
The Art of Healing



03-08-2013, 04:00 PM
Quote:The morning found Mercianne in high spirits, and as she trailed along the path through the woods that was slowly becoming familiar she found herself smiling for no particular reason. It was not a bright, bubbly smile, nor was it vibrant in any way. It was quiet, calm, and kind, a gentle curve to her lips that spoke of a happy, contented heart within. She walked with a soft tread, her fluffy tail relaxed against her legs and swaying with her every step. Even her head was not lowered or held in an outright submissive posture, but remained level with her shoulders, only lowering when a particularly interesting scent drew her attention to the forest floor. The warmer weathers of spring were starting to make their appearance, but despite their best efforts snow still covered the ground, creating a definitive trail in her wake as she meandered along the path. Other steps of footprints joined hers here of previous wolves walking the same trail, but they were presently gone, having made the trip well ahead of the timid wolf.

Which was, for the time being, completely fine with Merci. Accustomed to being left to her own devices, and after recently gaining a new acquaintance and possibly - and hopefully - a new friend, she welcomed the quiet and stillness of isolation, finding in it a peace that could not be found with company or had in the presence of another. It was soothing to her gentle soul, and she was grateful to once again enjoy it.

Her brown eyes scanned the forests around her curiously with the intent of spotting some small game to prey on. She was not quite hungry yet, but she knew her body well enough to know when she ought to hunt in preparation for a future hungry spell, which she could feel on the way. But still with plenty of time before that hunger became a noisy ache, there was no rush to her gait, no hurry to her step, and no apparent determination about her cause. Instead, she took in the scenery, making note of where, once spring fully crept into place, lovely flowers might bloom, where small critters might move their dens, and where she might like to visit at a later date.

As she moved, she found herself becoming increasingly interested in the vegetation around her and slowed her step to get a better view of them as she traveled along, becoming distracted from her original intent. Shrubs and stalks and creeping greens seemed to grow heavily through this part of the forest, surprising within the cold but perhaps hardier than the rest. Where they simply normal plants, or was there any significance to them? She had seen on one occasion another wolf peering at the plant life with rapt attention, even pulling some of the weedy looking foliage and taking it with them when they retreated. She had often wondered what might have been the cause for it, what the importance of them could have been, but now that she gave it a little more thought she almost felt she had an answer. Healing. Only in the eyes of a healer would a plant have a different meaning than something that the prey fed on. But what were those meanings?

Steps stopping without her fully being aware of it, the timid wolf paused amid the forest and stared to her left, regarding the plants with a curious, wondering stare.

-- mercianne


03-09-2013, 12:32 PM
Asheni was a gentle dame. A creature of kindness and love, even in her most darkest of hours, she wished for no harm to befall even the most cruel of her enemies. Even Banshee, the monstrosity that had left her mangled and nearing deaths door she did not wish death upon. Her heart was simple too pure, too kind for her own good, it had been her downfall numerous times, but she was who she was, she put her faith blindly in people, and would heal anyone who was injured, no matter how vile, and no matter how badly they might hurt her once they healed. She wasn't shy and she wasn't afraid to speak up if need be, but she tried to remain reserved, and she was getting better at masking her emotions, a skill she had been forced to learn... but those thoughts were not for today, today she was stocking her herbs and plants and she was seeking a peculiar few. Horsetail, for starters, because of its silica content. Silica created collagen and collagen allowed tissues to heal faster, thus alleviating frostbite... a common ailment in Glaciem.

She had found her herb with a triumphant smile and pulled it free from its roots with her teeth, she was on her way back to her larger than necessary den. Of course, when those got wounded, her den was the place they came to rest. Her den needed to be large, she was Glaciem's lead medic. With a soft sigh she navigated the forest when an unfamiliar scent caught her nose. They were from Glaciem, they smelled heavily of her home, but the wolf itself was not someone she had met and it was high time Asheni got to meet some of the newer pack members. With a smile she navigated forward, following the scent until she chanced upon the dame. She was small, about the same size as she, but her coat displayed a beautiful pattern and Asheni smiled, her tail flickering laxadaisaclly behind her. She dropped the plant gently and dipped her head, a respectable hello.

