
The Art of Murder [Cifer]


03-10-2013, 01:48 AM

It was no surprise that the monstrosity was drawn to this field of plague and death. A demon in her own right, a beast of legend and of fear. Her deformed body cracked and crunched, bones grinding together in a horrific fashion and creating the most grotesque of noises. A strand of tattered intestine, hung from one of her canines swinging beneath her thick jaws as she stalked forward. Fur was matted, clumped with clotted blood, muck, and God only knew what else. Wraith hung from her maw, razors gnawing away at the swinging entrail as she walking. Coyote. Not a bad choice.

The scent of iron and the coppery tang of blood filled the air, saturating her senses and her thick, heavy musculature rippled with power. The scent made her anxious, made her crave the fight, the kill. This place was the crowning jewel of destruction, hundreds had perished here, their corpses rotting into the earth and fueling the life for this wasted meadow. Her thick pads sunk into the cool spring water, staining it with brown, black and red as the muck floated from her legs.

She trudged through the water, it rising midway up her thick bodice before she exited the other side. Wraith giggled incessantly, teeth grinding the organ to mush before swallowing it down whole. Suddenly... his mistress came to a halt. Her audits swung forward and her head rose, hollow, empty white oculars narrowing in on a piece of the forest. Wraith ceased his meal and scampered down her snout. Pink nose sniffing the air for what had captured his mistresses attention.

"It seems... an old Glaciem friend has come for you Banshee." Wraith purred into his mistresses ear.




03-10-2013, 02:11 AM

What brought him here to this bloody wasteland. He was aging quickly. The man was exiting his prime and was beginning to enter his elder years. He was still an impressive creature. An astounding display of strength and beauty. Very few scars dotted his frame. The ones that did were grotesque and an uneasy sight. A piece of his lip was missing from where the demon had ripped it away from his teeth. Scars laces his back, yet they were covered by his thick winter fur. A large scar could be clearly made out from where he'd been bitten on the shoulder. You could even see fresh scars from where burning ash from the volcano had hit him.

If you could look past it you would see a coat whiter than untouched snow. Black markings as dark as a night with no moon or stars. Lastly you'd see a trail of emerald tears running down his face. He was muscular and even with his thick coat you could see the well conditioned muscles that came from constant training and running through harsh snowy climates. He was the epitome of silent beauty. A stoic warrior that was pure of heart.

A white figure loomed above him casting a shadow as its wings beat silently. His snowy owl was as faithful as ever. Shificora hadn't left his side since he'd found him after the demon ripped him apart. Shificora had already seen the disgusting creature ahead. A soft screech came from his beak in a warning to Cifer.

Cifer looked up at his green eyed companion and nodded his thanks. The scent of blood permeated his nostrils. It was all he'd been able to smell for a while. Banshee smelled no different than the cursed battlefield he trotted on now. He was thankful for his friend.

That voice. It made his blood boil over again. He hated that vermin more than he did the demon. The rodent had used Asheni against him. He was forced to stand at attention and take any damage Banshee gave him or else the vile creature would have let her bleed out from the throat. He'd never forgive either of them.

Perhaps that was why he was here. Fate had drug the two canines together for another battle. This time there was nothing in their way. This would be a fair fight and Cifer was determined to make his mark.

"It seems I get the chance to rip you both to shreds" He said, a growl in his voice. His eyes were liquid green fire as he stared upon both creatures with contempt. If looks could kill they would both surely fall to the ground and scream in agony as they died a slow painful death.

Shificora landed on his shoulders. He no longer noticed as talons gripped tightly into his skin. His fur made up for most of it. The bird would leave as soon as the battle started. Emerald eyes stared upon the rat. If it tried anything the white owl would have no qualms attacking it. It was, after all, his natural prey if given the chance to catch one.

