
Where the Sun meets the Ocean


03-11-2013, 11:00 AM
It had been a few days since her last encounter with SwiftKill and she hoped that would be her last. She'd stumbled across the kid in this very place, the Frozen Field. Swift had asked her to give her a new name and she had, even went as far as extending an invitation to mentor the pup, a practice for the soon to be mother. And everything had gone good, up until those few days before where the child had dared raise a paw against Destruction. The flashbacks of the day made her blood boil and she could practically taste the girl's blood on her tongue again. An irritated snarl rumbled in her chest. She never wanted to lay eyes on that damn child again because if she did, it was all over. No more holding back; she would eradicate the kid like she should've done from the beginning.

Chest expanded, lungs filling with oxygen as the charcoal dame took a huge breath, trying to calm herself. If that child was like that, disrespectful and stupid, how could she expect her own offspring to be? Destruction shook her head. No, her offspring would not be like that. She'd be damned if they thought they could get away with the things the white she-wolf had done only days before. Jaws parted, a huff slipping through her canines. She was done thinking about that damn kid. It didn't matter right now. She could worry about that later. Though she hoped she wouldn't ever have to deal with that damn girl again.

Limbs carried the onyx dame through the familiar landscape, pace slow and measured, in no hurry to get anywhere or see anyone. Though she wasn't even in the first trismester of pregnancy, she could already feel it weighing down on her. Her first mistake had been even allowing Bane to get near her, the second was taking on his stupid challenge, one that had been designed to set her up for failure. What did it matter now, it was too late to go back and try to change anything. She could simply abort the pregnancy, but the she-devil thought better of it. Were she to keep the pups stirring in her belly then she could raise the next generation of killers and perhaps start a new pack, one founded on blood and war. That was far more appealing than simply killing them off, though she wasn't too sure how she would fare with children. She would find out soon enough.

Frame came to a halt in the middle of the field, limbs collapsing beneath the large vixen as she lowered herself onto the semi-frozen ground, gaze turned to the horizon, watching as the sun blazoned across the sky, announcing the arrival of the day. Destrucion layed stoicly against the ground, audits flickering to and fro, ever alert for the annoucement of another's presence.


03-11-2013, 11:30 AM

So far I had only come across two species that were very much like me when it came down to the anatomy. Although they both seemed a bit crazed and lustful for the live giving supplement known as blood, we all had a lot in common. But what had me questioned the most was why had I never seen any others like me in all my six years of breathing life? This baffled me to no end. Sure they didn't speak like me but that was to be expected. I've learned a drift sailing the seas that no two sound alike. By why did none of the opposing ships carry a canidae aboard like mine did? I thought for sure I was the only one around. Appearantly I was mistaken. And the fact that the elder one seemed to be with child meant that there were more! And so I set out to find them my damn self. Curiosity had the best of me. It tugged at my spirit fiercer then anything I had ever felt!

I continued to move further and further away from the sandy embankment that I had been so used to. To set out on my own little journey. Thoughts still occassionally drifting back to the two that had their bicker a few days ago. Never had I witnessed one being so insubbordanent towards their captain. She should have been grateful that the elder took her under her wing as she had done, but she didn't seem to grateful in my opinion. I continued to press forward my own thoughts bouncing from here and there as I moved in pure silence. Muscles sent to ripple in such a fluid motion beneath my own dark blotchy hide. Every step was delicately placed. Even aroma being inhaled rather deeply to fill my lungs. Such a beautiful place this was. So far I had seen more scenery in the past week then I had witnessed in my entire lifetime! Couldn't really say I didn't enjoy it either, because I did. It was new, it was different. I felt like a pup being brought to life for the first time. All I ever knew was the ocean, the ship and killing two leggers, that was it. But this.. This was a whole new world!

