
skinny love


10-28-2014, 03:38 PM

"Home..." She breathed the single word steadily, tired eyes scanning the imaginary border line that separated the cruel, outside world...and Abaven. Her legs were weak, she was still a lot skinner than she should have been. But the illness that had clung to her was now gone. And she was strong enough to guide herself all the way back to Abaven. The white-headed woman slowly lifted her head, breathing in the familiar vegetation smell that casually wafted through the plains. The aromas of other Abaven members, too, found her nose, and it instantly formed a smile across her lips. Home...she was finally home. After all this time. Words just couldn't explain how happy she was.
The young girl slowly crossed the invisible border, head finally relaxing between her shoulders as the tall grass gently brushed against her ribs. Her ears lied back against her head and she weakly pushed through all the obstacles, until she arrived at the large lake at the center of the plains. Here, it was quiet, and the cool air was so relaxing. First, the weak dame slowly made her way over to the water, taking a few long sips before hobbling back over toward the nearest tree. She dropped to her stomach and sighed, resting her chin over her forearms and staring blankly at the shimmering water. The shade felt nice...
She shut her eyes for a moment. It was an attempt to drift away in this relaxing state...but Bass was probably stressed. And she missed him so much. It was almost painful to just sit and relax, when he was so close to her. She could simply call to him and he could come running. But didn't want that. And she wasn't planning on dragging herself all the way to their den, either. So summoning him was the only way to get near him at this point.
Wren whined softly to herself, legs slowly pushing herself up. She knew her voice wouldn't sound very pretty. It'd probably sound like she was choking on rocks midway. But the tone or the sound didn't really matter to her. Bass did. She wanted to see her husband again. The woman inhaled nervously, throwing her head back and letting out a rather quiet howl. One that didn't sound very powerful at all...more muffled. But with as close as she was to Bass---he would be able to hear her. That was if he was still in Abaven. If not, she'd have to wait. He'd have to wait. Because that was as powerful as her howl was going to get.




7 Years

10-28-2014, 08:47 PM

Her song called out to him like it was a dream, and took him a moment to even register it. His head snapped up from where it was laying on his paws as his ears strained, trying to pick up the last notes. Was he dreaming? It wouldn't be the first time that he thought he heard or saw the love of this life. Was this too just another cruel joke that the fates were playing on him? He had searched everywhere for her, at times over night. He had been desperate to find her, considering that the last time he had been with her, her scent was changed. He didn't know what it was, but it was enough to concern him. Well, and the fact that she had vanished without so much of a word from her. But this time... could it be real? Was this really her? He stood up on his paws slowly, not wanting to once again get his hopes up only for them to be dashed again. His heart could only be broken so many times before it shattered completely.

With ever so slow movements Bass walked closer towards where he thought the sound had come from. He hadn't been at his den, but in fact rather close to it. He only had to take a few more steps before he saw her, her back against a tree. Bass took in a sharp breath, his whole body freezing as his heart pounded in his chest. She looked... well, awful. Suddenly the Azat found himself wishing that this was a dream, it would be better than reality at this point. While he would love to have Wren back in his arms, the woman that sat before him was not his wife. She was a shell of a being, thin and sickly looking. His heart tore apart, feeling like it had shattered beyond repair. "Oh Wren, my sweet Wren." He whispered, stepping forward and practically falling upon her paws. His golden eyes clouded with tears, sniffling as he curled himself around her. He knew at that moment that this was no dream, that this is what had happened to his dearest Wren. Any anger that he had for her sudden disappearance melted away, he knew that she had slunk off when she got sick. "Why didn't you stay here so I could protect you? I... I thought I lost you." He whispered, not able to look up and meet her eyes just yet. Tears flooded freely now, he was no longer able to contain it as he curled around her body even tighter.