Cifer stood boldly with his head and tail high. It would soon change was the battle started. For now he had no problem displaying the pride he felt. Vengeance was a glorious thing. An eye for an eye. Karma was a bitch. He had no problems delivering that to her either. He'd rip her limb from limb and enjoy every second of it for all the pain she and the despicable rodent had put Asheni through. He refused to allow it anymore.



03-10-2013, 02:39 AM

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The rat slithered from her head, scampering across her spine and bounding away into the nearby scenery, vanishing from view. The rodent did not recognize the scent, but he recognized Glaciem. That pretty little healer, the toy Banshee had tortured for weeks... he knew, eventually someone would come to exact revenge upon her, and Banshee of course would accept the challenge. A demon never retreats from a field of blood and carnage, and he surely was not coming here to exchange pleasantries. He ducked out of view, his thin body squeezing between a few rocks, his beady eyes ever focused upon his mistress.

She stood like some ancient Heathen God. Fur dripping with water, tainted with brown and red goo, sludge that fell from her pelt. Her muscles were absolutely motionless, her fur, barely ruffling in the wind, she was so matted, so foul. Her chest barely expanded and contracted, nostrils flaring, and empty, soulless eyes trained upon the snowy pelt of her advisory with an unblinking gaze. His words, did not even seem to reach her, her ears remained tucked back, a statue, a stone. She was perfection. A gorgeous, blood lusting sight to behold, and this white warrior would not win this day.

Of course, if he did, by some fiery chance in hell, Wraith would not fight his coming, his death. Bella had been his life and Banshee was all that remained, with her gone, Wraith had no purpose. Perhaps he loved her perhaps she was merely familiar, but she allowed him to remain and he would be content, but for now, he watched, waited and lingered, his body quivering in anticipation, and then she moved.

Like the flip of a switch, her head slowly lowered, her jaws splaying wide, the intestine caught upon her canine slid from her maw, hitting the earth with a wet plop. She lifted her head, her mandible shutting once more. Her audits slid the rest of the way down to rest against her cranium and a muscle spasm shook her ebony pelt.

"Vengeance? Asheni...was her name." Her speech was broken, twisted. Her tones were wickedly cruel and her lips pulled up into a smile befitting the most foul of creatures. She had enjoyed teaching the woman that not everyone was good, but apparently her dear companion had returned for more.




03-10-2013, 03:00 AM

As soon as the rat began moving he could feel Shificora shift on his back. The owl watched the rodent with narrowed eyes. Wraith had scampered to some rocks to hide for the time being and wait. As if on cue the great bird raised its wings and began to circle twenty feet above them to watch and wait. It was enough to keep an eye on the rat and both wolves. He would merely observe in this fight unless asked to do something more. His companion could fight his own battles. Shificora was merely a sentry to help keep watch and catch prey.

With his friend out of the way Cifer's head lowered. Ears flattened against his cranium so there was less of a chance of them being bitten or torn. His head tucked into his neck to protect his throat. His stance widened in to a defensive position, yet he felt like he'd be making the first move. It all depended on how long their conversation lasted. He hoped it wasn't for long.

Emerald eyes didn't waver as the intestine dropped from her maw with a sickening plop. The blood and bones in the area was enough to make anyone vomit. Cifer held a stoic expression on his face. His eyes were the only thing that gave away his hatred.

"Vengeance? Asheni...was her name."

Vengeance was such a funny word. It sounded much like revenge, but it had a sweeter tone to it. It was something one wanted. He'd never was a wolf that sought revenge. Until now.

Had he not been so level headed his blood would have boiled to hear Asheni's name come from her lips. She was right though. He wanted revenge for the damage she'd caused his best friend, his pack mate, the first wolf he'd ever even bothered getting close to other than Crusade. Besides, no one harmed a Glaciem member and got away with it. Not while he was still Lead Brave.

"Call it what you will. In the end it makes no difference."