Every know and again I seemed to slip on a patch of this ice that coated the ground but quickly caught myself before colliding with the earth. It almost took forever until I came across a large, practically empty field. Nothing to be seen just yet, but the vast open space was rather lovely.. Yes even a brute such as myself could consider things to be lovely. Surprise surprise. It was just then that I spotted the familiar dame, her legs buckled beneath her to allow her bodice to ly upon the chilled earth. My own twin towers twitching ever so slightly as I watched for just a minute. Inhaling her sweet, tempting perfume. Something about her aroma had sent my heart a pounding, and blood a racing. But why? I did question the anxious feeling but soon was able to ignore it, for now. The fae was not dainty in the least, in fact it was a bit shocking on how her build was. I've noticed with the two leggers the woman always seemed much more different than the men. They were slender and fragile looking, with hair that cupped their face perfectly. A thing of beauty they were, while the men were rugged and dirty. Not saying that the onyx female was rugged and dirty looking, just not as dainty I as expected, that's all.

Slowly I began to make my way in her direction, being extra cautious not to slip on a patch of ice that lay splattered here and there. My own deep words booming thunderously from the depths of my voice box. While I was still a distance away just in case she didn't pick up on the thudding of my paws.

Ahoy thar! Fancy runnin' into ye again. This time without yer faithful companion I see

I couldn't help but chuckle slightly beneath my breath as I neared her, of course avoiding her own personal bubble. Didn't want to insult the lass.


03-11-2013, 12:00 PM
She'd never been a wolf for inaction, never liked sitting still in one place or not doing anything. In her old pack, the only time she'd lied down was when she took her sleep for the night, if the commander even allowed them any time to rest. Often times she and her packmates were active days at the time, moving from one pack to another, not allowing the news of their pillages to reach their next victims. The dark dame was accustomed to not sleeping for days and being on her paws nearly all day and yet none of those wants pulsed through her veins. Not even the blood-lust, a want she had become all too accustomed too screamed in her veins. She was simply content with resting against the cold earth to watch the rising sun.

Disbelief at her own actions rippled through her large mass. Was this what pregnancy was doing to her, chipping away at the hardened shell of an assasin that she had been wearing for her entire life? Damn crazy. This was the last time Destruction would be anything remotely stupid. In her next heat cycle she would stay away from everyone and anyone; pregnancy was nothing she wanted to become familiar with. The sound of heavy paws thudding against the semi-froze ground stirred her from her thoughts, audits twtiching backwards to pinpoint the location of the intruder. Nostrils flared, tasting the air, discovering the familiar scent of Diabolitio, the onyx and brown brute that had come across Swift those few days ago. What was he doing out here?

Limbs unscrambled themselves from beneath the massive dame, hoisting her up to stand upon her powerful limbs, blackened coat given a good shake to rid it of the debris that it had collected. The she-devil slowly turned to meet the knight, hellish alabaster and crimson ringed gaze trained on him as he spoke, calling out to her as to alert her of his coming. Smart man. She watched him for a moment as he approached, his footing a bit unsteady on the slipperly ice. Clearly wherever he hailed from they didn't deal with snow or even ice that often. If this stranger was going to remain in Alacritis, he was going to have to get used to the new climate pretty quickly.

The one and only Diabolitio. she spoke, an irritated growl slipping past her jaws at the mention of ivory youth. More of an annoyance if you ask me. You weren't following me were you? She didn't care how it sounded, she was simply asking a question. If he had been she had no quarrel with it; he could do as he wished. It wasn't like he was any kind of threat to her; for the time being that is.


03-12-2013, 07:37 AM

Now see I was the opposite I spent days even weeks just sitting upon the ship.. of course that didn't mean I wasn't ready for action when need be.. But for the most part I resided next to the good ole Captain... I was basically his first mate. I watched him slay other memebers of our crew for disobedience and throw them within the murky waters.. I watched as their blood tainted the waters calling the meat hungry, toothed fish to the top. I watched them get drug beneath and vanish from sight only to become a meal for the sea life. It was something I was accustomed too. And when I was needed I leapt into action. No questions about it. Perhaps that was why I had survived for so long?

