know, just sniffing about. I'm new to these parts, had no idea there was a pack here until your borders slapped me in the face." She offered Kaios a wry grin, tongue lolling briefly as though she found amusement in her own absentmindedness. See? No threat, here! Just your everyday rogue skulking about the shadows. "Name's Viseria. I mean no harm to you or yours." She didn't think to ask about the pack -- Lilith had been a territorial bitch, unwilling to allow rogues into her ranks unless she sought out them. Viseria could only assume that this was a universal attitude -- better safe than sorry, mmm?


05-01-2013, 07:02 PM


The lord stood tall, noting the females submissive behavior. Good, so she knew how to act in the presence of a king. That would certainly get her far if she decided to reside within Amenti. She seemed to study him, intrigued with what she saw. Had she ever been in the presence of a man like himself? He was stunning, graceful, something any female would die to have; and he knew it. Hell, if he was a female he'd fuck his former self a thousand times over. He was a lady killer. He took a step forward, his large frame towering over her own. His lips curled into a devilish smirk, his right brow raising. "I should kill you for trespassing... But I wont. You're too pretty for that." Charm; it was something he was pretty good at. Usually he just demanded girls, but every once in a while he would turn up the heat within them. It was all just a game. "Kaios, but you may call me lord. I am the alpha male of these lands." He paused for a moment, letting that information sink in. Was she looking for a home? He sure hoped so. He'd love seeing her around Amenti. "What exacly are you looking for, Viseria?" Her name dripped sweetly from his mouth. Oh, the things he would do to her... If he could.


05-03-2013, 05:13 AM
There was no mistaking the feral gleam in the ebony giant's eyes. But Viseria wasn't in heat, and she'd never been much interested in breeding in the first place, so she felt little attraction towards the big Alpha. Oh, there was no denying that he was the model of genetic perfection, she wouldn't deny that. And in response to his "compliment" she would allow an appropriate amount of shyness to creep into her expression, lest he think she wasn't flattered by his attention. He was a Lord, after all -- and didn't Lords and Ladies like to be reminded of how their subjects worshiped the very ground they tread upon? "I am most grateful for your generosity, Lord," she would say in response, and Viseria was quite proud of herself for managing to keep the sarcasm from her tone. There was something to be said for being raised by the sharp, unforgiving fangs of a tyrant - one learned a good deal of self-discipline.

The male's question brought about another pause from the rogue, this one thoughtful. What was she looking for? She hadn't intended to join another pack, but she found herself growing restless with all this wandering and isolation. She was a wolf. She was bred for pack life. Perhaps it was time for her to explore her options. "Anywhere but the place I came from," she would finally reply, her tone ringing with sincerity. "If it please you, Lord, I'd like to know more about your pack." There. She'd done it. Now to wait and see if he ripped her apart the way Lilith might have. Well. He might be big, but Viseria was a scrappy thing that could chase down even the most nimble of deer - she was born for the hunt, and her stature reflected that. Kaios would have to catch her before he could tear her throat out.

Somehow that last thought wasn't very comforting.


05-06-2013, 04:48 PM


The man rolled back onto his haunches, taking place before the she wolf. She was no threat, so he would let his guard down for a moment, but not entirely. If something else were to come across his borders he would be ready. He thought back to the words Newt have given him when describing their pack. "Amenti. We are the wolves of the shadows for hire. To take down those that deserves death. Those that I, and my wife, deem worthy of death. I will not have mindless killing or accept contracts of revenge but If there is a monster, a true monster, that needs to be put down then that is our job. Or other job is to protect those that cannot protect themselves or need help. We are within the Red Forest, an expanse cluster of towering redwood trees, matching the mammoth sized wolves within our territory." He looked up for a moment, noting all the enormous trees surrounding the two. "We chose to reside here because it sat well with our enormous pack members. Most of us are rather large, but we do appreciate a little guy or gal." It was true, almost every wolf in their pack was enormous in size. His wife, Newt, is the biggest wolf in the entire lands of Alacritis. But, that didn't mean they didn't need a little guy here and there. He waited, anticipating the woman's reply.