
Curiosities [open]


03-19-2013, 01:24 AM
Bizarre. The first word that entered her cranium as she gazed upon the desolate spit of land. It was small, the beginnings of what was sure to be yet another pack. How did she know? Quite simple. Borders had been marked. Wolves were peculiar creatures, marking territories and claiming lands... to what point and purpose? What good did an invisible line drawn in the dirt do you? Who gave you rights to the land? Did it truly matter who did what and where? If she padded across the territory what harm would she bring? None. It was all rather foolish in the dames perspective.

Her muscular torso danced along the borders edge, swaying back and forth with purpose. her thick pads scraped the territory line before lifting free as she traced the pack, getting a feel for its size. She snorted rather undignified after several prolonged minutes. What was the use of a border if one did not protect it? Was there some line of defense she did not see? She stepped over the border, half of her torso in and half of it out. Wolves did not descend upon her with a ravenous fury, no meteors reigned from the skies to strike her down, how very so...anti-climatic.

She retreated out of the so claimed pack territory, her onyx eyes glancing about the area with little to no interest. Her jaws spayed wide, head lowering to the earth and a cry like nothing any wolf had ever heard ripped free from her larynx. A cross between a bark and a high pitched screech. She grinned at the border and broke into a dull gallop, if nothing else, the noise would ruffle some feathers. Harlequin just wanted a bit of fun.

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-19-2013, 01:22 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

he was a creature of stealth despite his chubby build and stubby legs. an obsidian pelt laden with the scent of the territory had slipped under the senses of both sight and smell of many a creature, and as it seemed, this oddity was no different. having been sent to patrol this side of the border by his master, he would have been noticed had he not frozen instantly in place, under the protective hold of the shadows. in his hidden cove of darkness he watched with beady eyes, flinching as the creature stepped over the borders. he paused, hoping that the ugly-looking thing scrammed. it was then that the most horrendous of noises left the lips of the other, and as the ungainly individual set itself into a gallop, he made his move.

he responded with his own ear-wrenching cry--a blood-curdling, bone-chilling screech akin to that of nails upon a chalkboard, boldly lunging in the path of the entity despite their size differences. his fur stood on end, lessening that gap by making him appear larger, and yet not at all daunting to this intruder's size.

"what business do you have here?" he demanded, not even sure if the gross animal before him could understand his speech. "and none of that 'taking a walk' crap, either. i won't have it."


the lass sniffed at the tree, frowning at the faintness of the scent there. for good measure she rubbed her pelt upon every inch of it and went on her way. the sol flinched as two sounds met her ears in rapid succession; the first was nothing she had ever heard before and couldn't describe if she tried, but the second was very, very familiar--too familiar. immediately she was surging forth in the direction of the river, making her way down to the shallow part that was easy crossing and threw herself into the waters. jupiter flung a short howl in the direction that her companion's reply had come from, informing him that she was on her way.

? 339 words ?

[ o o c ; ]

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-19-2013, 02:37 PM
Harlequin was massive for a hyena, standing at a menacing thirty-two inches, of course here on this God forsaken spit of land she was average border lining small. But of course such things did not seem to matter too terribly much, she was built to bring down equine, powerful, thick muscles rippled towards the front of her frame she was not afraid of wolves in the slightest. Her boxy muzzle swooped around as a battle cry tore from the shrubs, her onyx orbs narrowing in on the placid creature as it skidded to a halt before her. Her ears pinned back towards her cranium, the sound grating against her nerves and dropped her head to better examine the small beast, paying no heed to its words.

She could snap it in two with one quick crunch of her jaws. Why did this all seem so humorous. A smile spread across her maw and she chuckled, low and deep within the confines of her chest at his apparent rage, an answering howl, echoing somewhere off behind her. So the little shit had friends did he? How intriguing. Wolves always were bizarre creatures. Her fur ruffled, the mohawk careening from side to side as she snorted.

"Business? I have no business with you aside from the fact that your body mars my path. What business do you have with me?" Her voice was deep, guttural, reverberating in the confines of her chest. Such amusements she discovered across these lands! She wondered, if this was their border patrol, who their alpha might be? A wombat perhaps? Just barely, did she manage to keep her laughter contained.

