
LucexNeo Puppies <3333


04-25-2013, 02:02 PM
Alright sooo as of now, Luce and Neo puppies are officially a go! Feny is awesomely creating designs for all of the puppies so as she gets them done I will post the liter here! I'm going to play a puppy (And Ill let you all know which one) But I don't believe Feny is going to take one so the rest are up for grabs!

Pup 1
Name: Silana (Or whatever Dione decides on ;)
Player: Dione!
Personality: Look down xD
Gender: Female
Design: he/she will look like this! Link------> Pup 1


Pup 2
Name: Jacques
Player: Spriggan
Personality: See below
Gender: Male
Design: he/she will look like this! Link------> Pup 2


Pup 3
Name: Aeron
Player: Serendipity
Personality: See below
Gender: Male
Design: he/she will look like this! Link------> Pup 3


All I ask is that you fill out the above form and supply an RP sample! It dosen't have to be crazy long, just enough so that I can see how you will play the pup <3


04-25-2013, 02:12 PM
DIBS ONE WOMAN!!! Wanna see all the designs first though before I choose :) even though this one is already sooo pretty!!!


04-25-2013, 02:46 PM
So, I changed my mind, and want pup 3. So Nothing will change, save for the fact that I now want 3 xD

Name: Sabyr
Gender: Male
Personality: Sabyr is an interesting mixture of both his parents. Manipulative, cunning, temperamental, and sly. All are words to explain the brute. He's an interesting fellow, he hardly has the capacity to truly feel for another. Much like Luce. He views the world with a cold disdain and believes everyone to be below him. To put it short, he's cocky. Everyone is a pawn in his own little game. Press the right buttons and you'll sure as hell feel his wrath. He has no qualms in letting someone know when he's angry.

He enjoys putting on a charade to get what he wants. As a child he throws temper tantrums and complains and whines. Later he learns to put on a show and goad others to do his bidding. He isn't one to get his pretty pelt dirty, but if provoked he will put on a show of force. He is not past seduction either. Later in life the boy certainly will learn the art of getting what he wants and when he wants it. He's got quite the charming side and uses his stunning looks to his advantage.

He's an intelligent creature. He knows what he wants and how to get it. He would rather use his brains in a situation to win a battle rather than use all his strength and look like a fool. He's one to lie in the shadows and wait patiently. He'll use others like puppets on strings and then discard them. He'll do another's dirty work at times if the price is right. He isn't one to make friends easily either. To him if you aren't an enemy, then you're simply someone standing in his way and he wants nothing to do with you. Only his sibling, mother and father hold a place in his cold wretched heart. Even then that's only a small amount of love. His loyalties do lie with his family and his pack. Something right upon all the wrong this boy holds.

To him pain is only weakness leaving the body. He's a soldier. Enjoys the thrill of the fight and blood upon his lips. He enjoys the feel of pain. He wants to be strong. Stronger than anyone he may ever come across. His ego will only be be fueled with every fight won. He's a shady creature. Not one you can trust easily and he doesn't trust easily either. His heart is nothing more than a black hole. Vacant and cold. Only one that is powerful and stunning could even hope to truly catch the man's eye. They would have to be absolutely amazing, or else he would only view a female as breeding material and a cause for his self pleasure.

His dark french accent is enough to fool the weak and the gullible. He uses seduction and is quite beguiling to those he truly find beautiful. Procreating isn't an interest of his, but he can hardly resist the carnal desires he faces. He truly is a monster with an angel's face.


Maman, je veux aller jouer" (Mama, I wanna go play.)

The boy whined and nudged his mother's sleek pelt with his nose. Gorgeous purple and blue eyes looked up at the blue gaze of his mother. He wasn't trusted enough to go outside the den on his own. Whenever he did he often was sniffing around another's kill, or invading another's den, or riling up someone or something to annoy another. He had no regard for the feelings of other, even at such a young age. He was a selfish child and did what he wanted. He hardly even had any regard to his dear siblings, but when they agreed upon something there was sure to be trouble.

She shook her head and lips turned down in a doleful frown. Eyes gave her a pitiful look as he tried to win her over with an adorable gaze. A soft whine left his jowls as he begged and pleaded for her to change her mind.

