
somewhere i b e l o n g



3 Years
03-13-2013, 05:49 PM
save me from being confused, show me what i'm looking for

The sooty yearling had wandered from her den once more. This time, however, she had not immediately struck out for the beach. Instead, she had found herself wandering towards the edge of her pack's lands. These borders were imposing things, marked strongly by her parents. Maverick had found the courage to pass them with ease, exploring the world without a thought for his siblings. And yet Kamala couldn't bring herself to chase after her brother. She was content in Seracia. The wolves who had inhabited it were friendly creatures, and she enjoyed spending time with them, observing them and listening to them. Her family members were the most interesting of all. Her spitfire mother, her regal father; her lonesome and sad brother and the outgoing and adventurous one as well.

There was so much to see, so much to learn about just in Seracia's territory alone that she couldn't begin to understood how Maverick thought that he wanted to explore the outside world. Kamala wanted to wait, to wait until she fully understood the wolves of Seracia; their motives and their personalities. Why were they there? Why was she there?

Sometimes, Kamala wondered that. What cruel twist of fate had saved her and her siblings but let her parents die? Why them? Kamala had nothing to offer the world. Nothing special, at least, nothing that a half-dozen other wolves in Seracia alone couldn't offer. Why them? It was a question worth considering, especially if Kamala took into consideration the half-remembered gods her parents had believed them. She didn't only vaguely remembered their names and their purposes even less than that, and she certainly didn't know if she believed in them. But if they did exist, and they did play a paw in her survival...

The only question she really had was why.

The female found herself standing at the heart of Seracia's territory as her thoughts trailed off, glancing around idly. Hmm. Her wandering path towards the edge of Seracia's territory had been turned on its head, it seemed, leaving her standing in her Kingdom's interior once more. She was no Maverick, it seemed. The female snorted wryly to herself at the thought, shaking her head slightly.

She would probably just wait around here for a while, doing nothing but thinking. It seemed like a decent enough plan.



03-14-2013, 08:11 PM
The brunette woman had been attending to the usual alpha duties, spending the majority of the time busier than a bee. Everything had gotten so stressful over the past few days, hell she had even gotten into a spat with her own husband. The pups were yearlings now, so they didn't need nearly as much attention as she had shown them before.. and she missed it. She had gotten so attached to the little trio, and spending some time away from them made her heart ache. She wasn't one to choose favorites, but Kamala was the only female, so in a way she had favored her more. Now that the little ashy female had grown up males would be hawking her like prey. She needed to talk to her daughter, give her some lessons about life. She turned her attention to a new task; finding her daughter. Weaving through the territory she traveled like a serpent, unseen, undetected, slyly. Her daughter was at the heart of Seracia, so the duck chase was an easy one. When she came into a view a long smile plastered itself upon the woman's face. "Kamala" She cooed as she came closer to her daughter. Once she was a few feet away she stopped, waiting for a reply.



3 Years
03-18-2013, 05:46 PM
my dear old friend, take me for a spin; two wolves in the dark, running in the wind

A noise in the brush had Kamala twitching her ears, swinging a charcoal colored head to focus green eyes in the direction from which the sound was coming from. It couldn't be anything dangerous, not in the heart of Seracia's territory, but Kamala's heart picked up its pace in its chest anyways. Only to slow immediately when a sigh of relief escaped the female at the appearance of her mother. "Mother!" The response was happy, and a quick flick of her tail was Kamala's first reaction.

Calling Adette 'mother' still felt a little strange. Kamala had warmed up to Gerhardt more swiftly than she had to her mother, but that was merely because Adette's temper had intimidated Kamala as a pup. But now that she was a little bit more grown up, she had come to love Adette more dearly than she loved her vague memories of her crimson mother. Adette had been the one to be there for her, after all, the one to rescue her and Kamala would never stop owing her for that. They weren't the most average of families, but Kamala figured that she was still very lucky that she and her siblings had been discovered by the two wolves that had found them.

Wagging her tail again, Kamala felt a lupine grin form upon her features. "How are you, Mother? What brings you out here?" It was a good deal more than many wolves managed to get her to say, but Kamala had not seen the female much recently. Adette had been busy, understandably so, but it was nice to see her mother again. The Queen of Seracia had many duties and it was entirely understandable that a female who was not her true daughter wasn't as high up on her list of priorities.

And yet Kamala couldn't bring herself to believe that that was truly what was happening. Adette and Gerhardt had no other pups; had never given any sign that they loved Kamala and her siblings any less than they might love pups of their own. Adette was almost certainly just busy. And Kamala didn't begrudge her that. She was just happy to see her mother. So Kamala just wagged her tail happily, content now with keeping her silence.



03-18-2013, 06:35 PM

The brunette woman's smile widened when Kamala called her mother. She loved when the trio called her that instead of Adette. It had taken them a while to warm up to the name, but eventually they did. Well, except Valkis. He still barley talked to them, and when he did he called her and Gerhardt by their names. He had never called them mother or father. He was an odd child, certainly a little off in the head. Adette still loved him the same though, just as she did with her other children. Adopted or not they were her children and they always would be. "Hello darling." Kamala had always seemed to shy away from her, maybe because of her temper and parenting skills. She had little tolerance for defiance, and when she had to she handled things a little more roughly than necessarily. But hey, it worked didn't it? For the most part at least. All three of the pups were still alive and well, and that's all that mattered. "Well, I was tending to some duties and decided i'd stop by and say hello to my daughter. Is that such a bad thing?" She teased in a sarcastic tone. She had not spent much time with her kids since they had gotten old enough to be on their own for the most part. What was she supposed to do? Spend every second with them like she did when she had first found them? They all three needed to develop some independence, and trailing around with their mother wouldn't give them that. Still, Adette liked spending time with her little ones. "What have you been up yo Kammy? Anything interesting happening? Any boys trying to win you over yet?" Her smiled widened as she laughed. Kamala was a beautiful little dame, boys would certainly be drooling over her sooner or later.




3 Years
03-22-2013, 05:44 PM
Darling. There was something comforting about the way that that sounded. The warmth of her mother's voice as she greeted her daughter had Kamala's tail wagging slightly as she glanced at the older woman, ducking her head slightly in acknowledgement of the other's words. There was little that she could say that had not already been said, so the female said nothing at all. Her nod was all that needed to be said.

A wag of her tail was her first reaction to Adette's words and Kamala smiled slightly. "Terrible," There was a teasing note to the yearling's voice as she glanced at her mother, "It is nice to see you." Kamala added after a moment, just in case her mother misinterpreted her joke. She didn't think that Adette would, but it was worth covering all bases. Adette's wrath was a vicious thing, and though she loved her mother dearly, Kamala intended to avoid angering the female as much as she could. Kamala had learned early in her life that her mother's wrath was something to avoid as much as possible. She had surely been sheltered from the worst of Adette's wrath, but the scraps that she had seen made Kamala certain that she didn't wish to anger her mother unnecessarily.

Boys? "I don't suppose it really matters. If there are any males chasing after me." Kamala said absently, twitching her ears slightly at the thought. "But little interesting has happened to me. And you, mother?" Her voice sounded more regal than it had before, Kamala noted vaguely. It no longer had the squeakishness of a pup's voice. This must have begun to fade recently, she thought with a twitch of her ears.

A soft sigh escaped the female as she settled back on her haunches, curling her tail around her front paws as she gazed at her mother, head tilted slightly to the side. "Mother... I have a question." Well, actually, Kamala had many. But for now she was content to stick with just one. She wanted to know a little bit about her parents before they had found her and her siblings. It was a random thought, but it was one that Kamala had wondered about for a while now.