
I Hate You, I Love You... Wait, who's this?


10-30-2014, 06:39 PM
Though Aiko had rejoined Isokan her heart still hurt. Allen was gone, off to be with some woman she didn't even know. She'd seen her but... it wasn't enough. Rather than speak things out, which was the proper way to do things, the girl would instead be jealous of the brown furred woman, and bitter that she had taken her uncle away. Allen was her uncle! Spoiled as she was by the calico male the girl didn't like the thought of having to share him with anyone.

A huff would leave the black furred girl as she plopped her rump on the ground by the water. The falls were thundering near by, and she would stare into the water. She felt like the last bit of happiness she had was getting ripped away. Arian seemed nice, and she still had her brother, but she wanted Allen! A huff would leave the child, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill. She had latched onto one person and one only... so now that was coming back to bite her. She was lonely... inexperienced. Allen had shown her some defenses and such for fighting but...

...was she useless? Unloved? Eyes would squeeze closed, the tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.



4 Years
10-30-2014, 06:46 PM
Huata had wandered for some time around different lands. Age had begun to show upon her, but due to the white that was upon her chest and a little on her muzzle, it was hard to tell. Her lobes swiveled a couple times. The falls? Some water would be good for her since she had not drank in a couple moons. Her eyes shining happily as she approached the large body of water, lapping at the frigid liquid that ran down her throat. The cool water hit her stomach like a kick in the gut, but, she was happy that her thirst was replenished. But, she would smell someone close by, someone whom she did not know. She seemed to be young, but not a pup. Her eyes turned.

A black yearling wolf was sitting alone by herself, sadness definitely noticeable as the older woman approached her, cocking her head to the side slightly she sat down in front of her, a small smile on her face.

"Are you alright? You smell of a pack, why are you not with them?" She asked, lying down upon the ground as her front paws overlapped each other as topaz optics focused on the young wolf before her.


11-05-2014, 02:12 PM
So caught up in herself, in her thoughts of jealousy and hurt, that she had not noticed the arrival of another to the falls. The crashing water masked any sounds of approach, not that it would have been likely the other woman would be stomping into the area like an elephant just to get a drink. It wasn?t until Aiko saw the paws of the other wolf that she even took notice of her, jumping some as she recoiled in surprise. Orange-red orbs would lift to meet those of topaz, ears flicked back slightly.

The woman was a stranger, one who did not bear the scent of a pack upon her coat. She was older, her voice concerned. Was... Was she just being nice? ?Why would she have any reason other than concern to talk with someone like me?? The girl would think sadly. She felt so useless... So broken. She would lower her eyes, shuffling a paw in the dirt as she let out a sigh.

?No... I?m not... My uncle left me for some lady and my step dad handed our pack to some other wolf... She?s apparently family... And she seems nice but...? Aiko would let out a whine. [b]?I want my uncle back! It isn?t fair!? She ended her words with a small huff. Her immaturity showed clearly, as well as her spoiled nature. She didn?t want to share her uncle. She was in his life before that other wolfess!



4 Years
11-05-2014, 03:37 PM
Huata would hear the young woman's tone of both sadness and jealously. The thought of her being alone because her uncle was with another she-wolf, kind of surprised her. The dame's topaz orbs shifted slightly from the ground over to the younger she-wolf, who seemed to be a year old. She was definitely pretty, but she did have a spoiled outlook upon her, but, Huata did not wish to dwell on that fact for very long. Whenever someone was sad, it was nice to be a friend and try to comfort them as best you can. Huata stood up and sat down beside her, almost as if a mother would comfort a young child who was afraid or sad of something, in this case, the stranger was sad that her uncle had seemed to not pay much attention to her, thus, making her a bit envious of the woman that took her uncle away from her attention.

"I am sorry that he would not seem to heed you or things you wish to do or say to him. But, he seemed to think that maybe you are an adult in his eyes, and he wanted to maybe have someone else to be with for a little while. I'm sure that he still loves you, but, all wolves will have loved ones and even pups to look after," the cr?me and orange dame would pause for a couple seconds before continuing, "I may not know you, but I can tell that you are a strong wolf who cares about her uncle dearly. And, if you ever need someone to talk to, you can always come and find me, for I always like to talk to someone and help them if they ever needed it."