
Stories of the Past

Taska Takira

04-29-2013, 04:02 PM
Kira had heard stories all her life, her mother would just drift into a tale every once and a while. It would always began the same, she was a wanderer, not by choice but design. Kira had heard of her grandfather and how he had marked his young daughter, banishing her at a young age. How her mother survived those early days, how she wandered onto strange lands a year and a half later and meet a new family, one that she loved very much. How Taske had given all that up later for a friend that she would have given her life for, to only be abandoned yet again for her troubles. Yes Kira had heard stories all her life, stories on her mothers love and loss, stories on how blood does not always make family, and how love can both make a break a wolf. And at the end of every story Taske turned to Kira her eyes distant and told the pup, 'I am all that much better because of my loss, I would not give up anything to save myself from that pain, and neither should you when loss threatens you, stay strong my love, even when you think your world is ending...'

Even months after her mothers death Kira holds strong to that saying, She will hold strong to her mothers memories and come out of her loss all the stronger. It was one of those last stories that Kira was chasing. Her mother had told Kira of a land not far from her birth place that housed many wolves. Taske had journeyed to that place, and Kira decided to fallow in her mothers paw prints and see what adventures this land brought her as well. But as Kira crossed the land that her mother told her about it was barren, soot and rock filled the land scape that used to house lush vegetation. So she continued on, it had not taken long for her to find where those wolves that had once lived in that land.

She was now On this path to find out the truth in some of her stories and maybe just maybe find the father that she never knew. Taske had not told Kira who it might be that fathered her all she had said was that he came outta nowhere on day and made the greatest thing in her life, but Kira wanted to know, she wanted to see who had given her mother the spark in her eye when ever she told Kira of her conception... Kira moved in the tall grass, her paws moving silently. There where no clues, Kira looked like her mother, while her father could be anyone, anyone in this wide world, but the silent little girl was not giving up, she will find who had given her life, even if she looked all her life...


05-03-2013, 06:38 AM
It was her first time visiting this somewhat barren strip of land. There was grass here and there, some tall, most short - but mainly it was nearly lifeless. Little could be seen or heard that told stories of life. The sun was setting, slowly but surely, and the albino was grateful. There were very few trees here to keep her shaded and keep the sun out of her eyes. She was a fragile girl, and preferred the night because of her sensitive eyes and skin. The sooner that night fell and the first starts started shining on their blue velvet pelt, the sooner that she could breathe easy.

The white fae's ears listened intently for any signs of anyone or anything nearby. There were a few insects it seemed, but nothing very noisy. Without trees, there were little to no sounds of birds in the horizon - and it all made the female feel a bit uneasy. This was not something that she was used to at all. It was entirely too quiet. To the point where the scent of a stranger nearly made her sigh in relief.

It wasn't too hard to pinpoint the source of the scent either. With a tiny smile in place she stepped forward, until she should be within eye shot of the other female. The other was dark, and she couldn't quite tell whether she was from these lands or not, but she looked lost, or like she was looking for something. Momentarily perplexed, the quiet she-wolf was the first to speak up. "Is something missing?" She questioned, her head tilted slightly with the question.

Taska Takira

05-03-2013, 09:43 PM
Kira shifted her body, her large paws holding her strong chest up. She was built much like her mother, she even acted like her mother, or how a three month old saw her mother act. Kira smiled at the memory of her, She was so soft, but was quite; the most Kira ever heard her mother talk was when she was telling stories, any other time they where one liners, or even a few words. Her mother was loving but held back, a shadow in her eyes, her scares gleaming. The Scares where the reason for the first story she told Kira, about her grandparents and her aunt and uncle. The story brought forth many emotions for both of them, pain and abandonment for her mother, a old festering wound that refused to fully close; but Kira felt sadness and regret for her mother, she was denied the most basic thing in her life so early on that it seemed to leave a scare far deeper then the angry red lines still on her face.

The black dam moved her large body, her feet moving but stopped suddenly, it felt like she was being watched. She turned her head, her amber eyes looking, seeing anything that moved. and sure enough a white ghost seemed to be moving in the distance. It was moving with purpose toward her. Kira stopped her shifting, her eyes locked onto the white female that was now standing not too far from her. She seemed to be confused about something, which was voiced in her question. Kira tilted her head at the white furred woman. She was a small thing, but with piercing red eyes.

Taska Takira let her confusion drop to be replaced by amusement, for the girls question seemed to ask about her whole life, not just this moment. Was something missing? Yes, just about everything was missing. Kira chuckled to herself, "Nothing more then normal miss. Hell, what is not missing from my life?" Kira sat down, her paws kicking up dirt and sand. She tilted her head at the girl, her ears forward, and gave her a crocked grin. "So, now that we know I am missing everything in my life, why are you in this barren landscape? Are you missing anything?" Kira watched the white furred and red eyed girl with interest, she had never seen a wolven with such a pale pelt, even other white wolvens, she wondered about her story.


