
Whose bed have your boots been under?


03-13-2013, 09:49 PM

All thoughts of his pain had come and gone. Though his side ached every now and then when he took a larger step than normal, it was nothing he couldn't handle and bite back for the time being. Loccian would have something for his pain, if his mother would allow him to be treated. Well, of course she would, she wasn't that mean. She wasn't really mean at all, but he saw her that way simply because she was strict. He had a feeling she still thought of them as little pups and not the yearlings that they were. Truth be told, the boy was nearly three fourths grown, almost entirely his adult size.. though his large paws said that he still had a bit more growing to do. Maverick began to think more about what would happen when he got home, not necessarily the parent part of it, but just Seracian life. His father had mentioned the possibility of him becoming the Prince. What sort of duties and training would be required for such a position? He assumed that he'd be allowed to invite others into the pack, which meant frequent trips to the battlefield and back. Surely his father would pour into him as much as possible, if he were to take over the pack in a few years' time. But what time would that leave for him to steal off and see her again? He had been planning that for a while now. Maverick wasn't thrilled with the idea of this being a one-time encounter. He wasn't sure he could go on knowing he wouldn't ever see her again. Okay.. perhaps that was a bit overdramatic.

Still, Maverick wanted to see her again. The question was, did she want the same? Surely she did, the way she was flirting with him. But what if she was Princess of Valhalla, didn't that mean she had a lot of other important things to do than fraternize with a Seracian Prince? Thoughts were racing ninety miles a second up until she spoke, mentioning that perhaps their meeting ought to be kept secret. Maverick only gave a nod, but one that said he would never tell another soul. Not even Kamala, although some part of him wanted to share it with someone. The girl spoke up again, mentioning her rank and shooting down his little quip. Her brother was the heir, that made sense. Kamala had been looked over, mostly because of her gender. He knew that if she had been a male there would have been a hard decision to make on Gerhardt's part. Lucky enough for him, she was indeed female. She spoke up with her own chosen path, Lead Warrior. Maverick stopped in his tracks for a moment, quirking a brow at her suspiciously. Was this a joke? But he could read on her face that it wasn't. What had made her choose Lead Warrior? But then he saw it, the fire in her eyes. Immediately a smile cracked across his face. I've never met a girl daring enough to try for that position. He paused for a moment. But I think you can do it. You've got class, sweetheart.. but you've also got spunk. Glitter flashed in his green eyes as he beamed at her for a moment, fully certain that she would be a great warrior, but worried all the same. God help the wolf that put a scratch on her pretty little face. Maverick would rip them to shreds.

Eyes swept forward curiously, noting the water was pooling up ahead and barely seemed to be moving. He could also scarcely see the bottom. Perhaps this would be deep enough to swim in? Without hesitation he bounded forward, kicking with his back legs purposefully with intentions to splash her with the cool ravine water. As he plunged forward, his chest was coated in water. It was deep enough to swim here. With just his shoulders and head above the surface, Maverick turned back and smiled coyly. Care for a swim, gorgeous? He swam in a tight circle, clearly enjoying himself thoroughly. If there was anywhere Maverick Tahir-Mathias felt at home, it was in the water.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-13-2013, 10:20 PM

Epiphron vaguely wondered why she had never been inclined to meet others outside of Valhalla before. Her adoptive brother Neo's recent attitude had disheartened her ever so slightly, causing her to retract slightly and spend a bit more time alone. Perhaps that was why she felt suddenly inclined to wander, to see more of the world. While family meant nearly everything to her, she was beginning to realize that there was more. Not all of her needs could be fulfilled within her family, or even within her pack; she wanted more, and she would take whatever she wanted. Right now, she wanted Maverick.

He seemed slightly taken aback when she noted her desire to train for Lead Warrior. The female glanced at him, tilting her head to the side slightly. "Of course I can do it. Why would you expect any less of me, Mav?" A cheeky grin was offered; the female did not doubt her ability to succeed at whatever task she chose for herself. Some wolves simply portrayed confidence, masking their hidden insecurities, but Epiphron truly believed in herself. She'd never once experienced failure. Such was the life of an Adravendi wolf, groomed to always pursue greatness and not settle for anything less than what they deserved... no, what they wanted. Perhaps her confidence was a bit too strong, but Maverick at least seemed to enjoy it.

