
my favorite things


07-19-2013, 12:35 PM

It was one of those nights in which he'd had the sort of day you wouldn't brag about. He'd gotten up early that morning and left his wife's side - still unaware as to whether or not she might be carrying his children. Leaving her had become harder since they'd consummated their relationship, but at the same time he felt more secure about them as a couple. He supposed he was growing with their relationship - and one day it might not be hard to leave her at all - though he suspected that day was far off. Dappled haunch trotted delicately across Seracian soil, leaving no rock unturned our un-inspected by his bright green eyes. An ear flicked back as some noise caught him by surprise. His pace slowed until he was at a stop, right forelimb suspended in air much like a hunting dog's. He snorted like a buck, twisting his head around and offering a commanding line. Who's there? The Prince had spoken, would anyone answer? A growl bubbled in his chest, but he reminded himself that he had no reason to be upset. To say he'd been on edge lately would have been an understatement - but whoever this was didn't deserve to have his stresses shoved down their throat. He lowered his front paw to the ground, pivoting rapidly to face whomever it was. He was eager to get this matter settled and be on his way, unless it happened to be Loccian. If it was the Infanta, he had a few questions to ask.




11 Years
07-20-2013, 03:47 AM
A smile was across the older wolf's muzzle as he strode through a part of the Seracian territory he'd seldom ventured through. Bane was for once in a very long time, visibly happy. Sure the hole in his pelt still burned with the twinges of pain coupled with the throbbing dull ache of bruised ribs, but despite the uncomfortable sensation were a branch went into your side and bouncing along your ribs, Bane wasn't really complaining about much. In fact he'd been feeling better apart from where the tear in his pelt was still bleeding... and the slash across his Talutah mark had scabbed over only to fracture with each movement of his leg.

Definitely feeling better about life now. A clearer mind, no more waking up in the middle of the night with a cold shiver and a bout of nervousness as he tried to get back to sleep. A certain weight had seemed to been lifted off of his back, almost as if he'd lost something. Though it felt like something that had been with him a long time, a burden, not a blessing for sure, but it's presence was no longer with him, and he was fine with that. Whatever it had been, it seemed to detach from Bane the moment the accident had happened.

A packmate had been there to help him and be had been grateful. But apart from that he didn't bother to remember what had transpired between him and the she-wolf on the lakeside because a voice had suddenly interrupted his musings. Bane peeked his head up to see a flash of red and white splotches do a turnabout to face the bushes where Bane was. The older Seracian rounded the obstruction and eyed the ground with a soft smile, beginning to speak to who he thought it was.

"Hey Valkis, long time... how..."

Bane looked up to address 'Valkis' and solidified his friendly demeanor upon seeing who it actually was. "Oh, it's you... stop that low growl before you deepen your voice. Where's Loccian?" Bane's mood visibly soured at the appearance of the younger wolf.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


07-20-2013, 01:58 PM

A voice came as a figure loomed in the distance. The man called him Valkis, and the man was Bane. A growl rumbled louder in his throat as his eyes flashed a jealous green. How dare he utter his brother's name! Don't speak his name. Valkis was dead to him as far as he was concerned, he had been the moment he'd declared his intentions of killing their father. I don't know where Loccian is. Why do you care anyway? The very fact that he had the audacity to command the Prince stop growling was enough to send Maverick's tail lashing to and fro behind him. There wasn't a man he couldn't stand more than Bane - except for perhaps his brother. What did Bane want with Loccian? Surely he didn't fancy her? Oh, that would be detestable. Why were you sneaking around? Did Bane have some hidden agenda? Was he out to get Maverick now that Valkis had left? Paranoia gnawed at his brain stem as he tried his best to keep his cool. What was it about this man that frustrated him so? The Prince continued to brood, his eyes narrowing to lime slits, whilst his brow furrowed and an ear laid back in displeasure. There was a law that said he had to be polite, but there was certainly no law that said he had to get along with everyone in the Kingdom. If there were a law that said as much, it would be the first to go when he became King.