05-04-2013, 01:42 PM
The other female seemed confused at her statement, and the tiny lupine watched as her expression become something a bit more pointed. The dark lupine laughed, and the sound struck Io as something negative, sad, bitter, there was something there that shouldn't have been there and Io wasn't sure what to make of it. Her words only backed up her thoughts on the matter, and the albino mentally paused as she realized that she had probably hit a nerve with the other. "Sorry." She mouthed, letting her eyes fall from the other's golden gaze. Yet the stranger didn't seem to be too upset with her - or all that upset really, in an odd way.

Because she was grinning at her, as if this was a funny, awkward moment and perhaps to this dark female that was exactly what it was. Io managed a smile on her own face, small and empathetic and still apologetic because no one should feel like they're missing everything. Yet it was a feeling that the female had felt on occasion. Being lonely was a terrible thing - and it was something that she would probably be feeling, if she was alone out here with no sound or others to keep her company.

The question that she asked was a simple one, and the female was not embarrassed to answer it. "My family, my brothers." They were the ones that were missing, she missed them dearly, and where it was once a sore aching spot within her, it was not a simple subtly longing for what she had before everything fell apart. "I'm looking for them." It was the answer to her first question - pertaining to why she was here in the first place. Although, it wasn't all that there was, at least that was what the female felt, she was looking for more than just her siblings nowadays. A place to belong perhaps? And yet she didn't like large groups or big responsibilities so she stayed clear of committing herself to a pack.

"Why are you alone?" She eventually asked, curious as to why she was a rogue when there were plenty of packs here in Alacritis. Her ears twitched as she settled down, still standing, but looking less like she had done something wrong and asked all of the wrong things.

Taska Takira

05-17-2013, 09:56 PM
Taska Takira looked as the white female seemed to soften. Taska smiled sadly at the girl, for it was a sad thing, but in a different way not so much. Her mother had told her to be strong and that is what she is going to be. Kira looked off into the barren grasses, her mind on nothing in particular, letting the soft memories of the past fill her heart and mind. Kira was not lonely per say, just alone. Her life with her mother was everything to her, but she was still with her. Taske had once told Kira that she would never leave her alone, that even if she was not in physical form she was always in Kira's heart, and she knew her mother was right, she still felt her.

As the white dam's voice filled Kira's ears again, she looked back at her, her amber eyes calculating, thoughtful. Taska Takira never knew her father and she would never have any siblings, and her mother was dead; and no matter how much Kira wanted to meet that father she never knew it was likely never to happen, but this female, she had family, loved ones that just need to be found, and that maybe why she felt lonely. Knowing you have no one compared to knowing you have someone but they where gone where two different feelings. Kira nodded at the white female, fully understanding her needs, but unable to feel them herself.

Kira again smiled at the white dam, her amber eyes showing how painful her question was, she was truly alone in life, with neither family or friends to call her own. Yes it was sad, but again it made her stronger for it. "I never knew my father, I do not have siblings, and my mother died when I was three months." Taske blinked her eyes, not allowing the past pain of her mothers loss to fill her mind, she was going to be strong, she was going to keep her mothers memory close to her heart and remember the stories that where told, and then learn from them. "Do not be sorry for me, 'I am all that much stronger because of my loss.'" Kira recited her mother favorite line, her amber eyes looking into the white woman's red ones. "My mother is still in my heart, as long as she is there I am never alone." Kira smiled warmly at the dam then her eyes filling with the pleasant things that have happened to her, even after her mothers death. "Do you want to sit down and tell me how you lost your family?" Kira tilted her head at her, curious about stories of her past.


05-31-2013, 12:51 AM
The other female seemed sharp, from what Io could tell. There was lingering emotion in her eyes, most likely of memories that she was reminicing in. Perhaps those thoughts were what made this woman who she was? When she was lost in her thoughts, they certainly made up a large portion of her own self - finding her brothers was one of her largest goals.

Io managed to remain hopeful regardless of the time that passed, despite each day that ticked away being one day where her family could be that much farther away from her. This lupine here smiled, appearing optomistic, strong even, but there was a pain within her smile that she held onto. It was so lonely, more lonely than she had seen in another - and with good reason. Her father was gone, no siblings could be called upon, and her mother died when she was young. Where one would expect she would want to be coddled, be treated as if she was still mourning and needed support - she asked for her not to feel sorry for her. Pity was not something that she was looking for.

And so why did she hold onto her past?

She answered that question herself - for her mother. She was her mother's memory, and with that memory she refused to consider herself alone. Contradictory, for she seemed to feel the pain of someone isolated. "Your story is sad, but you do not make me feel pity." She didn't feel sorry for her - only hoped that her strength would carry her into a beautiful new life. "My brothers, Aiden and Cyrink are very dear to me - but it has been over a year since I have last seen them." She explained, feeling odd, telling her background to this stranger. "We separated, and then never managed to find each other again." It was part of what kept her traveling, although nowadays she found herself following the stars more often than following whiffs of scents long stale.

