
Broken Pieces


05-15-2013, 07:28 PM

She was a Queen. A Vecaan. That term still tasted odd upon her tongue. She wasn't sure if she would be the Queen Tortuga wanted or needed, but she would do her damndest to see every last one of her people protected and secure if nothing more, even if they hated her for the restrictions she had placed upon them. She yearned for peace. A home devoid of senseless bloodshed and mindless war. She had not joined Tortuga for its tastes of blood, she had not joined Tortuga for its instigations. She had come because they were claimed a pack of neutrality, it had been Kaien and Morphine who had turned them into a joke, a lie, a fools pack. Desdemona had more honor than that. More respect. More dignity, and she would not stand by and watch as shadow games were encouraged. They would have more honor than that. Desdemona would make sure of it.

The trek to Valhalla was made almost the instant she had been made Queen. She had ended Kaien's life, banished Morphine, returned to inform her pack of the leadership change and come the daybreak, Desdemona was already out of her home and trekking across the lands at a heady gallop. First things first, this discrepancy with Valhalla needed to be ended. They didn't need to be best friends, they didn't need to start swapping songs and dancing under the moonlight but some kind of an agreement needed to be made. Desdemona would not let such a wound fester, she intended to be strong and adamant about where Tortuga now stood.

She approached the Valhallen grounds and slowed her gait to a walk, the forest here was alive with color, even more beautiful than the forest it had resided on back in the old Alacritis. It had been quite some time since she had seen hide or tail of anyone of her old pack but that would be rectified quite shortly. She approached the border with confidence, massive behemoth frame drawing to a halt a yard or so shy of the territory line. Words, her weakest point, were her only strength now. Ears would pin back against her cranium, she had brought no warriors with her as a sign of good faith, the Valhalla she remembered would at least here her out. With a soft sigh, she would tilt her head to the heavens, bellowing out a call for the Alpha, Valhalla's King... or Queen, whichever came first. No doubt tension would be high, but Desdemona was prepared, she intended to be a much different leader than Morphine and Kaien had been.




05-23-2013, 07:24 AM

The Queen did not know he was coming. They had decided it would be best if he stayed behind and went to another pack, but Ludicael could wait. Without her permission he had changed plans at last minute and the King had decided to follow about an hour after she had left. His pace would be quicker than hers and he wouldn't slow down until he neared the Valhallan territory once more. He felt as though his presence was needed. At least to let the damned Valhallans know he was a leader once more and that Kaien was no longer in control. He wanted a treaty to be formed, at least so Valhalla could not attack them without good reason. A few barriers would be set up to ensure their safety. He wanted to be there for that deal.

Desdemona finally came into view and the man made his movements obvious to let her know he was arriving. It was disappointing to see that no one had arrived at her summons. Why hadn't they? Were their Alphas busy? He was well aware they had two of them for the border was scent marked by at least two powerful scents. So why had they not come? Perhaps with two Tortugan scents at their borders they would be more interested in investigating.

Head dipped in greeting to the larger female as he came to a halt and remained standing near the other alabaster wolf.





10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-23-2013, 10:36 AM

More Tortugans. The scent of the two unfamiliar wolves reached Epiphron's flared nostrils, followed by a call for the leaders of Valhalla. Further investigation of the aroma told her it was not that damned woman Luce, which settled her nerves slightly. Was it someone coming to claim Neo? She'd heard tell that the King that Neo had disclosed Valhalla's secrets to was dead, and she could only hope the knowledge hadn't leaked to the newest Alphas. She wondered whether this would be a meeting of peace, or if they intended to declare war. Surely if they fought for Neo, something akin to war would begin; the boy needed to be punished. Hopefully they understood that.

She could only speculate on what they might want as she increased her pace to a steady trot, heading towards where the call had echoed from. Any impression she might harbor of the Tortuga pack, was tainted with negativity, and she would not deny that she did not look kindly upon them. And yet she would greet them neutrally and hear them out. Perhaps she might even like whoever it was that she met at the border. Time would only tell.

It wasn't long before the two wolves came into view. Both held themselves with confidence -- if they were not the Alphas, she would be greatly surprised. Pace quickened a bit as she drew near, eventually coming to a halt a safe distance away. Ears swiveled as she waited for Icarus to join, expecting him to show up instantaneously beside her. But he did not. The girl composed herself, head held high on powerful shoulders, tail flagged high above her back.