11 Years
07-20-2013, 09:52 PM
Bane stiffened his pose and paralleled his tail with his spine, a growl beginning with a cough coming out of his maw. "Why shouldn't I, you gonna flout the 'because I'm the prince' card in my face again?" Fangs tightly locked together as the greying wolf shifted to show the young upstart his gored side after the young red wolf ask why he wanted Loccian. "I hurt myself after a hunt." That was true for the most part, he never said how long it was since the hunt but Maverick didn't need to know that. The crimson Seracian asked in a growl and with a tail rapidly swishing behind him why the older wolf was sneaking around.?

"I wasn't sneaking, its called being good at what I once did while trying to find our witchdoctor." Bane furrowed his forehead into a scowl with his eyes relaxing in a hurt softness as his shoulder throbbed in dull pain. His maw however smoothly rumbling his retort.

"You have your real fathers quick temper, that's for sure. But do you also have a?misadventuring mate? Is that why your hissy and alone, to much of a controlling female in your life? I was about to physically take care of his while she was wandering foolishly around by herself. I feel like making an off-pawed remark about how I should take care of yours. But I won't." Bane glared down at Maverick, a sense of frustration rekindling in his rebellious spirit. "But no. To much sorrow in this world already and now, if you'll let me continue my search past you, I need a witchdoctor, pup."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


07-21-2013, 01:20 PM

As Bane's own tail flickered upward to meet the same plane as his spine, Maverick's found a higher plane, flagging upward in dominance. Two could play at this game. It seems you've forgotten to treat me like a prince, so perhaps I should flout it in your face one more time. The right side of his upper lip curled into a silent snarl, twitching involuntarily with distaste and displeasure. Bane shifted to show his injured side, stating that he'd hurt himself after a hunt. After the hunt? It would have been more honorable to have been injured during the hunt, but alas he had a feeling Bane knew very little of honor. His brow furrowed as he referred to Loccian as a witchdoctor. What kind of madness was that? Was that what they called healers in his birth pack? How wretched. She's our Infanta Healer, I suggest you learn the tongue of the pack you've been in for more than a year. It wasn't that hard to learn the ranks and how to address wolves in Seracia, but it was apparent that Bane gave very little importance to assimilating into the Kingdom. The man continued to mouth off, talking about Maverick's biological father and mother in a tone that the Prince could not condone any longer. I can assure you my father had good reason for his temper with you as a subordinate, and I guarantee he would have ripped your throat out if you'd have succeeded in 'taking care' of my mother. Maverick took a step forward, and then another, narrowing the gap between them with steady and stiff movements. You say a word about my wife and I'll see you as Jester of this pack, understood? Stay away from her, and while you're at it.. stay away from me. The Prince clicked his jaws shut once. Go and find a healer, I'd certainly hate to see you die of infection. He smirked at his own wit, pivoting and moving slowly away from Bane. If the man said anything else he'd be near enough to hear and retort - if it was worth a response.




11 Years
07-21-2013, 02:18 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2013, 03:21 PM by Bane.)
"Ya, you go right ahead and do it." And Maverick started to prance a bout in a bitch fashion towards him, Bane nodding to himself. "There you go, that's right, use the title that was practically given to you and hardly earned."

Bane's sapphire eyes gleamed in amusement at Mavericks tail raise. The gesture lacked any authority, it always had for him. Any wolf could raise there tail and claim 'dominance' over another, but Bane was set on a real way, a fight. Not that he could anymore, he could preform his duty just fine, but fighting was lost to him. Not in knowledge or in skill, but in various wounds that had been inflicted upon him over the years.

"I am learning about status and positions only if they are interesting, most aren't." Maverick then spoke about how Rancor must have had his patience tested daily or something by Bane's behavior. "I did a damn good job of watching that coast, no wolf, not even my mate could escape once she found her way onto my beach. I felt as if my wanderlust was being contained by my friend and my Chief, who I began to think was holding me back all those years from doing what I wanted to do. To have a family Maverick, that's all I wanted." Bane turned away and shuddered at his emotions, only letting a single tear escape from his right eye. A quick turn about and the grey wolf faced off against his advancing 'Prince'.