The warrior in him kept him calm, cool, and collected. His mind was already thinking out strategies while his muscles itched to move. It would be a glorious fight. One that would be heard for miles. He didn't lust for blood or battle. He lusted for pride and most of all the revenge he sought for his dearest companion. Honor was what kept him going.

His mind cleared and his breathing slowed as he entered a relaxed state of mind. Nothing else mattered except this battle right here. He needed to focus. One long breath was exhaled from his body before powerful back legs propelled him forward. There was no snow here so his feet easily found purchase. He was built for snow and ice so this ground was so much easier to navigate that Glaciem's territory.

The man veered off to the right slightly before taking one bound to the left to change direction enough. If she followed him they would meet head on. If she didn't he could possibly hit her shoulder. She could also back up and he would miss her. There were so many possibilities but he was prepared for them all.

Attacks: Cifer is running forward veering slightly to the right, her left, as he runs. He then changes course and goes slightly to the left. He's hoping to get good purchase on her shoulder or bite her ribs if he's lucky.

Defenses:His head is lowered to help protect his throat. His head is tucked inward to further help protect his throat. At first his stance was wide but of course changed when he started running. His tail is stretched out behind him to help keep him balanced. He's ready to change defenses if his attack goes wrong.

Injuries: None as of yet.



03-10-2013, 03:16 AM

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Wraith watched as the owl took off into the air a sour frown pulling down for his maw. Damn. He would not be leaving his hidey hole until this battle was over... not that their was any leverage he could use in this battle, not that he wanted too. It had been awhile since a challenge had presented itself to her and Wraith was eager to see her in battle. Banshee was an incredibly wicked opponent for a variety of reasons. One, the most obvious, her massive, muscular size she was a monster. Two, her inability to feel fear. Three, her lack of planning or strategy, an attack was issued and she responded, her movements were unpredictable, and last but most assuredly not least, her lack of self preservation. She didn't care if chunks of her flesh were torn away, pain was nothing to her, Wraith wondered if she even felt such things or if that toxin had taken the feeling in her nerves right along with her soul. It was hard to fight something and be victorious, if killing it meant your own death in the process.

His voice spoke one last time, and he remained stoic, unreadable. Impressive. Most would have given into rage or anger, Wraith could give her credit for that and then he was propelling forward, thick and heavy paws mimicking the sound of thundering horses as they flew across the terrain. His thick musculature rippling as he moved. Wraith squirmed in his excitement.

Banshee watched. Hollow orbs displaying nothing despite the grin across her maw. She spoke no more. Words were useless things, unworthy to leave her lips. He wasted no more time, propelling his massive body towards her and Banshee widened her stance. Soulless orbs trained upon his pelt, he swooped to one side and then the other, aiming most obviously for her ribs, she turned just enough to avoid the potential, fatal blow. She wanted to feel his teeth, wanted to taste his rage, suppressed or no, it was such anger that had brough him back to her. His teeth sunk into the cords of her shoulder, but that left the base of his neck wide open for her wicked teeth. Her jaws splayed wide and clamped down, aiming for that sensitive juncture.

Attacks: With Cifers teeth in her shoulder, her own are aiming for that soft spot where neck meets shoulder.
Defense: She shifted her stance so he avoids her ribs and sinks into her shoulder
Injury: Puncture wounds to the shoulder.




03-10-2013, 03:31 AM

Ivory teeth sunk into the flesh of shoulder. It wasn't her ribs but he'd expected her to move just a bit to avoid being fatally injured. It wouldn't be a fight if she let him end it right away. of course with this strike came a serious disadvantage. His neck was now open to her.

The Brave wasn't one to let his attacks linger. He broke away from her almost as soon as his teeth hit their mark. If she tore away any muscles, skin, or popped any more blood vessels he wouldn't know. Nothing else mattered at this point but winning this fight and surviving.

Years of being constantly aware of his surroundings prepared himself for this battle. He knew she was aiming for the obvious spot. He couldn't let her get to his neck. Anywhere but the tender skin of his neck.

