
ONE for the money


03-07-2013, 10:20 PM
ooc; The gathering will begin in this thread, then the wolves will be broken up into hunting parties, and then branch off into separate threads to do the hunt. After the hunts are complete, the wolves will reconvene here and continue celebrating. :3

A howl rang out, joyous and melodic and beckoning at the same time. The King was calling, calling all of his subjects to him at once. It was noon, or so it seemed from the positioning of the sun. The man stood on the banks of the southern ocean, the tide licking at his hocks on his back legs. Today was a special day. From what he could tell about the pups, this was the season they would turn a year old. He would never know their actual birthdate, as he had not been there when it had happened, and they could not remember. Still, they were nearly three fourths grown by now, and Gerhardt knew they would finish filling out in the next few months. Soon enough they would be yearlings training for ranks they would one day serve in. A smile radiated on his face as he beamed from ear to ear, setting the tone for this gathering. This was a celebration, not a funeral!

Tail swayed behind him as he awaited, wondering who would come first. A small speech would be given, as well as directions for the day's events and the dividing into parties. Then they would depart from this area and go in search of prey to feed the pack. Gluttons they would be on this day only, Gerhardt would make sure of it. And so the King waited, waited for them to come.



03-07-2013, 10:30 PM

Rusty ears turned toward the source of the sound, recognizing it at once. His father's voice rang out like a beacon across the land, leaving no one to guess who had sounded. The days had flown by since their adoption, and Maverick was growing stronger - and larger - every day. His siblings were as well. The boy was still a troublemaker, and still as stubborn and bull-headed as ever, but Maverick was growing up as well. He'd calmed down significantly, no longer twitching or writing every five seconds. He'd also filled out into a handsome young lad whose paws were not extraordinarily large anymore. He had not been far away when his father had called, so only minutes after the call rang out, the Noble was reporting. Father, Voice still carried a higher pitch than an adult wolf's would, and his step was perhaps more bouncy and urgent than one of a seasoned adult. The pup drawl he'd once had was slowly disappearing, and was almost nonexistent now. What's this? It had only been a few months ago he'd bounded into the founding of Seracia, asking if it was a party. Some fool part of him wanted to ask the same question now, but he refrained. Gerhardt was beaming, though, so perhaps it would be safe to jest just a little. A party? He smirked, brow raising in jest, while white fangs gleamed in the sunlight. He rocked to his haunches and curled his tail around his hips to the right of his father, but a yard or two away. Adette would no doubt take a seat beside him, and he wasn't about to get in his fireball mother's way.



03-07-2013, 10:42 PM

He was the next to arrive, having run from the beach to the call and bowing respectfully. " My Lord, Nobleman Maverick." He greeted, stepping closer to his leader. Segar had grown accustomed to life in the pack by now but had still yet to meet any of the other members. He had learned the lifestyle and how to greet the other members, he had learned the laws and ranks and everyone that held a position, but had still kept his distance, choosing instead to stay by the beach. "Why do you call us so joyously?" He asked with a small grin. This was a happy day for whatever the reason. There would be meat and playing. And for once, maybe, Segar would come out of his shell.




3 Years
03-08-2013, 02:32 PM

They were yearlings now, her and her siblings, and that was a strange thought. She didn't feel any different today than she had yesterday or the day before that. Wasn't this supposed to be a big change? Shouldn't she feel like she was nearer to adulthood than ever before? She knew that she looked different than she had before, at least. But Kamala didn't feel any different. She was larger now, but she retained that lanky build of her puphood. The female hadn't filled out yet, but it was coming. There was lean muscle packed onto her frame now, and she had started to grow into her legs. She looked more grown up. But she still didn't feel any different. She still felt like a pup.

Kamala was standing over a clear lake, examining her features and trying to figure out why she didn't feel any different when the howl sang out. White ears swivelled in the direction of the sound, and her head lifted slowly, snorting softly. Her father's joyous voice boomed out across the horizon, summoning the Seracia Pack. So with a twitch of her tail, Kamala bounded away, lanky legs extending to carry her swiftly across the ground. It was a far cry from the stumbling run that had carried her across the territory before welcoming Sir Segar into the pack. No, Kamala didn't trip over her limbs anymore, and navigating her territory was much easier now that she had spent more time here.

Slowing as she drew nearer to the source of her father's howl, nostrils flared to take in the familiar scents of her pack. Sir Segar, her father, Maverick. They had already arrived, but none others, as far as Kamala could tell. So with a flick of her tail, she padded forward, approaching her father with a smile on her lupine features. "Father," She didn't call him Daddy anymore. No, the formality of her pack had begun to rub off on her, "Sir Segar, Maverick." She greeted them each in their turn, flicking her ears as she padded up to sit daintily to the side of Maverick. Her voice still retained that puppy drawl, but it was fading from her words, albeit a little more slowly than that of her siblings.

From there, Kamala waited, waited to hear why her father had summoned his pack to him. She would have asked, but he was going to explain anyways, and it would have wasted the time of both of them to have him explain it more than once. So the quiet female was content to wait in silence, sitting patiently by the side of her brother as she awaited the arrival of the rest of her pack.