
I'm such a star



11-03-2014, 03:33 PM

Elegant brown paws carried her here, her chocolate brown tail swishing behind her as night fell, although Sevan wasn't about to pay any attention to the darkening sky, or the grass underneath her paws. Only one thing brought her here, when she had seen them crossing the river; elk, and, from the smell, one was old or injured. Light blue and mercury eyes narrowed as she spotted one, grazing quickly, and instantly she glanced around to see if it was alone. It wasn't, a younger elk, barely old enough to graze, standing by its side, and Sevan hesitated. What was she supposed to do now, so that she didn't get hurt trying to kill that baby?

With a low growl, she decided to distract the female until she could reach the baby and kill it, and then find her way out of there as fast as she could. She raced at the female, her jaws snapping at her legs, and the elk went after her. The thing was probably a first time mother, and too defensive. That's what would wind up being a mistake, if Sevan played her cards right. She continued to back up, then whipped around the female elk and began to run.

The elk was walking slowly back to its child, but Sevan was there first. Her fangs sunk into the child's skull, a crunching noise breaking what was almost silence as the chocolate brown female carried the child away, trying to keep away from the elk. It was following her now, and Sevan let go of the child. She growled, low in her throat.

Once she was far enough from the female elk, Sevan sunk her fangs into the baby's side, and ate her fill, leaving it there as she finally looked up at the sky.



2 Years
11-05-2014, 01:03 PM

He had been lazily relaxing in the distance, consumed by the shadows of the trees. It was rather silent to, enough to here a needle drop upon a stone floor. Though, as soon as the cacophony of alerting noises entered his lobes, his crown would raise to see what all the commotion was about. He eyes would scan the area, before quickly spotting a woman attempting a kill. Usually it took a pack to take down prey, though he supposed a baby was rather defenceless and a more clever way of getting your own meal. A yawn would slip his ebony lips, before finally standing up and shaking his fur, letting all the dust fall of onto the ground where it belonged. He would walk over to the woman, whom smelt like a rouge, though he kept a respectable distance away. " Hungry?" He would chide, was she lonely living the life as a rouge, if thats what she was of course. He could easily be reading the scents all wrong. He would look up to the sky for a moment, seeing the birds hover by, the black figures where small and he knew they would be swooping down as soon as the two wolves left the area.

image by Away, Table by Oasis

[Image: G6jciao.png]