Bass took a deep breath, looking up at her sunken face. He couldn't stand it, it was killing him to see her like this. He just wanted to go and shove a whole deer down her throat. "This is not a look that I like on you, my queen." He said, trying -- and failing -- to smile at her. His lips quivered as he fought to control his emotions, but he couldn't contain it anymore. He pushed himself closer still to her frail body, she was hardly producing any heat at all. It was chilly out, and here she was resting in the shade. But she was here, alive and here. While he would have liked to see her in a much better condition, it was better than finding her -- no. He couldn't even think like that. Eyes squeezed shut as he let out a sputtering breath, nuzzling into her face. "Would you like me to help you back to our den my sweet?" He asked, licking the shell of her ear. Those minty green eyes that he loved so much looked dull with the loss of weight, but his dearest Wren's spark was still there, and it always would be until her final days. His wife was a fighter, a warrior, even if she didn't know it. Pulling back, Bass pushed her nose to hers, his eyes slowly opening up to take her all in. "Oh my love, my dearest, darling Wren. What have you gotten yourself into?"


10-28-2014, 10:23 PM

Words couldn't explain how happy, yet emotional she was at that moment. It was all a tight and confusing mixture of feelings. Guilt, relief, comfort, happiness, security. All bundled up into one big ball of uncontrollable emotions. And it was almost overwhelming to be thrown onto her shoulders so quickly and suddenly. The girl just wanted to be closer to Bass...she wanted to feel his warmth, his nose buried deep into her neck. Even if she was just a bag of bones right now. She wanted him. She wanted him in ways she couldn't think about now...she was too hungry, too exhausted to even allow it to haunt her mind. Nevertheless, she was happy that he was at least close enough to feel him pressed up next to her. To hear his honey-like words, kissing her ears ever so gently and making her feel so comfortable. Because for the past few weeks or so that she has been absent from Abaven, she received none of that. None. And to feel it triggered a new needy feeling that made her heart beat faster in her chest. To the point where it was even loud and clear enough for others to hear.
She watched him with a pained look as he shook his head to her words, her ears lying flat against her skull as she tried to fight the roaring emotions that screamed out to her. You damn witch. You left him without a word of explanation. You should feel ashamed of yourself. It was all she could hear in her mind, up until he slowly moved to his feet beside her. They were going to their den...and once again, she would get to feel his warmth. Just like she did when they began meeting on the the Hot Springs. Singing, talking, beginning to understand each others weaknesses and strengths. When she slowly began falling in love with him---and that absolutely awkward relationship they had with one another. What was it called...skinny love? When two lovers were too shy or nervous to really confess their feelings. And yet, they both knew how they felt about one another. They both knew they were more than friends. And sometimes, they not only knew, but they acted like they were more than friends. Haha, what a casual expression. But the verbal mentioning of it brought a whole new series of emotions sweeping right through her.
It caused her to stagger lightly and nearly trip as they made their way to their den. But before she could, she leaned into Bass and breathed out an anxious sigh, eyelids nearly falling over her eyes completely. Her paws found the ground momentarily afterward...and they continued on, before reaching the mouth of their destination. The den. It smelt only of Bass, all over it. And this would change. She would make sure it would. Her eyes slowly turned to Bass nervously as they entered together. Then, she lowered down in a comfortable position, welcoming Bass beside her with a weak, uneven smile.
Another large pang of guilt shook her as the boy curled around her. She knew how addicting someone's heat was. Especially her husband's heat. It was like a drug...addictive, hard to leave behind. So she couldn't imagine how Bass felt right now. Coiled around the bag of bones she was with absolutely no heat being exchanged. Just being shared, from him to her and that was it. It made her want to cry even more, while continuing to ask herself how and why she ended up in this rather humiliating, and depressing situation. But Bass's warm tone that fluttered in her ears, and the gentle kisses along her face caused her to break away from the thoughts. And instead, she decided to think about how lucky she was to be the wife of someone as caring as Bass. She could have definitely ended up with someone who would instantly reject her for leaving without notice. But Bass...he was always there for her, with open arms as wide as ever. She could trust him completely...and she really did love him. Her heart would forever belong to him.
Suddenly, as the two finally found themselves huddled and warm inside the den, Bass began to speak. But in a different language...Italian. It once again brought back the emotional memory of the night they sang together. Their voices was so beautiful. She wishes something like that could happen again. Not anytime soon, though! Her voice sounded disgusting now. She'd have to wait it out..."Il mio amore , la mia vita." It was nice...that they both knew Italian. She could understand him perfectly. Flawlessly. And if she really wanted to, she could reply in that same exact language. I forgive you with all of my heart. She translated to herself silently, a true smile finding it's way across her lips. That's all she wanted to hear. That he forgave her. Thank the stars, thank the stars. Now she could relax...
He simply asked her if she was hungry, but she decided she'd eat later. The girl was stressed out, and she needed Bass. Just that needy still lingered. The girl simply shook her head and sent him a hopeful smile, welcoming his gentle kisses down her face and neck. Like Bass, she missed the way she could nip and nuzzle into her fur. So she felt welcomed into him, as she leaned into him and began nuzzling into his neck gently, adding in a few harmless nips to his ghostly white fur every so often. While she allowed herself to do so, she whispered, "I love you," Before continuing her attempts to relax make herself feel safe again. With Bass...she wanted to relieve the needy feeling that caused her heart to beat rapidly in her chest when she felt his overwhelming warmth sweep through her. "I will never leave you again."
She would say simply to him, weak voice hushed as she continued to nuzzle into him. So happy to be here with him again. But a part of her was nervous...because it tried to convince her that this was all either an illusion, or a screwed up dream. The emotions that were building in her chest were definitely nothing imaginary...she knew that for sure. She's never had this needy feeling toward Bass. It was weird...she just wanted to be closer to him, when she was already practically sprawled out in his this point, she wanted to continue talking. But she found herself too caught into the moment. The warmth. The comfort she was experiencing.



