
♕ long live the king


11-07-2014, 02:34 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? after multiple failed pairings with artemis, i've resorted to having art become impregnated by an npc male { as approved by nyx }. however, since using an npc does go around the rule of both parents getting to fifty posts, there will only be one pup whose rogue pup pass i will be paying for -- a male. being the only child of the litter, art will undoubtedly attempt to bring him up as a ruthless warrior and encourage thoughts of kingship as he develops. originally, i was going to play him, but i decided i cannot play a male character and i wanted art's first { and potentially only } child to be a male. therefore, since he was already designed by me, there is no freedom when it comes to his design, though he does have two tables already: this one, and another found here.

he will bear the elysius surname and most likely grow up with only art and maybe fiamette, potentially as a prince if i find the motivation to have art challenge and win said challenge. the only thing i require is activity; if you adopt him and fail to keep him active, i will place him up for readoption { with prior warning }, because i'd really love to see him played! so if you're interested in playing the little bugger, just fill out the app below and i will be deciding { if there's any interest at all lol } closer to the due date. i intend to have art conceive as soon as winter starts, so this kid will be born in a bit over a month.

name -- lucius, vulcan, odysseus, or octavian elysius

alignment -- anywhere from neutral to chaotic evil

appearance description -- adult build please, including height. anywhere above 34 inches is ideal! click for design

personality description --


11-07-2014, 02:46 PM
Let the bodies hit the floor

Skin against skin blood and bone

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Appearance: He stands magnificently, towering over others at 40 inches tall. he is built for raw power, thick muscles coiling his body from head to toe. He is an unstoppable force weighing 195 pounds. Massive paws stabilize thick limbs that uphold broad shoulders and tapered hips. His wide barrel of a chest is wrapped in carefully trained muscle, hardened by a life of nothing but merciless lessons. His pelt is black as night, contrasting sharply with the ivory being of his mother. Beginning at the joints of all four limbs {and tail} ebony fades away until paws are a pristine white. Triangular audits are perfectly placed, each outlined in a decadent silvery grey, accentuating the sloping curves. Eyes are deeply set in his masculinely carved face and they are pools of liquid silver that act as gateways to his soul. If he had a soul of course?..

Personality: Birthed on the foundation of blood and war, his childhood was tainted, destroyed at the vicious jaws of his mother. Built up from a blank slate he was taught the art of war, to take no prisoners and to drink from the fountain of ambition. He thirsts for a throne, to command armies, and to destroy nations. He will stop at nothing until he does his surname proud and sits above the rest. With the ministrations of his mother, there are few that he sees as equals, and even fewer that he respects. He is a strong believer in revenge. Those who dishonor him or his family names deserve a punishment of the worst kind, after all, his mother had taught him that family was important. Nothing stops him from speaking his mind, he has little regard for others feelings or wellbeing, his own wellbeing is his number one priority. He is an arrogant bastard who believes that his bloodline is the strongest and most worthy to continue and should continue only through the mixing of equally strong blood. With plans to follow in his mothers footsteps, there is no doubt in his mind that he will excel in battle,and remain undefeated, which would only increase the size of his ego. He will, without hesitation, throw you under the bus if it suits him. There is only one wolf which he is loyal, his mother, anyone else he comes across is merely a pawn in his plan. Unlike that of his mother, sex oozes from his pours. He has just the right balance of sex appeal and charm to get him into any girls pants {which is all part of his plan}. It baffles his intelligent mind that a dashing smile and irresistible physique are all he needs to disarm a woman and bend her to his will. Despite his brutal nature, and callus upbringing, he does have a minuscule soft spot for his mother, who he holds dear and would do anything for.

I will be paying for his height.

You're all by yourself but you're not aloneOdysseus Elysius



7 Years
11-07-2014, 09:52 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2014, 09:54 PM by Empyrea.)
Gdi Aly.




Forget resistance.

Lucius Elysius

alignment -- lawful evil

appearance description --
Quote:the progeny of one of alacritia's legends, the lupe is quite the contestant as an infant, already grown into a small partition of his finale of icon. he will be but fragile, finding his apex to be a rather stunning **thirty-eight inches of height, exceeding that of his dam. however, he will not be fat -- only pure muscle from constant training and hardships faced from that of the tyrant, supple skin binding his appendages tightly, obvious through the ebony cloak that envelops his icon like a blanket. at his prime, the titan weighs one hundred seventy-six pounds. the sternum area of his body will be rather wide, barreled and masculine, whilst shoulders are wide and teem with strength.

a base of darkest nights coats the canvas of the brute, locks of average length, nothing extrodinarily empyrean. the lacing is significantly thicker at his crest, a ring of some sort of a mane, providing usefulness in the dances of war. nares are decorated in simplicity, leading up to metallic optics, the purest of silvers, wide and observant. set slightly further back upon his crown, audits are lined at the peaks with a silvery tone, shimmering in some lights. Leading further down his icon is the appearance of more familiar features, inherited from the legend before him. each supple limb is dipped in ivory, sharp contrast against the darkness of his form and shape. Slashing through the air behind him is a banner of slight length, thick with a plume of ivory, similar to each limb -- a mock fifth appendage.

** - height will be paid for in full by myself

personality description --

Quote:loyal ? as anything, the elysius blood means life to the titan. it is the foundation of all life to these wolves, and some family may be of utmost importance and sacrifice can be made, whilst others are disgraced, by his matriarch's own discretion, for she is all he knows. the few who writh into his pool of worthiness, they, in turn, gain an undying loyalty, with possibilty of a rival due to the more playful and competitive side of his own doing.

determined ? goals are set to be achieved at all costs, and high steps are taken to gain achievements and monuments in the ideals of life. he may be discouraged, but the titan gets right back up, and holds his head up high. One could pin him down for a century, but still yet, he will retaliate sooner than to bow down to defeat. Failure is not acceptable by any means.

ambitious ? quests can be given, and endings can have high rewards waiting to be reaped, and well, the titan follows the path to high returns at high risk. he wills to take any path, if there even is chance of death or pain, until the day he dies. another may rival him, spurring him to try ever so harder. he follows basic principles of life, but the raven finds himself sooner thinking outside the box than within.

playful ? not descreetly so, the titan remains somewhat boyish in the confines of his mind. rather than naive children's play, he is more so playful in the competitive area. He seeks to be the finest of the top, and to be the top dog in any given group. rivals are a pleasure to have, and sparks may be lit for future friendships and alliances with powerful legacies.

two-faced & manipulative ? if one is unknown to the raven, expect the two-faced personas of the male. sometimes he may display a rude or twisted mask, whilst others he may be warm and bubbly. this is the product of his perception of others, and will to make lasting impressions on the minds of others, whilst still honing his young skills of manipulation to get what he truly desires. sometimes he will even cast aside the officiality of the elysius name for sake of his greatest desires.

unpredictable ? there isn't greed nor selflessness that taints his heart, but a molten mixture of both. sometimes, sense of good or evil can sprout from it, and he may be generous enough to share a meal with one who is needy, offering warm dinners and wine, or others a cold glare and dominant postures. no creature is capable of knowing what exactly to expect from his core.


11-26-2014, 07:43 PM
i'm gonna go ahead and close this, and give saf odysseus!
thanks guys c: