
makes me wanna die


03-17-2013, 08:23 AM
Muscular red limbs propelled the lean, russet shape of the vixen forward, ascending the steep slope in a series of lithe, sweeping movements. Brilliant odd eyes surveyed the surrounding area, darting over rushing water painted in watercolor pastels by the swiftly setting sun; it was a poet?s irony that she was here, at the falls so lovingly called sunset, at that particular time of day. Twitching her ears to catch the sweet hymn of birdsong, she breathed out. The air was always unusually clear around water, more refreshing and crisp, in a sense.

Shaking her red scruff, she allowed the dancing of her legs to slow to a walk. Her pace fell into a comfortable lope, although it was still swift enough. Rajani wove her way through the trees surrounding the pools, occasionally turning her multihued gaze on the shadows sprouting from the bases of the greenery, growing swiftly as the sun fell from the sky. The vixen paused, surveying the landscape dryly. Sultry tones purred out of her throat. ?Nice view from up here.? The words sounded somewhat seductive on her lips, in a sarcastic sense, although they weren?t directed at anyone, anyone at all; ?Although, admittedly, there?s not much to see.? With a burst of red and a roll of her colorful irises, she was moving again, her pawsteps thumping against the ground in a light, gentle rhythm.

It was a constant, weaving uphill battle to reach the top of the hillside, especially for a creature so large, and with such thick fur. She was capable of endurance, of course, but attempting to sprit a long distance up a hill was hardly her forte. Only with a bit of effort did she make it to the final pool, only to pause by its side, panting. A graceful dip of her head brought her muzzle to the water?s surface, and the vixen drank her fill, the cool liquid dripping into her mouth a comfort to her searing insides. She drew back again, her tongue dancing over her lips; with a quick turn of her lithe body, she was facing the way she had come, observing the hillside below.

?Like I said before,? She murmured, her voice gaining a slight rasp from the prior strain on her lungs, ?Lovely view, absolutely lovely.? The only lovely thing that she could see was the pool beside of her, and even that was beginning to lose its charm; the sun was virtually gone, leaving only streaks of gold to remember it by, and once the moon rose, the water would be nothing more than liquid darkness. It was not to say that she disliked darkness, no, not at all; in fact, it was something of which she was terribly fond. She aligned herself neutrally, personally, but it was not to say that she didn?t have that lovely little tint of chaos buried beneath her skin. Perhaps it was hidden beneath the surface at first, but one wrong move, and it was out, her little breath of darkness, her poisonous flower. All it needed was a little sunlight to grow? she smirked at the thought, twisting up her lips in a ghost of a Cheshire?s grin.


Notes ||On the shorter side. :3