7 Years

10-28-2014, 11:15 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2014, 11:17 PM by Bass.)

Her sobs echoed in his head, his own tears falling faster as her body shook with the power of her tears. They laid there for a few moments, both broken and full of sorrow in their powerful reunion. For so long Bass had searched for her, and his hope had almost been lost. It had been so long, and no one else had seen her. That coupled with the loss of his sister, he just couldn't handle it. But all that mattered was that she was here, not totally herself but still here. It was better than someone else finding her, or dare he think it parts of her. A broken cry left him at the mere thought of it as he pulled himself closer and closer to the dame. He felt sick when he felt her bones sticking out of her body, felt like he was going to lose his own lunch as she felt like a bag of bones. It shattered his already broken heart, and he just wished that there was more that he could do for her. But he knew that at this moment, it was a time to shower her in the love that they shared. She needed to know that Bass was still here for her, that nothing changed when she had left. He still loved her with all that he was, and he wanted to show it. He ignored her sobby apologies, his head shaking firmly. They would talk when they got to the den, it was cold and she had no fat on her body to protect her. He felt a growing desire to be alone with her and to protect her from all that dared to harm her.

He just kept shaking his head when she spoke, trying to hush her as he lapped up the tears from her face. "Shhh, its okay my love. We will talk when we are safe in the den, okay? Come now." He said softly, nudging her to try and help her up to her paws. She was shaky, but with how much fat she had lost he wouldn't be surprised if she had lost muscle weight as well. With a shuddering sigh he supported her frame, making the walk back to the den. He had half the mind to just pick her up and toss her on his back, but Bass thought that she probably wouldn't want to be man handled at this time. He let her lean on him as much as she needed, it wasn't like she weighted that much anyways. Finally, after a few more painfully slow steps they made it to the mouth of their den. The smell of Wren had vanished from within, and it smelled of only Bass. He let out a soft sigh, helping her in and standing beside her until she had placed herself in a comfortable position. Waiting until she settled, Bass curled himself around her frail form. Heat pulsed off of him in waves, warming up her slight body with ease. The den had been packed with more moss and ferns as the weather grew colder, it kept most of their heat isolated and within the walls. A few moments of silence passed as he sniffled, a few tears still carving paths down his face as he eyed his precious gem, his sweet Wren. "Oh my darling." Came his soft voice, and Bass buried his head within her saggy scruff.

The man inhaled her scent, breathing in the perfume with a needy want. "Il mio amore , la mia vita." He said softly in Italian, a language that he only used for her. It was their special language, they had said it together in the first song that they sang. "I don't blame you for anything, Ti perdono con tutto il cuore . Non dispiacerti , ti perdono ." He said, pulling back to rest his face against hers. Her eyes may be dull, but he still saw her in there. He knew that his wife was there, that she was here with him. His breath grew heavy and hot as he pressed a kiss to her cheek, just happy to have her here with him. He could care less that she vanished without a word, he was just overjoyed to have her home. "Ti amo, Wren." Bass whispered, his eyes once again welling with tears. He didn't ever want to be apart from her now, and would make sure that she stayed in this den until she was better.