The wolf moved in a dangerous dance. His body ducked low to the ground and her teeth grazed the upper part of his neck as her head sailed over him pulling skin and hair with her. He didn't even flinch. His body registered the pain but adrenaline pumped through his veins. The drug took the throb away. As quickly as it came it was gone.

As crimson blood seeped into his pelt the male tucked in his head and then propelled his body forward once more. His stance was widened and he was moving full force in an attempt to collide with her and force her back. The only bites she would be able to get while on all fours would be his shoulders. Nothing vital would be damaged. This was an attempt to keep close quarters fighting and wear her down. her body was well conditioned and muscular but her disfigured form could prove to be an advantage for him.

Attacks: He has brought his head down and aimed it a bit to his right to let his shoulders and chest barrel in to her if given the chance. He intends to force her backwards and if he's lucky he wants to knock her over or make her stumble.

Defenses: His head moved downwards in one fluid motion as she came at his throat. As he makes his new attack his head is tucked in so his throat is protected.

Injuries: She scratched the top of his neck ripping away a layer of skin and some of his fur with her bottom teeth.



03-10-2013, 03:54 AM

Pain was a delicious sensation. It filled the brain with wonderous endorphins, fueling blood lust and a taste for death. She had fought so many creatures, so many warriors, from skilled perfectionists to amateurs, and all had met the razors she claimed her teeth, a prolonged death and torment undefined. She enjoyed killing, almost as she enjoyed being injured. His teeth found purchase in her shoulder and her own brand of lust was fueled. The lust for blood, battle, pain and death. These were the only thing a monster yearned for and she was a demon of epic proportion, took pride in such knowledge. However his teeth pulled from her just as quickly as they came, the adrenaline quickly shielding the pain. Her teeth dragged along his flesh, ripping hair and skin from his home, but not deep enough to make an impact.

Twas no fun.

He crouched low and she realized instantly what he intended to do. If she would have been a lesser creature she would have hissed. She was not hear to bash body masses, she was here to crush bone, to rip flesh... not to play games. She braced herself, claws digging into the grass and he crushed into her, her claws skidded in the grass, the sickening sound of there bodies crunching together reached her audits. She used the momentum of the backwards motion to crouch low, moving her weight to her hind legs and launching herself from the ground. her jaws splayed wide, aiming for anything to latch onto. Shoulder, chest, neck, whatever pound of flesh they attached too first.

Attacks: Using the backwards momentum, she shifted her weight to her hind quarters and launched forward, jaws splayed wide and aiming for any piece of his flesh.
Defense: She managed to brace herself well enough not to fall, but he suceeded in driving her backwards, because shes lunging straight at him, her neck is decently shielded but shoulders are wide open for a second attack.
Injury: Puncture wounds to the shoulder, possibly bruising to the shoulder.




03-10-2013, 03:52 PM

This was a dance. They moved at a dangerous tempo. One false move, one slip up, and the rhythm of the music would change completely. Red would paint the canvas around them and he'd be just another body to slowly decay in the battlefield just like all the rest who had perished here.

The drug continued to rush through is veins. He could heart his heart thumping. Thud. Thud. Thud. He could feel his pulse in his neck. They were all reminders that this fight wasn't just any fight. It was a battle. A bloody battle that would only end with one victor.

Their game of battering rams ended almost as soon as it began. He succeeded in pushing her backwards. She used that momentum to break away from him. He decided to go ahead and used this as a time to form his next attack. He now ignored the wounds she had given his shoulders. It was nothing serious and Asheni could tend to them later. He'd received worse than this before.

She rushed at him her jaws aiming to bite at anything she could reach. Her attacks lacked strategy whereas all of his were carefully formed in his head and exacted.

