
Latching On [training]

Athena I


9 Years
09-18-2014, 10:58 PM

ooc: This training is MANDATORY for all Bevroren members. Isokan members are also welcome to attend if they would like. First post is due by SEPTEMBER 21ST. Athena will pair up whoever attends for spars. I will have a Athena reply up by midnight central time on the 21st. Check back then to see who you will be sparring!

It had been a fair amount of time since their last training session and Athena was more than eager to begin training once again, especially now that she had a younger member to help train. She had her promise to Aritta to train Vesta in mind as she padded toward the clearing where they usually held their meetings. It would be a perfect site for their battle training. She also hoped that Quelt, Irune, or even some of their pack members would attend as well. She firmly believed that experiencing different fighting styles would help her fighters grow in their abilities and what better way to do that than to practice with new opponents?

Standing in the middle of the clearing, Athena lifted her head and let out a long, lingering howl, calling forward all of her pack members. She expected no less than every member of her pack to attend. There was not a single member that couldn't use a refresher on their skills and there would certainly be consequences for those that did not show up. It bothered her how quiet Bevroren had been as of late and she was going to do everything she could to fix that. She settled onto her haunches to wait for the others to arrive.




09-18-2014, 11:06 PM

And of course the fox-coloured girl was the first to arrive. She hadn't been too far away when her Queen called, Haruka had been eying a tree and trying to figure out if she should learn to climb it or not. Letting out a sigh, she tore her gaze from the pine and trotted quickly to Athena, white tail lazily swinging behind her. Entering the clearing she blinked slightly at the light, she was growing so used to her shadows that she almost felt like hissing and dancing back to the comfort of the darkness. But no, she had been called and would answer as always. "Hey Athena, how's it hanging?" She asked lamely, grinning as she pranced over and took a seat by her friends side. She had grown very comfortable with this woman, but that didn't mean that she was any less awkward with making conversation.



3 Years
09-19-2014, 03:32 AM

It certainly wasn't rare for Talvi to be amongst the first to arrive to these meetings. From a young age she had begun to try be as prompt as she could, making it to any meeting or lesson as swiftly as she could. Now a Leraar this habit was certainly not to be broken, she had an example to set for the rest of the pack not to mention she certainly couldn't let her sister down. One other member of Bevroren had arrived so far, Haruka. She still didn't know the other too well though Athena obviously trusted her and she had aided the pack. "Hello Athena, Haruka." She would greet them both, gently nudging her sister's shoulder in an affectionate manner as she joined the pair.



7 Years
Extra large
09-19-2014, 06:30 AM
Ooc; I'd like all isokan members to attend this meeting. Those who miss it and have not posted in absence or talked to me will be demoted to illu.

Quelt had been able to get some thinking done in the time he spent alone. The man was newly refreshed, and planned to run things a little differently than planned for isokan. It was for the best, and he would run it how he liked while he had it. If it proved not to satisfy member needs, or work for their protection, he would change it. The slate wolf would arrive at the meeting with a soft smile to Athena dipping his head. "Nice day isn't it Athena?" He said complimenting the rather cloudy weather since the flood had happened. Quelt threw back his owl howl so his own members knew they needed to come to this, the pups included now that they were only a hair lengths away from growing into yearlings.

Settling down he looked at the other bevroren members, there were two who had arrived so far. He would not feel uncomfortable around them. Part of him wondered if they knew he had taken the ice kings throne after he left. The man pushed the thought away and returned his attention to Athena this was important. If any of his members not participate without a good reason. He would demote them, he didn't want them falling lazy.
[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



6 Years
09-19-2014, 06:46 AM
Of course vereux felt bad that he had suddenly vanished after he and athenas wedding. She was the only one who knew that the young boy had fallen ill, and was only just recovering. He wanted to apologize, but that was a stupid idea. As he arrived he pressed his pelt again his wife's and gazed at the others. Noticing Quelt was here, his ears flicked slightly as he gave a dip of his head to the king. The man would settle on his launches in which his single green eyes would look at his members. Bevroren almost seemed to be growing smaller every day.

"Sorry that I've been so sick Athena, I'm feeling a lot better today though. Thanks to Devin." He whispered over to the woman. He had felt horrible hunched over in their den not wanting to move three inches without flopping over and wanting to sleep it out. At least today he'd get to stretch his muscles, that was something to excite him no matter what. Fighting ran in the armada blood.