The comfort she felt around Maverick surprised her, given how little they knew of one another. But she supposed there was no real rush to find out the details of Maverick's life, despite how few and far between their meetings might be; and the male clearly enjoyed her company enough to seek it out again. In time perhaps they would open up to one another, but for one Epiphron was content to let Maverick see nothing but what she wanted to show him for now. Perhaps he would find himself uncomfortable if he her desire to gain a higher rank was not exactly pure, but something a bit more dark; she simply craved power, and wanted to be known in the best way possible. In many ways, she learned this from her father, though she was unsure if she could ever achieve that level of greatness.

Before them the water had begun to trickle, slowing into a fairly deep pool of water. She had been about to suggest a swim, but Maverick took the opportunity first, diving into the cool water and sending a large amount of water onto her. She feigned irritation, jaw dropping slightly as she watched the male wade in the ravine water. "And to believe I thought you were a gentleman," she remarked snappily, though her voice was tinged with laughter she was unable to hide from him. Her act was only maintained for a few seconds before the urge to swim took over, a wide grin spreading over her lips. Epiphron barely hesitated as she dove in after Maverick, attempting to splash the male back with her paws as they landed on the surface of the water.


03-13-2013, 10:39 PM

As she commented on the gap in his gentleman-like attitude, Maverick let out a jubilant laugh. Even gentlemen have their faults, gorgeous. He would never cease to be amazed as to why she was still even talking to him. He was nothing special, an almost-prince with adoptive parents who lived in a monarchy-driven pack. Nothing special at all. Granted, he was a looker - and boy did he know it - but other than that and some half-witted charm, he was practically like any other wolf she might've run into. He supposed though, it was their chemistry that kept her here. It was certainly why he stayed.. that and the fact that she was utterly and completely gorgeous. But it was mostly the first part. As he splashed around and swam in the water, she came in just after him. As her paws hit the pool water was sent sailing in his direction. Snorting as it hit him full on in the face, Maverick feigned like he'd accidentally breathed it in, slumping in the water and allowing himself to fall under for a second or two.

Kicking off of the bottom with powerful hind legs, Maverick shot up again, soaking wet and grinning from ear to ear. He paddled toward her, strong legs pulling him through the water with ease. He was a great swimmer, phenomenal, even. Many a time he'd battled against the waves in the ocean, a little ravine-pool was nothing for him. Maverick was having the time of his life, but some part of him wanted her near him again. The distance between them was more than he wanted it to be. Surging forth, he steered so that he was within a foot of her, aiming to bump her lightly with his shoulder like he had when they were walking. Of course, the boy in him wanted even closer contact, but he wasn't sure she was up for that. Peridot eyes would lock onto cerulean as he just looked at her for a moment, unwilling to break his gaze. I want you to know I'm.. he paused, unsure where he was going with this. I'm having a really nice time. Was that too forward? He'd intended to say something more along the lines of 'i'm falling for you' or.. 'I don't want this to end' but somehow.. at this point in time, he wasn't sure he was ready to risk saying something like that. What if this was all just innocent fun for her? What if she wasn't feeling what he was feeling? No, he couldn't risk that just yet.. but perhaps he could if he got the right response from her to a few other questions. Can I see you again? Tail flagged out behind him as his back legs balanced him on the ground so he could stop paddling so hard. A tentative smile threatened to creep across his lips, but he would wait to give it until he got a response.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-14-2013, 10:23 AM

Epiphron was certainly not short of faults herself. Though she was young, and naive in many ways, she was cocky as ever. Her overwhelming pride was not always obvious, and she often held it in check; if only she had let it be known, in her conversation with her adoptive brother Neo, how she thought he was pathetic and hardly worthy of the Adravendi name. Cairo had done the pup a favor by taking him in, and he could've repayed him simply by being a decent wolf. He'd failed at the most simply task. Her blood siblings would've been disgusted had she uttered such words, so instead she had bit her tongue; even making small quips about Neo was enough to send him into a rage. So far, nothing had forced the young wolf to check her privilege she'd been granted by virtue of being born to Cairo and in a pack so great. Perhaps someday she would suffer some great misfortune, and have to come to terms with reality and her own imperfections.