"Hello! My names Asheni! I don't believe we've met before! I'm one of the medics! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Asheni had a soft and gentle voice, although excitement bubbled beneath her breath at the prospect of meeting a new friend. She never liked to refer to herself as the Lead Medic, It had been announced once and that was all she required. It intimidated some and Asheni liked to be approachable, to be the one creature that would never judge a soul, no matter how badly tarnished. She had taught and exchanged information with many healers, in her opinion it was how one gained knowledge and increased their own skill set. That pretty wolf in Valhalla... Erani! That conversation had been vastly helpful to both parties! Oh! She really should go and speak with the woman!



03-18-2013, 06:52 PM
Quote:Curiosity captured, the creamy white wolf inclined her head a little closer to the plants which her dark brown eyes were fixed upon, her dark nose quivering as she scented at the greens and attempted to observe anything peculiar or exciting about them. They seemed to smell just as all the others did, or perhaps the smell of the forest as a whole was simply too overpowering for her to identify any key aspects to this one to set it apart. Feeling a little twinge of disappointment, as if she had been hoping to detect something worthwhile about this little sprig, Mercianne withdrew her head and allowed a quiet, breathy sigh to slip from the end of her muzzle.

Steps sounded softly and hurriedly near her through the forest, announcing the approach of a fellow Glaciem wolf well before they came within sight. Glancing in their direction, Merci could just see the black and white wolf as she marched purposefully along, her path bringing her closer to where the white wolf stood, and all the while carrying a plant held firmly yet gently within her jaws. Immediately Mercianne felt a stirring of intrigue at the sight of the wolf, already having associated the plants with the pack's healers, and as the other came forward and dropped what she carried at her own feet where she had stopped before the timid white wolf, acknowledging her with a bow of her head, Merci hastily mimicked the gesture as a quietly eager and sincere smile stole across her face.

The wolf introduced herself as Asheni, claiming to be one of the Glaciem's healers, and seemed overall quite happy and excited to make a new acquaintance wtihin the pack. Bolstered by the wolf's friendly and encouraging introduction, Mercianne's fluffy tail wagged a greeting as she regarded the blue-eyed wolf. "I'm Mercianne," she answered in her customary gentle voice, a certain spark of her own excitement of finally meeting of the pack's healers visible within the depths of her eyes. Timid and shy as she tended to be, it was impossible for her to hide her eagerness and enthusiasm. She paused only a moment longer before the words tumbled from her muzzle, her hope lending her much needed courage to speak, "You're a healer?"

-- mercianne


03-19-2013, 12:50 AM

Asheni was a genuinely exuberant creature, it was rare to encounter her without a smile painted across her maw and a bounce in her step. Even performing the most dull of tasks, she was sickeningly optimistic. It was her nature, the very core of her being. She could not be tainted by foul thoughts or evil creatures. She was purely good and nothing that had happened had been able to change that. She went after her art of healing with a passion, she knew a thousand remedies, had learned by experimenting and by speaking with other healers. She may not be a fighter, in fact, quite useless in combat, but she could heal like nobodies business. She was incredibly good at what she did.

She encountered the maiden with exuberance, excitement, intrigue! She loved meeting new people, seeing and doing new things. If she was a part of Glaciem she was family in Asheni's mind, regardless of who she was or where she came from, and her tail swung behind her like a pendulum, ears cocked forward and attentive. She smiled even wider as the wolf returned her smile and her greeting, bestowing upon her a name. Asheni dipped her head in acknowledgement, prancing in place a bit in her excitement.

"Its a pleasure to meet you Mercianne! Have you been a part of Glaciem long?" Curiosity glittered in the depths of cerulean blue orbs as she cocked her head to the side. She had never seen the woman before, but then again she hadn't been around much lately. "Yes I am a healer! I've been with Glaciem since its formation! Crusade is like a sister to me, I was her first healer and I've been her lead medic ever since!"




03-20-2013, 01:55 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The excitement and exuberance that Asheni exuded seemed to be leaking across the distance between them and slowly funneling into Merci, the self same brightness about her company working itself into her very being. She found her smile growing just slightly wider, the withheld enthusiasm in her eyes becoming more open and visible, as she relaxed and allowed herself to the enjoy the good nature of the healer. Was this part of her gift, being able to adjust the mood levels of an individual just as well as she could their health? If it was, Mercianne was eager to learn of her tricks. She knew her skills as a hunter were minimal at best, and her skills as a warrior nonexistent, but with healing she felt a strong potential and hoped to at least excel in one useful skill to assist her pack and ensure that she pulled her weight among the ranks.