"I am Io Sovari, you are good company stranger." She offered her a small smile, her sentence surprisingly earnest. "It is rare I stop to chat."

Taska Takira

06-02-2013, 12:44 AM
Taska Takira nodded at the white girl, her face that of bland interest, not that she was not listening, for she was, but her every emotion was not forefront in her face. She listened to the story on how the dame lost her brothers and mother. It was a sad thing to lose something, and even more so to lose the thing your dearest, Kira understood, she lost her mother suddenly, and without warning, Taske was the one thing in this world that Kira had loved and she lost her forever, So she understood this female, but she had hope, her mother and brothers where not dead, just missing, maybe just maybe they could be found... Maybe Kira could help this Io...

The young black female tilted her head at the white girl. Her mind racing with many possibilities. No matter how much Kira denied it she was a bit lonely and this female seemed to also be so, so maybe they should travel together, help each other find the thing they desire most. For Kira that is knowledge of her mother's life, more of the story; for Io her family. They could be friends, they could become the very thing they lost so long ago, a family.

"Hello Io, I am Taska Takira, but I prefer to be called Kira." She smiled at the white woman then, her amber eyes dancing with the possibility. Taske had once told Kira of her best friend, they had met young and had be inseparable for the longest time. Taske had done anything and everything for her friend, and had found her niche in life because of her, she had watched and protected, and she have loved her friend. Kira now saw the possibilities, she could see herself having that friendship, she wanted it. Cali and Taske where almost one and the same; maybe just maybe Kira could have that with this white woman, the same friendship as they did with Io. "I was wondering, where are you going? Do you mind me going with you?" Kira watched Io, her amber eyes thoughtful wounding if the dame would want her company of if she was just happy being alone, which seems unlikely with how this conversation has gone.


06-02-2013, 01:43 AM
The other's introduction was friendly - a broad smile spreading over the other female's dark lips. Io found it to be charming, and contagious even. She was younger than Io herself, but already larger - and she would only grow into herself more as she matured. A pack would be quick to claim her if she made herself available - but for some reason that seemed to suit this girl as well as it suited Io herself. It didn't. Being a wanderer just fit some, and perhaps she was just one of those exceptions along with the albino herself.

But winter was quickly closing in, and being a rogue would be hard both for she and Kira.

"I haven't a clue - I'm just following the stars at night, looking for traces of my siblings." She had no real destination in mind, no goals after what she had already stated. Perhaps it was time that she make some? As for whether she wanted company, it only took a moment of thought to decide that yes, she liked this female's presence enough for it to be more constant than the quick meet ups that she had with wolves that are still strangers to her afterward. She had made an acquaintance, that would perhaps end up her friend. It was a feeling that she had surprisingly, not felt very often. "I would like that, yes." She nodded, magenta eyes meeting the other's amber ones. Her mood had lifted somewhat, from the neutrality that it normally held, into something lighter, a bit more friendly.

Perhaps it was the sincerity of their conversation that made her warm up to the other so quickly, but whatever it was, she hoped that it wouldn't trickle away as they traveled together. "I hope that you are alright with traveling at night?" She asked, a hint of doubt striking her, just barely visible in her words. "I am sensitive to sunlight." It was something that had always affected her. She had long since figured that it was because of her strangely colored eyes and thin fur, an albino, how peculiar that one so stark white wouldn't do well in the sun.

Taska Takira

06-05-2013, 09:51 PM
Taska Takira felt the new chill in the air, and knew that things where about to get hard for her and this white girl. And she knew that things would be easier when there where more then one, and frankly Kira would like the company more then the help in hunting, but that is a added plus. She watched the young she wolf as she tilted her head and told her that the stars where her guide, hoping that they would bring her to her siblings, and a good life. That was the saddest part in this whole conversation, this female had let her missing family control her life. This was why Kira was happy to know that her mother was gone, no matter how sad that one line was, for she knew she could never get her back, but this one was hung up at getting them back and will not stop until she does. Kira eyed her, her amber eyes trying to understand her motives. The black girl unstood the need for family, for was she not in this land trying to see if she could find a father she never knew? But she would not stop her life for him, for he made her then left her, like she was a dame who brothers had left her for reasons unknown, but they still left, and it seemed a while back leaving their fragile sister all alone in a world where even the sun can hurt her.

But that is why Taska Takira will stay with her, the world was a hard place for a wolf that was alone, and even more so when you are sensitive to things as this girl said she was to the sun. "That is fine, I travel at night most of the time anyway, and besides hunting is much easier, but I must say, that I am much better at fishing, that was the first hunting lesson from my mother, and let me tell you she was a master at it." Kira got up then, her amber eyes looking out into the land, she knew that it was time to go, for dark was falling quickly and if the two wanted to find a good hunting or fishing ground by the morning they should start now. "You ready to start our adventure together Io?" With that Kira started started to move two the horizon of trees, hoping the Io would fallow her into the world.


ooc. I thought this was a good ending, if Seren would like a new thread all you need to do is make on‌e =)