3 Years
09-19-2014, 06:51 AM
The male rose from his den as the call was made. His purple gaze turning towards the gray sky as he grumbled a little. The weather had been gloomy for a while, but that of course was because of the hurricane. Standing up, the large muscled man would stretch. Heading off in the direction of the call. This looked to be joint fight training from the looks of it. While Devin was a healer, his body was obviously equipped for fighting as he was bred and trained for. So sparring every now and then was no problem for the odd brute.

He didn't say anything, his forever sleep deprived eyes scanning out before he settled on his hind legs and yawned. Devin wasn't a huge wolf's person. He did his job, and did it well to make sure things went smoothly. He wasn't going to usher coat things just because it was a nicer way of doing them. Devin closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. Then awaited instructions, he wanted to get this over with. So he could go back to collecting herbs and finding new places that grew them.


09-19-2014, 06:57 AM
Reheat bounded along the trail towards the call Quelt had made. Her curious eyes watching herself as she arrived before any of the others did. Trailing close to her father she would observe the strangers quietly. Of course she and her siblings we 're only weeks Way from being a year old, so she was already matching her full height but was however shorter than Quelt. Her fluffy white ears perked towards the girl running the meeting. She must have been the alpha of this pack. It was interesting if anything at all, every day Renhet was learning new things about wolf's behavior and how their minds worked. Hell she may have been the only psychologist in these parts.

"Are we observing or participating?" Renhet would say out loud as a question to the ashen queen. "Me and my siblings I mean, were not a year yet but we almost are" the girl was not shy. She wanted to gain something for herself if anything which was knowledge. Knowledge fed her, and it claimed her. Something she always enjoyed doing was learning that was for sure. This would be exciting either way, she was excited.


09-19-2014, 09:10 AM

The call would rise, and Arietta felt a nervous knot within her gut. Fight training. Oh she was so not prepared for this. The woman would lower her ears, turning from what he was doing, and letting her mind focus solely on the task ahead. She was going to be a sad excuse of a sparring partner, she was sure, but she would not skip out on this meeting because of that. If she did not participate then there was no way at all for her to get any better. A deep sigh would leave her, wondering, for a moment, if her daughter might beat her to that meeting. Vesta was so pumped about fighting... the woman could only hope that her daughter wouldn't dare blow it off. She didn't know why she would... just paranoia she supposed.

Arietta was surprised to see so many gathered already when she arrived. Some with... strange scents on their coat. Neighbors? Invaders? The fur on her spine would raise some, ears flicked back, but when she noticed how calm the rest of the Bevroren members were she would calm, slowly taking a seat slightly away from all the others. She didn't exactly have friends here... and the brown woman was nervous in making any. She would take a small breath, giving a nod to Athena, gaze then shifting to Vereux. So the royals were here... but who else would show?

Speech, Thought


09-19-2014, 09:26 AM

Quelt's howl would reach him, and Allen would frown, head tilting his head to the side. Fight training now? With Bevroren? He wasn't sure how to feel about it. He knew how to fight, surely, but the male was not one to immediately lunge into such. Though... keeping his skills sharp were necessary. Something in his gut told him it would be of more importance than simply doing routine pack things. No... his fangs and claws were going to be needed. The calico would look around, and not seeing Aiko, he would give a sharp bark to get her attention, or so he hoped, before heading to the meeting. She would have to follow his scent.

The calico would arrive to see a collection of wolves steadily growing there. Isokan and Bevroren members mingled, but it was easy enough to see the difference between them. Isokan was small enough he knew all of them after all, and he would chuckle, coming to sit near Quelt. "Good day to you Quelt." A nod would be given to Athena and Vereux as well. "...and to you, Bevroren leaders." Allen was composed, and the gentleman would lift his head, his dark eyes shining some as he waited to see who would show and who would be paired in the spars.




3 Years
09-20-2014, 08:50 PM

Howls sung in her ears, and already had she begun to follow her much larger brother, who of which was nearly twice her size, but because of him, large wolves didn't daunt her one bit. She thought of every single one to be a overgrown pup like her slate brother. Fears never did haunt her for particularly too long, but when they did, she'd try hard to get past it, often confronting such. Today was fight training, and her daily fear/dislike would be of accidentally fighting too deeply and injuring a wolf. Rubies flashed in the darkness, a gentle whisper sent to only her brother's ears. "If the 'Black Butterfly' shows, I'd like to spar with her first, just to test her skills. I'm only curious, as her word choices aren't the best." Recently, the said 'butterfly' had said she was the only one experienced enough to fight, and silently the warrioress had made a promise to herself to test how well she could fight and if she could own up to her name. Was she graceful like her name, or an absolute savage?