As I had drawn closer to the resting damn she swiftly seemed to scramble back upon all fours. It was more then noticeable that I was no threat to her, or the young that I assumed was beginning to grow within her abdomen. Even though I had last seen her a few days ago she still seemed to be getting a bit larger. I inhaled her sweet and tempting perfume, closely watching her every move. Last I saw her she still had that crazed look in her eyes. She two must be a weapon a destruction, just as I. However she seemed to mask it just as well. Unlike the pup who allowed her blood crazed notions become visible within only a few seconds of meeting. A rather large mistake to make straight from the beginning. To be a good killing machine one had to first learn to hide the look that for warns the prey, or victims. None of the opposing ships would ever assume I was there to rip their limbs apart, I merely sat like a good ole' dog until givin the command, that was when the fury shone.

As she spoke my name I dipped my own dial towards her out of respect.

Aye, it is me. I'm afraid I ne'er caught ye calling.

Our introduction prior was indeed cut short due to the insubordinence of the young pup, which led to another situation rising. I did acknowledge that the few minor wounds that the pup inflicted upon the dark dame before me had already began the healing process and rather nicely. I could even detect the frustration within her words and she spoke about the younger one. And I couldn't help but chuckle.

Ye know the ole' sayin. Kids will be kids.

Of course it wasn't like I knew a damn thing about kids, never really seen them. But I've heard the two leggers repeat that saying time and time again. Never really got what it meant until I saw swift and this one together.. Then it made sense! I couldn't help but offer her a grin at her next comment. Of course, she would certainly be worth following, but unfortunately that was not what I was doing at this time.

Jus' simply explorin' Not that it be a bad thing I came across ye. Better then someone that wanted to rip my head off me shoulders I s'pose..

I offered her a wink, followed by a sly little grin.. Of course that didn't mean she didn't want to sever my head from my shoulders. Hell she probably wanted to. But might as well be a little sarcastic. Who wanted to be serious all the time? It would drive me mad... Not like I'm not being driven mad now.. I was lost, confused, and I didn't know this place from adam!

Now wha' on 'arth is this here place?

My gaze traveled over all the landmarks that were placed there sparatically. Questioning everything about this place... Hell I just wanted to go back home. Change was not something I was really used to.


03-12-2013, 06:17 PM
She had never been the type for participating in idle chat with other wolves when throughout her entire life, her own kin had always been her prey. Since being taken in by her pack, she had been raised to percieve all other wolves outside of her unit as prey, as things to be eradicated and cast aside like garbage. Yet she displayed none of those deeply engraved teachings now. Instead she simply ignored, for once in her damneed life not wanting to listen to them. What the hell was going on with her? She wasn't trigger ready to kill, wasn't chomping at the bit to rip any wolf's head on, including the black and brown brute standing before her. Was this damn pregnancy changing her from the inside out?

Diabolitio's words broke her thoughts, bringing her back to the present, hellish alabaster, crimson ringed orbs refocusing on the knight before her, noting how he bowed to her before he spoke. So the man new his manners; very impressive. Crown dipped in return, having been taught to respect fellow killers as well as how to kill, though she wasn't sure Diabolitio was a killer like herself. And yet the way he had reacted those few days before told her that it wasn't something she should completely rule out; after all, appearances were decieving. Destruction. she spoke curtly, not bothering to answer more than what was needed, simply presenting him with her name, something she had never been accustomed to doing, until she set paws in Alacritis.

He chuckled at the mention of the ivory youth, going on to say that kids would be kids. If they want to get killed. she growled quietly, the flashbacks of her scuffle with Swift making her blood boil. Damn inbsubordinate child. And then he was speaking again, saying how he was just exploring and that it was nice he'd run into somebody who didn't want to rip his head off. Destruction nodded in agreement. It was pretty nice, or pretty lucky on his part. As long as he stayed the way he was now, respectful and mindful of his manners, then the she-devil would have no problem with him and the need to rip his head off would stay dormant. But if he were to cross the line and piss her off, she had no problem letting go of her control and letting him have it.

Now wha' on 'arth is this here place? Diabolitio spoke up again, only this time it was a question rather than a comment. What was this place? She wasn't much help in that department. I muself don't know much about this place, only that it's called Alacritis from what I've heard. There are packs that take residence in this place, where I have yet to discover. What you stand on now is called the Frozen Field and that is about as much as I can tell you. she spoke with a dismissive flick of her tail, haunches folding beneath the massive dame as she sat before the brute, observing him as she allowed her words to sink in.