As she charged he stepped to his left and turned his head to the right. If it was timed right he'd be able to lunge forward and bite the side of her neck and find a good purchase and hold her there. Or at least tear something vital. If it was too soon he would end up biting her face or their teeth could possibly lock together and that would be a painful mess. if it was too late he could possibly bite her right shoulder or ribs causing her pain on the other side of her body. It all depended on his timing and how fast she could react.

In defense his hind end swung to the left so if she went for his side it would no longer be there. This would put him perpendicular to her depending on if she moved or not.

Attacks: He's aiming to bite the right side of her neck but is willing to settle for a bite to the ribs or face all depending on how she reacts.

Defenses: After they broke away he side stepped and while doing so is attempting to swing his hind end away from her in case she decided to go for his ribs. If it works he'll be perpendicular to her.

Injuries: A bite mark on top of his neck from the last attack and now he has medium bite marks on the top of his shoulders.



03-11-2013, 03:51 PM

This dance, this waltz, was as familiar to the ebony beast as the scent of blood or the taste of decaying flesh. Banshee fought for no living soul, not even herself. She did not fight to be victorious, she did not fight to destroy an advisory, she did not fight for a purpose. She destroyed life for the taste of death upon her tongue, to hear the agonizing screams of pain, to watch a tortured creatures last labored breaths. She fought for carnage, she fought for blood, she fought for death, whether it be her own or that of another creature she cared not. One day... something would end her life but she would make sure she dragged them down to the deepest layer of hell right along with her.

Her power, her muscle mass was projected towards the front half of her, the Glaciem warrior, side stepped to the left and propelled forward, and Banshee tore her claws into the earth, coming to a screeching halt, and pulling her weight back along with her skull, he had intended to tear her jugular from its place along her neck, but she was not so foolish, unfortunately, she could not escape the forward lunge of his body, who it would bring more misfortune too... still had yet to be determined.

The clang of his teeth against her own, reverberated within her cranium. Teeth pierced her lips, maw and tongue. A canine punctured the skin stretched between either side of her mandible. She brought her head down, hoping to sink her own teeth into the roof of his mouth and the top of his maw, with the forward momentum, he wouldn't be able to escape her jaws this time.

Attacks: Cifer lunged forward as Banshee pulled back, missing her neck, but scoring her mouth, his jaws are coiled around her bottom jaw, piercing her tongue, and the skin beneath her jaw, she's bringing her jaws together to hopefully catch the roof of his mouth and the top of his snout.
Defense: He can't reach anything vital without pulling some funky contortionist crap xD
Injury: Puncture wounds to shoulder, tongue, the flesh beneath her jaws and scratches upon her lips.




03-11-2013, 05:00 PM

When Cifer fought he only did it for the great good. He fought to protect his family and his home. Whenever he used tooth and claw against another it was because it was over something important. Banshee was a big enough threat that Cifer felt the need to exterminate her. Hence why he was putting all his effort into this fight.

Alas his strike didn't hit home and the unfortunate happened. She pulled a miraculous move and skidded to a halt. He had to commend her powerful chest and front legs to be able to stop so suddenly. His lunge own lunge continued forward and with full force as their teeth met. His teeth sunk easily into the soft flesh of her open jaw and pierced her tongue and lower mouth. This wasn't exactly the most comfortable predicament to be in but he would work with it.

There was no escaping this either. No dodging. Nothing could free him from the prison of her jaws. So with renewed force he forced his jaws to strengthen his vice upon her maw hoping that she would release him. He could taste the wretched taste of decayed flesh and the scent itself made him want to vomit. Her own jaws scraped the roof of his mouth and marred the top of his snout.

Had he been a lesser wolf energy would be wasted in growling his frustration. Instead the energy went to trying to figure out a way to over power her. He had a good, and rather painful, grip on her. He was unwilling to relinquish this grip. So long as he had her mouth he had power over her, as she had power over him. He also had the weaker part of her jaw whereas she had the more durable part of his. Hers would most likely break before his did and if it had not been for their position he could have bit right through her tongue causing her to bleed out and die.