"Mais Mama! Je le promets! Je ne vais pas aller loin. Je vais laisser les autres tranquilles." (But Mama! I promise! I won't go far. I'll leave the others alone.)

Still she denied him the right he believed he had. She obviously did not trust his words. Nodding his head it lowered in dejection and he curled up in a ball. Eyes pretended to close and the boy would occasionally open an eyelid to gaze at his mother. Eventually she too seemed to want a nap. Once she was fully asleep, or so it seemed, he slowly got to his feet and was able to sneak quietly outside.

Free at last! The boy rushed off excitedly. His tail waved softly behind him as he looked for something to get in to. He had fooled her! At least for the time being. Surely she would wake up and notice he was missing, but he didn't worry about it. He was free and he would do what he liked until she came for him. Then he would at least suffer the consequences happily.

[ooc: I'm sorry. My muse is crap. I'm hoping his personality description makes up for the lack of rp sample]


04-25-2013, 04:19 PM

I caved at pup three oh deary |3

Name: Aeron

Gender: Male


Aeron is a bit hard to understand - and it's not necessarily because he tries to be. He is manipulative, preferring to be on top of things when it comes to the emotions and to the going ons of others. He doesn't like being left in the dark or lied to, and it is the quickest way to get on the black and white wolf's bad side. Yet at the same time, that bad side isn't too much different from his good side. No matter who you are or how close to him you are (save for his mother, his heart will always soften for the woman that raised him) he will be wary of you. Trust is not something that can easily be gained with the brute, and when it is it is truly fleeting. As for he himself, he prefers when others trust him, when they think highly of him or think little of him at all. He will lie to get what he wants, plain and simple - and will say what others want him to say for the same reason.

He hasn't a single ounce of passion within him. His eyes are blank, his heart is either made of steel or completely numb. He is passive, letting the world crash and burn around him and doing little to stop the downfall. The brute does not care enough for others or himself to truly believe in anyone or anything. The only exception of course, is his family - mainly his mother, but his father and siblings are also on that tiny, tiny list. Because of this - his ability to act on another's behalf even though he doesn't truly care, is a conundrum, hard to truly wrap one's head around and understand. He will jump in the line of fire for someone he barely knows, for little reason at all. Yet he will hold the wolf that he saves to repaying him for the rest of his -and or their- life. He teeters on the edge of being incredibly selfish and completely selfless, jumping over the line as if it is a game and he can't lose because he's the only player.

The brute is slow to discriminate, surprisingly. He seems as if he is callous enough to judge another on a dime, but due to his parent's relationship and obvious age gap, he believes that love can stem from anyone to any other. He is a hopeless romantic, dreaming of the day that he will find another to love as his mother found Neo. Yet he is slow to trust others to the point of it being a problem with commitment. In return, he ends up in more one night stands and relationships with few consequences and little to no true emotional attachment, caught up in would be's and what if's instead of putting himself out there and risking getting emotionally hurt. He believes in love, believes in courtship and romance, but lacks the willpower, motivation or true caring to do anything about it.

Despite his flaws, in a way, Aeron is charming. He speaks with a lul to his words that stems from his French roots via Luce. The language is beautiful, and he prefers it to all else. His voice is silken, his words soothing and devoid of emotional flares or nervous kinks. Verbally, he is a well oiled machine, well versed in charming disarmament and a subtle sense of humor that is a close cousin to irony and sarcasm.

The pup yawned, turning over onto his stomach. He had been splayed out rather messily after a long night's sleep beside his mother - rolled onto his back with his legs hanging awkwardly in the air. Purple eyes peered at the large white wolf beside him, and his dark eyes soften as a smile pulled onto his lips. "Ma-Ma?" His lyrics were small, high and gentle in pitch, with the whine of a child and the lyrics of a foreigner in their sing song tone. "Ma-Ma, wake up." She didn't budge immediately, and he sighed, getting onto his paws and stretching, while giving a good yawn.

