
Vision Stained With Blood



4 Years
11-09-2014, 10:20 AM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2014, 10:22 AM by Baldur.)

Baldur's head was throbbing violently but he kept on walking, only dimly aware of where he was going. He'd lost the scents of Sigmarr and Sindri and thus far had seen no sign of his pursuers. He supposed he was free? The pale man halted in his travels and for a moment he thought he was dreaming, or hallucinating. Strange trees rose up out of the ground in this fall twilight. Tall, bleeding trees. His nose wrinkled and he felt a shudder run down his spine. He didn't like this at all, he'd gone way to far south. Had this place even been her before? Baldur couldn't remember.

He shook his head, wishing more than ever that Linne? would return to him. But how did one find a ghost? Baldur winced, the past seasons experiences blurring violently. He tried to pin the moment she'd vanished from his head but nothing was coming. Had he done something really, really bad? He'd killed, he knew that but he'd been forced to fight for his life against blood-thirsty, glory hounds surely that was not enough to deter her. Right forepaw lifted to scratch at the right side of his face and he paused? oh? wait? that's right. In a particulary steep and rocky arena he'd hit his head. Baldur swallowed and sat down heavily feeling suddenly nauseous. He was in pretty rough shape again but at least the blood had clotted though there was a substantial amount staining his fur and it had matted his right ear shut. The rest of his wounds ranged from light to moderate lacerations in very stages of healing. Man? he really did have the worst luck.