An idea came to mind and the brute moved his hind end next to her so she was parallel. Well, almost parallel. He had to pause halfway there. Now this would be a tug of war game. He couldn't move any farther without it being an awkward position. Ignoring the pain and agony he was putting himself through he attempted to jerk her head with him so he could move closer to her body. If so he'd attempt to force himself over top of her. From there he'd figure out the rest.

Attacks: Cifer has lunged but he doesn't hit where he wants to. Their teeth interlock and he's bitten her tongue and lower jaw. Continuing to keep his hold because she has also bitten his mouth he's attempting to move closer to her body and is trying to jerk her head at an awkward angle so he can move closer and still have freedom to try and over power her by getting on top. He's hoping that if he can get close enough he'll let go and she'll do the same.

Defenses: Considering that their teeth are locked together he's not too worried about her biting him anywhere else. He's perpendicular and then moving closer to her so nothing vital is open.

Injuries: Scratch above his neck, bite marks on the shoulders, and now he has damage from where she bit the roof of his mouth and the top of his snout.



03-12-2013, 01:23 PM

Honor, loyalty, friendship, kindness, love... these words were foreign to her. They held no meaning, they were naught but empty phrases upon the air, they were pretty, colored words that were supposed to define a creature, but more often than not ended up failing its even most basic of tasks. What good was honor if your life drained away to nill? What good was loyalty if your blood was splashed upon the earth? What good was your proposed love or kindness if your corpse was not but rotting amongst the trees?

The ivory wolf from the land of snow lunged for her and his teeth found purchase within the confines of her mouth... how delightful, the taste of blood upon her tongue! The coppery tang of it sand with delight and she almost shivered. He would not escape her this time. She brought her jaws together, crushing his snout between her jaws with all the strength afforded her. His blood intermingled with her own upon her tongue, the taste was divine.

This was an odd predicament, he held the more delicate half of her jaw, but she held the more controllable part of his own, he swung his body toward her, attempting to pull and knock himself free. If she could have, she would have grinned. No... she would not release him so easily, as he moved towards her, she swung her own bodice away, shaking her head violently from side to side. Her teeth hopefully creating thick gashes along the roof of his mouth and his maw, as his own teeth did to her own, when she had manuevered enough so she faced him, she jumped backwards, loosening her jaw just enough to release him, his teeth gorged gashes into the skin beneath her jaw as she did so. They were facing each other once more and blood dripped from her mouth, the thick teeth oozing with red.

She lunged forward, body propelling to the left and then the right, before lunging diagonally at him, aiming for the thick fur of his shoulder, if it missed, she could potentially mark his ribs for her own, or if he pulled backward they could wind up in the same headlock they had just escaped from... so many decisions.

Attacks: After forcefully pulling away from their bizarre headlock, Banshee darts to the left and then the right, lunging diagonally at him, shes aiming from his shoulder, but depending on how he reacts she has the potential to hit a variety of places.
Defense: Since shes coming at him from a diagonal lunge, it would be hard to hit something vital upon her.
Injuries: Gashed on the underside of her jaw, puncture wounds in the shoulder, scratches and scrapes upon her lips and tongue.




03-12-2013, 07:27 PM

His nose wrinkled in disgust, much to his own personal pain, at his plan going awry. This wasn't going exactly how he wanted. Then again it didn't seem to be going how she wanted it either. If she'd had her way he had a feeling his trachea would be ripped from him and he'd be left to bleed and suffocate on the battlefield just like all the others.

In retaliation the beast moved to face him and then swung her head back and forth violently in an attempt to tear gashes in his mouth. He let his head relax and attempted to move with her furious swinging. For the most part it was successful and it helped minimize the damage in his mouth. She still gave him a few formidable wounds. He knew it would be painful to eat, but that was the least of his concerns right now.

