
I let myself go



8 Years
11-03-2014, 10:45 AM

Only a life lived for others
She was weaker than she'd been before she'd given birth to her sons, but that was not fully unexpected at her age. She was no longer young, no longer as resilient, but she was as healed as she would ever be and she was still capable. She had appreciated the quiet of her new pack, content to simply exist there while her sons were growing, to allow it to provide safety. But she had not long ago been an alpha, and though the rank had never sat comfortably upon her shoulders she could not bring herself to simply let things happen to her as she had before she had been given responsibilities. She felt the need now to dip her paws back in, to cause some ripples in the still pond that was Solstice.

So in the early morning, planting soft kisses upon her sleeping children, she emerged into the frosty air with purpose. She found herself reluctant to leave her children even though they were getting older and didn't need her presence - they were over six months old now, but a deep seated fear of losing them loomed over her constantly. So she chose a spot fairly near their den and sent out a deep call for the warriors of Solstice. She was only a warrior herself, holding no real rank, but it was past time for her to meet the others, and the call was an invitation to them to meet with her. She needed to resharpen skills left too long unused, and in the time she'd been here she'd yet to hear a call for a meeting of warriors so there were undoubtedly others who could use the same.

OOC: All members welcome but especially warrior ranks. I will be posting Monday, November 10th to set up short practice spars.
is a life worthwhile.



2 Years
11-04-2014, 10:46 PM

The call would whisper through the trees of Solstice territory and reach the ears of the brute that stood at the waters edge, he would lift his head from where it bowed and raise it to the wind to listen. He recognised the voice behind the summons, it had called out to him before, bringing him to his borders where he had recently accepted a wolf and her children into his pack. He smiled, recognising the sound for what it was, and he would be grateful to the interest she showed in the packs activities. He had no warrior after all to summon a training meeting, in fact the only high ranking wolf he had was a healer and she had recently called her healers summit through Solstice territory. He had placed wolves in ranked positions before but had found they had faded and vanished from Solstice altogether, not to return. Apparently, it was difficult to find a reliable wolf to move up the ranks and help encourage activity and closeness within the pack he ruled.

He would move through the familiar territory at a steady, following the sound of her call until he found the place she had chosen. He would settle lightly in front of her, happy for her to take the lead and to encourage the initiative she was showing in calling this training. He had sorely neglected his duties of alpha of late, with the personal problems that had plagued him starting from Sibelles kidnapping to her returning injured and them readjusting to each other. He didn't even have a Beta to help him when he could not do things himself and Solstice was sorely lacking of activity for it. ?Greetings Qanik, how are you and the kids settling it?? he asked pleasantly as he waited for others to arrive.



11-04-2014, 10:54 PM

The pack had been sorely quite of late and the children they had watched over in quite and peace where growing to the point that his lack of activity in the pack could no longer be excused by their presence. Twig went to all the meetings that Crucifix called, but now it was his chance to join her. He knew that he was sorely unpractised now in everything and would have to strive to bring himself back into both shape and remembrance of fighting and first aid of healers ? he had begun a small amount of training initially in Valhalla but had not touched a herb since. When a strangers call rang out, hinting of a warrior training he knew that this would be his chance to prove himself. Solor happened to be beside him as father and son fished quietly by the Solstice river. ?Come on boy, lets see what we can learn today? he told his son, nudging him gently with his tail before the pair set off in the direction of the howl.

Solor was still too young to participate but he had begun a few rudimentary steps in his training with hunting and tracking and saw this also as a change to intrude his son to spars ? he knew that in this world it would be far better if Solor knew how to defend himself. They would the second lot to arrive and well he glanced about for Twig and Faun he did not see them, he hoped they would arrive to but it was possible this might just be a father and son event for him and Solor ? after all the call had been a request and not a mandatory meeting. ?Crucifix? he smiled to his alpha, and Twig's brother (the pair had perhaps gotten off to a rocky start but had mellowed out in Solstice) he turned to Qanik then. ?I'm Alpine, and this is my son Solor, I was hoping he could watch?? he asked.



7 Years
11-04-2014, 10:59 PM

Fishing, Solor learned very quickly was a very quite, slow and most definitely boring activity. He kept his mouth shut through, it was better then sitting back in his den and he did like spending time with his dad. He wished they could be tracking however, or hunting in a more active manner. Even teasing or rolling around with Faun would be better then sitting here in silence. It wasn't wholly that bad through when Alpine began to entertain him with stories, some of which where about Valhalla which sounded much more busy then the pack they where in, most where about Twig however and he would gasp at the mention of the meteorite that had hit in Valhalla's territory ? it sounded amazing! A big ball of flaming shooting from the sky, and woosh! Smashing into the earth. He wondered if his dad might show it to him sometime. They had fallen to silence when a call rang out, and he looked up at his dad looking for an explanation. He didn't receive one however, instead his dad told him it had something to do with more learning. He groaned loudly but his dad just laughed and nudged him along with his tail.

He went, mostly willingly until they entered the area where cru and a stranger sat. he was bouncing in his steps by the time they settled down beside their leader. He had a feeling this was something different, and was more certain when Alpine told the other lady that he was going to watch. He sighed, watching sounded boring could he help out too? Unless what they where doing was boring too, then maybe he would be better off on the side lines where he could get into trouble where they mostly might not see.