But for now, her perfection was stunningly obvious. Maverick seemed to have some of his own, for why else would her eyes remain so fixated on him? And why did leaving seem so dreadful? This male thought she was great in spite of her lineage, in spite of the things that Cairo had created for her that she'd had literally no control over. He made her feel as though she was great unto herself; gorgeous and interesting and everything in between.

Epiphron was not nearly as gifted at swimming, but the female paddled around with ease, content to do laps around her new friend. She briefly dove under, but the moment was short-lived. The feeling of the water surrounding her was a bit unsettling, pressure building on her closed eyes and nose, so she surfaced before long, white fur clinging to her skull. She shook her head, spraying some of the water into Maverick's face, attempting to dry some of her fur.

Their eyes met for a long moment, and Maverick admitted he was enjoying himself and wanted to see her again. "I'm having a good time too, Mav," she admitted, her voice dripping with natural sweetness. "I'd like to see you again, if you'll have me." Epiphron smirked, teasing slightly. "Though in all honesty, I'm not sure how we'll arrange such a thing..." her voice trailed off, wondering how exactly they would manage that.


03-14-2013, 01:57 PM

Of course there was always the chance that his Valhalla princess (for he considered her very much his) wouldn't want to bother with seeing him again. After all, it was a few hours walk from her home to this place. Of course.. Maverick could go and visit her if she was willing to see him, he wouldn't mind making the trek if it meant more time spent like this. He'd walk all of Alacritia for time like this. With her, he felt like he could be completely himself.. at home he was a puppet being controlled by those around him. He loved his home, but at times it could be too much for the yearling to handle. That was the main reason why he wandered. He continued to swim, occasionally turning to keep his eyes on her. She too appeared at home in the water, and swam fairly well. Maverick couldn't help but daydream about what it would be like taking her home to Seracia and showing her around. He had no clue what Valhalla looked like, but was certain she'd like his home as well. Oh how he wished he could take her there, but he was absolutely certain his parents would be outraged at his bringing a complete stranger home, particularly one that was of a different pack. If she was a rogue he would be rewarded for bringing another subject into Seracia, but a Valhallan would certainly be questioned.

The soon-to-be Prince half wondered what sort of relationship the two packs might have, or what kind they could have. Perhaps he ought to bring up Valhalla, maybe even encourage his father to go there and seek an alliance. Certainly that would help their relationship, right? Alliances meant that the packs could intermingle as they wished, and had a strong bond of trust, friendship, and loyalty. Yes, he would have to bring up Valhalla in a way that would push his father to take a trip there. He at least had to try. His musings ceased as the water she shook off sprayed onto his face. He snorted lightly and laid his ears back as if he were upset, but then quickly returned them to normal and gave a sly grin, shaking his own head in her direction.

Her response came and the smile he'd been holding back crawled onto his mask, remaining there until her last statement, when it was overtaken by a puzzled look. Of course I'll have you.. He paused, thinking. I don't know how we'd manage that either. We could plan to meet up in a few days, but what if one of us is busy and can't get away? Maverick was particularly worried about this because she was soon to be in training for her position, and he was due to be named Prince any day now. No doubt they would both be much busier when all of that began. He didn't know what to do, or how they would make this work.. but he wanted it to.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-14-2013, 02:20 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2013, 02:20 PM by Epiphron.)

She doubted there was a body of water any more refreshing in all of the lands of Alacritis. The sun was no longer directly overheard, but had lowered ever so slightly in the sky. Still, though the heat was not as strong, and was certainly bearable, it was still there. The slow-moving current was a welcome relief from the slight heat that had begun to fall on the land. She had grown accustomed to the harsh winter; having been born in the spring, her memories of how hot the land could get were fleeting, since she'd been a mere pup then. She'd also spent much of her time then worrying about her mother's death, rather than splashing in the water with an adorable boy..

She vaguely wondered what her father might think of Maverick, but pushed those thoughts from her mind as soon as they crept in. She was completely unsure whether it was acceptable to bring a wolf from another pack into her family's territory... she'd never faced such a thing, but wasn't going to find out the hard way, that was for sure.

