


10-31-2014, 10:49 AM

A light snow flurry tumbled and twisted from the mid-day sky. The sun gleamed on the flakes that had already begun to coat the ground, their dazzling white surfaces reflecting against it's harsh yellow light. Her paws crunched on the snow, with each slow and easy step. Soft and easy breathing, were the only sounds aside from the bird chatter around her- and she reveled in the absolute serenity of the moment. Against the snow, she was an oddity, her own pure coat tainted by the markings that were adorned on her by her tribal mother, and the scars from her skirmishes. Her vibrant violet eyes shone against the maroon and gold markings that curved around her left eye, broken by the horizontal scars that stood out on her fore-head. The fur was finally beginning to grow around them, and hopefully they'd soon be less noticeable.

The harsh northern wind, buffeted her thick coat- and carried with it the scent of another. Curiosity, drove her towards the scent, her long legs pulling her across the frost at an elegant trot. Her head raised high, the stranger came into her sights, and she halted, and spoke. "Greetings." Her voice would be loud enough to carry the distance, and she wondered if this stranger would simply stop or if she'd have to double her efforts to engage her in conversation.



10-31-2014, 10:13 PM

Pandora had never visited many members of her paternal lineage. She had grown accustomed to just her mother, aunts, and siblings -- all of them had made her small world complete. Now, many months later, the world had changed a bit and so had she. The cockiness that had given her full rein throughout her youth had dwindled down to a few sparks, but they hadn't started a fire in a long time. She had lost her faith in the males she had desired since she was a year old, making her less trustful of their reappearances. Even when all of this had happened, she still maintained a high level of vanity and self-sufficient pride, convinced that she still deserved to be on a pedestal. Her time hadn't arrived yet, that was all.
As the fall season moved towards chillier weather, so did Pandora. She felt her fur thicken for the oncoming snow and bitter winds, knowing that she would need the extra coat soon. What better way to see if it worked than step into the Northern Frontier? The only time she had explored the northern region was when she had visited Bevroren with Sibelle for an alliance meeting. Her gaze looked out to the vast, white atmosphere and she then realized why some wolves chose to live there. It was beautiful, quiet, and held many open doors for a potential ruler. All Pandora could do was sigh.
The reason she didn't realize another figure was there was because of her continuous gazing. Only when the simple greeting was given did she show any attention elsewhere. She turned her magnificent head, golden-backed ears tweeking to properly catch any more words that rose on the wind. Her turqouise eyes shimmered against her dark cobalt form, blinking innocently in the woman's direction. Only when she moved to properly watch her did Pandora's gold swirls and stripes flare. They hit the sun and created a temporary blindness for anyone that looked directly upon her. She moved with stealth and grace, causing ripples in her fur to make her designs flow in a desired manner. After she flicked her tail to get rid of extra snow, she responded with a gentle smile. "Salutations," she softly greeted, gentle eyes blinking slowly. "I hope I wasn't trespassing...I didn't smell any borders when I arrived."



11-02-2014, 03:41 PM

Roman eyed the strange she-wolf, and grew even more interested- as she turned. For a moment, the Queen was blinded as the sun reflected off the bright markings that stood out against the cobalt nature of her coat. Blinking, the ivory woman studied the wolf that now faced her. The base of her coat was cobalt, a color that had grown to be rather common around the lands, but it contrasted with golden markings that bled through the darker color and shined brightly against it. Roman wondered who she was. As she spoke, the Queen chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Rest assured that you have not intruded on my pack-lands. I was merely curious as to who you were, since I didn't recognize your scent. Not many strangers venture this far north, this late in the year." She explained, her voice soft. Her lids fluttered over her eyes, and she smiled slightly. "I believe that I intruded into your day."

She fell silent for a moment, her brow furrowing slightly, as she glanced around them. Her eyes wandered back to the oddly colored dame, and Roman spoke again. "Pardon my lack of manners, I am Roman Armada." She introduced herself with a smile, and a slight inclination of her crown.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak


11-02-2014, 08:45 PM

Pandora couldn't help but tenderly smile at the woman's words. They were quite alluring, something she hadn't come across since she first met her Auntie Vi. After she had turned around enough to let the woman take her in, she did the same in turn. The odd markings that adorned the female's face were indeed different, but pretty all the same. Although they didn't twist and turn like her shoulder's dressings or zigzag like her stripes, the stranger's markings probably had a story behind them. Curiosity was always a weak piece of Pandora's personality.
Her soft voice explained why she had been curious enough to greet her and Pandora chuckled. "I must admit, I don't usually come so far north from my home." The lake had been her refuge for months, a place that hadn't been visited in a long time by anyone else. "I thought it would be good for me to travel before the winter came and ate me up." Her Romanian accent was thick upon her lips, but not as lathered as her mother's. She broke her gaze from the white wolf's vivid eyes to look at the wall. So tall and wide...what had created such a monument? "So far, I'm not disappointed."
Pandora looked down again and the woman verbalized her name. A small inclination was given with it, making the young Artenie's ears perk with more interest. "Please, ma'am, don't think you intruded upon my day," she began, a small bit of excitement creeping into her voice. "Rather, you have made it all the more interesting." Her large and flowing tail swept around her hind legs, resting at the ankles of her paws. "Tis a pleasure to meet you, Roman Armada. I am Pandora Artenie." She didn't use her middle name, not like she used to. When she was younger, she wanted the world to know that she existed. These days, the world was so quiet and lacked attractive wolves to declare her vivacious favor for.