Finally they broke away from their headlock. Cifer took the time to strengthen his defenses. His head lowered once more and he shifted his weight from foot to foot read to move at a moments notice. His head tucked in to his chest to make it harder to get to his throat. Ears pinned back to his head once more to protect his ears.

The black beast came forward and Cifer watched her movements still dancing from foot to foot. He knew this move well. Considering the distance and her size he knew she wouldn't make too many leaps back and forth. As she moved Cifer lowered his head a bit farther and twisted it to his right, her right, and swung his hind end to his right to face her as she came at him. Her could feel her teeth hit where his left shoulder and chest met. His own teeth aimed for for where her neck and chest started to meet where he knew many nerves resided. If her could grab on to her and slowly inch his way up could could change the tides in this fight.

Attacks: As she comes at him he's swing himself to face her and his lunging forward, with his defenses still, and is attempting to get the right side of where her neck and chest met in an attempt to damage some nerves and cause serious bleeding.

Defenses: As they break away his head lowers and tucks it in some. He pins his ears back to protect them. His dances from foot to foot almost without picking his feet off the ground so that he's ready to move in any direction. While he's moving he continues to protect his throat and ears. His tail is still out to help keep him balanced.

Injuries: Serious damage to his snout and the roof of his mouth. her teeth have now pierced his left shoulder but not anything to cripple him. She's mainly hit the bony point. He's got a bite along the top of his neck, and the top of his shoulders.



03-13-2013, 01:10 PM

Banshee had grown bored with this farce, this altercation. There was nothing left here for the ebony monstrosity. She wanted pain, she wanted death and whether those things belonged to her or another creature, she cared little, but this warrior, this beast seemed intent on dragging this out, making this is a true battle instead of a fast maiming and Banshee grew agitated, although her massive hulking frame did little to display as such.

Her lunge was successful, and her jaws coiled around the thick part of his shoulder, locking strongly into place, and she sunk her teeth as deep as they would go, crunching down with all her straight, be barely missed the juncture were her neck met her shoulder, and his teeth sunk into the muscle of her shoulder, making the wounds already present, worse.

Before he could get a good purchase upon the thick muscle, she planted her fore legs firmly and using her front half to aid her, shook her head vehemently from side to side, hoping to rip through skin and muscle and to hopefully knock him off balance.

Attack: Since her attack connected, she's sunk her teeth in deeply and is now shaking her head violently from side to side, both to make the injury worse and to hopefully knock him off balance.
Defense: He's caught her shoulder in his jaws, but she hopes to throw him loose with the shaking.
Injuries: More severe puncture wounds in right shoulder, punctures on the underside of jaw, scratches upon lips and tongue.




03-24-2013, 03:45 AM

this battle was proving to be tiresome. Now it seemed to be a test to see who could last longer. Cifer had the advantage of living in the cold north. Muscles were hard and compact. He was used to plunging through snow up to his chest. He could plow through a drift with little difficulty. His legs and chest were full of power and he would use that to his very advantage.

Cifer let all of his muscles relax. He knew that if he tensed then the damage she caused would worsen. Her attack hit and he felt the sharp pain and the ooze of liquid as blood stained his alabaster pelt. He was aware that as soon as the adrenaline wore off that he would feel all of the wounds inflicted today. For the time being he didn't care.

His own attack connected and he barely missed the spot he intended to grab a hold of. It could deal with it though. Whatever wounds he had inflicted here before would surely be worsened as he attempted to tear through the muscle and harm her. He could feel her tear at his own shoulder. They couldn't keep this up forever.

He loosened his grip on her as she attempted to knock him off balance by shaking her head back and forth viciously. He had had enough. A little unstable but not completely. His tail stuck out straight behind him and he was able to keep his balance. Ears remained pinned to his skull and his head tucked inwards instantly again to protect his throat as he raised halfway in the air and attempted to wrap his arms around her neck in a bear hug. Jaws would attempt to aim towards her skull. Sharp incisors flashed viciously as they sought out her ear or other part of her face. It did not matter. He only wished to maim her.

