


02-05-2013, 04:34 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2013, 05:30 PM by Pepper.)
This boy has been great and he is honestly one of my favorites, sadly I almost never have muse for him so he isn't very active with me. I would love to see him get adopted by another player who will take him to the new site. His sister is May and i will be keeping her

If you want him give me an audition role play with him...if i have multiple auditions the best one gets him


Who your wolf is:

Name: Axerion (or Rion)

Season of birth: Winter

Gender: Male

Age: 5


What?s your wolf made of?

Physical Description: To say the least Rion thinks he's one of the most sexiest beings out there. He's a mixture of around four different browns but if you sit there and try and find out which is his base color you'd be there for a while. The male is mostly a darker hue of chocolate brown with patches of much lighter brown and a medium brown amid all of it. A couple tan patches are on his hind legs and tail. His front legs are streaked with a creamy color His two back paws' toes are a darker creamy color as well as his front right paw's toes. A white spot sticks out like a sore thumb though in his opinion it only helps improve his good looks. Light brown circles surround striking silver eyes yet they're not complete circles. The top slants then curves inward to make a point giving him a rather fierce and angry look all the time.

Rion takes pride in his appearance so therefore he takes good care of the long fluffy fur that surrounds his body. The thickest places happen to be his cheeks, neck, stomach, and tail which also serve as good protection in a fight. He has hard bulky muscles that help him in fights. Most of his bulk encompasses his back, neck, shoulders, chest, and hindquarters. Despite his good looks and handsome features he's only 29 inches to the shoulder (being small for a male timber wolf) and weighs 100 pounds made up of mostly muscle. He's considered a midget and has no problem in retaliating if taunted for it.
Health Issues: none
Other Information: Call me midget and you die. My sister is May.

What makes your wolf?

History: Mother always hated me. From the time I was born to the day I was weaned and she gave me up to my father she always treated me like crap. I was the runt and a disgrace compared to my two sisters who were "goddesses" in my mother's eyes. Still I don't regret being taken under my father's wing. After I was long past weaned and had gotten used to the world around me father trained me in the basics of warrior arts.

As I grew older it was soon seen that I would not grow to be as big as the average Timber wolf. So my training altered to suit me a bit differently. Instead of the biased "speed and agility" that most short wolves have father wanted me to work on building muscle mass so that I could handle myself in close spaces. It turned out to be effective and despite the vigorous and sometimes brutal training sessions I enjoyed it. Of course being the sexy hot head that I am I often got mad and frustrated with things and lost control of my movements. I got my ass kicked every time so that soon was beat out of me. Still father taught me well and I can say that I learned quite a lot from him.

Having taught me everything he knew father relinquished his hold on me and gave me to another loner to take me on a journey. Mother's hate for me had grown in the passing days during my training and though I had only seen glimpses of her she had normally stayed well away. I could never figure out why she hated me though until I heard rumors from others that I looked exactly like her father, whom she hated. That was a story I could never figure out so I gave up on trying to understand. She stalked my father's friend and me for some time. She was quite a good tracker and I'm glad to say I got her talent in that as well. It was scary though I have to admit. Being a little over a year and a half I wasn't used to being stalked. I mean really? Can you imagine being stalked?

This carried on for quite some time before mother made her move. The female tried attacking us by night but failed miserably. I do not regret killing her; it was my first taste of wolf blood and I have to say it was quite the thrill. Though I was thirsty for more I was not the type to go hunt innocent lives so I waited. More fights did come though and a particularly gruesome one took the life of my traveling partner. I was two at this time and I barely escaped with my own life. I was learning that the world was tough. Still it was quite enjoyable and this time I realized I didn't need anyone in my life to help me on a journey.

Coming to the sea I was fascinated by it. It smelled so salty. I wondered what's on the other side. Intrigued by it all I decided to cross it. What a terrible idea it was for I barely made it to the island alive. Where I ended up though was a cold place with thick vegetation. The forest was dark and foreboding yet I was interested by it. I had never been in a pack before, but I had been willing to give it a shot. I had joined Arkhein but I soon became bored with the land of Ciroc and the dull wolves of the I left.

I have arrived in the new land of Alacritis just in time for winter...and my birthday. I am now five years old and I wouldn't mind joining another pack.


-Arrogant but only when it comes to his appearance



-A total hot head


-Interesting to be around


-Knows when it's time to be serious

-Enjoys a good brawl

-Also enjoys to insult others

-Call him midget and you'll get bit


Strut, "Share Thoughts" I hate you

"You'll serve the cause."

Strut, "Share Thoughts" I hate you

"You'll serve the cause."



02-09-2013, 08:16 PM
I tried to resist liking this male, but darnit, I couldn't. xD


Snarling, Rion pinned down the young she-wolf, his paws covered with the blood of the prey she had attempted to steal from him. "How dare you, you good for nothing she-wolf! I caught that, and it was mine, but now..." He paused, grinning coldly, a menacing glint in his eyes, as he licked his lips, staring at her exposed neck, "You're mine." Before the female could react, he struck, biting fast and hard on her neck, holding her down with brute force until she fell limp beneath him, her struggling over with, and life leaving her. Pulling his teeth from her neck, he licked his lips, his silver eyes dark, as the taste of blood entered his mouth, and a cruel growl was extracted from his throat, as he savagely tore at the she-wolf's flesh, enjoying the viciousness of it.

-A little after-

Having finished with his little 'snack' Rion sat down to groom himself, near the small stream that flowed cleanly by, so he could look and make sure he was as handsome as ever. Licking the area's of his pelt that were dirty and marked with blood, he made himself look wonderful, further cleaning by using a little water to cool him off and make him look clean and cool. Licking his maw, he looked around, his eyes a normal shade of silver again, and his tail high, ears perked high atop his head.


Hope you were okay with that one. I hope to get him. He seems like a fun challenge to take on. A type of wolf I find very fun to roleplay.


02-09-2013, 11:13 PM
i liked it...though not a murderer in most cases, he isn't exactly sugar and spice and everything nice either. Just remember two things, hes a ladies man and may is his sister...happy role playing



02-09-2013, 11:16 PM
I love you! xD Thank you soooo much. This'll be fun! ;D

And yeah, I was just all... murder muse. x3