
Weeding the crops



2 Years
09-21-2014, 12:20 AM

The storm raged on outside and Cru wondered if it would ever stop. He and Sibelle had claimed a section in the cave to the left, near the main cavern but still allowing them some privacy. But he often moved into the main cavern, checking up on the wolves that stayed there, smiling at the thought that all it took was a deadly storm to get Twig and her whole family to be so near by. He loved the kids and tried to amuse them a well as talking with his dear sister Twig. But he and Sibelle had been talking, and the pair had decided that they needed to see who actually wanted to be in this pack, who made the effort to show their faces and who had made it here through the storm. There was just so little going on in Solstice, so few that showed up to the mandatory meetings that made him wonder what was going on with the pack.

The boy moved to the mouth of the cave, lifted his head outside and let out a howl, for any members that had not made it into the caves. The storm was easing slightly off the territory and he thought he saw a glimpse of sunlight through the clouds and winds. At least for the moment the rain had stopped. He howled to summon any and all who wanted to remain in Solstice, this would be it they had decided, those that showed where loyal to the pack and those that didn't had no place here. They needed to start afresh, find everyone a place within the pack and ensure that everyone could show their faces for meetings and show they where a part of this family. He looked back into the Cavern, waiting fot those that where already here to move into place to hear him.


Note: You have until October 1st to post. After that, if you fail to post, you will be removed from the pack.


09-21-2014, 11:23 AM

Part of her wondered if she was going to have to live through another one of her homes being destroyed. The storm had seemingly come out of nowhere and she had been out of the pack lands when it struck. She had taken shelter in a small den under a fallen tree to try and weather it out, but it was a couple of days before she could even think about leaving her hole. At one point another tree fell on top of the one that made the roof of her shelter and she was nearly crushed under them and most of the entrance to the den had been blocked. She called for help, but no one was around so she ended up having to dig her way out and even once she was out from under the trees she was still buffeted with wind in rain. Out of one terror and into another.

Deciding she needed to get back to Solstice, she started trudging through the storm, her head down and eyes narrowed, occasionally having to dodge a flying tree branch or other debris. Libra couldn't move fast enough to dodge one limb and it hit her left shoulder. Luckily it wasn't a very large branch, but it still left a large bruise and a shallow cut, both of which slowed her already slow progress. Finally the storm began to let up a bit just as she reached the Solstice borders, the seemingly endless rain finally giving her a moment of reprieve. Moments later she heard Crucifix's howl and she felt a small moment of relief at the thought that her pack members were safe.

She hurried toward the call, her progress a bit slow from the limp still plaguing her left leg. When she finally made it to the cave she looked worse for wear. Her fur was clumped with rain, mud coated the lower part of her legs, the cut on her left shoulder was still open and bleeding slightly, her stomach empty from not being able to hunt in the storm. She quickly slipped into the cave with a grateful sigh, moving toward one of the walls of the cave so she could sink onto her haunches and lean against it tiredly. She was still plenty close enough to hear what Crucifix had to say, but she really just wanted to take a moment to breathe.



09-21-2014, 08:04 PM

It had been nice staying curled up with Cru while the storm raged. But they had a pack to think about. So it was decided that they needed to figure out show wished to stay within the pack and who had survived the storm. Cru's howl would echo around them as she seated herself within the main cave. Twig, Alpine and their kids had lingered within the caves, but few others were around. The first to appear would be a yellow woman, one that she vaguely recognized as wanting to join Arcanum. A smile would be issued along with a friendly dip of her crown. Cru would linger at the mouth of the cave, waiting for others to arrive, but she would sit farther in, away from the wind and rain, waiting for Cru to join her.

She hoped everyone in the pack had survived, even if they decided to leave. So many had fallen inactive, just using the protected lands for their own benefit, failing to pull their weight. Irritation would flare in her chest. It was time to crack down on things. Everyone needed to know that there would be punishments for inactivity. She had no problem with laying down the law and punishing those who thought they could get away with just laying around doing nothing. Though she did not lead a pack of warriors, she refused to lead a pack of lazy and unwilling fools. Everyone needed to get their act together and start acting like adults.


Twig I


09-22-2014, 11:10 AM

The girl and her family were staying within the caves during the rough storm, she was worried about being displaced from their home. She would stay close to Crucifix?s den, mostly sleeping and keeping herself busy with her quickly growing children. They were so big now, she could hardly even comprehend how much time had passed. She?d nuzzle into her babies fur as she stirred from the slumber of the day. Cru?s howl would further stir her as she pulled her head from the earth. Dark ears would swivel back as she nudged each one of her precious family, her form rising from the earth.
She?d nuzzle into Alpine?s neck as they made their way into the larger cavern, she?d see Cru and Sibelle but there was another she wolf she?d never met. Oddly she would be the first Twig would greet. She was obviously worn out, and her shoulder was bleeding. She?d approach cautiously, giving her plenty of space but obviously concerned. "Are you alright?" her features would tilt curiously.