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-20-2013, 12:35 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

the tasmanian devil lifted his chin indignantly, puffing out his chest even though he faced some of the most powerful jaws in the animal kingdom, and also straightened his posture to take in a deep, unrestricted breath. if one were to take in the size of the small creature and compare it to the force of his bite, in proportion to his body the tasmanian devil was greater. if it came down to it, the lad was quite sure he could win the fight. or maybe that was his ego getting in the way.

"i have no time for a brat that happens to decide to go cavorting on the borders," he replied, voice calm in comparison to its earlier growling though it still held a sharp edge to it. "don't you have better things to do?" he asked, small ears flicking back a little as he looked the disproportional-looking creature up and down.

it was here that jupiter arrived, calmly emerging from the treeline despite the panic she had gone through a few moments ago as she had raced toward their location. she surveyed the situation with relative interest, gaze flicking from the odd being on her borders to the more familiar one standing stiffly before it. she flicked her tail to beckon mercury to her and the companion obeyed, hissing at what he considered a thing and nothing more as he passed.

"hello," she greeted curiously, tilting her head at the animal. she said nothing more, being honestly more interested in figuring out what it was rather than what it was doing.

? 264 words ?

[ o o c ; ]

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-23-2013, 01:36 AM
The beast narrowed its gaze upon the rodent... she cared little what it was, it did not frighten her and she doubted it could do much too her. It was a bold and brash thing for being so tiny. It should learn to watch its tongue and if Harlequin had been a lesser creature she would have began a fight, but as it were, the dame was only bemused, laughter falling from her larynx in the form of chuckles. Her thin tail, twining from side to side as she attempted to reign in her amusement. Onyx eyes would glitter in laughter and she lowered her head just out of his reach.

"Oh? And what do you have better to do? Catch rats or perhaps the common flea?" Laughter colored her tone as she returned his insult. The odd Mohawk aligning her spine, swaying from side to side as she shifted her weight bemused by the ferocity the creature displayed. "And deny the chance to engage in such riveting conversation with the likes of creatures like you? Never." Sarcasm fell thick in her tones, oozing like honey. She would not be treated with disrespect, she had done nothing to throw its pack in danger and as always psychotic wolves and their toys judged her before they even knew her name. She was reminded why she hated them so.

Their conversation was interrupted, plagued by another, the dame smelled heavily of the small creature, whatever it was and she assumed it belonged to her... whoever she was. Her tail flickered back and forth quickly as she contemplated silently. Finally jaws pulled apart, words falling from her lips with seemingly no emotion. "Hello. I assume you have come to claim the hairball?" She had spoken the words simply to pull a reaction from the creature, it seemed so easy to rile...

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-24-2013, 07:12 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

jupiter scrutinized the situation that this creature--and mercury--had put her into. this... this thing didn't quite seem like the best creature to trifle with. even from where she was standing she could see that it was armed with a nasty set of teeth, and if her predictions were correct, the jaw power behind them could probably amount to something terrifying. as the close friend of a tasmanian devil, jupiter had long ago learned that mother nature didn't create the stupidest-looking beings without giving them some weapon or feature that made others regret underestimating them. she had once made the mistake of underestimating mercury when she had found him as a hardly-weaned adolescent, and though the experience had resulted in their relationship now, jupiter was dangerously aware of the fact that the creature before her was no child.

a crafty smile crossed her features, ears erect but displaying neutral expression. "as always," she replied neutrally, though there was a hint of good humor in her tone. the femme stepped forward as she spoke, paw extending ahead of her to loop around the tasmanian devil's form and press upon his chest, drawing his hissing, spitting form back to her stomach while lowering down to sit on her haunches. her muscles remained taught and tensed, prepared to take an offensive or defensive stance should the troublemaker before her decide that violence was the best way to end this encounter. jupiter shot a glare at mercury to put an end to his aggressiveness, and the marsupial grudgingly withdrew further into his master's fur, nestling down to glare at the other mammal with beady onyx eyes from his den of shadows.