Bass did not press Wren for an explination, and instead showered her face with sweet little kisses. She was salty with her tears, but he didn't care. Now that she was here, he wanted every inch of her. "Are you hungry? I have part of a deer buried around back." He said softly, taking only a small break from his rain of tiny kisses. His heart pounded in his chest at being this close to her again, his spirit feeling full once more. Everything was just falling into place and just feeling so utterly... right. Wren made everything in his life complete, and when she had gone missing he felt like she took the sun with her. There had been no heat, no rays of sunshine when she was gone. It had taken his very soul away, and half of his heart. But now it was like it was the middle of summer, he felt so comfortable and warm around her now. His kisses traveled down her neck and around her shoulder, a low murmur rumbling in his chest. He missed how she tasted, how she smelled. He missed how it felt to have her fur pressed against his, to feel her heat wrap around him like a blanket. There was nothing in this world without him without his wife, his Wren.


10-29-2014, 12:39 AM

Words couldn't explain how happy, yet emotional she was at that moment. It was all a tight and confusing mixture of feelings. Guilt, relief, comfort, happiness, security. All bundled up into one big ball of uncontrollable emotions. And it was almost overwhelming to be thrown onto her shoulders so quickly and suddenly. The girl just wanted to be closer to Bass...she wanted to feel his warmth, his nose buried deep into her neck. Even if she was just a bag of bones right now. She wanted him. She wanted him in ways she couldn't think about now...she was too hungry, too exhausted to even allow it to haunt her mind. Nevertheless, she was happy that he was at least close enough to feel him pressed up next to her. To hear his honey-like words, kissing her ears ever so gently and making her feel so comfortable. Because for the past few weeks or so that she has been absent from Abaven, she received none of that. None. And to feel it triggered a new needy feeling that made her heart beat faster in her chest. To the point where it was even loud and clear enough for others to hear.
She watched him with a pained look as he shook his head to her words, her ears lying flat against her skull as she tried to fight the roaring emotions that screamed out to her. You damn witch. You left him without a word of explanation. You should feel ashamed of yourself. It was all she could hear in her mind, up until he slowly moved to his feet beside her. They were going to their den...and once again, she would get to feel his warmth. Just like she did when they began meeting on the the Hot Springs. Singing, talking, beginning to understand each others weaknesses and strengths. When she slowly began falling in love with him---and that absolutely awkward relationship they had with one another. What was it called...skinny love? When two lovers were too shy or nervous to really confess their feelings. And yet, they both knew how they felt about one another. They both knew they were more than friends. And sometimes, they not only knew, but they acted like they were more than friends. Haha, what a casual expression. But the verbal mentioning of it brought a whole new series of emotions sweeping right through her.
It caused her to stagger lightly and nearly trip as they made their way to their den. But before she could, she leaned into Bass and breathed out an anxious sigh, eyelids nearly falling over her eyes completely. Her paws found the ground momentarily afterward...and they continued on, before reaching the mouth of their destination. The den. It smelt only of Bass, all over it. And this would change. She would make sure it would. Her eyes slowly turned to Bass nervously as they entered together. Then, she lowered down in a comfortable position, welcoming Bass beside her with a weak, uneven smile.
Another large pang of guilt shook her as the boy curled around her. She knew how addicting someone's heat was. Especially her husband's heat. It was like a drug...addictive, hard to leave behind. So she couldn't imagine how Bass felt right now. Coiled around the bag of bones she was with absolutely no heat being exchanged. Just being shared, from him to her and that was it. It made her want to cry even more, while continuing to ask herself how and why she ended up in this rather humiliating, and depressing situation. But Bass's warm tone that fluttered in her ears, and the gentle kisses along her face caused her to break away from the thoughts. And instead, she decided to think about how lucky she was to be the wife of someone as caring as Bass. She could have definitely ended up with someone who would instantly reject her for leaving without notice. But Bass...he was always there for her, with open arms as wide as ever. She could trust him completely...and she really did love him. Her heart would forever belong to him.
Suddenly, as the two finally found themselves huddled and warm inside the den, Bass began to speak. But in a different language...Italian. It once again brought back the emotional memory of the night they sang together. Their voices was so beautiful. She wishes something like that could happen again. Not anytime soon, though! Her voice sounded disgusting now. She'd have to wait it out..."Il mio amore , la mia vita." It was nice...that they both knew Italian. She could understand him perfectly. Flawlessly. And if she really wanted to, she could reply in that same exact language. I forgive you with all of my heart. She translated to herself silently, a true smile finding it's way across her lips. That's all she wanted to hear. That he forgave her. Thank the stars, thank the stars. Now she could relax...
He simply asked her if she was hungry, but she decided she'd eat later. The girl was stressed out, and she needed Bass. Just that needy still lingered. The girl simply shook her head and sent him a hopeful smile, welcoming his gentle kisses down her face and neck. Like Bass, she missed the way she could nip and nuzzle into her fur. So she felt welcomed into him, as she leaned into him and began nuzzling into his neck gently, adding in a few harmless nips to his ghostly white fur every so often. While she allowed herself to do so, she whispered, "I love you," Before continuing her attempts to relax make herself feel safe again. With Bass...she wanted to relieve the needy feeling that caused her heart to beat rapidly in her chest when she felt his overwhelming warmth sweep through her. "I will never leave you again."
She would say simply to him, weak voice hushed as she continued to nuzzle into him. So happy to be here with him again. But a part of her was nervous...because it tried to convince her that this was all either an illusion, or a screwed up dream. The emotions that were building in her chest were definitely nothing imaginary...she knew that for sure. She's never had this needy feeling toward Bass. It was weird...she just wanted to be closer to him, when she was already practically sprawled out in his this point, she wanted to continue talking. But she found herself too caught into the moment. The warmth. The comfort she was experiencing.