She asked with great interest in the creamy white wolf's stay thus far in the Glaciem, and since this question had already been posed to her once Mercianne's answer came more readily though with no greater certainty than before. "I can't say for sure," she replied sheepishly, wondering if it was common for wolves of her pack to keep count of how long they had been a part of their current group, "but a few months, I think." It was the best she could offer at the moment, her acceptance into the pack still a bit of a mystery to her as well. Crusade had accepted her personally, but despite the encouraging hospitality she had never really made herself known among them, not, at least, until they had nearly lost their lives after their escape from their old home.

To the little fluffy wolf's delight, Asheni quickly confirmed her statement regarding being a healer, and even went on to label herself as the pack's Lead Medic. Having not expected such an admission, Merci's dark brown eyes widened considerably. What luck! Of all the wolves that she could have spoken to about her wish to learn the art of healing, of all the wolves that could have possibly helped her, this one was absolutely the go-to on the subject, and she had been lucky enough just to happen upon her entirely by accident and coincidence. Unbidden, her tail wagged just a fraction faster for a short space of time, her excitement too much for her not to have it manifest itself in some obvious display.

But suddenly all of her questions, all of her curiosities about the subject bombarded her at once, causing her to be tongue tied and unsure what she should mention first. Was it a difficult skill to learn? Would it take very long to learn it? Did they have everything they needed inside their home? Was it hard trying to tell the plants apart? Was it often that their skills were required? Was it any less tiring and trying on the body as hunting or defending? Through the muddled mess of questions, one broke forth and claimed itself as the most important, but also the most frightening. Her hopes, her dreams, could very well have crashed and burned if the answer was anything but positive. So when Mercianne did finally manage to ask, the weight of her words causing her head to lower with uncertainty, her eyes to shine expectantly, her voice dropped in volume and sounded more timid than it had when she had introduced herself. "Can I learn to heal?"

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03-23-2013, 12:22 AM

Excitement, exuberance and joy seemed to ooze from every pore of Asheni's body. Sapphire orbs would sparkle with barely suppressed emotion. Her tail languidly twitched back and forth, still exuberant at having met a new friend. Her paws lifted from the snow and a smile large enough to block out the sun painted itself across her maw. It had been so long since she had encountered someone new... that wasn't trying to kill her anyway. Perhaps her easily excitable and gentle nature was what had made her ideal for the position of medic. She knew she probably should accepted formal defense training from Crusade or Cifer or any number of wolves that had remained among Glaciem's borders... but if she were being honest with herself, she never would have used the skill set anyway.

The dame seemed to ponder the question thoughtfully, considering the length of time she had remained behind Glaciem's border. Asheni waited, as still and as patiently as she could, eager to learn more about this companion. hunter? Warrior? Healer? She didn't smell of herbs but she didn't have the build for a warrior. A hunter possibly suited her? or maybe she simply hadn't decided. Either way it was alright with Asheni. The two toned fae loved just about everyone she met. "Wonderful! It's lovely to see new faces! I've been with Glaciem since its formation! There is no place I would rather call home!"

She seemed to grow more eager, more excited as Asheni mentioned the simple fact that she was the lead medic. She waited patiently, watching the myriad of emotions flash across her face, she almost wished she hadn't spoken as such, she hoped she had not intimidated her. She would gladly give up the position if it meant more allies, more friends... perhaps this was the simple reason she enjoyed it so much. However, the dames next words stunned Asheni. She had not anticipated them and for a long moment she fell silent, her face falling into a serious expression, still maintaining its excitement and its exuberance, but at a much more serious level.

'Anyone can learn to cure an ailment, but it takes a special kind of soul to actually heal another. The art of healing is not just about mending and fixing the body, but also the spirit and the mind. Emotional and mental trauma are a part of such things and need to be dealt with just as efficiently as a wound itself. If you are asking me to teach you, I would be delighted to say yes, but know that I will push you and it won't always be easy, but I do so only because I care so much for my home and the wolves that inhabit it and I want nothing but the best of care for them and I want you to succeed... can you handle that?" She spoke with a hidden solemness in her tone. Willing the woman to understand.