Attacks: He attempts to tear flesh away from her shoulder as he lets go of his hold on her. Afterwards he raises a little in the air and attempts to wrap his arms around her neck and bite any part of her face he can reach.

Defenses: Ears remain pinned to his skull, his tail is outstretched and parallel to the ground for balance. As he breaks away from her he automatically tucks his head inwards to protect his throat.

Injuries: Previously stated injuries as well as a new injury to the shoulder from where Banshee tore in to his left shoulder.

[ooc: Edited to fix misspelling in a word that was driving me nuts. I misspelled "stated"]



04-01-2013, 12:33 PM

Her head visciously falling from side to side, tore deep into his muscle, creating gashes as he clung to her own shoulder. This had become a test of endurance rather than damage. He would move just enough to where she did not hit something vital and then she would do the same. It was a vicious cycle that seemed would not be stopped.

He ripped away from her finally, but she did not release her grip upon his shoulder, when he reared up, he brought her with him. She released his shoulder as he bucked, tail flying out behind her to maintain her balance and tucked her head in, hoping to grab at his neck while he reached for her face. His teeth scraped along her right ear and the top of her skull.

ATTACK: Releasing his shoulder only one he reared, she merely turned her head to the right hoping to come down upon his neck and hoping to use his own attack against him.

DEFENSE: Her head is careened towards his own, so it would be difficult to hit anything vital.

Injuries: Same as before, gashes slightly worse in her shoulder from her own vigorous shaking.

(((OOC: So short, had no muse, Im so sorry ;_;)))


The Judge


04-22-2013, 12:47 PM

Challenger ? Cifer

Quote:-3 most attacks are kept realistic and damage is viable.

Quote:-10 I found the posts to be a bit jumpy and hard to configure.

Quote:-5 lack of use of attempt when moving around Banshee

Quote:-2 Most attacks were clean, realistic, and were not powerplayed, however, he did take risks that ended up hurting him more than her at points, for example, the ways he used his shoudlers. You're to brace and press forward versus just ram like Cifer constantly does.

Quote:-27 mention of balance, but no specification as to where it is lain, knees, ears, eyes, shoudlers, and various elements throughout the whole fight have to be maintained.

Quote:-15 Injuries are substantial, and may hinder you considerably.

Total [38/100]

Challengee ? Banshee

Quote:-3 Where cifer bit her lower mandible, the correct motion would have been to remove herself from the position instead of opening herself to damage. Canines often do not live through a broken jaw, and thus, do not allow anything to attack/grasp them.

Quote:-15 Often times you do not specify where attacks are aimed and instead leaf it up to cifer to choose. You should be explainin at least a basic segment of the body that she plans to attack not constanty 'attacking some flesh' 'attempting to grasp flesh. etc,

Quote:-8 constant lack of attempt when moving around Cifer

Quote:-4 Attacks were fairly realistic, but your last attack lacked clarity, understanding, and overall realism if Cifer has lifted himself.

Quote:-30 no mention of balance throughout the fight, vitals, eyes, ears, etc,

Quote:-21 Fair, subtraction due mostly to lacking realism, and reasoning, especially concerning the jaw.

Total~ [19/100]

Quote:Winner ? Cifer

Banshee MUST either flee, pass out, or submit.

Cifer-Heavy scarring across shoulder, that will cause pain for 2 OOC weeks, major bruising of the chest, 2 OOC weeks, lacerated tongue that will cause swelling and the inability to eat for 4 OOC days/2 IC weeks.

Banshee-Major scarring across shoulders, crown of the head, and mouth that will cause discomfort/severe ache for 3OOC weeks, piercing, scratching, scarring, and swelling of the tongue that will last 1 OOC week, 3 IC weeks. Banshee's weight will deterioriate substantially and she will not be at full strength for 3 OOC weeks, 7 IC weeks.