"And as I felt Rancor's jaws close around my throat upon my return I almost wanted him to finish it. But he didn't, and I'm thankful. I'm thankful that it didn't die those many times when I should have. The fire of my youth, my first hunt, the battles Rancor and I fought in, when my chief stopped me from raping his mate, the torture, the eruption. But the most painful battle I fight now is the one of being alone. I sense a kindred spirit in Loccian and perhaps I will ask her to be mine. But I feel that we need more convincing. Bane looked up a the dark sky, liking the twinkling of the stars... the Seracian male wouldn't mind being a star.?"Maybe I will take my leave, and try and find Loccian. Do you need her for something. I'll send her your way if ya do."

Bane didn't hate Maverick. Nor did he hate Rancor anymore. But he had to admit, it was pretty fucking funny they way they both pulled on each-others ears like pups.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


07-22-2013, 12:42 PM

He knew he was being braggadocios, but it was his right to do and act as he pleased. He outranked Bane by quite a bit, and despite the statement of the Clergy - he knew he had earned that rank. But there was no use arguing with the brain dead man. Whatever consciousness he once possessed was long gone - Maverick was sure of this. His tail twisted behind him, still raised high as his ears tilted back at a gentle angle. He was displeased, and Bane was sure to know about it. If he kept being disrespectful he would be punished - though Maverick had no power in the world of punishments. He was merely the Prince, and could not change ranks or deal out punishments unless under extreme circumstances. But what Bane didn't know was that he wouldn't be Prince for much longer. It would be that secret that kept the Prince sane during this confrontation.

I suggest you learn to find them all interesting, ser. It's really the least you could do. It wasn't as if he was doing anything anyway. That was why he was still a Clergy, wasn't it? Gerhardt was very good about promotions when he saw action from his members. Yes, Maverick was sure that Bane had not been very busy during his year of life in Seracia - and therefore had plenty of time to learn the ranks and rules. Bane lapsed into a speech about his old life, and his hopes and dreams. It was touching to an extent, but Maverick couldn't speak on the past, he knew nothing of it. The Prince's lip twitched as Bane talked of asking Loccian to be his. The Infanta could do so much better - at least in his eyes. I have no need of her today. He twisted away from the Clergy then, bringing himself into a path that would take him in the opposite direction of Bane. He had no desire to spend any more time with the man.

Exit Maverick




11 Years
07-25-2013, 03:10 PM
Bane thought upon Mavericks words for a moment, and only a moment because that was all it took for him to have an epiphany of sorts. "I really should have shouldn't I..." A glum look given as he gazed down at his paws. The grey wolf was getting old, and he was having some difficulty with his body now at this stage in life. "But now I fear it's too late for me in my stage of life. I've fought my battles and lost some, losing plenty of other things along the way. My body is old Maverick, but my spirit strong and mind keen. If you ever find yourself wanting advice of one who has been around since the times of the two-legs. You will have your respect when you become King Maverick, but for now, it's just me giving the younger generation of my old friend a hard time."

Bane yawned and licked his dry teeth, relatively content with the conversation he had. Either the younger wolf would take his words to heart or he won't. Bane would still do what Bane wanted to do. But for now he would retire to his hillside den and sleep, tired after a long day. As he turned around though Bane looked behind him and offered some advice. "Maverick, if you plan on going around and seeing other wolves today, I suggest getting the smell of pregnant female off of yourself. I know, and you know, that it would be best and more preferable if a certain King didn't know about it since you haven't mentioned it since the... I don't know, just throwing a guess out here, three or so weeks after you mated with her." Bane stifled his laughter and began to stalk away in the direction of his den.

-Exit Bane-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


08-08-2013, 02:05 PM

Maverick paused, having almost been out of earshot when Bane spoke up again. The man prattled on like a child, changing subjects and topics as rapidly as the words left his mouth. He seemed to have changed his attitude, if only because it had irritated Maverick. He remarked that he would respect the man when he became King, but until then he would give him a hard time. Somehow Maverick found that hard to believe. Still, his ears remained rotated back to catch anything Bane might mutter. Finally it came, the words that angered the boy for absolutely no reason - because they were in fact truth. Bane knew. He could smell it on the Prince's fur. A snarl ripped from the boy's larynx as he wheeled around, only to see the old man moving off in the distance. It wasn't worth the retort, and a rebuttal would be in vain. Jaws clicked shut angrily as he shifted around again and moved off, hoping to put as much distance between he and Bane as the borders would allow for.

Exit Maverick
