
A secret meeting(Toprak)


03-07-2013, 10:25 AM

It had been some time since she had gone out exploring by her self.Her mother had kept her in her site since that day at the broken ship.Tikaani walked on the edge of the lake, her eyes gazed upon her reflection that showed back. Looking at the scared up face that she had, would Toprak recognize her. She had changed since that day. She was no longer a small pup, she grew to her full size now of 36inches. She would tower over the male now, but that would not change a thing between them. She hoped it wouldn't, but time can have effect on people, and she knew that. Oh how she knew that, her mother was the prime example of that fact. Time was unkind to her, and she saw so much torment in the world, that it changed her. A Sigh escaped her lips as she raised her head to look out into the lake. The water was calm, no ripples, nothing. This was not usual to her, lakes should be full of bugs, fish, and all that type of stuff. Tikaani shook her head and just ignored that it was quite here. Maybe all the animals and insects were just waking up from there hibernation. Her mind went back to that day when her mother nearly bit Toprak's head off.

She wanted to do something about it, but at the time she was nothing but a small squirt, barely big enough to keep pace with her mother.This time will be different, she would talk to him, and let him know that she wants to be his friend. But she could not be his friend if her mother still thinks he is a cowered. Tikaani knew that this was her chance into getting her mother to see him as she sees him. Strong and smart, but it will not be that easy to convenes Antiva. Her eyes scanned the grounds waiting for him to appear. She had arranged this meeting but sent some one else to tell him to come here.(Not a real character)Her heart was beating fast with anxiety, as she stood there waiting for him, if he will show up, that was the main question.Maybe this was not the best thing to do, maybe her mother was right, and maybe he would be scared of her now. What ever is to happen she knew that this will be something that she will have to deal with.

She sat down upon her haunches and closed her eyes. The wind blew through her fur like it was coming to comfort her. In times like this she needed that comfort, and the wind was what she needed. IT was not a real hug from another wolf, but it will do for the time being. With her eyes still closed, she listened to the world around her. The sounds of crickets filled hr ears it was wonderful,Spring had indeed come and she was thrilled that her birth was in such a lovely season. Opening her eyes she came through to the realization that she was growing up, and soon will be assigned a position in the pack. She would be happy with any rank, but she would like a warrior more that anything.


03-11-2013, 09:06 AM
Toprak's heart was racing, as he left the Arctic, he had never really did before. Though when he got the message, he was excited to see Tikaani, he had not seen her in a while. He had not changed much, being an Arctic wolf he was not a large one, but he hoped that Tikaani did not turn into her mother, she was evil and crazy. The journey was a bit of a long one, he could not believe that there was so much to this land more then the Arctic. The air smells changed, the sights, and the weather was different. It was going to take time to get used too.

After some time the smell of water pleased him, he almost stuck out like a sore thumb his white fur, was pure white, his fur also thick to protect him from the cold. As he approached the lake he wondered how much Tikaani had changed on him, he wondered if she was still as playful. Lowering his head Toprak drank some water, till the water hit his stomach he raised his head and let out a a howl. It was not a loud one, but it was a howl. He wondered how close he was to Tikaani.


03-15-2013, 11:56 AM

Tikaani's ears perked up to the sound of the call of Toprak. He was here, yes he was and not far. She begun to walk to the direction of the call. Her large frame was carried across the ground by powerful muscles that rested under her legs. How will he react to her when he sees her, will he be scared like he was of her mother, or did he become more brave in this situation. Her face had gained more scars since they had last meet. Tikaani looked as mean as her mother, but that was not who she was. Terror had just taken a tole upon her appearance. The scars stated the struggles that the two had throughout the year that she was alive.

