
want sum drugz?


03-10-2013, 08:04 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

Morphine may look innocent and dainty based upon her petite and pallid exterior, however, her personality is far from that. Morphine is the epitome of a Machiavellian; she'll do whatever it takes to get what she wants out of life with little to no regard for others she surrounds herself with. In this way, she can be seen to as deceptive and manipulative, for she is not above lying to trick others into thinking a certain way so that she can ultimately achieve what she desires. Aside from the negatives that come from being manipulative, Morphine does have a few "good" qualities, or even bad qualities that can be good in a way. She's quite intelligent for a wolf (or so she believes) and she does enjoy showing it off. She is notorious for using both her intelligence and sarcasm to put others down and attempts to use those factors to make those around her feel stupid or inferior. Morphine is also extremely eager; when she puts her mind to something, she will back down at nothing that stands between she and her goals. Although she puts her own goals before anything and seems to lack compassion, Morphine does have the capability to care for a select few and even for the success of Tortuga. She has difficulties with displaying to others that she cares since the emotion of "love" has been blockaded with her consistent selfishness, but it could be done with enough effort.

As far as plotting goes, I'm pretty much open to anything so feel free to suggest a plot below<3 Just make sure to include the character of yours that you want involved in a plot with Morphine as well as a description of the plot.