
I'll Find You


03-23-2013, 05:12 PM

It was day one of the Glaciem wolves' visit. The King did not distrust them, but he worried about his subjects, and what their reaction to all of this would be. A pack meeting would have been a good idea, just to get everyone on the same page, but at the same time he was holding off until he had some real information of value - an alliance - to announce before he went off summoning the masses. A faint simper crossed his lips as he made his way through his territory, skirting the borders on this early morning run. Life had been good here so far, but the King wondered what would become of that. Would something come and shake up his whole world, or was he just being pessimistic? He shook his head, slowing to a comfortable trot. He would slow again to a leisurely walk, head descending to the earth to allow his muzzle a better vantage for scenting any oddities that might be lingering about on the edge of Seracia.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, as powerful muscles would carry him forward in an elegant stride. The man was something to see, if anyone had been watching at that particular time - but as it were, they were not. Crown would spring up as a rustling caught his attention. Thinking it was probably prey, the King tensed in an instant, hackles raising as he prepared to crouch in a stalking position. However, the faint scent of canine drifted his way, and he returned from his almost-crouch, rising to his full height and then some as his tail flagged upward in a sign of dominance. "Who goes there?" powerful notes would ring, commanding the stranger forth to be looked over by the King. Gerhardt wasn't a fan of strange wolves lingering so near to his Kingdom, but perhaps this one had good intentions and meant to join. Only time would tell.



03-23-2013, 05:34 PM
Hercules made his way towards the man that had called him out. The way this would lead was unknown to Hercules, as well as to the man standing a few feet away from Hercules if the expression of the wolf was translated right.

"I am Hercules." he spoke. "It is a pleasure to meet you, great one." Hercules said as he bowed down. Hercules had heard a lot about Gerhardt since he had arrived in the land of Alacritia.

Hercules sat down a few feet away from the man. How would he react to Hercules presence without a warning? Hercules himself would have asked why the wolf didn't remain at the borders waiting for an escort across the border, but he knew nothing about the man other than his name which he had heard a few times.


03-23-2013, 05:44 PM

A name was given, along with a form and appearance. The man stood at a reasonable height and stature, and was perfectly two-toned. White was on one side of his body, and the other side was completely black. The King would dip his head respectfully, more out of habit than actual need. A pleasurable greeting was offered, and a smile would wrinkle the King's lips. At least he had manners. Tail swayed gently in the breeze as he offered his own greeting. "Good day, Ser Hercules." He would allow a silence to fall upon them, silence was a good judging factor of a wolf. If he was nervous he would try to fill the silence, and if he was calm and collected he would be able to embrace it. However, the King broke his assigned silence to query the man further. "May I ask what you are doing so near my borders?" It was a simple question, but one that could totally shift the demeanor of their encounter - and the King himself.

There were multiple answers he could give. The most common were: I'm just passing through" - Gerhardt got that one at least once a week - and there was also "I wish to join" - that one was far more preferable, but sadly more rare. He hoped it would be the latter with this one, for Gerhardt could use all of the wolves he could get. Alliances were in the works, but when it came down to it it would always be his wolves he'd have to depend upon. Yes, Gerhardt would trust his allies, but one had to prepare their own members as well. The King would recline, curling his tail about his haunches with his back to his packland.



03-23-2013, 06:01 PM
The man spoke with the same well-mannered language as Hercules did. Hercules appreciated that. It seemed like every wolf he had ran into around here had not even a trace of manners in the way they spoke, but most of them had also been quite young. Nonetheless, Hercules had learned to treat and speak to others with manners before he learned to hunt.

A long silence dropped between the two, something Hercules appreciated. Most cannot sit in silence comfortably, the opposite of Hercules who loved the moments of silence he was granted. Silence gives you time to think independently, also something Hercules adored.

After a long moment, the man broke the silence. 'May I ask what you are doing so near my borders?' he asked.
"I wish to join your kingdom. I apologize for not waiting at your borders for an escort. I had wished to speak directly to you."


03-23-2013, 06:34 PM

He wished to join. The King would smile upon his bi-colored frame, glad to be welcoming a new member into Seracia. Normally he might've been choosier, but the way the male spoke said much about him. Hercules would be a welcome addition. "It is honorable to wish to speak directly to the man in charge." He wondered, then, if perhaps Hercules had heard of him before, and was meaning his phrase more directly. "Have you heard about me from another, or about Seracia.. perhaps?" He was curious what another might have told Hercules about Seracia or the King. Certainly whoever was talking knew something about the pack. "Also, what qualities do you have to offer my Kingdom?" That was a necessary question. Gerhardt needed to know what Hercules had to offer, although the male was already accepted in Gerhardt's eyes. The King's tail twisted and writhed on the ground happily, pleased that another had come to join. It had been a while, and Gerhardt had recently discovered the loss of a few members. One in particular really bothered him, and that was Ser Halis Corvi. That was a Knight lost.. and that worried the King. He needed all the Knights he could get.