Icarus had been named Alpha beside her, but as of yet his presence had been as good as nonexistent. She was beginning to not only question Collision's judgement in placing her as Alpha female, but also here father's, in entrusting Icarus with the pack. And rumor had it that he was supposed to be training one of her siblings to rule beside her eventually, but as of yet nothing terribly out of the ordinary had happened. She couldn't help but feel restless, as though she was waiting for something that would come suddenly. And she was wondering whether she'd have to overcome whatever obstacles appeared, by herself. Unless Icarus stepped up his game.

A sigh threatened to spill from the young leader's lips, but she stifled it. It would be unwise to wait for long before addressing the duo before her. So with a slow nod, the young girl unhinged her jaws to speak. "Welcome to Valhalla. My name is Epiphron Adravendi, and I am the newest Alpha female. I can only hope that my counterpart, Icarus, will arrive shortly." And if not? She would do her damn best to handle the situation to the best of her ability. "You two -- let me guess -- are the Alphas of Tortuga. But of your names, I am ignorant." There was no hint of disrespect in the woman's voice. She had learned well from Cairo, and spoke to the two as though they were old friends who were returning home after a long time away.



05-23-2013, 08:52 PM
[ooc: Yay! No posting order xD]

Soon a scent reached his nostrils and the man would almost heave a sigh of relief. It seemed as though at least one Valhallan would show. The female would show herself and yet she halted a good distance away. Rightfully so though. Tortuga didn't exactly have the greatest reputation over their heads. Tension between the packs was rough and any little thing could decided whether or not Valhalla decided to take action. It made sense that she would stay a safe distance away.

Nnoitra remained standing with tail hanging limply and yet head held in it's normal regal pose. Motions were fluid and yet he made no advances on her. Only the soft dip of his head in a respectful greeting was the only motions he made towards the girl. Introductions were made by her and his tail flicked idly behind him as he listened, acknowledging her status as a newer Alpha female of Valhalla. It was interesting to hear about the leadership change. He had not known that Collision had given up his seat as Alpha, and that Cairo had not taken it back. She looked strikingly like the old man though. She had his eyes. A daughter perhaps? Then hearing of another new alpha was a surprise. It seemed as though he would not be showing.

How disappointing." He thought to himself.

"Your assumptions are correct my dear. The female standing next to me is Desdemona. She too is quite new to her position."

A ghost of a smile was flashed in the white Queen's direction. This meeting was hopefully going well, and he hadn't wanted to give her the chance to speak. He was aware she was a woman of action whereas he absolutely loved words as well as action. His tongue and intelligence would hopefully help improve the situation between Valhalla and Tortuga. He certainly would watch his mouth so he wouldn't say something that would be offensive to them and ruin the whole thing.

"I am Nnoitra Jaeger. I myself am new to being an Alpha once more, but I was the original founder. Miss lovely overthrew the last Alpha I let take over and demoted his second, so now she has me as her second Alpha. And here we are."

He wasn't quite sure if Epiphron would be welcoming towards his light hearted attitude. It was merely him putting on a face to help lighten the situation. After all things were pretty tense, why not put the girl at ease so she could feel at least a little bit more relaxed about having Tortugans at their borders. The man then looked at Desdemona wondering if she would continue for him, or if the Valhallan Alpha would beat her to it.



05-24-2013, 09:57 AM





The week had passed with startling fluidity. The man had gone from loner and mercenary to alpha of a pack. It had been a life he once fled from, but now found himself accepting? Icarus thought back on the Valhalla meeting, still shocked at the sheer number of members he now found himself heading. The ranks were immense, far larger than Dieu's own. Of course, Dieu had been built up through specialization and hard work. Only a select few were allowed to even become a card in the deck. The mercenary would have to change his style if he were to allow Valhalla its chance in the sunlight. He would need to start with the very basics of his pack, and move upwards. Icarus had scarcely any idea the kind of allies Valhalla did or did not have. He only barely knew the names of those Cairo had anointed to lead beside him. The man struck out with powerful strides to the outlying lands of his newfound territory.

A howl broke the silence of the land, cracked the sky in two and brought the mercenary's attention to bear. It was a commanding call - not weak and gun-shy like so many loners. The silver leviathan came upon the place of the meeting slower than his female counterpart. Epiphron seemed comfortable on the surface, dealing amicably to two wolves that seemed like overly proud serpents. A female waited in the wings, while it was a male who did most of the speaking. Icarus moved silently towards them, his ears tilted forward so that he had enough information to speak of, or at least bluff. Alphas of Tortuga. Desdemona and Nnoitra Jaeger. Miss lovely overthrew the last Alpha I let take over and demoted his second, so now she has me as her second Alpha. A smile peeled across Icarus' features as he entered the arena, his burning eyes resting upon the two visitors. Good job, have you come here for a cookie?