7 Years

10-29-2014, 03:59 PM

Her sweet words were followed with ever sweeter kisses, touches that made his heart beat catch up to her own. The sound of their pounding hearts and catching breath was the only thing that broke the silence of their den. His own breath hitched in his throat, the need to fully consume her growing deep within his belly. His worry and fears soon melted away as her teeth grazed his skin, a low moan rumbling deep within his throat. "Oh Wren." He whispered with want, his teeth grazing the sensitive shell of her ear. She might not have a lot of energy, but he was okay with that. They had always pushed away these types of advances towards each other, usually ending in awkward pauses and embarrassed mutterings. But now was different. They had been apart for too long, and now their want to be close to each other was all consuming. It was a flame that would not be put out this time, it was entrapping them in its heat. Too powerful to smite this time, and Bass had no want too. His soul craved to be bonded with hers, his passion at an all time high. He was not afraid of it, because it was his Wren, his wife. There was no shame in feeling the way that he did, it was completely natural. He had so much love for this woman and had not been able to express it for far too long. There was no holding back this time.

Bass dipped his head around her neck and towards her spine, nipping along it with gentle tugs. Her bone was showing through her skin, but he still thought that she was the most beautiful thing on the planet. "Ti voglio , ho bisogno di te ." He said huskily, his voice so low and sultry as the Italian slipped flawlessly from his lips. It seemed much for romantic, more suited to their current situation. He panted a few times, his tongue hastily drew over to flank, slightly harsher bites following them. He wound himself closer to her. He couldn't get close enough, even as almost every inch of him pressed against every inch of her. He murmured sweet nothings into her fur, losing himself in everything that Wren was. "Tu sei la cosa pi? bella che abbia mai visto , il mio amore ." He whispered into her flank, nipping just along the edges of her rump in a teasing manner.

Golden eyes roamed up and down her skinny form, and even though there was a bit less of her here she was still the same woman that he loved. Eyes sought to meet her own gaze, a question lingering there. Was she okay with this? Did she want to wait until later? He let out another low growl, eyes still locked with hers if she allowed it. He would stop if she wanted to, but at the moment it was hard to hold back the amount of want he had for her. He had never been a lusty man, but in this moment it was all he wanted -- she was all he wanted. He respected her though, and so he would quell his feelings if she asked it. It wouldn't be easy, but he would do anything to keep her happy.