03-27-2013, 01:06 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

For a heartbreaking moment, her dreams were dashed. Surely there could only be one reason for the sudden seriousness that stole across the black and white wolf's face, the only explanation for her obviously playful spirit to be smothered to near nothing. And then what was to become of her? Would she need to learn to work with others and somehow acquire the skills of the hunt that everyone else had engrained in them since youth? Or grow out of her timidity in order to assist with the warriors in defending their home? She doubted her ability to do either, doubted her skills in either to prove herself worthy of those that she considered friend and pack mate alike. Useless, weak, and burdensome: that was what she would be.

Her deep brown eyes shifted away from Asheni's blue ones for just a moment before the wolf spoke, already sensing a growing certainty within that she would need to find a new lot in life, when the healer answered her in a way most unexpected. Rather than tell her no, she spoke of the challenges that came with the position, encouraging just as much as she was warning. And Mercianne drank it all in. Far too engrossed in what she was being told, she hardly noticed that she met the others eyes without hesitation, her mouth just slightly agape with attention as she took in every word that Asheni said. Challenging. Difficult. Emotional. What she asked was no small thing, and the Lead Healer only wished to make sure that she knew it.

And for the first time Merci felt a twinge of uncertainty. What if, what if danced through her mind, giving voice to worries and thoughts she would have rather left unnoticed even as she knew it was good to question it. Without knowing everything, she would have been walking into it with her eyes closed, oblivious to the trials that would await her in training. At least now she knew more or less what to expect, what she would do, and hopefully with time how to do it. But I can. I know it, wondered an encouraging voice in the back of her mind as she closed her jaws and swallowed slowly, the words of the healer still ringing in her ears.

With her mind already this far made up, it only made sense for her to try. Ears splayed somewhat with nerves, she set her gentle brow into an anxiously stubborn frown and drew in a quick breath. "I think so, yes," she answered, nodding her head slowly twice for added certainty. Her breath felt heavy in her chest, her expectations a physical thing that lurked there. And praying that Asheni might see some worth in her, that she might be given this chance, she hoped for a promising reaction.

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03-31-2013, 10:37 PM

Asheni exuberance fell as she realized what the woman was getting at, not because she detested the idea of another taking up the mantle of a healer, no, quite the opposite in fact. Asheni loved when a wolf choose the art of healing over the art of war, but the dame was deathly serious about her trade, it was the one thing in life that the healer held most dear. She took her line of work very seriously, regardless of whether or not it was minor scratch or an infection several days old. She healed the wicked, she healed the cruel. She healed the vile, she healed the sick. Good, bad, insane or otherwise Asheni did her very best to save someone's life, it had almost gotten her killed, but for the life of her, she could not leave a soul to die.

She watched carefully, the wolfs reaction to her words. They were, perhaps, a touch harsh, but they needed to be. If the woman wished to be a healer to escape long hours of learning to fight, she was choosing the wrong perfection. Asheni was up from sun up to sun down, going through her stocks of herbs, tossing away what was old and replenishing what she could. If she had patients or wolves that required her attention she oft did not truly sleep for days, short naps and quick sleeps before she was catering to her patients once more. It was hard, grueling work at times but it could be the most rewarding.

Her companion remained silent for a long moment obviously contemplating her words, many did not think of the implications of being a healer until a wolf who could no longer stand was brought to them. How do you help a wolf through having a limb torn off? They needed just as much support emotionally, as they did critical care. Asheni was impressed by the woman's attentiveness, that would come in handy if this was the path she decided to choose. She appreciated the fact that the woman truly thought it over, did not just blurt the first thing her heart wished her to say. She needed to be able to think past her own emotion to be a successful healer, but finally she gave her answer and the serious mask from Asheni's face a wide smile spreading across her maw, her tail gently fluttering back and forth.

"Than I will be delighted to train you."




04-09-2013, 08:50 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Almost like the same switch that had gone off and made Asheni's jovial spirit momentarily dim, her smile and friendly excitement returned in full force. Around her smiles the Lead Healer agreed to train her, and relief flooded over Merci like a wave. Tail wagging, the fluffy white wolf's ears perked forward as her brown eyes brightened, smiling much more openly now that her boldness had paid off. It was done! With practice and patience and teaching, she was to be a healer. I can't believe it! As much as she had dreamed of it, as much as she had willed it to be so, there had always been a seed of doubt lurking in her mind, worrying her and creating an unpleasant fear. But she had overcome it to ask, and her efforts had been rewarded. "Oh, thank you," she answered almost breathlessly, a little airy chuckle following her words.