If she wouldn't wake up, he would just have to pester his siblings. The pup's gentle gaze shifted from his mother's sleeping face to the little pups nestled beside her. He wasn't sure whether the others were awake or not, so of course the only natural option was to test it. His gaze sharpened into something mischievous, and he held back a snicker, his tail wagging happily -albeit lazily- behind him. Sauntering over to the others, he pawed at his sibling's noses, before nosing the closest ear to his left.

"J'ai ces fr?res et s?urs paresseux." He mumbled dramatically, rolling his eyes and sighing as he muttered in the dark. But if her were to be honest, he didn't mean the words at all. If anything he was the lazy one among the three of them, never really caring who won their scuffles or got out of the den first. He didn't seem to be motivated by much of anything, but stuck to his siblings and mother out of instinct and habit, used to the feeling of togetherness and unity that they shared when they were all in one place. As a puppy, he only knew that he didn't feel the need to be alone, and so he tagged alongside his siblings and weaved through his mothers legs when she took them outside. "Beware of the shark." He whispered, a wide grin spread beneath his dark lips sporting sharp puppy teeth - and he moved to nibble one one of his sibling's tails. Aeron was hoping that he would jolt them awake or manage to pester them into leaping at him to get him to stop bothering them.

Although he didn't care who won a scuffle, he seemed to enjoy being the one to start them.

He himself wasn't sure why it was - but something about getting his siblings riled up without doing much of anything at all, was one of his absolute favorite pastimes. They were so silly, the both of them - yet he knew that he was silly as well, and didn't care in the least. They were all such children, so naive and undiscovered and weak - but he loved ever minute of it. He loved being taken care of and getting into trouble and finding ways out of trouble. Aeron was the type to take up responsibility and punishment for their adventures every chance that he could, even if the idea wasn't his to begin with. Something about getting away with hypothetical murder was just so enticing he couldn't help himself.

Which was why opposed to nibbling on his sibling's tail he let his teeth sink in just enough for it to hurt, but didn't dare break the skin. The blood of his kin was not something he wanted to spill, even as a child in play.


04-25-2013, 07:58 PM
Baby number one please :)

Name: Will decide once I look more into pretty french baby names but for now Silana
Gender: Female
Personality: Even the love of her mother and siblings was never quite enough to coax the quiet girl out of her shell. Receding within herself at a young age to the point that for a time her mother believed her to be mute. Quiet even at birth it would be a long time before the female would test her vocal cords. A silent ball of fluff who often would lay alone rather then nestle into the comfort of her mothers belly with her siblings. Thoughts always seemed to be elsewhere, eyes turned towards the horizon rather then back towards her family and the current. She will always be a dreamer, thinking of things that could be rather then what is. Though she will never be bitter towards her mother there will always be a slight disconnect, a distance between them. Even physically as she grows up the young female would rather a nod her greeting then share contact with her family. She would never cringe away form the touch of her family but also would never go out of her way to initiate it, seeming to take no pleasure or comfort from it at all. All around a quiet, reclusive and shy girl when she is younger. Wary of strangers, will stand behind her mother or siblings while they talk but otherwise prefers not to be there, more likely to walk away from them without a word rather then maintain their company.

As a youngster she will always feel like something is missing, the loss of her father never quite settling well with her and the fact that she never knew him will make her feel the need to search for him later on in life. She will view other families with both parents and always feel a something that she won't be able to place until later. She won't grow out of not wanting to talk until almost a year old. Even alone or with strangers she won't attempt to test her vocals, simply feeling no desire to. It won't be until she feels there is something important to say that she will finally speak. After that she will still lapse into long bouts of silence, only speaking when she feels that she truly needs to or has something that she would like to say and that she would like to be heard. To outward eyes it will seem that she simply doesn't care, drifting through life like a ghost and rarely allowing a single ounce of emotion touch her features. Maybe this is partially because of the her brother (pup 2) who at times can be an emotional arsonist. Though she enjoys his company and often finds herself drawn to her brother (pup 2) when all other company has been rejected she still holds herself at a distance from all.