Her head was low to the grown as she walked, it gave her an even more scary look to her. She did not like to walk with her head up, it was just to much pain that Terror inflected on her. Her green eyes soon landed upon the small framed male, she was indeed taller than him now, there was no doubt in that. She stopped in her place and raised her head a little to get a better look at the male. He did not change that much since she last saw him. Tikaani on the other hand went from a dark brown coat to a light brown coat. The only thing that was the same as to her appearance was the black bands on her legs and ears. Her eyes were still the same green color as when she was a small pup.

Taking a breath she walked a little closer to Toprak and spoke."Toprak" Is all she said as she came to a stop. This was it, how will he react was all to be determined by him. She was almost the same height as he mother, and she had grown to look as mean as her mother, but her looks sometimes make it hard to befriend anyone. Most will take a first look at her and then want nothing to do with her.


03-16-2013, 06:38 PM
Toprak raised his head, as he heard a light patter, of someone or something walking closer to him. Looking into the slight distance a large wolf was there, she or he was a lighter brown. That can't be Tikanni can it, she almost looks like her mother? He thought to himself as she walked closer the black bands around her ears, and paws were the same as he remembered. No way, even scars on her face what happened, she won't like me now look at her, if she has become like her mother she will think I am soft. A sense of regret grew over him, as he now walked closer to Tikinna. "No way, Tikanni what did you do to your slef? why the scars?" Toprak asked as he was now near her, and he could see the green eyes, as they meet his blue eyes. He sat down, and looked over her body. "My I must seem rather plain to you, I have not changed one bit, but the heat here is hot I must say" Toprak said as he got up and now was even closer to Tikaani, he was happy to see, her yet at some point he seem worried, and sad for her. Or this feeling could be regret in himself.


03-17-2013, 09:00 AM

A sigh escaped her frame as she knew he recognized her and was not scared of her.She sat down next to Toprak and smiled at him. He was right he did not change at all, but she likes him the way he is.His words hit her ears as she turned her head towards him. The scares, and what did she do to her self . Thease questions made it seem that she was vile, and mean. Her green eyes looked upon Toprak and she smiled some more. "I am ok, these scares are just caused from battles with Terror." She said as she liked her paw.

It was hot here, that was correct. but the heat did not bother Tikaani not one bit, but Toprak it seemed to bother him. Maybe it was due to the fact that he was from a colder claimant than this.She smiled at him and stood up. "Toprak, i like you for your self. That is why i became friends with you. My mother might never approve of out friendship,but she will have to get over it." Tikaani meant every word she spoke to him.

Tikaani saw the worry in Toprak's eyes, Something was wrong She could tell. Tikaani looked at him some more and with a sigh she spoke. "What is wrong, you seem different in a way. She spoke with a cocked head of confusion. What was going on in the head of his, is he still worried about my mother or is it something else. She did not know, and frankly she wanted to know. Toprak was her friend and she wanted to make him happy as well.


03-19-2013, 08:55 AM
"What is wrong?" Toprak asked back, reciting what Tikaani asked him. He paused and tilted his head, looking back at her. Her green eyes, still showed the young playful wolf that left with her mother that time, so long ago."I guess I just did not know what to expect when I would finally get to see you again. I am happy you are fine and well" Toprak added as he gently rubbed his nose onto hers, as he smiled slightly, as the wind blew. Messing up his long white fur, making him shake straightening out his fur.

"So what now?" Toprak asked, as he stood now beside Tikaani she indeed as a big bigger, but Toprak was a tad larger. He again smiled gently as he looked to Tikaani, her presence made him happy.


03-20-2013, 11:26 AM

Tikaani smiled at Toprak and sat down and looked out onto the lake. She let out a sigh and smiled up at the sunny sky. "Well things change and stuff like that happens in life. You can't control fate you know." She said smiling at Toprak.

Tikaani's tail swayed as she sat there thinking about if this was a good choice. In seeing him even though her mother disproved.She shook her head and erased all of those thoughts out of ehr head. Standing up Tikaani walked in to the lake. "Come on Toprak, Let's go swimming" She said as she jumped in the lake. It felt good on ehr fur, she loved the water and if it was up to her she would live in it.