The words came close to spilling out from his lips, but Icarus said nothing of the sort. A gentle tilt of his colossal head was granted to each wolf before him, Nnoitra, Desdemona. The voice that rumbled into the air was that of a soldier - rough as sandpaper and more candid than perhaps was safe. The silver colossus moved to rest alongside Epiphron, his eyes never leaving the sight of the white woman before him. I am Icarus Vonecci, alpha of Valhalla. Have you come to our borders to make small talk? Or do you have an actual reason for being here?



05-30-2013, 03:42 PM

Two-toned blue gaze slid to the new arrival. A big wolf who carried himself as if he were the shit. He hated those kinds of wolves. The way he looked down at him as if he was only there to make small talk and waste time. What a blundering idiot. It was those wolves that he despised. The ones who thought that just because they had big muscles they could just flaunt it around and thought they ran things. They would all learn that one day it was intelligence that made the world go round. All the idiots would eventually die off and it would be wolves like him who would rise to the top.

Voice and gaze was icy and he took on a more serious tone. He hadn't come here to be undermined and he wouldn't let Desdemona's appearance be scarred either. Not by someone who viewed them as a lowly peasant. A part of him wanted to rip the male's face off then and there, but he kept his mouth shut. He remained calm and refused to let any of his poisonous thoughts leak onto his visage. This would be a good meeting. A calm one. One unlike the last time he'd met a Valhalla Alpha. He hadn't like Cairo either, but he didn't mind the female before him. She seemed decent enough.

"Obviously we're here for a reason. Both Alphas of a pack don't just come to the borders of another to make small talk. Such pointless endeavors are not very becoming of either of us. We have important matters to attend to."

His gaze would then shift back to Epiphron since he was positive she was more aware of the hostilities of the two packs than the idiot was. She would also be more experienced with Valhalla. The brute was obviously new, therefore Nnoitra would direct the talk to Epiphron first before he even considered talking it over with the buffoon.

"I realize our packs haven't gotten along well in the past few years. However we do come with the best of intentions. I'll be blunt with you. Desdemona and I seek at least a treaty with Valhalla. An alliance is not needed, but just something that states both packs can't rip each other to shreds. Desdemona and I care for Tortuga more than we let on. Its downfall would be horrendous. I'm sure you feel the same way about your pack. If both went to war and we destroyed each other, would guilt not weight heavy on your heart for not having a way to spot it? Surely you do not wish to see faithful members to your family be killed? I know I do not wish a war upon my members."

Tone was light and respectful. Obvious that he held little to no power here. He definitely wanted to make his point clear. If she truly cared about the well being of her pack she would accept the thought of a treaty happily, regardless if Cairo hated them or not. Surely she wouldn't want war.



05-30-2013, 04:53 PM

Desdemona would watch as Nnoitra slunk beside her, a part of her was loathe for him to be here, he was not loved by Valhalla, his presence may very well prove to be a larger hindrance than a help. She had asked him to visit Ludicael... surely he had not done that yet... she would need a word with him soon. This joint ruling would not work if he did not respect her enough to listen. Irritation would settle in her chest but not a flicker of it was shown. Years of training as a mercenary had taught her to beat down emotions. She would speak with Nnoitra later. Two toned eyes would fall all the two Valhallens, neither one looked particularly intimidating. Perhaps assured in their stature but she could not bring herself to fear either of them and her stance remained confident and self assured.

They would speak and before she even had a chance to allow lyrics to fall from her tongue, Nnoitra would introduce them both and explain why they were here, the urge to snap at him was strong, she suppressed it. Valhalla was supposed to be her responsibility to procure an alliance, not his, it made her seem weak and incompetent that he had spoken before she. Damn it. Her eyes slid shut and she stepped forward, she had been silent too long, she needed to speak. She would explain how she came to power, give them a bit of information on herself. Explain her standing.