Without breaking contact with her steady gaze, Bass raised himself up, walking around Wren until he was at her back. Settling in behind her he wrapped his pale foreleg around her, pulling her in closer to him until she rested against his belly. Rumbling lowly in her ear he nibbled very softly on the gray coloured tip before he ran his tongue across it. "Il mio , il mio amore , il mio universo , le mie stelle e il mio sole. Mia moglie ." He kissed her between each little phrase, covering the top of her head in sweet little touches. His body radiated heat against her, his pounding heart beating against her back. He could feel hers with his leg, and he could sit here and listen to it all night. But there was something else on his mind, something that would make their hearts beat even faster. There was no denying this new need, he could feel it in the rigidness of her body and the heaviness of her breath. But he lingered carefully on the line, the very thin line that they both stood upon. Would she give him the okay, or push him away?

The male nuzzled into his wife's scruff, his nose hastily drinking in her smell. It was so unique, like waterfalls and the sweetest flower. "Sei il mio fiore prezioso ?" He asked softly, a breathy chuckle leaving his lips. She was a rare breed of wolf, that was for sure. And she was his to enjoy, as he belonged to her. They were still their own wolves, but at the same time there was a part of him that would always belong with her. And now that she was back, here in his arms, he wanted to give her more of himself. He wanted to give her all that he had, everything. Love, life, breath, fire, water, moon, sun, stars. Anything she held dear she wished to hand to her. He would rope down a star for her if she asked, and paint her name on the surface of the sun. He wanted to stand on the highest mountain and sing the world her praises. But for now, all this energy was containing here in this den, focused on her weakened body. He would hold her up if he had to, he would do anything for his rare beauty, his heart. His Wren.


10-30-2014, 04:33 PM

Bass read her like she was the words in a story. And the whole thing completely shifted gears, as she felt her heart beat even faster. It was almost the one thing she could hear over their heavy breathes. The quick, yet soft, thumping that was matched up with his own. His whispers and sweet nothings were nearly blocked out, too, as he nipped and nuzzled into her gently. It sent quick excited shivers running up her spine. And with them she was briefly reminded that there was no going back. Not this time. The few times they had ever displayed this kind of behavior toward each other had always ended up awkward and regretful. This time was different. She felt completely okay with this. The other times, she was always hesitant and uneasy. Nervous. Now...she was completely relaxed.
But something finally did seep it's way into her mind as she lay beside the warm embracement of Bass. How would her body react to this? She was so skinny, weak, barely able to walk without completely falling over and faceplanting into some dirt. Would she be able to handle this? Would she regret this? If only she was plump and healthy like she was several weeks ago. Bass could have felt her warmth, too. He could of enjoyed her like she was enjoying him. But she was just this boney, weak girl, who was just recovering from being sick. How horrible. She could barely even imagine being in Bass's place right now. Trying to relax in a comfortable position, while at the same time trying to show as much affection as possible. "Where am I supposed to relax my head? Her neck is the only fluffy thing here, and her stomach is as boney as hell." She couldn't stand it. All this guilt. She could barely even focus on being relaxed anymore, because she was too nervous that Bass wasn't comfortable. What the heck.
After a few minutes of letting herself drift away in thoughts, she finally returned to reality, right as the man began to whisper those sweet nothings directly into her ear. And in Italian, too...just how she loved it. "Ti voglio , ho bisogno di te ." The flawless words instantly reached her ears, shivers continuing to travel up her back at he nipped and pulled gently at her flank and spine. No turning back, no turning back. There was no point in being nervous. This was all completely normal...they were married, after all.
She had managed to listen in on every other sweet thing he whispered to her, his nips still making her more and more excited and needy. She wanted him. She wanted him so bad, even more than she ever has. Even in the horrific condition she was in...she still wanted all of him. The thought of being weak...or the thought of how her exhausted self would handle all of this---she didn't allow it to haunt her mind any more. She would lose herself completely, no matter how tired or sick she felt. She definitely wouldn't regret this. She'd let herself and Bass both enjoy this time. "Sei il mio fiore prezioso ?" Wren panted a bit herself as he climbed over her, and relaxed himself upon her. No turning back, no turning back. Her heart was pounding in her chest so quickly...she could hardly believe it. Until she finally managed to speak in a low hush.
"Bass..." She suddenly shuttered as he continued on with his sweet kisses and nips. It was torture...the need for him was just growing and growing. She couldn't take it. The girl slowly shifted her body as she breathed, "Poi mi hanno ..." It was all she managed to say, before sucking a final breath. She couldn't explain how exhausted she was...but she was so happy. Bass was everything to her---he would never cease to make her happy. So why was she so anxious...or so scared? It even took her a while to realize what was causing it all...