Feeling exuberant, strangely confident, and insatiably curious, the little wolf took a moment to collect herself. So many more questions burbled up now, so many that she could have drowned in them, but once more she had to sift through them for the one that was of the most importance, the one that needed to be given a voice in order for them to continue on with her training. Training! I'm going to learn about the plants! Trying not to get ahead of her thoughts, still smiling, Mercianne voiced another question, her tone eager through its natural quietness. "When will we begin?" she questioned, unsure just how busy the wolf was and when their lessons could begin. No doubt there was much on Asheni's plate, as her earlier description had hinted, but sometime, maybe even soon, Merci hoped to slowly become acquainted to the teachings and trials of being a healer.

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04-15-2013, 09:14 PM

Asheni watched the tiny wolf, perhaps a bit tentatively. She had taken a student once, but he had up and vanished and Asheni had never seen him again. Whether his betrayal had been solely to Glaciem or to both the pack and herself she would never know. She was skeptical about taking on a second apprentice but she did not fear such a thing. If the woman proved herself, worked hard, and truly dedicated herself to such an art, which Asheni had a feeling the dame would excel in, perhaps she could even speak to Gargie about the woman one day replacing her. if it was a medic that she was allowed to mold and shape... she would trust her completely and even if Gargie wasn't her best of friends, he trusted her when it came to matters of healing. But ah... she would have a long way to go before such a possibility came to realization. For now, she would let the tiny dame have her moment. Her laughter was genuine, soft, light and airy. "You are very welcome!"

The pretty dame seemed to lose a bit of her composure and Asheni's own excitement was renewed as the dame pranced excitedly. This was what she lived for, this happiness, this joy painted upon anothers maw... this was exactly why she had become a healer. To help, to aide, to teach, to heal. When she spoke next, her voice, still quiet, radiated with excitement and intrigue. Ah... they would get along fabulously, or so Asheni thought. She could not watch to see her blossom into a wonderous healer! She had a good feeling about her new pupil. Crusade would be proud of her. "We will begin immediately, tell me do you know anything of plants or herbs?" Asheni threw her head to the side, lifting the plant she had retrieved and motioning for the dame to follow her. She would have much to teach and the best place to begin would be her den.




04-17-2013, 03:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Mercianne blinked with a moment of candid surprise as the black and white healer answered her question. Now? She suddenly felt ill prepared, unready and nervous about setting off on her new course. Shouldn't there have been time enough for her to wrap her mind around this new fact, to get ready for what she would need to know? But what could she honestly do to prepare, she wondered, having no prior knowledge and no one aside from Asheni to ask? Either way, she was going to have to jump right in with no knowledge or know how there to help her. But Asheni did not seem the type to penalize her for such a slight. She seemed patient and generous and willing to teach her everything she knew. So the creamy white wolf allowed a slow breath to slip from her muzzle as she listened to the wolf continue to speak, accepting that she needed to learn and there was no better time than the present.

But was still no less embarrassing that she had to tell Asheni she was starting from scratch. Her ears tucked against her head timidly as she lowered it a fraction, an almost apologetic smile slipping upon her face. "No, I don't," she answered quietly, hoping that her enthusiasm to learn and Asheni's skills would help her remedy that problem fairly swiftly.

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04-22-2013, 04:43 PM

There was no time like the present, and obviously this field of study was something the young dame had pondered heavily about. If she was as determined as Asheni believed she was, she would quickly learn the one simple fact about medicine that was absolute. No matter how much one learned about remedies and poultices, there was always more. There was always a new recipe to add to ones arsenal, always another herb to add to the done. A true medic had never learned everything, that much was simple fact. A smile would paint itself across Asheni's maw at the young dames skepticism and a rough chuckle would bubble up through her vocals, but her plume never ceased its gentle batting back and forth. She stepped forward, nuzzling the herb she had been carrying towards her new apprentice.

