
Of Worries And Woes, Do I Meet A Friend Or Foe?


10-30-2014, 04:32 PM

He felt whole again. Abaven was once more Allen's home, a place of comfort and sanctuary. Seeing Nona when he rose the past few days, that alone lifted the male's spirits. However, during the times he spent alone, the young man could not help but wonder what had become of certain members of his family. That too lead his mind to wandering, and, during the night, Allen would gently wake his beloved. He would tell her he was going for a walk, a long one, to think about some things, and he would see her in the morning. Then, with a kiss goodbye, the calico gentleman would take his leave into the night.

He went south. So far south that he found the new part of Alacritia other northern wolves were beginning to discover. He knew not where his paws were leading him, only that he needed to find the perfect place to both ease his mind and allow it to think seriously. So many wolves were related to him, and yet the man had never known. Quelt and his siblings. Arian... his own pups. So much family... yet... he was detached from them all. He thought of Aiko as well, wondering if his great niece was okay. Of Levi, who was no longer part of Abaven. So many questions. So many answers unknown. A sigh would leave his lips. Perhaps after a few more days he'd make a return trip to Isokan to see if Aiko had returned.

It was as he wandered, as he walked, that the calico man found himself upon a beach of shimmering sand. It caught his eye as he walked, his dark eyes reflecting some of the light as well. It took his breath away. Such natural beauty... it was a place he would truly need to return to. A place to return to with Nona by his side. He was blessed to have met her, to still have her. The male would stop, pausing as he caught a scent. A frown would appear on his face, deep and worried as his brow furrowed.


A silent reminder that his problems were not yet over. There were yet bridges to fix or burn... and only he had the power to do a thing. But... would he have the will?

All around there seemed to be only the night now... and the crash of the waves upon the beach. He would have believed himself to be alone, since the scent was stale. But... it would not be for long that this was the case.



10-30-2014, 06:08 PM
Sukoshi was completely unaware of the family she had here. Of course she knew the origins of her maiden name. How could she not, the walkers were both famous and infamous in the area she had grown up in. Of course the thought of her mother being unable to take care of her didn't bother her. Rivaxorus was a woman she had never really gotten to know well. The little girl was now on her own, it was a terrifying new experience for her, highly considering the one wolf who should be here right now was not. Veka, Sukoshi longed for her wife's touch. Her ears pulled back against her skull, she hoped Veka got here okay. After all, Sukoshi was vulnerable on her own as it was. Sure she knew self defense, but there was something about a twenty four inch wolf that just wasn't intimidating.
Suddenly her blue form turned to the attention of a male behind her, her fur fluffing up to make her seem bigger than she was. Though it wouldn't do much with her size. As she settled down again her purple eyes lowered. This land was free she couldn't exactly prevent him from entering. Though, she was always skiddish around strangers. "What are you doing here?" she asked in a soft polite tone. Curious over everything else.


11-05-2014, 02:14 PM

So he had thought he was alone, but it seemed that were not the case. He?d lift his gaze, surprised to see a female he had failed to notice. Boy was she blue. Quite literally, actually. Not even Quelt could hold a candle to this girl. Though... That did have the man thinking the moment he saw her. Sure she was quite small, heck, even compared to him she was much smaller. But the one before him was an adult, sure enough. She seemed to be cautious of him, though it was not the calico gentleman she?d need to fear, but his son should Kau find his way back here.

?Going for a walk, in an attempt to organize and ease my mind. I do apologize if I have startled you, miss. I assure you that I am by no means any sort of man you?d expect trouble from.? A gentle smile would appear on the man?s muzzle and he?d dip his head respectfully to the blue female. ?I am Allen Walker, a simple man and no more. If I may have it, I?d like to inquire about your name. You look... Oddly similar to some others I know.? Could it be she was yet another one of his extended kin? Gods above it seemed they were all trickling into Alacritia at this point.
