
Alone at last



2 Years
09-18-2014, 02:43 AM

With Sibelle at his side, her weight against him and his nose in her coat, worried but unwilling to express it the pair would make their way back to the den where he was rounding up members. He was pleased to see those that had made it there already and wasn't certain where everyone else was. He stopped at the entrance to let out a long, commanding howl asking all to dig deeper into their dens or to make their way here if he could. He couldn't risk running about in the weather any longer and nor could he second guess his decision, he could simply hope he was heard and check the damage when things died down.

They would continue on deeper into the cave, but rather then branching right and into the deeper cavern he would gently lead her left to a smaller section of private branches in the cave, leading her down one and helping her to the ground. He would curl about her then, placing his head where he could feel her breath and scent her coat and ensure himself that she was okay. If she needed it he would get Orchid or Altavro to look her over, but otherwise he was content spending time with her, showing her that she was okay and with him.



09-21-2014, 12:12 AM

Cru would guide her, settling them both into a quiet, private den. She would settle in, limbs folding beneath her as she lowered herself to the cave floor. Curling up against his side, she would absorb his warmth like a sponge, her coat drying painstakingly slow in the cool temperatures of the caves. For a moment she said nothing. "I need to tell you something." Her words were soft, but seemed to echo deafeningly around her. She would take a deep breathe, peering up at him, eye wide with uncertainty. "I'm pregnant." And bomb dropped. With wary eyes she would watch him, uncertain of how he would take the news. This was most certiantly not planned, and she didn't even think it was possible. But apparently it was. The silence that followed her admission was almost as deafening as her words. What would he think? Would he be mad? Happy? Her heart skipped a beat before racing into overdrive. Tension kept her shoulders tight and her body unmoving. Seconds seemed like hours as she frantically searched his face for any clues to his reaction. She was excited and nervous to be a mother, she knew that she was more than capable of being a single mother, but she doubted that he would abandon her, it wasn't like him. Not to mention he had admitted that he loved her. And she loved him. But would this change that?




2 Years
09-21-2014, 12:27 AM

There was a peacefulness to the cave and knowing the pack where near by even as they had the privacy of their own part of the cave. He could hear the sounds of the wind and the rain outside, a steady nose that was almost calming if he wasn't worried about his pack. He curled up around Sibelle, smiling at her as she told him he needed to tell her something. He waited, and in the next moment she would speak the words. He would almost choke in surprise, his jaw would drop as he looked at her. How had he not noticed? Not realised? More then that, where they ready? They had only recently become mates and felt comfortable around eachother as a leading Alpha pair. Was there room for kids in their lives? More then that, what kind of father would he be? He was.. he was still so young, even if he was already taking on the challenge of leading a pack. But even that, he couldn't imagine doing it without Sibelle. At that thought he smiled, realised what he was thinking and almost laughed at his own folly. Because, of course Sibelle would be there with him through it all, leading the pack and the raising of their children. So long as he had Sibelle with him he had no reason to worry. He nuzzled her gently, already realising that this was a true start to their life together, they would have little children running around the pack, little Alpha kids in Solstice.

?Thats amazing news Sibelle, I never even considered.. being a Father? he grinned then ?But I imagine it cant be any more challenging then getting the pack members in line? he joked softly, leaning forward to nuzzle at her. ?I cant wait to tell the pack, and.. there's no one I would rather have to raise children at my side then you? he told her softly, kissing her cheek.



09-24-2014, 03:45 PM

If the situation hadn't been so serious, his face would have been amusing. His jaw dropped in surprise and a thousand questions raced across his face. It was a tense moment, but as soon as a grin lift his lips, she would relax and smile. He was happy. He would nuzzle her and she would lean into his touch, finding comfort in the fact that he was no upset by the news. Leaning against him, she would curl into his side comfortably. A content smile toyed with her lips. Her crown would lower to rest across his front paws, her tail thumping happily against the cave floor. Relief washed through her, her anxiety dissipating, which made room for exhaustion. Today had been far more exciting than she intended it to be. Slowly but surely her pelt was drying and her warmth was returning. A yawn would part her jaws, her expression growing sleepy. "I'm happy you're happy." She would mumble softly, already drifting off into sleep. Her eye would flutter close, muscles relaxing as the stresses of the day melted away. All that matter was that they were going to be parents, and they were both happy. She loved him, and he still loved her. Everything was perfect. A gentle wave of sleep washed over her, pulling her from reality and tumbling into darkness.

-exit via sleep-
ooc- not sure there was a point to dragging this out