"Talk" Think "You"



10 Years
09-27-2014, 11:33 AM

She had been absent, for reasons unknown to everyone except her. Before the floods had come to Solstice, she had been consumed with nostalgia. Family thoughts of Ocena, Gargoyle, and now Chrysanthe's memories made her want to curl up in a ball. She felt like she had failed all of them, not making something out of herself before she was two. When the flood came, however, she had to snap out of it.
Her den had been on the far side of the lands, keeping her kind of isolated from the world. Now, as the waters rose, she knew she had to abandon her chosen place of stay to survive. Paws swiftly carried her to where the members were gathering, heart beating fast in her chest. The caverns weren't hard to locate, but getting there was different. She found the right nooks to put her feet in and slowly, she reached the open entrance. Head peeked in to see if anyone was present and relief appeared on her now drenched face. Familiar faces of Sibelle and Crucifix appeared and she saw another she didn't know. Her drenched form walked into the cave and sat upon the floor once she was safe from the storm outside. Her ears perked for anything the rulers of the pack would say. After all, their words were law.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years
09-27-2014, 12:09 PM

The girl was no longer attached to Sibelle's hip, not after what was happening between her and Crucifix. She knew that she was going to have his pups and that made her upset. She knew what kind of damage that they created. So while the storm raged on, she had been hiding away in her den, not really sure what to do with herself. She couldn't leave, she belonged to Sibelle and leaving wouldn't be right. Plus, she cared for the woman -- something that was very unusual for her. So at last she pulled herself from her den, sinking low to the ground as she fought her way towards Crucifix's howl. A soft sigh left her lips as pale eyes locked on Sibelle's form, weaving her way through the wolves until she rested at her side, head hanging low. She didn't say a word, but that was nothing to be surprised by. Always the silent girl, once again at her masters side.

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Orchid I


5 Years
09-27-2014, 09:51 PM

Orchid was keeping close, living in the cavern that protected most of the pack from the weather. She knew the Alphas had gone out and rounded up who they could but with the howling at the rain there had only been so much they could do. Orchid had worried that her skills of a healer might be needed out there somewhere with trapped or injured wolves that couldn't get to them, and that was a source of constant worry for the girl. When the Alpha's called out to the wolves of the pack on a day less dreary then the others she would pick out some herbs and holding them gently in her jaw would make her way over to the leaders of the pack. As she had collected her herbs from her stash she would see that others had made it there already.

There was unfamiliar face in the crowd, a light golden face, and others that she had come to know and see in pack meetings. As Twig had moved to the stranger so too would the pack healer. Orchid would smile, but having heard Twig's words she wouldn't speak ? let her answer Twig first and go from there. So also, of course, kept an eye on the alphas should they begin to speak.




09-27-2014, 09:55 PM

Alpine groaned and stirred as the Alpha's howl echoed softly through the cave. He looked up bleary eyed as Twig nudged him, and smiled at his mate as he offered her a soft kiss. The pups where rising, they had for once been slumbering, instead of stalking their limited space with boredom and mischief, he for one would be glad when he could take them outdoors again and waster their energies playing in the lake Solstice boosted. They woke easily with Twig and his nuzzling. The mated pair would shepherd them towards the alphas that waited at the mouth of the cave and would stop there.

Solor had a bored look of mischief in his eyes and he decided to sit down next to his youngest boy as he gave a passing look to all the wolves about him. He hadn't done much socializing lately, something that probably should and hopefully would change after the storm. He shifted his attention to the Alphas, well keeping half an eye on their children.



7 Years
09-27-2014, 09:59 PM

Solor was in a good dream where he was hunting a prey as large as he was! It was running across the territory of Solstice and with a leap it would be at the island they had been born upon. Still Solor chased after it, his little paws twitching in his sleep. He was so close to it, he could almost reach out his jaws and.. something nudged him on the side, throwing him of course and he awoke with a start. The boy glared up at his father, yawning and shaking out his coat. As usual his father seemed unfazed with his moods and with a sigh Solor would slowly go as he was directed. He would see wolves about him, most of them strangers or half recognised faces. He nudged Faun and nodded after to a yellowy woman he had never seen before.

He had been about to dart forward to see if the woman's coat really was that color when Alpine sat beside him and looked down at him with a soft smile. The boy sighed softly, resting his head upon his paws and twitching his tail in boredom as he waited to see what this was about.



09-27-2014, 10:03 PM

Albatross and Altavro spent all of their time together. Sometimes it was hard to remember that she was actually in a group pack and not off in their own world with herbs and soft smiles and love. Her world had calmed down utterly since they had started this life together, each day she felt more and more like a normal wolf with Altavro's gentle paw guiding her to sanity. She still had moments, short and fleeting as they where to remind her of her past and her troubled mind, but she barely remembered them and glided on through her happy life with Altavro.

Even the storm seemed inconsequential and she spent some of her days curled up in his warm coat and passing away the time beside him. At other times the pair would go over herbs and she would learn from him and sort through them until she remembered them by scent and sight. She still had a lot to learn about healing and had no practical work done with them yet ? it seemed the wolves of Solstice didn't injure themselves nearly often enough. She would rise when the Alpha's called, and sticking with Altavro would make her way through the cave until they stood before them. She smiled at her boy as she sat, before shifting her attention to their alphas.



10-03-2014, 10:00 PM

Libra. Twig. Odette. Ekko, Orchid. Alpine. Solor. Albatross. They would trickle in, but they would be the only ones. A frown would crease her features, lips twitching in the beginnings of a snarl. Did no one else care? Irritation rolled off her of her in waves. This was unacceptable. It was time to come down on them. She was done being nice. They had all become lazy, comfortable with their idle lives. But things were about to change. "First, I would like to thank you all for coming." She would begin, her tones starting off friendly, but steadily growing colder. "Those who did not show are no longer part of this pack. I apologize if they are friends or even family, but their failure to commit will be punished." Her lyrics would lash out like a whip.

She was done playing games. "From now on, those who miss three meetings will be immediately, and forcibly removed from the pack." Her gaze would sweep the small crowd. But enough of that, it was time to move on. "Twig will remain as Cardinal and Orchid as Miraculo. However, Crucifix and I will be looking for wolves to promote to Chordus and Optime. Also the ranks of lead hunter and warrior need to be filled." She would pause to take a breath, her gaze flickering to Cru, ensuring that he was okay with everything being said before she continued. "If you have no chosen a rank as of now, you are free to voice the rank you desire." Her emerald gaze would flicker across the crowd, the Queen finally falling silent.