"i apologize. he's always a little grumpy," she enthused, rolling her eyes at him as he nipped gently but angrily at her for suddenly seeming to be on the ugly creature's side. "scratch that, extremely grumpy. and a sore loser. i'm sorry that he's been a bother to you." her gaze swept once quickly up the individual's form, and she pondered over what to do next. she could peacefully end this encounter or go about trying to recruit the thing, if it would accept the offer. speaking of which... "if you don't mind me asking, i've never seen one of your kind before, so i'm not quite sure as to what species you belong to." she paused, and then went on. "and to whom do i have the pleasure of speaking to?"

? 408 words ?

[ o o c ; ]

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-01-2013, 12:16 AM

Harlequin, as she was so cleverly named, eyed the small creature with something akin to curiosity. She did not possess the aggressive streak like it had, probably lucky for it. She had no doubt that he could get a few good whacks in on her, but her jaws were built for taking down zebra, gazelle, buffalo, warthogs... things with much nastier sets of weaponry than what this tiny thing possessed. He would wound her, but the power and the muscle in her jaws would break him in two if she got a good hold on him, luckily, or so it seemed it would not come to a scuffle between the two, for the small creature fell silent as the wolf strode forward.

Her words, colored with humor, made her grin. Her tail flickering back and forth behind her as the wolf drew closer. A deep chortle resounding through her vocals, her odd coloring and strange demeanor shifting slightly to assume a more prominent position. If the wolf choose to attack her, Harlequin would be ready. She grinned, revealing rows of thick teeth, her tones deep and baritone falling from her larynx. "A wolf with a sense of humor...thats a first."

Her apology was swept away, she rolled her eyes tossing her head to the side. "I am accustomed to such hostility, its not everyday many encounter a creature like me." She chuckled humorlessly, paying no more heed to the creature who obviously was controlled by the she wolf. Its displeasure was shown greatly as it snarled and snapped, hissing and throwing a temper tantrum... she wondered why the wolf tolerated the thing, it seemed all around vile. Her grin expanded a short bark ripping from her vocals as she laughed. The woman was blunt! She liked that! She chuckled lightly dipping her head in an over-exaggerated bow. "The name is Harlequin, Harley for short, I am what is called a hyena."

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-21-2013, 07:42 PM

"a first?" she inquired, voice colored with a chuckle. she shook her head, still careful to confine her companion to the space under her body should he decide to become even less pleased with the odd beast's company. "i think some of my friends would be a fine example of a second and third," she offered, ears pressed forward. jupiter's gaze rolled downward to rest upon the bad-natured individual that she held captive with her bodice, a chuckle rolling from her chest. "it doesn't matter what he encounters--it's just as bad. but i guess i'd prefer this to him trying to mercilessly charm and ravage the pants off of anything that moves," she replied with good humor. jupiter tossed the newfound name about in the confines of her mind, head tilting very minutely from side to side a time or two as she pondered over it. it was definitely fitting for the girl's personality--that was for sure.

"a joy, harlequinn. i am known as jupiter. alpha around this territory, if that explains mercury's ego a little," she tossed harlequinn's way, friendliness still coating her outward demeanor even though she was inwardly still cautious of this odd individual. perhaps it was only natural, but she couldn't help it much.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-23-2013, 02:35 PM

Harlequin would not twitch, her hulking frame shifting slightly as she readjusted her stance. It was instinct to dominate other males, they held little to no rank in a society where she was from. The little rabid beast would have been ripped to shreds by an entire pack of hyenas... then again... she had never been a part of a gathering of her own kind, so such instincts were present, but not nearly as strong. She watched with careful eyes as the woman spoke, her tones careful, thoughtful. She was wise or so it seemed, how very curious.

She chuckled softly at the mention of friends, yet another concept that was lost upon the hyena. Kindness was not a friend she had familiarized herself with. Wolves were skittish, leery of her for reasons she could not attest too, she wasn't unreasonable nor did she fight without an ample reason to do so. With a grunt the dame would recline, resting back against her haunches, her legs sprawling beneath her as she sat. "Your friends must be one hell of a wolf." She would chuckle mirthlessly. Her onyx eyes would return to the small bundle of fire and fur coiled against her chest. "I find it curious... your kind often takes in species so different from your own...why?" This wolfess was not the first she had seen with a pet, did they yearn for companionship so much?