"My worries exactly," she mused aloud, paddling a bit closer to Maverick. Perhaps she shouldn't admit that she was worried about not seeing him again -- did that make her too vulnerable? Either way, she found it hard to mask the fact that she enjoyed his company. Even in the water, which gave Epiphron a bit more room to roam and not seem like she was avoiding contact with him altogether, she found her paws pushing her closer to the boy. She wouldn't ever admit the willpower it took to keep her from pressing her entire body into his, wondering what it felt like to press her nose into the fur of her neck -- how it felt to touch someone who wasn't family, someone she probably shouldn't really be touching. She was able to keep her distance instead, using the gentle current of the water as an excuse to bump into him ever so slightly.

She thought for a moment longer, not sure when the next pack meeting would be called, or if she would be forced to train on particular days. Damnit. "Maybe we shouldn't meet so soon. Valhalla has been a bit distracted lately... I'm sure a pack meeting is due any day now." She frowned a bit, displeasure evident on her pretty face. "Maybe we can meet here again in.. I don't know, 6 days?" She suggested idly, knowing that was a decent stretch of time, but perhaps enough to ensure she would be able to slip away when she wanted to.


03-14-2013, 03:40 PM

Springtime was absolutely fabulous. It had to be his favorite season of all. Summer had its advantages, but it was far too hot for his own liking. Winter was cold and bitter, and all of the color was practically sapped out of the surroundings. Fall could be enjoyable enough, but Spring still triumphed in his mind. Spring was also the season of his birth, which made it altogether the best season for that reason alone. A smirk played across his lips. She paddled closer to him which he noted instantly. The girl just couldn't stay away, could she? He couldn't blame her, because he felt the same way. The overwhelming urge to have their flesh meet once more was hardly even bearable, but the look in her eyes was far worse. It drove him absolutely insane when his green eyes met her cerulean ones. How could just a look send such a shiver up and down his spine?

She commented on their predicament, it seemed she was worrying about the same thing he was. He'd hate for one of them to stand the other up on accident if they couldn't get away for their meeting. Boy, his ego would be shot if that happened and she never showed up. Worry clouded his eyes, but he tried to force it away, not wanting to give away his innermost feelings of adoration for the girl. It was enough for him to admit he wanted to see her again, she need not know how much he cared for her already. He longed to know what it would feel like to touch her, to embrace her the way he saw other wolves do. He longed to know the feeling behind a kiss, the sensation of mating. Although, he would leave that very last part for a later date.. one he hoped would eventually come.

She then spoke up, bringing him out of his somewhat lustful thoughts. Her words forced his ears to twist back with uncertainty. She didn't want to meet soon? An explanation came as disappointment fluttered across his features. Finally, she suggested a time. Six days. Six days until he could spend time with her again. Maverick wasn't entirely thrilled with the figure of six days, but he'd have to deal with it. Six days, right here, same time as today. The date was set in stone, at least to him, although he wasn't certain that he could wait that long. He tagged on an extra thought, a charming lilt in his tone. It's a date, gorgeous. He swam in a tight circle, loving the feeling of the cool water on his bodice. His ears flicked back forward, still disappointed but unwilling to show it anymore. He knew she had good reasons for wanting to wait. Who knows.. the next time you see me you may be talking to a Prince. A sly smile pricked in the corners of his lips. Better practice your curtsey, dollface. A jubilant laugh echoed from his jaws, slithering up from his chest and bubbling and dancing through the air. The boy really did like being here with her, but something told him their meeting was drawing to an end.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-14-2013, 04:46 PM

She was realizing that their time together would be ending soon. Surely she could spend a couple more hours with him, but by then she wouldn't get home until after the sun set, and then she would surely have someone to answer to. Though she had a den of her own, she also had responsibilities to her family, and she owed it to them to return at a reasonable hour. After all, what would the Valhalla pack be if all of its members felt entitled to spend the vast majority of the day so far from its border?

Epiphron was certain that wouldn't be considered a pack at all. And despite her interest in Maverick, however strong it might be, she had other things to tend to. She imagined the shit she'd get from Neo if he found out that his sister had been running off to talk to a wolf from another pack. He'd never let her live it down. And either way, what if a pack meeting was called, and Epiphron didn't arrive at all? Surely she would be expected too, since a wolf's call could typically be heard from miles away. But she was even farther away than that...