As she grows older she will float through life, rarely visiting friends of family and searching for what she believes in missing within herself. To say she will have daddy issues will be an understatement. The disconnect between her mind and her body with grow to the point that she will rarely care what happens to her body and will often use it for less then noble gains. Though her strange draw to her brother will remain and she will often find herself near him without having consciously decided to find him. Something about the fact that he does not seem to feel yet has the ability to stir such strong emotions in others calling to her. As for her mother and other sibling she will tend to only visit them in times of clarity when she realizes how long it has been since she last saw them. Like her brother she truly believes in love, that her mother and father loved each other dearly and wants nothing more then to one day find that special someone. Though her emotional detachment makes it near impossible for anyone to get close to the ice queens heart she does try. She puts herself out there as much as she possibly can with how closed of she is but can never seem to feel the feelings that he mother describes.

To summarize she is a quiet girl, distant from everyone and disconnected from those around her even when in the same vicinity as them. Thought often turned to the future or outwards rather then focused on what is going on around her at that current point in time. Rarely speaks but should be listened to when she does. Even as she ages she will never be an overly vocal wolf, preferring to internalize and deal with her thoughts and problems on her own. The most emotion she will ever show will be around her brother (pup 2) and even that will be sparse. At times she will speak to herself when others are around but soft tones make it hard for those around her to catch her words unless they are paying close attention. She seems to drift around in a dream like state most of the time, on occasion soft smiles shared with family when she is more anchored. But even her smiles seem slightly cold and disconnected, more like she is going through the motions rather then truly feeling it. At about 2 years of age she was go in search for her father, attempting to find that piece that will make her 'whole' so she can finally find love. A romantic at heart but doesn't truly grasp the concept and will eventually use her body to get her way without truly feeling anything about it. Her belief and quest for love with eventually become a narrow minded, warped and twisted goal that will leave her searching anywhere for it. Potential to be a drug addict like her mother.

Roleplay Sample:
She was quiet as always, vocals as fresh and untested as the day she had been born. Her mother would later tell her that even upon her birth she had not whined or cried for milk like her siblings. They were already speaking, learning their native tongue while Silana simply listened and gazed longingly at them. It wasn't that she didn't want to speak but rather, she simply didn't care for it. Words were loud, messy and unorganized most of the time and she had no desire to partake in the motions. She they mother had continued to teach her siblings both English and French words Silana had sat from a distance and watched, head on her paws and attentive as always. Her mind seemed to work mostly in English, the few times other wolves had come to visit Luce had spoken English so he vocabulary was growing in that language where as French was large but not so much so. Her siblings seemed to prefer their mothers native tongue, she had noted that they would speak to their mother and each other in French mostly. Everyone had tried both French and English with her but large blue eyes would simply turn to them and stare. What was the point of words? There was nothing she needed or desired, nothing she cared to share or speak of with her siblings. Mother would hunt for them when their stomachs rumbled so there was no need to ask and she had no will to fight and play wrestle with her siblings when they did so no need to say she wanted to.

But tonight it was quiet, their mother had gathered them close to her soft belly to sleep after her siblings had played and tired themselves out. She had told them a story about her father that had left the young girl's mind churning rather then settling in an attempt to sleep. She rarely slept well with her siblings, finding the mixture of warmth and contact with them uncomfortable rather then comforting as it should have been to someone of her age. Ever since she had started walking she would slip over her mothers limbs or tail and venture out towards the entrance of the cave so she could sleep beneath the starlight for a few hours. She would always return after those hours, so far having not been caught and scolded by her mother thankfully. Not that it would stop her from continuing to slip off into the night for her much needed alone time. In the beginning she had not always waited for her siblings to be asleep but once they had seen her lay by the entrance they rarely even lifted their heads when she left. But as she did all night she lay easily with them, one ear flipped back to listen to the rhythm of her mothers breathing until it reached the pace she knew marked sleep. Only after she was sure her mother had been asleep for a while would she lift herself up, moving slowly and sliding out from anything that might be on top of her. She had gotten quite good at slipping around any limbs or tails that may have tangled about her in sleep. As with every night she paused once she was just beyond the sleeping group and looked back at them.