Her head tilted minutely to the side at the mention of an alpha and respectfully she dipped her head slightly in acknowledgement. "Alphaess? You are the first female Chief I have ever met, I suppose thats worthy of honorable mention, in my society females are dominant, period. Males are a great deal smaller and are lucky if they are chosen to lead their own cock, much less a pack of wolves... it's nice to see a woman on top... no pun intended." Her lips would curl into a devious smirk, eyes glittering with humor. "It tis an honor to meet you Jupiter."

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-06-2013, 07:36 PM

upon the warranted question making passage into her ears, jupiter couldn't help but chuckle as she glanced down upon what was most definitely considered an undesirable companion by most, but in her eyes was one of her closest friends. "some of us do it because we've lost something we want to replace. others because they want to gain something from it. i can't say that it's one or the other for me; maybe it's both or neither. but he was a baby then, and i just didn't have the heart to leave him." she paused, paw lifting to ruffle the fur upon his temple. "he's not as much of a brat when he's alone with me. all of the other times, though? yeah, he's fucking annoying." she ignored the fact that this received a hiss--the lass only dipper her head down to swipe her tongue over his forehead, smoothing the hairs she had literally rubbed the wrong way.

jupiter couldn't help but marvel about what a character this lass was. a different species this harlequinn may have been, but the sol was finding several things in common with the creature. a smile broke clear across her countenance at the next tribute to her power, but more at the crude joke than anything else. a dark look haunted her eyes past the praise, but hopefully it was easily brushed off. the memory of kaios' attempted rape was still fresh in her mind, and she only wished that she could have stayed longer to rip him apart some more. "i can see plenty of logic in that," she responded, and the nodded her head politely to the odd animal. "and to you, harlequinn. it's a pleasure. have you ever considered settling down somewhere...?"

it was a possibly-preposterous idea, and that much jupiter knew, but the good thing about prospects such as this were that she had nothing to lose. if not be a sort of honorary member, the lady was nearly certain that after jupiter informed some of the ludicaens of her presence, she would be welcome to reside there. of course, there was the matter of security and making sure she didn't act up, but the she-wolf trusted the femme enough, and mercury would surely try to keep her in line should she make an attempt to do something... fishy, as one could say.


sorry for the wait. don't know why I procrastinated so long for this thread when I enjoy it. cx

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-09-2013, 08:06 PM

Harlequin possessed no hatred or malice for anything during a first glance. That didn't mean she was pouncing around like some pup smothering strangers in affection, but she wasn't unheedingly cruel unless provoked. Then Harlequin could be quite nasty. She had the muscle in her jaws and her neck to do some horrendous damage... not that she abused, or that she necessarily wanted too, she was merely accustomed to aggression and she made sure she was prepared to combat it should trouble arise... In fact, one of this territories own had come this close to meeting her jaws... how interesting that would have been. The Ludicael she wolf had met Harlequin with a flash of teeth and snarls and Harlequin had returned it... and then... somehow, it was Harlequin who had the proverbial stick up her ass... go figure that one out.

Her head quirked to the right listening as the dame explained her odd choice of a companion. Harlequin wasn't one to judge, she was a hyena, more cat-like tan dog-like who found refuse among the damned wolves. Not... that she had any idea on how to return to Africa. very few wolves had even been able to hold her in an adequate conversation, much less impress her with intelligence, she had half a mind to damn the whole species and simply leave... but alas here she stayed. She would chuckle at the explanation, heavy set shoulders rolling backwards, audibly cracking. "Interesting... seems like a bigger pain in the ass than a help but to each his own I suppose, I'm sure when he's not clawing at strangers he has his uses." It was said in jest, laughter hidden within her words. It seemed the tiny thing would not speak unless Jupiter allowed it the luxury... so whipped.

A smile would quirk her mouth at the inquiry, stretching into a full blown grin. Her teeth were sharper than that of a wolves, smaller in the front, wider in the back, built from tearing through the toughest of hides. She chuckled her eyes dancing with mirth. "Are you offering? I don't think one of your kin would be too keen on the idea... Aria? I believe her name was? She doesn't find me very agreeable." Harlequin chuckled quietly, remembering the slight insanity of the creature. She had feathers too easily ruffled. "I suppose finding a home wouldn't be too terrible an idea, but not many packs recruit hyenas."