"Same time, same place. Sounds good. Although, I hope you don't f--.. I mean, try to jump in here again. I wouldn't want to have to save your life a second time." She giggled, teasing him again about his fall. Not only were their meetings secretive, which was exciting in itself, but the journey here wasn't particularly easy. It made the prospect of them meeting again just that much more exciting.

She was sure she would anxiously count the days, hoping that she could possibly slip away without anyone noticing when the time came for her to journey back to their meeting spot. And hopefully her absence had been just as unnoticed, though she would find out before long whether she'd been that lucky or not.

His whole attitude was so enthralling, and her desire for him seemed to only grow with each second she spent in his presence. Epiphron swam a bit away from him, hesitant to leave Maverick, despite the fact that she knew she had to leave much sooner than later. Slowly she made her way out of the water, tail swaying happily behind her. Hopefully Maverick would follow; no, she was sure that he would. Perhaps she could steal a moment more of physical contact before she left, making him want more before she left for 6 full days and nights. Shaking her body, water sprayed from her fur as she maintained eye contact with Maverick, her eyes saying it all. Come here. I want you. But her eyes said more than her body; she was young, and had much more class than that..


03-14-2013, 06:36 PM

They had set a date, which was altogether exciting for the lad, but brought on an incredible amount of sadness. His tail slackened ever so slightly, taking a curve that seemed almost unnatural. Thankfully, the boy was still sheathed by the water so she could not see his change in posture. The thought crossed his mind that he might be missing something in Seracia. Perhaps his father was calling the meeting that would name him prince right this very second. What if, in his absence, he would miss his own coronation? The thought worried him, but the event couldn't possibly go on without him. How angry would his father be if something really was happening right now that Maverick was missing out on?

He hadn't done anything wrong. His parents had given him no specific instructions on how far he could or could not travel from Seracia. The battlefield was only a short travel, and they knew by now he'd been there a time or two, but this.. this was hours upon hours away from home. Somehow he knew that they would not be pleased with this. They might not mind him meeting a stranger and even befriending her, but the idea of going so far away to do it, and then returning there six days later.. they wouldn't approve he was sure.

Her jest brought him out of his worry. She was good at that. A smile gleamed on his face. I'll try to keep the jumping to a minimum next time. Despite the fact that his parents would no doubt throttle him for doing what he was doing, and planning to do it again, the boy could not wait until six days passed so he could be right here again with her. He knew it was going to become awkward soon, one of them would have to initiate their parting, and Maverick really didn't want it to be him. Still, he had a feeling that was the chivalrous thing to do, and if she dreaded it the same way he did, he might as well make it easier on her.

As she exited the water, he stayed in for a moment, just watching her. The urge to touch her once more clouded his judgement, and the boy had to force his eyes away momentarily to ignore them. When he had composed himself, Maverick turned his vision back onto hers to find her staring at him, boring a hole straight through him. The almost-Prince gave a silent sigh and heaved himself from the water, feeling the ache in his side grow more painful. He exited a few yards away from her and shook out his coat before strolling to her side. When he came near enough, he slowed, never taking his eyes off of her. He cleared his throat and spoke. His tone indicating how disappointed he was about what he was about to have to say. I guess it's time to start heading back.. He trailed off, not entirely happy with having to end the best day of his life. A sudden impulse took him over and before he knew what he was doing his chest was pressed against hers, his head curled around the back of her neck. It felt so right, it was bliss. He breathed a sigh, never wanting to move away.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-14-2013, 07:34 PM

A strange feeling had settled over her. Epiphron already felt excited for their next meeting, but dreaded the thought of leaving Maverick and returning to her family. There was no excitement at returning to Valhalla, as she had known the place her entire life -- it simply was home, while Maverick was something new and unknown to her. Every moment she spent with him was like fuel to the fire, igniting her interest and keeping it burning brightly. Her interest was visible in her sparkling blue eyes that refused to leave Maverick as he climbed out of the water to approach her. Her gaze shifted over him, examining him unabashedly. Surely if he was allowed to look at her like that, she could return the favor.

