
- Quixotic -


11-03-2014, 10:22 AM

The druid trotted through the unfamiliar terrain, a deep melodic hum vibrating through his chest. Purple eyes glowed in happiness at his surroundings as his long legs carried him easily. He was, as always, happiest when exploring somewhere new, seeing things he'd never seen before and meeting folk he'd never met. The appearance of a new continent had drawn him back from his seclusion, and contentment warmed his soul.
The roar of a waterfall caught his white-tipped ears and he changed direction, curiosity pulling him from his previous wandering path to another as he sought out the new site. A sigh left his maw, interrupting the humming song as he caught the view. "Flaithis thuas, c?n ?illeacht ? seo," he murmured with awe in his lilting voice. He ventured nearer the beautiful flow of water, letting the mist wet his dark fur, even going so far as to press himself against the cliff-face and allow the water to sluice his fur flat.

But the cliff wasn't there at his shoulder, and his gaze swung around to encounter the darkness of a cavern, and a grin tugged his muzzle, softly crooned song bouncing off the walls.
"A waterfall

come tumbling


tumbling down

Into infinity

journey to the sea."

His quiet laugh echoed as the softly-sung phrase faded, and the white-marked druid left his impromptu shower to venture deeper into the cave. It wasn't nearly as dark as he'd expected, a soft glow seeming to emanate from somewhere. A strange scent reached him and he gave an exploratory snuffle around until his nose finally touched a stalactite and his tongue darted out to touch the surface, and a delighted shout of laughter burst from him. Sugar! The whole blasted place was coated in the delicious substance! It must be what was producing the light, somehow. How wonderful!


Shilah I


6 Years
11-03-2014, 10:37 PM

Shilah drank deeply of the cool water his body shivering slightly from the dream that still left him shaken. It disgusted him. He was only captive for a few weeks and it easily could've been a worse situation. And yet? that feeling of entrapment, the suffocating sense of helplessness. The man closed his eyes for a moment before letting a soft sigh escape his lips. There were few things he truly hated but that feeling was one of them.

Deep blue-violet eyes turned skyward to a morning sun that was already above the horizon. Well? looks like he'd go yet another night without sufficient sleep. The young male needed to get back to his old self but he hardly knew where to start and so he did what he often did, just let his feet carry them wherever they felt the urge to go.

Pushing through the brush Shilah froze at the basin of a beautiful blue waterfall. It was so stunning that for a moment he wasn't sure it could be real. Edging closer Shilah set his nose to sniffing and as he explored nearer to the water he found himself at the edge of a cavern. He swallowed nervously? it was awfully dark in there. Suddenly a delighted shout rang out and Shilah pressed himself as far against the cavern wall as he could get, ears down and tail tucked. Suddenly it dawned on him. That voice?. that voice was so familiar to him?. but no, there was no way?.

"Umm? Hello?"