Aria I


05-10-2013, 05:16 PM

Aria Corvi

She had been wandering the lands, just scoping it out, seeing if there was anything odd when she caught the scent of her Sol on the wind. Aria lifted her head, taking in a long deep breath and focusing on the direction it was coming from. She was't too far, but something caught her interest. Another scent had mixed with the females, odd but familiar. It belonged to a creature she had met, never telling the wolf what she was exactly and leaving with her quite irritated by Aria's actions. How could the wolf possibly pass up this chance to see her again, for the little dove to return.

With a smirk on her face the shewolf headed off in the direction the scents came from, paws moving quickly but silently over the earth. She was in a good mood on this fine day, even though she usually was in a decent to good mood most of the time. Ever since getting her new rank she held her head a bit higher than before, feeling proud of herself for being able to become a warrior.

Within minutes she had arrived, emerald eyes falling upon Jupiter and the creature, talking. Ears flicked forward, catching the animals voice. Are you offering? I don't think one of your kin would be too keen on the idea... Aria? I believe her name was? She doesn't find me very agreeable. A chuckle came from her right after, causing Aria to shake her head with a smirk. It wasn't that she would not be too keen on whatever it was she was talking about, she just didn't care for her in all honesty.

She was just a few yards away, ears perking up, so Jupiter offered this animal, a hyena, a place to stay. Interesting for both. She finally knew what the female was but she didn't quite know what a hyena was, she never encountered one before this girl. Your dove has returned. She barked, holding her head high, a large toothy grin plastered on her face as she strode over. She dipped her head respectfully to the Sol and the animal, having used the nick name she gave her the last time they had encountered.

With that she came up beside Jupiter, standing beside her and waiting for the hyena's response. So your looking into joining Ludicael? She asked curiously.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-10-2013, 05:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2013, 05:35 PM by Jupiter I.)

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

"in all honesty, he's saved my life a time or two. if not saved, he's been a helpful guardian." she paused, and then shifted her weight to give him a little more freedom in movement now that he had been reasonably restrained.

"oh, so now you thank me?" he growled, but even for the voice of a tasmianian devil, his tone was spiked with a bit of good humor with his temper calmed considerably.

"couldn't add to your ego too much, love," jupiter commented, and then carried on, her attentions returning to harelquinn, eyes passing briefly over the features of the other. they were similar in the sense that they both bore unique markings; perhaps this would be another point to build a friendship upon, as sometimes even the most petty of things were binding. shock flickered in her visage, head twitching slightly back before drawing upwards slightly. her brow furrowed, and she seemed remotely troubled by this for a moment, and then the sol laughed.

"aria? i didn't see that name coming," she remarked, blinking a bit. as if they had spoken of her, the she-devil herself appeared, a witty remark undoubtedly aimed at harlequinn striking from her lips. jupiter chuckled slightly, almost shocked at her own surprise at the female's appearance. the femme always had been relatively sly, and the sol had been too preoccupied and pleasantly distracted by the hyena's presence to sense the she-wolf's proximity.

"i offered to for her to reside in the territory," came a sharp, certainly stereotypical-alpha-esque tone, but then she smiled, timbre softening to reveal that such was merely a jest. "but yes, that sounds like a fine idea afterall."

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-14-2013, 05:55 PM

Harlequin watched the interaction between the tasmanian devil and the wolf with something akin to curiosity. She had never given into the compulsive need for a companion. Wolves, or so it seemed, mated for life, for keeps. Hyena's bred only when they fell into heat and then the males, for all intents and purposes were forgotten. Granted, she had been raised by a wolf. An elder gent who had taken pity on the abandoned youth, so she had grown with ideals warped, but it was hard for her to see these bizarre companionships and comprehend them. Her fur ruffled, mohawk leaning from side to the other.

"A trusted companion, I suppose I can understand that." Her words were simple, would fall from inky lips with something akin to acceptance. So strange was this foreign species. Before either one of them could offer another word, a familiar visage appeared on the horizon, sarcasm and clever wit falling from her larynx as she dipped her head in a greeting to both parties. Harlequin would chuckle, a grin pulling at the corners of her mouth as she returned the dames tooth-filled grin. "Ah... my dove, time does separate us." Laughter colored her tone, the dramatics bring a chortle from the girl. Resentment wasn't in the hyenas blood, what had happened before was looked passed.