Gaze softened slightly and a sigh would slip for her lips, the most sound she had made since her birth, as she looked on her two siblings and mother as they lay together. It was the perfect picture of a family as far as she knew. She had never known her father, never known what she was missing but somewhere deep down she felt that there was in fact something missing. For a long moment the small pup would stare, tracing her mothers features with her eyes and memorizing it as it this might be the last time she would see that beautiful face. Eyes would transfer to her brother of black and white, a slight pull to lay back down beside him causing her to take a hesitant step towards him before she turned and moved towards the entrance to their cave. The roar of the waterfall drowned out any sound she might make but still small paws seemed to barely touch the floor. She moved along the wall, head down but blue eyes up. The stars were bright tonight, a flicker of something more dancing in the heavens but she didn't pay it any mind, it was probably nothing. The pup would lay close to the wall, just before the spray of the waterfall so she would not be wet when she returned to her mothers embrace. She could only see a bit of the sky but her breathing relaxed as she curled up in a slight ball and lay her cheek against her paw so she could turn her gaze to the sky.

The flicker continued to grow, spreading and beginning to dance. Starting green she watched in wonder as the sky came to life. Head would raise slowly as she stared up at it, part of her wanting to wake her mother and ask her what this magnificent thing was that was beginning to devour the sky. But as the inky green continued to spread it allowed the young girls imagination to take flight as well. What if that was where everyone gone went? All the sprits of those passed lived? Could it be heaven? Or maybe it was all the wishes that little girls made to the stars all gathered in one. Eyes stared, wide with amazement as she drank in the beauty unfolding before her. After a few moments a howl leapt up and in response, it seemed, the light began to dance, some pink spreading through it now. Her heart yearned to call to them to join that howl and call to the beauty that was dancing before her eyes. She wanted so badly to take up the call an d howl along with that stranger, to get the lights to dance for her. Her heart yearned for it yet she still allowed her head to settled back on her paws. This night only her dreams would take flight and dance with those lights. Breathing slowed and eyes began to close as she drifted off under the starlit sky, soft smile playing on her lips.



04-28-2013, 02:03 AM
Hi there! I am not currently a player on this site, but I really liked the look of your puppies and thought I'd try out. If I get the puppy then I'll change this account name. But yeah, just.. Saying hello. :)

Name: Jacques

Parents: Click & Click.

Gender: Male

Alignment: Lawful Neutral (pup) — Chaotic Neutral / Lawful Evil (adult)

Personality: Depending of course on how his parents raise him and what he goes through, Jacques will no doubt go through a lot of changes as he develops. He begins his life as an average child; his curiosity bountiful and innocence indomitable. The boy has a keen desire to do right by his parents, and becomes obsessive in his want for their praise. He tries to embody the perfect son - in whatever manner they deem as perfect - and tries to live up to their standard. This is of course tempered by the volatile nature of either parent; Jacques is quick to learn in his eagerness, but the rebuke of either parent is taken instantly to heart. He begins to grow lethargic with too much negative treatment, going so far as to completely cut himself off from all social contact in order to 'correct' whichever part of him was criticized. This self-obsession grows over time with the boy, as he becomes more than just a pup and heads in to adolescence.

His lack of contact with those outside of his family is made clear by his inability to relate to those around him. He is in effect, socially inept. Prone to speaking only when spoken to, and even then being very limited with his word usage, it is not strange for others to perceive him as slow, stupid, or even just shy; in reality, Jacques is incredibly bright. He spends his silence watching and learning, observing everything around him. The boy is incredibly astute and catches on to the subtle undertones of situations that occur around him. In a way he makes the perfect little spy.

Upon reaching adulthood Jacques will have pushed beyond seeing perfection in his own abilities. He will have most likely reached some sort of limit to his physical abilities and will focus on controlling the world around him instead. His obsession thus turns outward, to the people in his life, to his parents and his family (if they are still around), and to greater pursuits. His intellect has always been his strongest asset, which when coupled with a budding desire to control the world around him, makes him quite a cunning adversary.

Things to consider about Jacques — his behaviour will probably end up more volatile than this depending on which parent he takes after most, and how they treat him growing up. This is all just a base to build off of, so he's likely to change - but his obsessive qualities and pursuit of perfection will remain the root causes for any good or evil he perpetrates.