11-07-2014, 10:38 AM

The whole Armada line of wolves tended to be oddities. Odd markings, and colors weren't something overly new to her, but this dames cobalt and gold colors contrasted so extraordinarily, that Roman couldn't help but want to stare. The Queen was vain, she knew that she was a beautiful she-wolf, but that didn't mean that she wouldn't admire beauty in others- when she saw it. The girl had an odd accent, but it was lyrical to the Queen. She'd listen, chuckling slightly, as she spoke. Then she'd speak. "Even in the depths of winter- the North is particularly enchanting." With a slight smirk she added- "Even if you're like me, and hate the snow." Yes, it didn't make much sense that her kingdom resided in the North where snow and ice were in abundance, when she loathed it.

As the stranger, mentioned that she'd made the day all the more interesting- another chuckle escaped her, and her ears turned forward to hear the girl clearly as she introduced herself. Pandora Artenie Roman would note the name. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Artenie." She said with a soft grin. Roman sank back on her hips, her tail dusting the light snow behind her, and she stared at the wall. "In the middle of winter, the waterfall- will freeze. You should make a point to travel up here even then. It's an amazing sight." She said warmly, quite happy to simply have conversation to make the day pass a little faster.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak


11-19-2014, 02:44 PM

How Roman described the type of world that existed far away from the South made Pandora's slumbering interest perk. She had been travelling around the Southern hemisphere of Alacritis, enjoying the light breezes of fall that soothed her coat and established a selfish love for the beach and lakes. Despite her love for the lands that weren't covered in snow, she was slowly starting to wonder what the North would be like. "I can only take your word for it, Miss Roman," she softly replied. "I don't have a taste for snow like others brother and father, for example." The faint memory of Taurig rose in her head and she remembered how thick his fur had been when she was young. Silently, she wondered if she would grow a coat as dense as was a small thing to be afraid of.
Her aunt, unbeknownst to her, relayed a description of waterfall freezing in the winter. Pandora's soft smile widened and brimmed with a bit of excitement that had remained quiet since the beginning of their meeting. "I can only imagine how beautiful it would be," she offered, cobalt haunches dancing from her golden designs as they reclined to the cold ground. Surprisingly, she didn't flinch as much as she would have if she had her summer coat. Such a disappointment, to know she would look burly on her second birthday. Ah well, she was sure Scorpion would take her again, no matter how large she grew. "Is this waterfall near where you live?"

Talk like this


11-28-2014, 06:00 PM

As Pandora spoke, Roman let out a low chuckle. Truly it was a paradox that Roman remained in the north- even though she loathed it. Oh? Are your brother and father from the north?" She inquired curiously. Would she know them? She knew most faces that had lived in the North for a great period of time. Pandora's blue eyes, drew Roman's violet eyes to them and with a soft smile the Queen met her gaze as she spoke again, and she nodded in response. Even if the snow makes it miserable. It is breathtaking." She watched as the girl reclined to her haunches, and Roman tilted her head slightly as she spoke. "I took my sisters throne- and live nearby in the Pines- as ruler of Regium. She said with a slight smile. "I'd guess you reside more in the South?" She was almost wistful- and felt a slight jealousy towards the wolves who lived in the warmer climates. The North was just to damn cold, in the winter.


11-30-2014, 12:00 PM

Pandora was waiting for the opportunity to have Roman inquire about her father and brother. She didn't get to speak about her family to anyone outside of it, making her circle very small. Being able to reach out of the invisible borders of her inner sanctum was something she did not mind doing in the least. Her eyes twinkled as she softly replied, "My father was...before he moved to warmer climates." She smiled and readjusted her weight. "He belonged to a pack that resided up here as well. I don't remember the name of it, but his stay there was short."

Despite Roman not liking the atmosphere around her, she still enjoyed the majesty of the North. Such devotion was hard to come by these days, Pandora noticed. Perhaps it was indeed a good thing for her to have come across this female. "Regium?" She inquired, completely oblivious to the existence of the pack. "I have never heard of it...what is it like?" Roman then sent her own question in Pandora's direction, of which the young female easily answered. "I reside in the Western Hemisphere," she truthfully revealed. "The climate is perfect in spring and fall, but summer and winter are just too much for me."