She was surprised by the offer of a home and such flickered in the obsidian depths of her eyes, she would cock her head to the side, in silent contemplation... it wasn't like she had anything more pressing to attend too. "Ah and what use of you of a hyena? Should I bare your colors, what would you have me do?" Curiosity glittering in her eyes she watched the woman before her wearily. She had no desire to join something where ridicule would reign...again.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-18-2013, 11:44 AM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

jupiter's concerns were eased as the two seemed to find it in them to laugh off whatever qualms they held with each other. triangular optics flicked forward as harequinn seemed surprised by the offer, and a smile wormed its way onto her features. "use? must i have a use?" she chuckled warmly, "perhaps we all long for a place to call our own at some point. i offer you this one. you may do what you wish, harlequinn; i am no tyrant that binds wolves to my land. if you have some strength in healing, fighting, or hunting, i can offer you a specialized rank and it will be your only duty to our pack unless we go to war." she paused, lip curled slightly with disdain at the prospect, but the expression quickly disappeared and she shook her head slightly. "i can assure you, though, that such a thing will not hopefully happen soon."

she turned her gaze upon the stub-tailed, tawny fae she knew as aria, and nodded to the she-wolf. "in fact, aria here is our first iridia--our first warrior, and she already has much ahead of her." a glint of mischief shone in jupiter's eyes, but she moved on, not wishing to give anything away. "if you have an eye for beauty, i feel as if you'd enjoy our territory, as well."

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-21-2013, 01:02 PM

Harlequin would watch, obsidian orbs, trained upon the Sol as Aria remained utterly silent... how boring. Why had she come if she wasn't going to engage the conversation? Well there went that stimulation. Had she been a lesser creature... she would have huffed. Harlequin, however, was not. The Sol would speak, teasing her and a wicked grin would engulf the thick maw of the hyena, her tail battering about lazily behind her. She liked this woman, this wolf... and that... was incredibly rare. Regardless she would open her jaws and respond all the same.

"Most want a use out of me. To what end that use is varies considerably." The muscular beast would chuckle, ears twitching to rest backwards. Her stance shifted, hesitant only for a moment as she contemplated her decision. Did she want to bind herself to wolves...again? The last time she had so blindly put her faith in the damned things she was certain she had almost reached a death match. Harlequin sighed. But ah... what was life without a bit of mystery no?

"I accept your terms Jupiter, but what rank will you bestow me? What duties do you ask me to perform?" Curiosity would glitter in her blackened oculars as she awaited her response. Harlequin was a jack of all trades, she could hunt, she could fish, she could fight, she was quite the scraper, about the only thing she couldn't do was heal. Herbs looked the same to her and God help whoever depended on her to save their hide. She knew about as much of herbs as she knew of kittens and she cared for the first even less.


Aria I


05-21-2013, 04:11 PM

Aria Corvi

Aria's ear swiveled towards Jupiter as she spoke on how she offered the oddly colored woman residence in the territory, brows raising in curiosity as she looked to the woman with a smile. She chuckled lightly as she used the nickname also, her own laughter in her voice. The sandy-brown female simply nodded her head with a smirk, she was just in the area and decided to pop in so she didn't really have much to say.

She seemed a bit surprised by Jupiter's offer, asking what use she would have for a hyena. Hyena, she did not hear of such an animal before and she was a bit happy to know she finally knew what this woman was since she didn't get to learn about it the last time they had met.

Her gaze then drifted back to the Sol as she spoke, telling the hyena, Harlequin that she wasn't a tyrant and would offer her a specialized rank depending on what she could do. This caused her to give a nod of her head to the hyena, everyone here was equal and did their duty, nobody was used what so ever since the beginning. Her ears had perked up though when Jupiter brought her name up, holding her head high in a respectful manner as she told Harlquin she was their first warrior and had much ahead of her. Indeed she did, aria wanted to learn as much as she could so she would have good knowledge of the things around her.