OOC: Short, sorry.



03-23-2013, 06:53 PM
Hercules had found himself not worrying even the littlest, for he thought that this man was much like himself. For the reasons why, he was not sure. The man thought it was honorable that Hercules had wished to speak directly to him, rather than to a border patrol or another member of the kingdom that would have came to escort him across the border. Why did he think that was unknown. Most would want others to wait for an escort, but Hercules appreciated Gerhardts attitude towards what Hercules had done.

"I have heard much about Seracia. I have been asking about it for quite a while, actually. I have heard about the other 5 packs as well-- but over them, I had chosen Seracia." Hercules paused. Perhaps the man would want to know why he had been asking around about Seracia, and Hercules intended to answer all of his questions. "About a year ago when I arrived in the land of Alacritia, I had wished to join a pack. I narrowed them all down to Seracia. But I wanted to know more about the Alpha, in this case the king. A king makes the laws, and laws can determine the future of the pack. In my thoughts, I think Seracia definitely has a great future." Hercules was quite happy with his answer. Another small silence dropped between the two before the man asked another question. "I am very truthful and loyal, and I think that those are more important than my physical strengths. But as for them, I am built for strength more than speed. Though I am not slow, I am not the fastest ether." Hercules stopped there. He didn't really know anything else he could add to that.


03-23-2013, 07:50 PM

The King would go on to listen intently to Hercules, extremely curious as to what he may or may not have heard about Seracia. Already Hercules was as good as gold in his book, but he was trying not to be so quick to judge. Any moment now the male could let something slip that might ultimately make Gerhardt distrust him. The King had to be aware. The man went on to tell all he knew, and his process of choosing a pack. So far so good. He would then elaborate on Gerhardt's second query relating to his strengths. So, strength was better than speed for him. Gerhardt had heard this before. Perhaps Hercules would like to be a Knight of Seracia. The King would wait for him to finish, and then respond accordingly. "It seems you are well informed, I trust you have no questions about our laws, then? If so you may ask them now." He liked to inform new members of the laws of the pack, and be sure that nothing was misunderstood or poorly elaborated upon. This saved them all from embarrassing mistakes later on in pack life. "You speak of strength. I wonder if you would like to serve as a Knight of Seracia?" The King hoped he would choose this, but if hunting or healing were more to his standards the monarch would oblige him as much as possible. Amethyst eyes would relax and his posture would calm ever so slightly, signaling that he was through speaking for the time being. Gerhardt would wait and see what Hercules had to say.



03-23-2013, 08:12 PM
Hercules didn't know what the king had thought of his answer, though he hoped he didn't over or under explain everything. Hercules had a habit of trying to make everyone happy, but he couldn't always do that. But by the expression on the man's face, his answer seemed to set well.

Hercules thought over what he had heard about the Seracia laws. He knew all the ones that were important to him, so he didn't have any questions about them.
"No, I know all the laws, thank you."

'You speak of strength. I wonder if you would like to serve as a Knight of Seracia?' A knight? Hercules didn't really hope for that rank. Though, there wasn't any ranks he could get that he would wish for straight after joining a pack, and he recently heard about the loss of a knight. Hopefully, he would be some use to the kingdom as a knight. "Okay." he replied.


03-25-2013, 07:24 PM

The King would pause as the man thought about whether or not he knew the laws of Seracia. If he did not, Gerhardt would outline them to him, but if he did, the King would skip over that rather tedious task of reciting. It certainly ruined conversation, not that Gerhardt was in the proper mind to linger long in talking with this man. As he spoke about the laws, the King merely nodded with a slight smile and raise of his brow. So.. all of his laws were being spread throughout the land to be heard by vagabonds. The King wasn't sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. Ah well, there wasn't much he could do about it.

As Hercules agreed to be a Knight, Gerhardt nodded again, this time chiming in. "Fantastic! I could use a good Knight. You will share the rank with two other males by the names of Segar and Octavian. You should know that I have yet to choose an Infante - or lead Knight, so keep your wits about you and you could end up in charge of protecting my Kingdom." He would let the male know this, mostly to encourage him and to give him an idea of the options Seracia had to offer. Gerhardt pivoted toward the middle of his territory and tossed his head over his shoulder to gaze at the two-toned Hercules. "If there is nothing else, I humbly welcome you to my Kingdom, Ser Hercules." With a smile and a wink, the King set off at a light trot, slowly at first in case the man had anything else to say.

Exit Gerhardt unless stopped by Hercules.
