
Hi There



04-09-2013, 03:22 PM

How on earth do you remember it all? The shewolf chuckled, grey eyes looking at him before being peeled away, scanning the ground for any other plants she could educate him on. It was nice just being able to talk with him, even if if was to teach him on herbs, she just felt calm, relaxed, was enjoying this little lesson. She didn't really talk to others in the pack, sticking to her den of herbs and coming out for a snack or to go on a herb run. She felt that he was joking but answered him anyway. Some people just have a thing for it, able to remember the names, uses and preparations without any trouble at all. Then there are some who try hard to remember. I would have to say I'm in the middle of them. She smiled, walking over to a patch of plants, sniffing them then inspecting the flowers and leaves.

I won't... What's next? He wouldn't forget what she had told him and was already asking what was next. She motioned him over to where she was standing, turning her head back to it and taking a seat. This is Thyme. She used a paw to bend it over slightly, exposing the grayish-green leaves and flowers varying in color from pink to purple. It was a low growing shrub. It can cure minor throat and chest infections, and can be mixed with other herbs to treat asthma. Thyme is often chewed to treat tender throats. Besides that it can be applied to the skin to ease pain and irritation from insect bites or stings, of course you need to crush some of the juices out first so that it can treat them. She moved her paw away, looking down at Maverick a moment before pushing herself up and walking off a few feet to look for another herb. She would show him tree more basic ones for today then he was free to do whatever he liked. Next time he wanted to learn more he could find her anytime in her den or in Seracia territory looking for herbs.



04-10-2013, 03:56 PM

"I have a feeling I'd be on the trying hard end of that spectrum." It was true, Maverick was sure he would have to work hard at remembering what each plant did, how to use it, and how to store it. Still, if he practiced at it enough, the boy knew one day he would learn. He watched her go over to some plants, sniffing and snuffling around their roots and tendrils. He thought to follow her, but stayed put for fear of trampling on something she wished to use later. Where he was he was not hindering her work, or doing anything foolish or wrong. Thyme would be the next thing she showed him. Eyes focused on the leaves and flowers as she leaned the plant over to show it to him. He would attempt to memorize it's appearance in his mind as she rattled off it's uses and preparation guidelines.

She walked a few feet away, looking around again, and this time the boy followed, trying to keep from trampling on anything that might seem useful. For the most part his paws sought out dirt patches between plant groves, so that he would not give harm to anything. His tail swayed behind him, bending the thyme but not breaking it. "Is there something around here good for stopping blood?" It was an innocent enough question, but the boy had an ulterior motive in asking it. He wanted, needed to know what plants could do that, as he feared they might be the ones he'd use the most. He was a boy after all, and often got into more trouble than he could afford. Knowing how to quell a bleeding wound would come in handy, as well as something that would deal with pain would be good to know as well.




04-10-2013, 05:18 PM

His comment caused the shewolf to give a small chuckle, it was good to know he admitted that he would be working hard to remember these things. It showed he was going to try and remember and learn all this, to become more educated in an area other than hunting and fighting. Yes those were important but knowing how to keep yourself in good shape was just as important, knowing how to prevent infections, speed up healing, soothe aches and pains. When she had walked off looking for another herb, she noticed him staying back, bringing a smile to her face which turned into a grin as she noticed him only stepping on patches of dirt between the plants. He probably thinks he will step on something useful... at least he is using his head unlike other fools. She thought, laughing on the inside.

Is there something around here good for stopping blood? Of course, she should have looked for something like that at first. Maverick was a young male, surely he would spar with others for practice and conflicts. Yes yes, of course. She began, grey eyes pulling away from the Thyme to look around the area. You see those trees over there? She lifted a paw and motioned down the way. Around there you will find a flower with five petals, the color varies from light pink to a pinkish purple with jagged leaves. The flowers are bunched at the top with the stem being hairy beneath them. It's called Cranesbill. She set her paw back down, tail waving behind her before continuing on. You can crush it up and spread it over cuts to stop the bleeding. She added on, looking over at the male with a smile. If you would like I will go show you but it's not hard to miss it with the description I gave you. It doesn't stand tall, only about chest high... One more question and that will tie up today's lesson. She sat herself down i front of him, grey eyes looking him over, ears perking up waiting for what he wanted to know next.



04-10-2013, 06:12 PM

Her chuckle was light and airy, much like he would have imagined his mother's being, his true mother.. that is. He could not for the life of him remember what she had sounded like when she laughed - or even talked, for that matter. And yet, that was how he liked to imagine it. He liked to think of her as intelligent, too, much like Loccian in that area as well. Funny, how a lot of his assumptions and imaginations lined up with Loccian's realities. Loccian began to explain the plants that could stop the flow of blood, and Maverick listened with even more interest than he'd shown in the Burdock or Thyme. No doubt both of those would be useful, but this one seemed more useful to him - at least at this stage in his life. Cranesbill. He'd have to remember that. Five petaled flowers with jagged leaves and hairy stems. You had to crush it up and spread it over the wounds to stop the bleeding. He suspected one plant would work for a small cut, but more than one would be necessary for a larger wound. "No it's okay, I think I'll be able to find it if I need it." One final question, he knew what it would be. Clearing his throat lightly, Maverick began. "What about something to help with pain, if you've got a bad bruise or a sprained ankle or something." It was only logical that a wolf - particularly a male wolf - would want to know about such plants. Maverick was growing older, and the thought of fighting and sparring scarcely ever left his mind. It was only a matter of time before he would need to learn to treat himself, at least partially until he could get home and be properly treated by Loccian or Segolia. Goodness knows, his mother would want him well taken care of.




04-10-2013, 07:28 PM

No it's okay, I think I'll be able to find it if I need it... What about something to help with pain, if you've got a bad bruise or a sprained ankle or something. She smiled, turning her head to the side in thought, trying to recall something that could treat those all or a few that could treat each one. After a few seconds of silence her ears perked up and she turned back to Maverick. Comfrey can be used to heal injuries like fractures and sprains, making it into a poultice which is a moist mass of the leaves that should be applied externally. For sore joints you can rub in in the area. She explained to him, pushing herself up and quickly shaking off any dirt or leaves. You will mostly find it in soggy or marshy areas, along riverbanks. It has broad leaves with bristles, bell-shaped flowers that vary from white, pink, or purple. She explained what they looked like and where to find her, her head turning away, grey eyes staring off into the distance. That will be all for today, when you feel that you would like to learn more just look for me at my den... For now, I am going for a walk. I will see you later young prince. She dipped her head to him with a smile before turning away and walking off.

[EXIT LOCCIAN, unless stopped]



04-11-2013, 11:44 AM

Maverick listened with curiosity, interested in what sort of plants she might describe to him, and how they could be used. Comfrey, it was used for sprains or breaks, it was found near riverbanks, in wet areas. The flowers were bell shaped in white, pink, or purple. Maverick stored all of this away for future use, wondering if he'd be able to remember in the moment that he needed to. All he could do was try, and try he would. As she dismissed him and said she was going for a walk, Maverick nodded. I should be going too, thank you for teaching me. With a flick of his tail and the flash of a smile, the young prince turned on his heels and marched off.

Exit Maverick.