6 Years
09-21-2014, 12:34 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2015, 09:53 PM by Kyung.)
Kyung had heard the call, a thrill of both anticipation and nervousness flooded through him. He needed to practice, hell he needed to be there as Bevroren's Ridder. Still he had not missed the invitation for Isokan and the boy wasn't so sure he was ready to face Irune again; the last time had taken a lot of out of him. Taking a few deep breaths he gathered his courage and moved out to answer his half-sister?s call.

The melanistic boy trotted easily through the pines, noting who had and had not arrived, ebony gaze searching for Irune and feeling a slight relief at not seeing her among their numbers yet. Guilt also spouted up inside him at his reaction, she was family, the closest friend the boy had and yet? Putting on a happy face the male approached Athena, dipping his head respectfully. "Athena." He spoke evenly.

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]

Athena I


9 Years
09-24-2014, 12:18 PM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2014, 08:29 AM by Athena I.)

ooc: For the sake of time and to not kill the judges, I would like all of these spars to be two rounds. Athena will pair everyone off and then you can start your own spar threads. Please put "X vs X" in the second subject line of each spar so they're a little easier to keep track of. I want all of the spars to be finished by OCTOBER 15th! That gives you three weeks which should be plenty of time for two rounds. I can't wait to see everyones spars! If you do not complete your spar or at least get it started you won't receive credit for attending the training.

Slowly wolves would begin to gather and with each wolf that approached the more pleased Athena was with the turn out. Of course Haruka would be the first to arrive, when was she not? Athena smirked and chuckled at her Graaf's greeting. "Good to see you too, Haruka," she replied, barely hiding her amusement. Next would be Talvi and Athena would give her blue-hued sister a smile and a dip of her head. It was always good to see Talvi at these training events, especially as the new Leraar.

Surprisingly, Quelt would appear next. She was certainly glad to see him here, just surprised that he had arrived so quickly. She had to remind herself that Isokan was a lot closer than they seemed in her head, sharing a border and all. "Indeed," she replied with a small dip of her head, watching as he added his call in for his members as well, solidifying Isokan's invitation into Bevroren lands. She turned her gaze back out toward the crowd to wait for the others to arrive.

Moments later her husband arrived and she gave him a pleased smile, brushing her muzzle against the side of his neck as he pressed his side to hers. "It's alright, I'm just glad you're feeling better," she whispered back, her tone sincere. She would have to be sure to thank Devin later for helping Vereux get over his illness. Just as she thought that Devin approached and she gave the large healer a grateful nod, sure that he would understand. She was glad that he had come. Sometimes it seemed difficult to get healers interested in fight training, but they needed to know how to defend themselves as much as anyone else.

A interestingly marked girl spoke up, no doubt a member of Isokan, questioning what she and her siblings might do here today. Athena smiled and answered confidently, "I would love for you to participate. It's never too early to begin honing your skills in fighting." She had become queen at just over a year old, she knew all too well how important it was to start young and learn early. Besides, who was she to stop a clearly eager young wolf from learning?

Arietta showed next, along with two more of Isokan's members, and she was glad to see each of them. Finally Kyung appeared and Athena glanced in his direction with a nod. She would have hoped at he would have been here earlier since he was her lead fighter at the moment, but at least he did show up which was more than she could say for Lysis or Vista. She could excuse the young pup's lack of attendance since she most likely would have been only observing anyway, but she was highly disappointed in Lysis. Although, now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen her half-sister in quite sometime. She had no way of knowing how many of Isokan's members were here, but after several moments of silence with no one else appearing Athena decided to go ahead and get started.

She cleared her throat and spoke up to address everyone. "Well, thank you for coming, everyone. And welcome to our newest allies and neighbors. I'm sure I can speak for everyone and say we are excited to have you here. Lets get started, shall we? Lets see..." She glanced around, silently counting everyone in attendance. "Eleven wolves, including myself. To make it an even number I will do two spars, one then another. How about... Talvi, you pair up with you," she said, pointing to the brown hued-male (Allen). "And Kyung, you spar with her," pointing to the dark fea with the silver mask (Sheikra). "Arietta, I think you and this eager girl here would be good sparing partners," she said with a small smile, nodding to the almost-yearling that had spoken up before (Renhet). "I would like to spar Devin and Quelt myself so how about Vereux and Haruka spar to finish it off?" She looked around to make sure there were no objections to the pairings before saying, "Alright, lets begin!"

Spar pairings:

Athena x Quelt - started, Quelt's move

Athena x Devin

Talvi x Allen - started, Talvi's move

Kyung x Sheikra - started, Sheikra's move

Arietta x Renhet - started, Renhet's move

Vereux x Haruka - started, Vereux's move