When Maverick approached her, dripping from head to toe, she expected him to make some teasing remark, try to keep her interested. But something else happened. The male embraced her immediately, draping his head around her neck and pulling Epiphron close to him. If the girl had any less composure, she felt as though she would've simply collapsed on the spot in pure bliss. The female had swore to herself that her affection wouldn't be given to just any male who batted his eyes in her direction, but someone who really deserved the princess. Even though she'd thought Maverick was cute practically from the moment she met him, she'd told herself she had too much class to throw herself at just any male who was interested in her.

But Maverick wasn't just any male. The female pressed back into his chest, grateful for the embrace. A gentle sigh escaped her lips, and she found herself burying her muzzle into his damp neck fur. Now she would surely smell as though she'd been frolicking about with a male from another pack, but she no longer cared. The physical contact was exhilarating, and she wasn't sure if she could ever pull away from him. She breathed gently into his pelt, her entire body relaxing as Maverick held her close.

Was this how Cairo had felt with her mother? The feeling was intoxicating, and Epiphron wanted more.

"I think you're right. Wouldn't want to miss anything important back home..." she mumbled softly into his coat, breathing in his sweet scent deeply, not bothering to mask her intentions. Perhaps if she could remember his scent she'd have something to keep her in line for the next week until they saw each other again. While she knew she should break the embrace first, she simply remained pressed against him, wondering how it was that she felt utterly relaxed and undeniably exhilarated at the same time..


03-14-2013, 07:52 PM

It was a win lose situation. One moment he was glad to be here with her, and then next he was sad to be leaving her, but glad again to see her in six days. He was on a roller coaster, and wasn't sure if he was ready to get off or if he wanted to stay on. If she was there, he'd ride that roller coaster all day long. The feeling of his chest pressed against hers was almost too much to bear. His heart was beating faster than it would even when he ran for miles. He felt lightheaded and just a bit nauseous, though he attributed that to his racing heart. His head was spinning, reeling out of control. Selfishly he sucked in breath after breath, silently drawing her perfume into his lungs. God she smelled good. Had she smelled this good the whole time? He noted as she pressed into him, returning his embrace with one of her own.

The two stood as one, wrapped up in each other and wishing it would never end, but knowing that it would have to. She mumbled into his coat, her throat vibrating on his bodice. Maverick breathed a breathy sigh, his tail swaying lightly. Slowly and with absolute uncertainty on his face, the boy peeled himself from her embrace, altogether wishing he could have died right then and there - happy and totally satisfied. His heart continued to race as if he'd run a marathon, and for a moment peridot eyes locked onto sapphire ones. He stared into her soul for a moment, sure that he could see her heart beating as fast as his through those eyes. Then, when he felt that it would hurt too much to continue looking, he closed his eyes and aimed a gentle kiss on her muzzle before whirling at once and turning on his heels, unable to watch her go. Six days, gorgeous. His tone was nothing like before, it was shallow and disappointed, but carried a tiny note of hope. In six days they would come together again. With that and a flick of his tail, the almost-Prince leapt up, up, and up the walls of the ravine until he was out of sight.

Exit Maverick.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-14-2013, 08:03 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2013, 08:04 PM by Epiphron.)

All of Epiphron's worries faded away as Maverick hold her close to him. She felt as though she had never existed so purely, never been so actualized as she did in this moment. She was oddly aware of every sound that fell from Maverick's lips, and she swore she could feel his rapidly beating heart pounding against her chest. She felt oddly faint, and was almost tempted to feign feeling worse to get Maverick to lay down with her for a bit longer. But they were both far from home, and really didn't need to be away for any longer, despite how badly they wanted to.

Before she realized it he planted a kiss on her muzzle, and she grinned widely, an ecstatic expression creeping over her face. "Six days, Mav," she repeated softly, pressing her nose ever so slightly into his. He made the move to leave before she did, which she was grateful for. She was sure she couldn't bare to see the sadness that had crept over his face. With hardly a sound the female quickly made her way up the side of the ravine, the opposite side Maverick had climbed, and headed back towards Valhalla. No longer holding herself strong and proud, but instead slumped, her posture unsure of what the future held for the two of them.

- exit Epiphron -