As a Lawful Neutral character, he would value reliability, honour, order and organization. He would respect any ruler for the sheer fact that they are a ruler. He would want to bring regularity, predictability, and stability to the world around him.

As a Chaotic Neutral character, he would value the 'ultimate good' and would be zealous in his pursuit of this good. He would not be very attached to laws or rules however, and would be more prone to random acts that best suited his own goals as opposed to the goals of the pack.

As a Lawful Evil character, Jacques would value loyalty, order, and tradition. He would not care about freedom but he would obey laws and the rules of those he found to be worthy of obedience. He would have a dedicated self-interest and from time to time, be methodical in his duties. Although he might have darker behaviours, he has specific limits - such as not killing children, or being particularly vicious in an attack; he would prefer to manipulate someone to their end instead of outright killing them.

Appearance: reference/design

As a child Jacques resembles the chubby child of any coupling; his fur is sparse in colouration, dominated by fawn shades and desaturation. Over time this colour fades in to the alabaster hue shared with his mother. Dark marks, starting out as only hesitant striations in his young pelt, become dark lines upon his face and back. As he grows Jacques resembles his father more and more. His body adapts to the growing bones he is made out of, reaching his full height of 39" and almost five feet in length. Oddly enough, Jacques has inherited a certain femininity that has most likely been passed down by his own mother. He takes after her in many ways, visually, and while his own hips are quite flat and his body more rugged, there is an effeminate quality to the angles of his face and limbs. Jacques grows tall and his muscle builds, but never seems to become an overbearing part of him; he is lanky but not nearly as sickly looking as his sire.

RP sample (pup age):

Light filtered in to the mouth of the den with a lethargic grace, but it still touched down upon his face and sought out his eyes. It was such a rude thing, this light. At first chance, it always crept so close - invading with it's warmth, it's ability to blind. He was only a babe, but it irritated him. The boy's eyes peeked open and he tried to blink away the inturruption to his sleep, but it was a worthless venture. The light was too much, and so he set about squirming upon the dirt floor. The boy mewled as he sought out the darkness. It was softer than the light, more comforting. But as he did so, the pale pup found that his nose did not root through the spacious darkness alone; yes, it penetrated the thick dark, but it also squished rather abruptly in to something alive. Something heavier and more there than anything else he could see. The figure began to squirm in response, and so he tried to put an end to it; the stillness would be a blessing. Jacques, poor boy, thought he could control his sister's motion with a flail of his own. He thrust a paw towards her bulbous belly and after making contact, he dragged and thrust again. By the third attempt she was moving away from him - but it had become a game, and he was now awake.

The boy got to his paws and began to advance upon her chubby body, eager to investigate it with his brand new eyes, wanting to figure out just what the thing was; for he surely did not recognize his sister at this juncture in his life. But as he neared her, something happened. A moist sensation spread across the back of his neck - he felt it tug him, forcing him out of the dark and then abruptly dropping him in the light again. Jacques squealed with unhappiness as he was placed outside of the den mouth. He leaned back against the wetness upon his neck, only to connect his spine to the face of his abductor - the feeder, the one that was always so warm and soft. Later he would call this thing mother. It nudged at him to keep him upright, then retreated - probably to grab his squishy sister - and in a moment of rebellion Jacques rolled on to his back. His head flipped up and he watched the dark spot upon his vision as it rolled with him. He was on his shoulders, his head was on the ground, in the dirt, and then - his yet-to-be-known sister was plopped right there on top of him. Her paws hit his belly and he belched a tiny purl of unhappiness.


04-29-2013, 02:55 PM
Alright so because so many of you wanted a NeoxLuce pup... I decided to give more opportunities for you to get one! Im placing the pup I was going to take up for adoption! (Lovely pup 3!) Sooo if you would rather change your number of a reference feel free to do so! I will be picking winners by Wednesday by the latest <333333


05-03-2013, 11:07 AM
Winners updated


05-04-2013, 12:23 AM
Cool! Thank you. :) I'll get him set up asap.