"Kaien was a fool, and Morphine a liar. Neither were fit to rule, much less guide a pack to a successful place. I challenged Kaien for the right to rule Tortuga, I ended his life in the Battlefield as per his request and Morphine was banished. I apologize for the trouble the insipid fools have caused Valhalla. The incident with Luce and Neo never should have been rewarded, as Nnoitra founded the pack, he based its morals off of neutrality. Kaien and Morphine did anything but remain neutral. I have seen too many wars, I have spilled too much blood. I yearn only for relative peace. Nnoitra shares this belief, this thought, it tis why I have chosen him as my partner, as he has stated we are not asking for friends to race through meadows with, but a soft alliance. We will cause you no more grief if you will offer us the same token." Her words were strong and level, little to no emotion crept into her tones, but the authority that rang with them could not be denied.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-31-2013, 05:26 PM

The brute spoke up almost immediately. Epiphron drew her ears forward to listen as he began to talk. He was an older wolf, and she could only hope that his years were a sign of his wisdom. She had been unimpressed by Luce, but had come to the two Tortugans with an open mind and a relatively calm demeanor. A small smile even threatened to appear, but she stifled it as she realized the female next to Nnoitra seemed much less pleasant than he. The woman offered a nod in return, to both the wolves, knowing a meeting like this could very well decide the fate of not just these three wolves, but many. If it went badly, or if she lost her tongue, she could very well start something that she was unable to control. Even if Tortuga might not win a war, they could very well take the lives of her loved ones. Diplomacy was necessary, and as Nnoitra began to speak, she didn't find it hard at all to remain composed.

"It's truly a pleasure to meet you, Nnoitra, and you as well, Desdemona." She didn't give a damn what Collision thought of Tortuga, or even what her father thought of them -- for now, she was the Alpha of Valhalla, and she was determined to ensure that Valhalla had a bright future ahead of them. Nnoitra explained that that he had ruled Tortuga before, and now was again ... after Desdemona had overthrown the former. She would not judge them for such rapid change of leadership, for Valhalla too was changing hands quickly. She didn't find the need to mention that in the next few months, the throne would once again be passed, but this time to Chrysanthe, who was far more deserving of the position, if anyone deserved it at all.

Epiphron had been too enraptured in watching the Tortugan leaders to notice the arrival of Icarus. He came to stand beside her, his presence strong and almost threatening, compared to her cool calmness and innocent arrogance. Eyes briefly found his own, watching him curiously as he questioned them harshly. She wouldn't have spoken quite so brashly, but what harm was there in leaders being different in personality and demeanor, as long as they were civil with one another? Despite his demand for answers, Nnoitra seemed to direct his words towards Epiphron, and she listened, intrigued by what he might say.

He requested a treaty. Not an alliance, persay, but something saying the packs wouldn't harm one another; they'd leave each other alone, for the most part. Immediately her jaws parted, throat tightening in protest, wanting to ask about the issue with Neo spilling his knowledge of Valhalla to the Alpha of Tortuga -- but almost immediately, Desdemona spoke up, saying Kaien was a fool, saying the entire situation was uncalled for and never should have happened. Despite the woman's serious demeanor, and the slight irritation her tones held, Epiphron liked her. "I am glad to hear that you two are of similar mindset," she noted hesitantly, but interest had been sparked in her vibrant blue eyes. "It seemed, to us, as though Tortuga was trying to gain information about us in order to ignite a war. Truthfully, "I need no convincing that an alliance -- a treaty -- is of benefit to us. I want bloodshed no more than either of you do."


06-01-2013, 04:00 PM

(((OOC: Since Hun is gone, I'm gonna assume Icarus isn't here.)))

Desdemona's words would come blunt and to the point, given a moment to think everything over, it was probably for the best that Nnoitra had come, everything was left out in the open. The two rulers of Tortuga were introduced, it didn't appear like they were being hidden. This, she supposed, was a good thing. She would travel to Ludicael and then perhaps to Seracia to formally introduce herself. She had a great deal to do and so little time. She had anticipated a tense encounter with the wolves of Valhalla, but it seemed as though this woman had a level head upon her shoulders and was willing to compromise, perhaps compromise was a bit too strong of a word, an agreement seemed more appropriate given the circumstance.

Her polite tones as the introductions were surprising to the ivory woman but that surprise vanished just as quickly as it came, and she dipped her head in a silent show of respect before her jaws would part, answering the woman. "As is the pleasure reflected, Epiphron, I had expected a great deal more hostility, I thank you for giving us the time to speak and the chance to hear us out." She liked this two toned woman, she doubted with all the discrepancies that they would ever be the strongest of friends, but she hoped an agreement could come to pass... it was too bad she had not spoken out sooner, perhaps then Tortuga and Valhalla could have been joined more solidly... that would have proved a formidable army.