"Wren's Speech"
"Bass' Speech"



7 Years

11-06-2014, 10:46 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2014, 12:14 AM by Evelyn.)

"Poi mi hanno ..."

Those words sent him into overdrive, sucking in a deep breath between gritted teeth. He never thought that this would be coming so soon, and he knew that she wasn't fully herself. But they were both in too deep, their emotions were too far into this now. Their breath was hot and heavy, the heat pouring off of Bass like an endless waterfall. He cast it all on her, knowing that her skinny form needed it. Ever so carefully he picked himself up, nibbling Wren from the base of her neck all the way down her spine, until he nipped the base of her tail. A guttural growl rumbled out of his throat, teeth gritting together as he was fighting against himself. The lust that he had for her was a lot stronger that he had imagined it, and he knew that she was fragile at the moment. She needed to be handled with the utmost care, like his precious flower. If he hurt her he would never be able to forgive himself. But now he was too far into this, there was no way he could stop. He could however, be gentle and kind. He was a bit scared though, afraid that he was going to harm his darling. "Sar? gentile il mio dolce ." He whispered in her ear, teeth dragging down the lobe of her ear. It was both their first times, and although he was frightened he would not let that hinder him.

Bass lingered over her delicate form, hovering for a moment as he sought to hold her gaze. Taking in a deep breath he made sure that he was ready, that never dying hunger for her glittering in his golden eyes. He would do as he promised and be gentle, although it took him a swift bite to his own lip to keep himself from pressing on too quickly. Not wanting her to stand up, Bass lowered his large form closer to the ground, front limbs bending until he was propped up carefully. Not pressing any weight on her he allowed the sensitive hairs on his belly to tickle along her spine, his lips moving to caress her scruff. He pressed a soft bite there, just hard enough that it would feel like a pinch, but not enough to draw blood. And then, finally, he moved to gently join the two beasts into one.


He rolled onto the earth beside her, heavy pants leaving his lips and he licked her sweaty form. His breathing as heavy as he grinned at her, nuzzling her cheek. "I love you so much Wren." He whispered into her peach coloured fur, a soft sigh leaving his lips. He felt completely satisfied, and for some reason more... whole. He had given himself to Wren completely, just as she had to him. They were now fully united as one, and there was nothing that could tear them apart. Wiggling himself closer to her so that he was pressed against her back, he lifted his forelimb and tried to wrap it around her and bring her in closer. "Are you okay, my love?" He asked, some concern making its way into his voice. He had been as gentle as he could, but there was no telling how Wren felt. He felt like sleeping for a year himself, and doubted that she felt any differently.


11-07-2014, 06:40 PM

The man had definitely kept his word. He was gentle---loving. And Wren hadn't regretted one moment of it. But once the whole thing came to an end...she realized how breathless she was. Her heart thumped rapidly in her chest and she could hardly find the room to breathe correctly. The dame's legs were shuttering, her whole body was. And the pleasure was slowly fading away and being replaced with discomfort. was only because she was so weak and thin. Her body definitely wasn't used to this sort of exhaustion, whether it had been her first time or not.
"I love you so much Wren." If it hadn't been for her discomfort and exhaustion, she would have shared this loving moment with him. But her body was still shaking and she was still trying to recover. His limb coiled around her and he pulled her into him, and with a single shaky breath, she attempted to reply to him clearly. "...Of course...just a little breathless..." Wren slowly moved her head into his hot form and pressed her face to his white fur, breathing him in and attempting to relax herself. She could even hear his heartbeat thumping quickly in his chest. It was almost in sync with hers. A weak smile played along her lips as she moved herself closer to her husband. "Ti amo. Ti amo tanto." The girl whispered into his fur simply, her Italian flawless as she nuzzled up to him. Finally, her eyelids rolled over her minty gaze and she felt her body go limp. Would she sleep? Would he be okay with her just passing out against him in exhaustion...?