Her attention shifted to the hyena when she spoke, chuckles escaping her and curiosity in her eyes. Clearing her throat the Iridia looked to Jupiter for permission to speak and once given the look she looked to Harlequin. If I may, Harlequin. Ranks given to wolves here is based off of their abilities. If you are a decent fighter and hunter but have better knowledge of herbs then you might become an Aurora, a healer. If your fighting skills is better than hunting or the art of healing then you will become a Iridia like me, a warrior. Then there is the Lunav, a hunter, better in taking down prey and providing food for the pack than fighting or healing.

She paused to let this sink in, seeing if the hyena knew this already but before she could say anything she spoke up once again. I am decent in all areas and was a Lunav but my heart was leaning towards a warrior, I like being able to protect my pack mates... Is there something you prefer over the others? She asked curiously.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-22-2013, 02:27 PM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

jupiter nodded to confirm the information that aria had given the hyena, eyes intent on the foreign creature gauge her reaction. she seemed pretty open and affable to the idea of being in ludicael, which was certainly a promising sign. amusement crossed her features as she pondered over harlequin's previous words. yes, what would jupiter have her do? that was as good of a question as any. she was only aware of the things that went on in ludicael, seracia, and had been informed of a bit of recent drama stirring in tortuga, but nothing had reached her ears as far as the subject of anything other than a wolf being in a pack went. the sol wondered if it would prove to be a good move or not, and hoped that it wouldn't repel future members. the individual seemed like a strong-spirited and witty gal, and the alphaess hoped that it an unrestrained tongue wouldn't ever end up giving the pack trouble.

"as aria said, you may choose your specialty. should you choose to be a warrior, one of us would like to sample your battle skills." she glanced at aria with a smile. "which means that if aria would like to at some point, she may do so, but if you would rather fight me, it will be my pleasure."

at this the oddly-quiet mercury piped up, hissing spitefully. "i'll fight the bitch! lemme at'er!" he snarled, making a move to step forward, only to be dragged back into jupiter's stomach by a claiming paw. she rolled her eyes at him.

"go eat something and quit acting like a moody pregnant woman," she remarked, and with one final glare at harlequin, he stalked away, doing as he was told. jupiter watched him, amused by the large degree in which she had him whipped. with a shrug she turned back to the hyena with an apologetic smile, awaiting the mammal's answer.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-06-2013, 02:27 AM

Harlequin's lips would curl up in a smirk, revealing the glittering shrapnel of her teeth, onyx oculars would gleam with something unreadable and without missing a beat, the woman would respond. "I would prefer to have a use than be a free loader. Complancency does not suit me nor will it ever." The dry response came quickly, thin tail flickering back and forth behind her, seemingly, with a will all its own. Her head would tilt, contemplating the womans words, did she wish to bind herself to more wolves?

"A warrior would be best suited for me, God help the creature that has to rely on me for medicinal purposes, they would be wise selecting death." The snort came with a soft chortle. Her nose was good for differentiating a kill, not for determining herbs. They all looked the same to her. Her cranium would careen from side to side, shaking off invisible dust, before she bobbed her head once. "I accept your invitation Jupiter, I am eager to see how your pack is run."

The woman's final words would caress her audits and they swiveled forward, surprised that she would praise the land of all things... land was nothing more than dirt and debris, it help no interest to the hyena. The alphaess before her however... a sly grin would creep across her lips, her eyes reflecting Jupiter's own mischief and she would brush forward, ears flailing back to press against her skull as she stopped just short of her maw, speaking low enough that Aria would not hear. "I see beauty in a great many things miss Jupiter, the question remains if you seek something exotic or not." A purr, soft and sultry, the innuendo had not been lost on the dame, and her onyx orbs were challenging, gleaming with hidden promise. The ball was now in the Sol's court.


Aria I


06-09-2013, 10:38 PM

Feeling as though it was time to go, Aria cleared her throat, pushing herself up and taking a few steps to the side. I should get going, if you wish to spar with me then I shall be waiting near the border here a little later. For now I wish to grab something to eat. With that she dipped her head to both women before turning and trotting off deeper into Ludicael lands. She saw no need to stay there much longer seeing as Jupiter had things, so hunting something down would give her a boost of excitement and fill her body. And of course she was bringing some back for the Sol.