" The incident with Neo and Luce, at least to my knowledge was something entirely spontaneous and situation based. The information given to Kaien was not passed on, or if it was, it was given to Morphine who no longer has a place in Tortuga, I assure you that war is exactly what we are attempting to avoid... I am not sure if you are aware but Luce carries Neo's offspring. I am not fond of letting pups suffer for the idiocies of their parents but I will leave visitation rights or lack thereof to your discretion. The pups will be cared for and treated as Tortuga's own." She was certain the woman was curious of Neo's time, but according to Nnoitra, that was all the information he knew and she would share it willingly with the Queen.

" An alliance I believe would benefit the both of us. Since we are the ones asking the favor, I find it only fair that you state your terms of such an arrangement first." She was quick and to the point, but she saw no reason to fill the air with mindless speak.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-04-2013, 08:56 PM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2013, 08:59 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron had never looked favorably upon Tortuga. She'd been convinced they were not decent wolves -- that wasn't to say she had been brainwashed by any means, but the former rulers of Valhalla certainly had acted as though the wolves of Tortuga generally were unreasonable. Savage. And they were not either of these things. "And I think you for approaching me so amicably. I know that the previous leaders of Valhalla may not have been so open to such a meeting, but alas, times are changing," she stated with a simple smile and a nod of her head. It was expected that, as a younger leader, she would be more open to change, to new things, whereas older wolves were often more rigid in their mindsets.

And though she had come to the meeting burdened by these prejudices, she was beginning to open her mind to the possibility of an alliance between the two packs. She knew she would be going to Seracia soon, to seek Gerhardt's approval -- and that Chrysanthe would be ruling in her place -- but she was fairly sure her sister would be wise enough to accept such a proposal, or at least consider it. What was the point of unneeded bloodshed when it was easier, and more beneficial for the packs to live peacefully with one another?

Desdemona went on to explain what she had wondered, and all her fears seemed to dissipate instantly. The situation with Neo and Luce had not escalated. "I've been informed," she said with a prompt nod of her head. "Luce actually approached me, calling from our borders. She asked that she see Neo one last time, and I obliged; he did not answer my call." And Luce was damn lucky that it had been Epiphron that had greeted her -- not another less forgiving wolf.

Desdemona went on, saying that since it was Tortuga asking the favor, that she should state the terms of the arrangement. This all felt painfully unfamiliar. She wracked her brain, wondering what her father's course of action would have been. The first thing that entered her mind was to ask for one of Luce's children. But the woman's words echoed dully in her mind. Why cause her to suffer? "My terms are simple," she began quickly, voice far more authoritative than she felt on the inside. "Civility is all I ask for. Tortugans are to be severely punished if they dare threaten the safety of any of my members; as will Valhallans. No exceptions. Depending on the severity of the infraction, perhaps even banishment may be in order. I want nothing more than this, than the safety of my pack, and I am sure you two want the same thing for your pack."

(Okay, let's just ignore all the stuff about Icarus? :3)


06-18-2013, 10:00 AM

Desdemona dipped her rather massive cranium, agreeing with the woman, a gentle smile drifting across her maw, a great many things may have gone wrong to create the hostilities between Tortuga and Valhalla, and perhaps some of them might never be fixed, but at least they could be mature enough to talk such differences out. Tortuga didn't have to be callous to be distant. her eyes flickered to Nnoitra, even if he didn't show it, he was pleased with this development, she was beginning to be able to read the quirks in his demeanor.

The ivory woman's smile would falter and her rather large cranium would fall from side to side at the news of the drama between Neo and Luce. She had never met the male and if what the woman said was true, her opinion of him was not so great. Luce had told no one about her departure, she had come solely to see him... without a guard and pregnant, and he could not be bothered to see her? Anger coiled in the bottom of her belly and she repressed it, none of it displaying on her maw. "If it would please you to know... there are three pups in the litter and one that she found wandering and adopted, they are treated with love and a great deal of respect." Her words were smooth and gentle, she may not have approved of Neo and Luce, but she would never bare a grudge against a child.

She stood patiently awaiting the woman's terms, her meanings of a treaty, Nnoitra, it seems, was content to observe, Desdemona didn't mind, if the man wished to speak, he could, if not that was alright too, she understood Nnoitra to an extent, just as he did her, they ruled together, such a bond was necessary. "Your terms sound fair to me... if a Tortugan wolf brazenly attacks one of your own, know that they do so outside of Tortuga's banner and they will be punished, make no mistake." There was just a hint of something dangerous in her tone, she was a fairly loose leader, but if one of her own did something selfish enough to potentially bring a war upon the whole of Tortuga, Desdemona had no problem in teaching a lesson....or two. "My terms are reflected, I merely ask the same courtesy of you, civility is all I require." Desdemona's tone was loose and soft once more.