"This... is commonly referred to as horsetail, a common remedy for frostbite." She paused a moment, allowed the dame the chance to sniff the herb, to commit it to memory and when she had Asheni held her gaze, seriousness brimming in the depths of her cerulean gaze. "I can teach you, and I will, about every plant, every remedy and every fixture that I know of, and once you have learned everything I teach you, you must grow beyond me. There is always more, more plants, more herbs, more ways to help those who need it. You will never be a master healer, because the possibilities of what magic you can weave with a plant are endless... you must promise me this and I swear that I will teach you everything I know."




04-22-2013, 08:51 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her new teacher took her disappointing news in stride, showing no sign that it bothered her Mercianne knew nothing of the plants Asheni wished to tell her about. And not having to stare back at a frown or any looks of contempt was certainly encouraging. The timid wolf's own apologetic smile became more sincere, more open, as the other continued to wag her tail and not lose her welcoming, accepting aura. Good, this was good. She could still learn and not have to know anything to begin to do so. This was perfect.

Letting her dark brown eyes fall to the plant Asheni had been carrying when she had arrived, her ears perked and listened as the healer instructed her on the plant's name and its common use. "Horsetail... Frostbite," she mumbled quietly to herself, committing the plant's name and purpose to memory. The end of her nose began to twitch curiously as she stared at the plant, her muzzle lowering to touch it gently and sniff at its distinguishing scent. Horsetail. Frostbite. She drew her muzzle away briefly, taking one last long look at the plant before she turned her gaze on Asheni again and paused when she noticed the returned seriousness to the healer's expression.

Sensing something of importance, she straightened a little though still held her head in an almost tucked position, as was most comfortable. Asheni added another warning to her teachings, making sure this time that Merci knew her work as a healer, her learning as a student, would never be done. There would always be new remedies, new ways to use the old plants in new ways to fix what needed to be fixed. It was something else she had never truly considered, but though it was surprising it was not so deterring as how challenging and strenuous a task healing was. "I promise," she answered readily, nodding her head gently for emphasis. She would learn, whatever she could here, and continue to learn so long as she was able. If it meant fulfilling the new task she had set herself with completing, then she would make it happen.

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04-25-2013, 02:14 AM

Asheni watched with eager eyes as the woman learned her first unintentional lesson. Not all of her teachings would be so random and spontaneous. She would start with analgesics, then, perhaps anti-inflammatories, antibiotics... after she got the herbs down she would teach her which combinations to use for the common ailments in Glaciem, for a bite wound, for a clawed infection, so much would be poured into her teachings! She could not wait to begin! When the dame had memorized the plant and answered her rather sudden serious remarks Asheni beamed, plume fluttering like a pendulum behind her. She paced forward and caught the young damsel in a hug. Coiling her neck around the tinier faes, before pulling back, throwing a smile over her shoulder as she began the journey back to her den. "Come on then! No time like the present!"
-exit Asheni-
(((OOC: I was thinking maybe we could do a time skip where Asheni is quizzing her on ailments, remedies etc?)))




04-26-2013, 03:06 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The excitement and joy to Asheni's very being returned just as soon as Mercianne answered her question, and she was grateful for the wagging tail and smiling face. It was such a relief to be among those who were so welcoming, so wholeheartedly happy that she almost had to question her luck for being placed in their midst. Those who resided in the cold, harsh wintry world of the Glaciem were without a doubt some of the warmest creatures she had met to date, and Mercianne could do nothing but return the Lead Healer's smile with a mimicking one of her own, tail waving eagerly behind her.

There was only a moment of unease as the other wolf made a leap toward her, and Mercianne ducked on reflex, tucking herself and her head in a natural defensive maneuver. But all Asheni did was hug her, wrapping her neck around the smaller wolf's, and Merci's tail wagged again. Such kindness she was still growing accustomed to, and she hoped one day to accept it without outright flinching. It was embarrassing and useless, and she didn't want to give the impression that she didn't trust these wolves. They were her adoptive family; every known and unknown face. She wanted to be a part of them.

As her teacher drew away, already beginning to lead to another place where she could be taught more, Mercianne smiled and quickly followed after her, her steps excited and with a lighter bounce than before. She was learning; she was going to become a healer!

-Exit Mercianne-

OOC: Sure! c: Though, quick question. Is there a website or something with a lot of these plants/remedies/etc. I can use for reference? o:

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