



10 Years
10-28-2014, 04:05 PM

The morning air was still and silence. Winter was beginning to make its impending arrival known, as the air temperature dropped, even in the western part of the continent. A chill hung heavy in the atmosphere as Kapras?us wandered, his mind drifting like the wind that floated past quietly. What a fitting place this plain was known as -- the dancefloor of the gods. A snicker left his lips as his paws moved beneath him, marveling at how fitting the name was. The gods were certainly here with them, with Yfir and the Finnvis that remained in these lands.

But his attention shifted as he recalled his task at hand. He had been chosen as the one who would be mentoring Hypnos. Though he had never really been put in a teaching role, he couldn't deny that he was excited at the prospect of mentoring this young boy that he knew nothing about. Hypnos, his name was. Making his way toward the more central areas of Yfir's lands, Kapras?us would life his head to the sky, letting loose a haunting call for the one he was supposed to teach. In an effort to appease Katja, he had yet to ingest any psychedelic substances today and his mind was crisp, his body alert. However, what exactly he would be teaching the boy was undecided..

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


10-30-2014, 07:02 PM

Winter was approached, and, with each day, Hypnos worked on his own personal training. His leg grew stronger, he grew stronger, able to keep up a better gait and for longer periods of time. He still had a noticeable limp, sure, but he was making use of himself. He would be strong, able to hold his own in battle one day. His leg, however, would always be a weak point. The weakened bones, if bitten hard, could break easily enough. But Hypnos would not allow himself the reminder of that threat. No... the boy pushed all dark thoughts of failure out of his mind. Blocked out the relation of his sire and dam to him. He was Chrysies' son. It was the will of the gods that he still walked this earth, and damn any poor excuse his dam made, any threat. She would not touch him.

Ears would prick to the sound of a call. A call for him. Hypnos tried to think of the man's name; Kapras?us? Yes he believed that was right. He was one who Katja had assigned to be his mentor, though what the man would teach him Hypnos didn't know. With a yawn the boy would lift himself from the ground. With a shake of his fur the youth would set off, ears perked as he emerged into the world of autumn.

The days were getting colder. The nights were even more-so. He didn't like the cold... he liked being warm. Warmth made it easier to sleep. Another yawn would leave him as he found the other male, approaching him and dipping his head to his elder. "Good morning, Kapras?us."

Walk "Talk" Think



10 Years
11-18-2014, 10:33 AM

Already Kapras?us could feel the cold permeate the air, even in this western la lands of Alacritia. Snow would soon begin to fall, and as he stood, waiting for Hypnos to arrive, he found a chill creeping into his bones and sending a shiver down his spine. His wide green gaze would dance among the little foliage that dotted the expanse of Yfir's territory, wondering why Katja had chosen such a flat home rather than have her pack reside within the safety and protection of a forest.. though he supposed the gorge provided them plenty of safety if it was necessary.

His waiting was not long, as his call would not be ignored by the boy. A curious eye would be cast upon Hynos as he approached, noting the obvious limp in his step. "Good day, Hypnos," he would greet the male, his voice full of glee as he stood on all fours and dipped his head into a low bow, before straightening out again. "How is Yfir treating you, boy?" An eyebrow would raise as he studied the younger male, truly wondering how he was doing here. Kapra had yet to meet many of the wolves within the pack, despite his promotion, and he knew it was about time he got acquainted with them all.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


11-18-2014, 01:06 PM

The older male would return his greeting, a curious shine in his eyes. Subconsciously Hypnos would stress about his limp, but outwardly ignore that flaw, that imperfection, and carry on as if pretending it wasn't really there. The older male would also give a dip of his head, before asking how Yfir was treating him. It was kind of him to show interest in how the other members were fairing within the pack, and when Hypnos answered there was honesty within his gaze and voice.

"Yfir has become a home to my Momm-- I mean mother and I. I truly appreciate the kind gesture that Katja did in our favor. It is something that I will never forget." He would let his gaze wander for a moment, his gaze hardening. "It's hard to believe that I should have been part of the pack she claimed... I'm glad that the bastard sire and dam that made me got what they deserved." The thought of that day still made his blood boil. He wasn't part of that family... and had he been old enough, skilled enough... he would have wanted to fight in his Chryseis' place. He swore his true mother would get what she desired one day, what she truly did, even if he had to take on the whole of Olympus himself to bring them to their knees. A fight for his own honor, and her family honor as well.